136 research outputs found

    A Multiple System of Radio Sources at the Core of the L723 Multipolar Outflow

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    We present high angular resolution Very Large Array multi-epoch continuum observations at 3.6 cm and 7 mm towards the core of the L723 multipolar outflow revealing a multiple system of four radio sources suspected to be YSOs in a region of only ~4 arcsecs (1200 AU) in extent. The 3.6 cm observations show that the previously detected source VLA 2 contains a close (separation ~0.29 arcsecs or ~90 AU) radio binary, with components (A and B) along a position angle of ~150 degrees. The northern component (VLA 2A) of this binary system is also detected in the 7 mm observations, with a positive spectral index between 3.6 cm and 7 mm. In addition, the source VLA 2A is associated with extended emission along a position angle of ~115 degrees, that we interpret as outflowing shock-ionized gas that is exciting a system of HH objects with the same position angle. A third, weak 3.6 cm source, VLA 2C, that is detected also at 7 mm, is located ~0.7 arcsecs northeast of VLA 2A, and is possibly associated with the water maser emission in the region. The 7 mm observations reveal the presence of an additional source, VLA 2D, located ~3.5 arcsecs southeast of VLA 2A, and with a 1.35 mm counterpart. All these radio continuum sources have a positive spectral index, compatible with them being YSOs. We also propose that the high velocity CO emission observed in the region could be the superposition of multiple outflows (at least three independent bipolar outflows) excited by the YSOs located at the core, instead of the previous interpretations in terms of only one or two outflows.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (2007 December 6

    Estrategias tecnológicas para el fomento de la conservación ambiental

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo identificar estrategias tecnológicas enfocadas al fomento de la conservación del medio ambiente, haciendo énfasis en la articulación de las TIC al desarrollo sostenible. A su vez se resalta su importancia como mediación para la interacción y entendimiento de las diferentes estrategias de conservación ambiental; así mismo, la emergencia de las ciudades inteligentes como alternativa de articulación de las TIC en diferentes contextos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, encaminadas a disminuir la degradación ambiental y ampliar los impactos ambientales positivos.&nbsp

    Reflection on Migration Scenarios 2G and 3G Mobile Networks to Fourth Generation in Colombia

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    En el desarrollo del siguiente artículo se realiza un estudio de los escenarios de migración de tecnologías móviles de tercera generación a tecnologías móviles de cuarta generación, para analizar el escenario de migración más propicio para los operadores móviles en Colombia, para que se adapten de forma más recomendable a las necesidades de los operadores móviles en el país. Este estudio está enfocado en operadores que cuentan con infraestructura propia, es decir, no se analizan las características de migración para los operadores móviles virtuales.In the development of the following article is an analysis of some of the migration scenarios third generation mobile technologies for fourth generation mobile technologies, in order to select which is the most suitable migration scenario for mobile operators Colombia, taking into account the characteristics of the market and the needs that are more optimally suited for the needs of mobile operators in the country, the whole development of the article is based on operators with own infrastructure is not analyzed migration characteristics of mobile virtual network operators

    Optimization of total anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of a Hibiscus sabdariffa infusion using response surface methodology

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    Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces are underutilized sources of health-promoting anthocyanins. Infusions are the most common way to consume them, but because anthocyanins are thermosensitive, prolonged extraction times at high temperatures may reduce their bioactivities, suggesting the need to identify optimal preparation conditions. Response surface methodology was used to establish calyces-to-water ratio (X1: 1–20 g/100 mL), temperature (X2: 70–100 °C), and time (X3: 1–30 min) that would produce an infusion with optimized total anthocyanin content (TAC) and antioxidant activity. Under optimum conditions (X1=10 g/100 mL, X2=88.7 °C, and X3=15.5 min) TAC was 132.7±7.8 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents (C3G)/100 mL, and antioxidant activity was 800.6±69.9 (DPPH assay), and 1792.0±153.5 (ABTS assay) μmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 mL. Predicted and experimental results were statistically similar. Identifying ideal processing conditions can promote consumption of an H. sabdariffa-based functional beverage with high anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity that exert health-promoting bioactivities on the consumer

