4,684 research outputs found

    Acción de indemnización por error judicial ¿Procede sólo en jurisdicción en materia penal?

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas)INTRODUCCIÓN: De acuerdo al Capítulo VI de la Constitución Política de Chile, el Poder Judicial es quien ejerce, a través de los Tribunales de Justicia la facultad de administrar la justicia en nuestro país, la Constitución le otorga suficientes poderes para juzgar y tomar importantes decisiones a los distintos organismos y a los Tribunales quienes deben aplicar e interpretar las leyes de acuerdo con la Constitución y Leyes vigentes. Esta es una de las funciones muy importante que ejerce el Estado, dada la trascendencia que tiene para toda la Sociedad, siendo una de las funciones principales proteger las garantías constitucionales, especialmente aquellas que debieran ser inviolables como la vida, la dignidad humana, la honra de las personas, la libertad, entre otros. En cuanto a la libertad según lo define Aristóteles en su primer Libro la Metafísica es “Aquella tendencia natural del hombre que lo conduce a ser feliz, es intrínseco en el ser humano”, la violación de este principio y además en forma injustificada no debiera quedar impune. Nuestra Constitución protege ciertos bienes jurídicos más que otros, como por ejemplo la vida; el patrimonio es otro bien jurídico que nuestra Constitución y Leyes protegen castigando con severas penas a quienes intentan apropiárselos indebidamente. Sin embargo, cuando protege la vida, el legislador está sujeto a cometer errores y cuando eso ocurre, la legislación propone ciertas alternativas bastante exigentes para que corrijan o reviertan por errores o malas interpretaciones de las sentencias como veremos a continuación

    Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes in Venezuela

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    This case study of Venezuela`s democratic institution and policymaking processes is part of the broader regional project based on the theoretical framework developed by Spiller, Stein and Tommasi (2003). The framework focuses on the conditions that foster political cooperation among political actors to sustain inter-temporal policy commitments. The study shows that the political institutions that established Venezuela`s democracy in the 1960s were deliberately set up to generate a cooperative equilibrium with low stakes of power. Constitutionally weak presidents and strong centralized political parties characterized this institutional framework. Cooperation induced a relatively effective policymaking process and good policy outcomes. However, an oil boom and its aftermath, in the 1970s and 1980s, unraveled the cooperative framework and induced rapid economic decay. The political reforms implemented in the late 1980s to improve the democratic process, although in itself desirable, further weakened the party system and induced a highly uncooperative and volatile policymaking process. The recent political reforms, increasing the stakes of power, have stimulated a complete breakdown in cooperation and a highly polarized political system.

    Confundiendo Guerra Civil con Guerra en la Stasis Griega

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    [ES] La violencia ha sido considerada uno de los grandes ejes que explican el devenir de la humanidad desde los comienzos de la ciencia historiográfica. Nos repele y nos atrae, deseamos olvidarla pero no debemos dejar que caiga en el olvido, aparenta estar ligada a momentos históricos concretos pero atraviesa nuestro día a día… Quizás por estas razones la violencia, en todas sus posibles manifestaciones, lejos de ser un tema obsoleto, continúa teniendo un gran potencial como cuestión historiográfica, tal y como muestran las investigaciones que conforman este libro. De la mano de diferentes especialistas, y en un recorrido que va desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Contemporánea, este volumen colectivo analiza las violencias históricas desde la antropología física, la historia militar, la iconografía, o la historia de la infancia entre otros puntos de vista. Guerras, conflictos políticos y religiosos y sus significados simbólicos, o la violencia como espectáculo son algunas de las cuestiones que abordan sus páginas. Si bien existen pocos temas que hayan sido más estudiados por la historiografía que la violencia, este libro, fruto del Congreso Internacional La Violencia en la Historia, celebrado en la Universidad de Salamanca en octubre de 2019, es una muestra de que las preguntas históricas nunca se agotan y de que las violencias pasadas deben seguir siendo revisitadas desde nuevos enfoques

    The political consequences of wartime sexual violence: Evidence from a list experiment

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    Sexual violence is a prevalent feature of war with severe physical, psychological, and social consequences for survivors. Yet we have a limited understanding of how survivors relate to their political environment after the conflict ends. We analyze individual-level survey data on postwar Sri Lanka to assess whether wartime sexual victimization relates to political activism. Connecting unobtrusive measures from a list experiment to individual survivors’ political action, we show that personal experience of sexual violence increases political participation. This effect is substantial in size, holds for institutionalized and non-institutionalized forms of political action, and is robust to unobserved confounding or sample selection bias. Causal mediation analyses suggest that survivors of wartime sexual violence mobilize politically through their involvement in civic networks. The findings stress the relevance of survivors’ agency and contribute to a better understanding of wartime sexual violence, the role of civil society in post-conflict politics, and of humanitarian policy

    Cooperative cell motility during tandem locomotion of amoeboid cells.

