95 research outputs found

    Diseño de escenarios para una política forestal en la Comunitat Valenciana

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    Los análisis de prospectiva basados en escenarios se han convertido en los últimos años en una importante herramienta para la planificación y la formulación de políticas públicas en numerosos ámbitos. El presente trabajo recoge un análisis participativo prospectivo de escenarios orientado a contribuir a la toma de decisión en el ámbito de las políticas forestales de la Comunitat Valenciana. El trabajo se ha realizado a lo largo de las siguientes etapas: (1) recopilación a partir de una revisión bibliográfica de un total de 18 factores de cambio que pueden tener incidencia en los montes valencianos; (2) valoración de estos indicadores por parte de un conjunto de expertos a partir de tres criterios: relevancia, grado de incertidumbre y capacidad de influencia desde las políticas autonómicas; (3) tratamiento estadístico descriptivo de los resultados con el fin de entender las valoraciones recibidas por dichos factores, así como el grado de consenso entre los expertos. En base a estos tres criterios, los dos factores que aparecen señalados como más relevantes son Coordinación de los departamentos administrativos sectoriales y Nivel de gasto público. A partir de estos dos factores se puede configurar un marco de escenarios que podría servir de base para la implementación de un proceso participativo para el desarrollo de los escenarios


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    [ES] En la Comunidad de Madrid se producen diariamente más de 16 millones de viajes de los que, aproximadamente, el 70% se realiza en modos motorizados (vehículos privados y transporte colectivo). A ello cabe sumar una intensa actividad de transporte de mercancías que, en su mayor parte, se realiza por carretera. El sistema de transporte tiene una incidencia directa en el desarrollo económico de la región y en la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. Se hace imprescindible el esfuerzo coordinado entre las distintas administraciones para el desarrollo de los programas y acciones necesarias para la consecución de un sistema de transportes regional eficiente, seguro y sostenible. En este contexto, el Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid ha desarrollado el Plan Estratégico de Movilidad Sostenible, con un horizonte de 12 años (2013 – 2025), que contempla más 50 programas, englobados en 12 medidas maestras. El Plan se ha desarrollado en colaboración con las diferentes administraciones, siguiendo las directrices establecidas en la Estrategia Española de Movilidad Sostenible (2009) y las principales recomendaciones europeas en materia de movilidad sostenible y transporte. Asimismo, el Plan Estratégico de Movilidad incorpora los objetivos establecidos en la Estrategia de Calidad del Aire y Cambio Climático de la Comunidad de Madrid 2013-2020 (Plan Azul +), así como los Planes sectoriales vigentes en materia energética derivados de la Estrategia 20-20-20 de la Unión EuropeaMartínez Palencia, LM.; Martín Duque, D.; Gómez López, FJ.; González García, D. (2016). PLAN ESTRATÉGICO DE MOVILIDAD SOSTENIBLE DE LA COMUNIDAD DE MADRID 2013-2025. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2065-2084. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4270OCS2065208

    Structural Substituent Effect in the Excitation Energy of aChromophore: Quantitative Determination and Application toS-Nitrosothiols

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    A methodology for the prediction of excitation energies for substituted chromophores on the basis of ground state structures has been developed. The formalism introduces the concept of ?structural substituent excitation energy effect? for the rational prediction and quantification of the substituent effect in the excitation energy of a chromophore to an excited electronic state. This effect quantifies exclusively the excitation energy variation due to the structural changes of the chromophore induced by the substituent. Therefore, excitation bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts of substituted chromophores can be predicted on the basis of known ground and excited potential energy surfaces of a reference unsubstituted chromophore, together with the ground state minimum energy structure of the substituted chromophore. This formalism can be applied if the chemical substitution does not affect the nature of the electronic excitation, where the substituent effect can be understood as a force acting on the chromophore and provoking a structural change on it. The developed formalism provides a useful tool for quantitative and qualitative determination of the excitation energy of substituted chromophores and also for the analysis and determination of the structural changes affecting this energy. The proposed methodology has been applied to the prediction of the excitation energy to the first bright state of several S-nitrosothiols using the potential energy surfaces of methyl-S-nitrosothiol as a reference unsubstituted chromophore.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Computer-Based Simulation and Scaled Laboratory Bench System for the Teaching and Training of Engineers on the Control of Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generators

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    Among the existing renewable sources, wind energy is reaching production rates that are becoming important on the worldwide energy scene. Since the control of these wind generators is a very technical discipline, practical teaching methodologies are of special relevance. Paradoxically, in the past, the training of engineers specializing in this area has lacked the practical component represented by field tests, due to the difficulty of access to this kind of installation. This paper presents a system designed for use both in teaching and training procedures for control strategies for wind generators with doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) technology. The system includes two phases or levels of use: the first being a simulation phase based on computer models, and the second, an advanced level which allows for the conducting of tests on a laboratory scaled workbench composed of a wind turbine emulator coupled to an electric generator. With this equipment, the effectiveness of the wind generator regulation systems can be analyzed from the point of view of the maximum power point tracking control strategy, as well as from that of the contribution produced by the wind generator to the control of the operation of the electric grid to which it is connected

    Azonia derivatives of the γ-carboline system. A new class of DNA intercalators

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    1-Methyl-γ-carboline derivatives were transformed into the corresponding N-aminoazinium salts, which were condensed with 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds (Westphal reaction) to afford azonia derivatives with a bridgehead quaternary nitrogen atom. Some of them show DNA intercalating properties.Instituto de Qulmica Computaciona

