11 research outputs found

    Nitrogen levels and their fractioning in gladiolus cultivation for Ferralitic Red soils

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate growing nitrogen levels and application time of the nitrogen fertilizer in gladiolus cultivation. The experiment was carried out at Instituto de Investigaciones Hortículas Liliana Dimitrova (in the Municipality of Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba) in an Oxisol soil, from October to February of the 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 crop seasons. The quality components of the spikes and plant material were evaluated, as well as the effect of the treatments on the plant nutritional state and the shelf life of the spikes. No differences between nitrogen doses and fertilizer application time in quality variables of spikes and corms were observed. Nevertheless, with the variant 70 kg ha-1 of N, one half applied in plantation and the other half applied 60 days later, a higher spike percentage of commercial categories and a lesser number of stems of inferior quality were obtained. As for the plantation nutritional state, there is a positive relation between the applied nitrogen levels and the foliar content of this element.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar niveles crecientes de nitrógeno y momentos de aplicación del fertilizante nitrogenado en el cultivo del gladiolo. La experiencia se desarrolló en el Instituto de Investigaciones Hortícolas Liliana Dimitrova (Municipio de Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba), en un suelo Ferralítico Rojo, entre los meses de octubre y febrero de las campañas 2004/2005 y 2005/2006. Se evaluaron los componentes de la calidad de las espigas y del material de plantación, así como el efecto de los tratamientos en el estado nutricional de la planta y en la vida en anaquel de las espigas. No se observaron diferencias entre las dosis de nitrógeno y los momentos de aplicación del fertilizante en las variables de calidad de la espiga y del cormo. No obstante, con la variante 70 kg ha-1 de N, aplicada ½ en plantación y ½ a los 60 días posteriores, se logra un mayor porcentaje de espigas ubicadas en las categorías comerciales y un menor número de tallos florales de calidad inferior. En cuanto al estado nutricional de la plantación, existe una relación positiva entre los niveles y los contenidos foliares de nitrógeno aplicados.The objective of this study was to evaluate growing nitrogen levels and application time of the nitrogen fertilizer in gladiolus cultivation. The experiment was carried out at Instituto de Investigaciones Hortículas Liliana Dimitrova (in the Municipality of Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba) in an Oxisol soil, from October to February of the 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 crop seasons. The quality components of the spikes and plant material were evaluated, as well as the effect of the treatments on the plant nutritional state and the shelf life of the spikes. No differences between nitrogen doses and fertilizer application time in quality variables of spikes and corms were observed. Nevertheless, with the variant 70 kg ha-1 of N, one half applied in plantation and the other half applied 60 days later, a higher spike percentage of commercial categories and a lesser number of stems of inferior quality were obtained. As for the plantation nutritional state, there is a positive relation between the applied nitrogen levels and the foliar content of this element

    Cesárea en el Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda en el año 2015

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    En los últimos años, el parto por cesárea ha aumentado en relación al parto transpelviano a nivel mundial,  lo  cual  constituye  una  problemática  de  salud,  teniendo  en  cuenta  su  asociación  con  la morbimortalidad de las pacientes y el incremento de los costes que representa. En este trabajo, se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el Hospital Regional Doctor Verdi Cevallos Bal- da de la ciudad de Portoviejo, entre enero y diciembre de 2015, con el objetivo de determinar las indicaciones más frecuentes de la cesárea. El universo estuvo constituido por 3037 gestantes. La muestra fue de 1260 cesareadas que cumplieron con el criterio de inclusión como cesárea primiti- va, y de exclusión para las cesáreas iteradas y los partos transpelvianos. Los resultados mostraron que al 56,1% de las gestantes se les practicó cesárea. Dentro de los diagnósticos de la cesárea se observó predominio de la desproporción cefalopélvica con un 42,5% el compromiso de bienestar fetal con un 26,8% y la corioamnionitis un 0,1%, correspondiendo a las indicaciones maternas, fe- tales y ovulares respectivamente. Se concluyó que la indicación de cesárea, debe ser el resultado de una evaluación integral del estado maternofetal, sobre el que se decide la realización de este procedimiento quirúrgico. Palabras clave: Cesárea, cefalopélvica, bienestar fetal, corioamnionitis Abstract: In recent years, cesarean has risen in relation to the transpelvic delivery worldwide, which is a pro- blem of health, taking into account its association with mortality and morbidity of patients and the increased costs which they represent. In this work, a descriptive observational study was conducted in the Regional Hospital Doctor Verdi Cevallos Balda in the city of Portoviejo, from January to De- cember 2015 with the objective of determining the most frequent indications for cesarean section. The universe consisted of 3037 pregnant women. The sample was cesarean section 1260 that met the  inclusion  criteria  as  early  cesarean  section, and exclusion  for  iterated  transpelvic  deliveries and caesarean sections. The results showed that 56.1% of pregnant women underwent caesarean section.  Within  diagnoses  prevalence  of  caesarean  section cephalopelvic  disproportion  to  42.5% was observed, the commitment of fetal well-being for 26.8% and 0.1% for chorioamnionitis, corres- ponding to maternal, fetal indications and ovular respectively. It was concluded that the indication of cesarean section, must be the result of a integral assessment of the maternal-fetal state, on which the realization of this surgical procedure is decided. Key words: Cesarean, cephalopelvic, fetal well-being, corioamnioniti