    Alimentos funcionales, alfalfa y fitoestrógenos

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    Functional food development has been increased during the last years due to the population interest in foods that have not only a nutritional function but a health benefit as well reducing the risk of suffering several diseases. Alfalfa has been intended as cattle feed, although several investigations have reported that alfalfa contains bioactive compounds –phytochemicals- proteins with an estrogenic effect, and antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds, being classified as a functional food with protection against cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular and other diseases. The aim of the present study is to offer a general information outline, through a bibliographic review, of functional foods status, focusing on alfalfa and its phytochemicals (phytoestrogens), compounds that give it its functional food character and its adverse effects shown in the reproductive system of experimental animals as well. Such dichotomy between adverse and beneficial effects is the sign that shows that it is needed more information and more studies to be done in order to establish the effect of phytoestrogens in the development and reproductive function in animals, its agonistic and antagonistic effect and risk-benefit balance in its consumption.El desarrollo de alimentos funcionales en los últimos años ha ido en aumento debido principalmente, al interés de la población por alimentos que no solo cumplan con la función nutricional sino también por que tengan un efecto benéfico en salud reduciendo así el riesgo a padecer diversas enfermedades. La alfalfa ha sido generalmente un alimento destinado para la alimentación del ganado, sin embargo, en diversas investigaciones alrededor del mundo se ha reportado que contiene compuestos bioactivos –fitoquímicos– y proteínas con efecto estrogénico, antimicrobiano y antioxidante, así como también protector contra enfermedades cardiovasculares, cáncer y diabetes, entre otras, clasificándola potencialmente como un alimento funcional. El presente documento tiene como objetivo dar un bosquejo general informativo a través de la búsqueda y revisión bibliográfica acerca de los alimentos funcionales y en especial de la alfalfa y constituyentes fitoquímicos (fitoestrógenos) que la ubican dentro de este grupo de alimentos; así como los hallazgos que se han reportado como efectos adversos en animales experimentales específicamente en el aparato reproductivo debido al consumo de este tipo de fitocompuestos. Esta dicotomía entre los efectos adversos y benéficos no es más que la señalización de que aún falta mucha más información y estudios que realizar respecto al resultado que pueden tener los fitoestrógenos en el desarrollo y función reproductiva de animales, el agonismo y antagonismo de su efecto así como la concordancia en el riesgo-beneficio de su consumo

    Alimentos funcionales, alfalfa y fitoestrógenos

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    Functional food development has been increased during the last years due to the population interest in foods that have not only a nutritional function but a health benefit as well reducing the risk of suffering several diseases. Alfalfa has been intended as cattle feed, although several investigations have reported that alfalfa contains bioactive compounds –phytochemicals- proteins with an estrogenic effect, and antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds, being classified as a functional food with protection against cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular and other diseases. The aim of the present study is to offer a general information outline, through a bibliographic review, of functional foods status, focusing on alfalfa and its phytochemicals (phytoestrogens), compounds that give it its functional food character and its adverse effects shown in the reproductive system of experimental animals as well. Such dichotomy between adverse and beneficial effects is the sign that shows that it is needed more information and more studies to be done in order to establish the effect of phytoestrogens in the development and reproductive function in animals, its agonistic and antagonistic effect and risk-benefit balance in its consumption.El desarrollo de alimentos funcionales en los últimos años ha ido en aumento debido principalmente, al interés de la población por alimentos que no solo cumplan con la función nutricional sino también por que tengan un efecto benéfico en salud reduciendo así el riesgo a padecer diversas enfermedades. La alfalfa ha sido generalmente un alimento destinado para la alimentación del ganado, sin embargo, en diversas investigaciones alrededor del mundo se ha reportado que contiene compuestos bioactivos –fitoquímicos– y proteínas con efecto estrogénico, antimicrobiano y antioxidante, así como también protector contra enfermedades cardiovasculares, cáncer y diabetes, entre otras, clasificándola potencialmente como un alimento funcional. El presente documento tiene como objetivo dar un bosquejo general informativo a través de la búsqueda y revisión bibliográfica acerca de los alimentos funcionales y en especial de la alfalfa y constituyentes fitoquímicos (fitoestrógenos) que la ubican dentro de este grupo de alimentos; así como los hallazgos que se han reportado como efectos adversos en animales experimentales específicamente en el aparato reproductivo debido al consumo de este tipo de fitocompuestos. Esta dicotomía entre los efectos adversos y benéficos no es más que la señalización de que aún falta mucha más información y estudios que realizar respecto al resultado que pueden tener los fitoestrógenos en el desarrollo y función reproductiva de animales, el agonismo y antagonismo de su efecto así como la concordancia en el riesgo-beneficio de su consumo