    Pyrrolodiazines. 4. Structure and chemistry of 3,4-dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine

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    The structure of 3,4-dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine and its N-protonated form is studied by ab initio calculations. Examples of the reactivity of this poorly studied system are presented in which it is shown that the imino moiety does not react with dienes but does undergo inter- and intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions by reaction of azomethine ylides of this bicyclic system with suitable dipolarophiles.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaCentro de Computación de Galixia (CESGA

    A Novel Education Proposal: Devising an Electric Power System

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    The study of electric power systems within the field of Electrical Engineering is usually approached by computer simulation because any actual test is quite complex to be implemented, especially with renewable energies. Having the aim to improve student learning about this topic, a new subject called “Devising an Electric Power System” was organized following a CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) approach. The subject is programmed for one academic year and based entirely on laboratory work. The students are divided into three teams. Every team would have to work on a power system that includes a solar PV generator and a pumping controlled drive, both connected to a three–phase grid. The third and last part of the subject is focused on “electric utility” business strategy. In the final day of the course a competition between the three teams takes place

    Devising an Electric Power System: A CDIO Approach Applied to Electrical Engineering

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    The study of electric power systems within the field of Electrical Engineering is usually approached by computer simulations because any actual test is quite complex to be implemented. Having the aim to improve student learning about this topic, a new subject called “Devising an Electric Power System” was organized following a CDIO (Conceive-Design- Implement-Operate) approach. The subject is programmed for one academic year and based entirely on laboratory work. The students are divided into three groups. Every group would have to work on a device that includes a solar PV generator and a pumping controlled drive, both connected to a three–phase grid. The process followed by the students along the academic year begins with a short theoretical introduction and simulation studies where they conceive and design control strategies. These control strategies are for the solar PV generator (i.e., programing the “Maximum Power Point Tracking” MPPT) as well as for the pumping electric drive (i.e., following a V/f strategy or a vector control). The process is continued by practical implementation of the simulated algorithms previously obtained. In this step, the students implement and operate the systems until they become robust and well adjusted, and ready for the intermediate partial competition among the three groups. During this practical implementation stage, the innovative competence is better enhanced. At the moment that each group has implemented an electric generator and an electric consumption (load), they follow the third and last part of the subject that is focused on “electric utility” business strategy. The students will have to comply with the rules of the electricity market by offering energy packages to be generated and consumed at a certain price. The price and volume of energy to be generated/consumed are determined by the convergence point of supply and demand, as determined by the marginal pricing model. Once the market is cleared, the students have to realize their generation/consumption commitments by operating the real power system they have conceived and implemented. After the first academic year of this subject, the students’ evaluation was highly acceptable. The specific technological contents of the subject were learnt by the method called “learning by doing” that allows students to improve their skills in team building, innovation and communications. In addition, a good work atmosphere among students and teachers has arisen

    Perspectivas actuales de las fuentes del Derecho

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    Presentación / Rafael de Asís Roig. - Fuentes del Derecho y comunidad civil / Dionisio Llamazares Fernández. - Las fuentes del derecho y su problemática actual / Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño. - Fuentes del Derecho y sociedad civil : la participación de ésta en la creación normativa, desde la perspectiva del ordenamiento jurídico internacional / Montserrat Abad Castelos. - La tutela de la libertad religiosa en la Unión Europea y su incidencia en el ordenamiento interno español / Adoración Castro Jover. - Sistema normativo de la Unión Europea (naturaleza de las fuentes) / Carlos Moreiro González. - La incidencia de la Unión Europea en el sistema interno de fuentes de los Estados miembros / Ana Garriga Domínguez. - Las fuentes del Derecho Islámico / Mario Losano. - Multiculturalidad, Derecho islámico y ordenamiento secular; los supuestos de la poligamia y el repudio / Agustín Motilla de la Calle. - Interculturalidad y fuentes del Derecho : algunas reflexiones desde el Derecho Internacional / Carlos Fernández Liesa . - La definitiva secularización de la legislación sobre la interrupción del embarazo en España / Daniel Capodiferro Cubero. - Interculturalidade e Fontes do Direito. - A ética da racionalidade do outro como princípio e critério objetivo na análise da interculturalidade e sua relação quanto à legitimação das fontes do direito / Artur César de Souza. - El papel de los nuevos movimientos sociales en la regulación jurídica de la globalización / Jose Antonio García Saez. - Relaciones entre ordenamientos jurídicos en el ámbito de la Unión Europea / Cristina Hermida del LLano. - La incidencia «interesada» de la Directiva 2003/86/CE en la última reforma de la Ley de extranjería española / Encarnación La Spina. - La lex mercatoria : una excepción a la legitimidad del orden jurídico-político moderno / Francisco López Ruiz. - Un paralelismo entre las teorías de los principios y la jurisprudencia de conceptos: la ruptura del puente entre las fuentes del Derecho y la sociedad civil / Luis Lloredo Alix. - La configuración de un derecho cultural sobre lo religioso como una propuesta para la plena integración de las personas de origen musulman residentes en Europa / Andrés Murcia González. - Sobre algunas concepciones de la jurisprudencia en la cultura jurídica norteamericana / Oscar Pérez de la Fuent