    Compendio de artículos basados en las tesis doctorales 2007-2013. Proyecto de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares de la Universidad de Camagüey y la Universidad APEC

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    María de los Ángeles Legañoa Ferrá (biografía): La coordinadora científica de esta publicación es doctora en ciencias pedagógicas. Tiene un máster en educación superior y una licenciatura en educación con especialidad en física. Es profesora titular del Centro de Estudios de Ciencias de la Educación “Enrique José Varona” de la Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”. Su experiencia laboral abarca más de 40 años de docencia en los que ha educado a estudiantes de grado, posgrado, maestría y doctorado. Ha publicado más de 20 artículos y participado en más de 50 congresos internacionales. Ha sido profesora invitada en varias universidades de México como conferencista, profesora de maestría y asesora de doctorados. En República Dominicana coordinó el Programa de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares (en UNAPEC) y ha sido consultora del Ministerio de Educación para la revisión curricular de la modalidad en artes. Sus investigaciones se desarrollan en los campos de formación en competencias, desarrollo profesional docente, procesos educacionales y gestión del conocimiento en base a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.Como resultado de la implementación de una atinada política de cooperación internacional e interuniversitaria, la Universidad de Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" (Cuba) y la Universidad APEC (República Dominicana) diseñaron y ejecutaron el "Programa de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares", destinado a elevar las competencias docentes e investigativas de los profesores de UNAPEC en sus áreas especialización profesional. De todos los profesores y directivos favorecidos con dicho proyecto (más de 360, que realizaron al menos un diplomado en las áreas de formación pedagógica general y metodología de la enseñanza de la matemática o metodología de la enseñanza de las ciencias particulares), 15 alcanzaron el grado de doctor en ciencias pedagógicas por la Universidad de Camagüey. El libro que aquí se presenta contiene artículos que ellos prepararon sobre la base de sus tesis doctorales, que plantearon todas -a partir de investigaciones científicas- posibles soluciones y recursos para mejorar y perfeccionar la gestión y la docencia en esta universidad. Los artículos del libro Proyección de las ciencias pedagógicas en UNAPEC están distribuidos en cinco secciones que estudian aspectos nodales de la enseñanza superior: la gestión universitaria y su papel para contribuir a que la institución cumpla su misión en los órdenes de la formación, la investigación y la extensión; el correcto diseño curricular para que los estudiantes puedan adquirir las competencias generales y profesionales necesarias que contribuyan a su exitosa incursión en el mundo; la incorporación inteligente de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el sistema educativo; el modo de formar y evaluar adecuadamente las competencias en los programas académicos impartidos; y la enseñanza de las matemáticas como herramienta cognitiva fundamental en una sociedad global altamente tecnificada. Con esta publicación, que es fruto de un trabajo a largo plazo por la elevación de la calidad del quehacer universitario, se espera contribuir al debate académico en torno a algunas de las más acuciantes problemáticas que inciden en las instituciones de educación superior dominicanas y latinoamericanas.Universidad APE

    User-centred design for developing e-Health system for renal patients at home (AppNephro)

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    Background Despite the promising benefits of the e-Health approaches (including provide technology-based healthcare services to anyone, anytime, and anywhere), few solutions are adopted in daily practice. User acceptance is one of the major obstacles that hinder the success of technology approaches. End-users often stress misalignments among their problems and the solutions that technology systems aim to solve. In other cases, systems developed are unfriendly or unadjusted to the daily practice of clinicians or patient’s life. To maximize user acceptance, the relevance of adopting user-centred design and development techniques is well-known. However, users are often assumed to be a homogeneous group with the same set of requirements, what leads to an ineffective identification and addressment of user requirements. Furthermore, usability and accessibility issues must be carefully addressed to guarantee also the right alignment of solutions with user needs. Objective to develop an e-Health system for renal patients at home by adopting user-centred design practices, usability and accessibility standards. Material and methods users were categorized in four different groups (i.e., digital patients/caregivers, non-digital patients/caregivers, clinicians and nurses) and a sample was included in the design and development team. Questionnaires and interviews were used to identify user requirements and assess prototypes. Results Requirements were considered for every kind of user, what resulted on a multi-faceted e-Health system implying different technologies and functionalities regarding to each target user. Conclusion Identification and continuous involvement of all kind of users allow their needs to be properly understood and addressed by technology, raising user acceptance of the final product