    Comparison of Chemical Composition, Physicochemical Parameters, and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Cultivated and Wild Mexican Oregano Poliomintha longiflora Gray

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    Mexican oregano Poliomintha longiflora Gray located in the municipality of Higueras, Nuevo Leon, Mexico was collected during the autumn (September, OCO), winter (January, OCI) and summer (June, OCV) seasons, under cultivation conditions. It was also collected in wild conditions during the autumn (OSO). Essential oil (EO) was extracted from leaves and the color, refractive index and density were reported. The EO yield, antioxidant activity by ORAC assay, thymol and carvacrol concentration and antibacterial activity were statistically compared (p-value = 0.05). Among the various harvests, the highest EO yield, antioxidant activity, thymol and carvacrol content and antibacterial activity against Salmonella Typhi were observed in leaves harvested in autumn. In order to compare wild oregano with cultivated oregano, analyses were performed in the season with the highest essential oil yield and antioxidant activity, recorded in autumn. The main difference found was the ratio of thymol:carvacrol in wild oregano oil, which was 1:8.6, while in cultivated oregano, it was approximately 1:2, which was maintained in all three seasons. The EO on wild conditions showed the best antibacterial activity in Salmonella Typhi. On the other hand, wild and cultivated oregano showed similar antioxidant activity. One advantage of the use of cultivated oregano is that its supply is guaranteed, in contrast to that of wild oregano

    Beneficios del uso de vitamina C en el paciente séptico: ¿qué tanto la apoya la evidencia esta indicación?

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    Objetivo: resumir y analizar la evidencia más reciente sobre el efecto de la administración de vitamina C en el paciente con sepsis. Métodos: revisión narrativa. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica, utilizando los términos de búsqueda “Vitamina C” y “Sepsis”, además de sinónimos, los cuales fueron combinados con los operadores “AND” y “OR”, en las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, y MEDLINE. Resultados: basados en los últimos estudios celulares y moleculares, se ha evidenciado que la vitamina C posee propiedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias, y microbicidas, pudiéndose obtener cierto beneficio de su uso en sepsis. Mientras algunos ensayos controlados aleatorizados han encontrado un incremento del riesgo de hasta el 20% de morir o presentar falla orgánica persistente, otros han observado una disminución de la mortalidad de hasta un 40%, además de la estancia hospitalaria y duración de ventilación mecánica. Conclusión: a la fecha, la evidencia es heterogénea respecto al posible beneficio en el uso de vitamina C intravenosa como terapia sola o combinada en el manejo del paciente con sepsis o shock séptico. Mientras los ensayos controlados aleatorizados parecieran demostrar ausencia de beneficio, principalmente respecto a mortalidad o persistencia de falla orgánica a los 28 días, algunos meta-análisis tienden a mostrar una reducción del riesgo de muerte. Por lo tanto, sigue faltando evidencia que amplíe este panorama

    Etiology of acute respiratory infection in children under 5 years in the provinces Comunera and García Rovira of Santander