    Niveles de nitrógeno y su fraccionamiento en el cultivo del gladiolo para suelos Ferralíticos Rojos Nitrogen levels and their fractioning in gladiolus cultivation for Ferralitic Red soils

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar niveles crecientes de nitrógeno y momentos de aplicación del fertilizante nitrogenado en el cultivo del gladiolo. La experiencia se desarrolló en el Instituto de Investigaciones Hortícolas Liliana Dimitrova (Municipio de Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba), en un suelo Ferralítico Rojo, entre los meses de octubre y febrero de las campañas 2004/2005 y 2005/2006. Se evaluaron los componentes de la calidad de las espigas y del material de plantación, así como el efecto de los tratamientos en el estado nutricional de la planta y en la vida en anaquel de las espigas. No se observaron diferencias entre las dosis de nitrógeno y los momentos de aplicación del fertilizante en las variables de calidad de la espiga y del cormo. No obstante, con la variante 70 kg ha-1 de N, aplicada ½ en plantación y ½ a los 60 días posteriores, se logra un mayor porcentaje de espigas ubicadas en las categorías comerciales y un menor número de tallos florales de calidad inferior. En cuanto al estado nutricional de la plantación, existe una relación positiva entre los niveles y los contenidos foliares de nitrógeno aplicados.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate growing nitrogen levels and application time of the nitrogen fertilizer in gladiolus cultivation. The experiment was carried out at Instituto de Investigaciones Hortículas Liliana Dimitrova (in the Municipality of Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba) in an Oxisol soil, from October to February of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 crop seasons. The quality components of the spikes and plant material were evaluated, as well as the effect of the treatments on the plant nutritional state and the shelf life of the spikes. No differences between nitrogen doses and fertilizer application time in quality variables of spikes and corms were observed. Nevertheless, with the variant 70 kg ha-1 of N, one half applied in plantation and the other half applied 60 days later, a higher spike percentage of commercial categories and a lesser number of stems of inferior quality were obtained. As for the plantation nutritional state, there is a positive relation between the applied nitrogen levels and the foliar content of this element

    Comparative Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Hospitalised Patients: A Retrospective Population Study of 500 Hospitalised Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Spanish Population of 220,000 Inhabitants

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    Objectives. This study aimed to compare the characteristics of fully and partially vaccinated or unvaccinated coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients who were hospitalised in a population of 220,000 habitants. Methods: Retrospective, observational, and population studies were conducted on patients who were hospitalised due to COVID-19 from March to October 2021. We assessed the impact of vaccination and other risk factors through Cox multivariate analysis. Results: A total of 500 patients were hospitalised, among whom 77 (15.4%) were fully vaccinated, 86 (17.2%) were partially vaccinated, and 337 (67.4%) were unvaccinated. Fully vaccinated (FV) patients were older and had a higher Charlson index than those of partially vaccinated and unvaccinated patients (NFV). Bilateral pneumonia was more frequent among NFV (259/376 (68.9%)) than among FV patients (32/75 (42.7%)). The former had more intensive care unit admissions (63/423) than the latter (4/77); OR: 2.80; CI (1.07–9.47). Increasing age HZ: 1.1 (1.06–1.14)) and haematological disease at admission HZ: 2.99 (1.26–7.11)) were independent risk factors for higher mortality during the first 30 days of hospitalisation. The probability of an earlier discharge in the subgroup of 440 patients who did not die during the first 30 days of hospitalisation was related to age (older to younger: HZ: 0.98 (0.97–0.99)) and vaccination status. Conclusions: Among the patients hospitalised because of COVID-19, complete vaccination was associated with less severe forms of COVID-19, with an earlier discharge date. Age and haematological disease were related to a higher mortality rate during the first 30 days of hospitalisation

    Seven Epidemic Waves of COVID-19 in a Hospital in Madrid: Analysis of Severity and Associated Factors

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    (1) Background: COVID-19 has evolved during seven epidemic waves in Spain. Our objective was to describe changes in mortality and severity in our hospitalized patients. (2) Method: This study employed a descriptive, retrospective approach for COVID-19 patients admitted to the Hospital de Fuenlabrada (Madrid, Spain) until 31 December 2022. (3) Results: A total of 5510 admissions for COVID-19 were recorded. The first wave accounted for 1823 (33%) admissions and exhibited the highest proportion of severe patients: 65% with bilateral pneumonia and 83% with oxygen saturation under 94% during admission and elevated levels of CRP, IL-6, and D-dimer. In contrast, the seventh wave had the highest median age (79 years) and comorbidity (Charlson: 2.7), while only 3% of patients had bilateral pneumonia and 3% required intubation. The overall mortality rate was 10.3%. The first wave represented 39% of the total. The variables related to mortality were age (OR: 1.08, 1.07–1.09), cancer (OR: 1.99, 1.53–2.60), dementia (OR: 1.82, 1.20–2.75), the Charlson index (1.38, 1.31–1.47), the need for high-flow oxygen (OR: 6.10, 4.94–7.52), mechanical ventilation (OR: 11.554, 6.996–19.080), and CRP (OR: 1.04, 1.03–1.06). (4) Conclusions: The variables associated with mortality included age, comorbidity, respiratory failure, and inflammation. Differences in the baseline characteristics of admitted patients explained the differences in mortality in each wave. Differences observed between patients admitted in the latest wave and the earlier ones suggest that COVID-19 has evolved into a distinct disease, requiring a distinct approach

    Diagnostic yield of chest and thumb ECG after cryptogenic stroke, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation (TEASE): an observational trial

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    Objective In stroke survivors, atrial fibrillation (AF) is typically evaluated solely by short-term ECG monitoring in the stroke unit. Prolonged continuous ECG monitoring or insertable cardiac monitors require substantial resources. Chest and thumb ECG could provide an alternative means of AF detection, which in turn could allow prompt anticoagulation to prevent recurrent stroke. The objective of this study was to assess the yield of newly diagnosed AF during 28 days of chest and thumb ECG monitoring two times per day in cryptogenic stroke.Methods This study, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation, included patients who had a stroke from Region Gävleborg, Sweden, between 2017 and 2019. Patients with a recent ischaemic stroke without documented AF (or other reasons for anticoagulation) before or during ECG evaluation in the stroke unit were evaluated using the Coala Heart Monitor connected to a smartphone application for remote monitoring.Results The prespecified number of 100 patients (mean age 67.6±10.8 years; 60% men) was analysed. In nine patients (9%, number needed to screen 11) AF but no other significant atrial arrhythmias (&gt;30 s) was diagnosed. The mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was similar among patients with AF and no AF (4.9±1.1 vs 4.3±1.3; p=0.224) and patients with AF were older (74.3±9.0 vs 66.9±10.8; p=0.049). Patients performed on average 90.1%±15.0% of scheduled transmissions.Conclusion In evaluation of cryptogenic stroke, 9% of patients had AF detected using chest and thumb ECG two times per day during 1 month. In many stroke survivors, this is a feasible approach and they will be potentially protected from recurrent stroke by anticoagulation treatment.Trial registration number NCT03301662

    Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papilomavirus infection in the pre-vaccination era: a population-based study in the Canary Islands

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    Objective National Spanish studies show that prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the female population is increasingly frequent, with an overall estimate of 14% in women aged 18–65 years. The objective of this study is to know the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in the female population of the Canary Islands prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines and to investigate the associated clinical and sociodemographic factors.Methods Based on the Primary Health Care database, a sample of adult women (aged 18–65 years) of Gran Canaria (GC) and Tenerife (TF) stratified into nine age groups was carried out between 2002 and 2007. Women were contacted by postal letter and telephone call and were visited in their primary care centre. A clinical-epidemiological survey was completed and cervical samples were taken for cytological study and HPV detection. HPV prevalence and its 95% CI were estimated, and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression to identify factors associated with the infection.Results 6010 women participated in the study, 3847 from GC and 2163 from TF. The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 13.6% (CI 12.8%–14.5%) and 11.1% (CI 10.3%–11.9%) for high-risk types. The most frequent HPV type was 16 followed by types 51, 53, 31, 42 and 59. HPV types included in the nonavalent vaccine were detected in 54.1% of infected women. Factors associated with an increased risk of infection were: young ages (18–29 years), the number of sexual partners throughout life, not being married, being a smoker, and having had previous cervical lesions or genital warts.Conclusions It is confirmed that prevalence of HPV infection in the female population of the Canary Islands is high, but similar to that of Spain, HPV 16 being the most frequent genotype. The determinants of infection are consistent with those of other populations