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    Introducción: La infección respiratoria aguda es una causa importante de morbimortalidad en menores de cinco años en los municipios de las provincias de Santander. La etiología viral en esos municipios no es bien conocida. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la etiología viral de la infección respiratoria aguda en menores de cinco años en las provincias Comunera y García Rovira del departamento de Santander entre diciembre de 2012 y diciembre de 2013. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo en población usuaria de servicios de urgencias. Se obtuvieron muestras por hisopado nasofaríngeo y se realizó amplificación por reacción en cadena de polimerasa con el test Seeplex® RV15 OneStep ACE Detection, multiplex para 15 virus. Resultados: Participaron 64 niños, 57,8% niños de sexo masculino. El 26,6%, de los niños eran menores de un año. La positividad para virus fue del 37,5% de las muestras. El 75% de las muestras positivas fueron de la provincia Comunera y 25% de la provincia de García Rovira. Hubo co-infección por dos virus en 8,3% de las muestras positivas. Los virus más identificados fueron Rhinovirus (29%), Parainfluenza 4 (20,8%) e Influenza (12,5%). También se identificó Coronavirus, Adenovirus, Virus Sincitial Respiratorio, Metapneumovirus y otros virus Parainfluenza. Conclusiones: En las dos provincias de Santander evaluadas circula una amplia cantidad de virus respiratorios en menores de cinco años. El Rhinovirus fue identificado como el más frecuente. Se encontró presencia de Metapneumovirus y Coronavirus humano.Introduction: Acute respiratory infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5 years in Santander (Colombia). Viral etiology in municipalities from this department is not well known. Objective: To determine the viral etiology of acute respiratory infection in children under five years in the provinces Comunera and García Rovira (Santander) from December 2012 to December 2013. Methodology: Descriptive study in pediatric population who attended the emergency services studied. Nasopharyngeal swab samples were obtained and a polymerase chain reaction was performed with Seeplex® OneStep RV15 ACE Detection, which is a multiplex test for 15 virus. Results: 64 children were enrolled, 57,8% being boys. 26.6% of participants were under one year. Virus positivity was present in 37.5% of the samples and 75% of the positive samples were from the province Comunera. Besides, 8.3% from positive samples were co-infected with two viruses. The most common virus were Rhinovirus (29%), Parainfluenza 4 (20.8%) and influenza (12.5%). Coronavirus, Adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, Metapneumovirus and other Parainfluenza virus were also identified. Conclusions: There is a wide circulation of respiratory virus in children under five in these two provinces of Santander (Colombia). Rhinovirus was the most frequent. Human Metapneumovirus and Coronavirus were also found

    Gain of DNA methylation is enhanced in the absence of CTCF at the human retinoblastoma gene promoter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-term gene silencing throughout cell division is generally achieved by DNA methylation and other epigenetic processes. Aberrant DNA methylation is now widely recognized to be associated with cancer and other human diseases. Here we addressed the contribution of the multifunctional nuclear factor CTCF to the epigenetic regulation of the human <it>retinoblastoma </it>(<it>Rb</it>) gene promoter in different tumoral cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the DNA methylation status of the <it>Rb </it>promoter, genomic DNA from stably transfected human erythroleukemic K562 cells expressing a <it>GFP </it>reporter transgene was transformed with sodium bisulfite, and then PCR-amplified with modified primers and sequenced. Single- and multi-copy integrants with the CTCF binding site mutated were isolated and characterized by Southern blotting. Silenced transgenes were reactivated using 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and Trichostatin-A, and their expression was monitored by fluorescent cytometry. <it>Rb </it>gene expression and protein abundance were assessed by RT-PCR and Western blotting in three different glioma cell lines, and DNA methylation of the promoter region was determined by sodium bisulfite sequencing, together with CTCF dissociation and methyl-CpG-binding protein incorporation by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the inability of CTCF to bind to the <it>Rb </it>promoter causes a dramatic loss of gene expression and a progressive gain of DNA methylation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study indicates that CTCF plays an important role in maintaining the <it>Rb </it>promoter in an optimal chromatin configuration. The absence of CTCF induces a rapid epigenetic silencing through a progressive gain of DNA methylation. Consequently, CTCF can now be seen as one of the epigenetic components that allows the proper configuration of tumor suppressor gene promoters. Its aberrant dissociation can then predispose key genes in cancer cells to acquire DNA methylation and epigenetic silencing.</p