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    Streams of migratory cells are initiated by the formation of tandem pairs of cells connected head to tail to which other cells subsequently adhere. The mechanisms regulating the transition from single to streaming cell migration remain elusive, although several molecules have been suggested to be involved. In this work, we investigate the mechanics of the locomotion ofDictyosteliumtandem pairs by analyzing the spatiotemporal evolution of their traction adhesions (TAs). We find that in migrating wild-type tandem pairs, each cell exerts traction forces on stationary sites (∼80% of the time), and the trailing cell reuses the location of the TAs of the leading cell. Both leading and trailing cells form contractile dipoles and synchronize the formation of new frontal TAs with ∼54-s time delay. Cells not expressing the lectin discoidin I or moving on discoidin I-coated substrata form fewer tandems, but the trailing cell still reuses the locations of the TAs of the leading cell, suggesting that discoidin I is not responsible for a possible chemically driven synchronization process. The migration dynamics of the tandems indicate that their TAs' reuse results from the mechanical synchronization of the leading and trailing cells' protrusions and retractions (motility cycles) aided by the cell-cell adhesions

    Measuring the vulnerability of global airline alliances to member exits

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    We analyse the vulnerability of airline alliance route networks to the exit of member airlines. Vulnerability measures how easy it is to disconnect a network. The assessment is performed by applying the theory of complex networks. We compute the normalized vulnerability for Star Alliance, oneworld and SkyTeam using airline schedules data and derive a ranking of member airlines according to their share in the overall vulnerability of the respective alliance. One result of our paper is that oneworld is the most vulnerable global airline alliance, SkyTeam ranks second, followed by Star AlliancePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Codesharing network vulnerability of global airline alliances

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    Global airline alliances provide connectivity based on codesharing agreements between member airlines. An alliance member exit leads to the deletion of routes (if not operated by other members) which affects network connectivity. The paper measures the vulnerability of the codesharing network (CN) of Star Alliance, SkyTeam and oneworld, respectively, by applying the theory of complex networks. A normalized CN vulnerability metric is proposed. Using airline schedules data, a ranking of member airlines according to their share in the overall CN vulnerability is derived. The results for CNs are compared with the ones for the respective total network (TN) that includes routes with and without codesharing. The findings show that oneworld is the most vulnerable global airline alliance, SkyTeam ranks second followed by Star Alliance. The proposed graph theory approach might become a building block for a more comprehensive measurement of real world airline networksPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in naturally infected dogs (Canis familiaris).

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    First evidence is presented for Leishmania (Viannia) spp. dissemination and tissue tropism in the domestic dog. Using PCR and histology, parasites were detected in the conjunctiva, lung, lymph nodes and ovaries of 2 naturally infected Peruvian dogs. The detection of parasites in the blood indicates that parasite dissemination to those organs may have been haematogenous

    Assessing the level of appropriateness of language support in CLIL textbooks for Primary Education in Aragon

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    This investigation focuses on assessing the level of language support given by CLIL textbooks in Aragon. In order to do this, an assessment instrument was designed. Its items are based on key methodological principles on Communication in CLIL, i.e. the Language Triptych (Language of, for and through Learning), Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS), Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) and specific principles of CLIL textbook design. A grading scale determines the level of presence or absence of these characteristics and a final summary of the results dictates whether or not the analysed textbook provides the CLIL learning environment with appropriate language support. The resulting assessment instrument has been tested on two sample units of commercially available textbooks, concluding that none showed enough evidence to cover at least 40% of the criteria. The assessment instrument has proved to be effective in identifying which specific aspects of communication in CLIL are needed to be modified, in order to provide the learning environment with appropriate language support. This can be particularly helpful for novice and non-CLIL teachers, not only when choosing a textbook but also when compensating for flaws in their design. This is expected to improve the quality of teaching in Aragón. Esta investigación se centra en la evaluación del nivel de soporte lingüístico en libros de texto AICLE en Aragón. Para ello, se ha diseñado un instrumento de evaluación cuyos indicadores están fundamentados en principios metodológicos clave de la comunicación en AICLE. Estos son el Tríptico del Lenguaje (lenguaje de, para y a través del aprendizaje), las Destrezas Comunicativas Interpersonales Básicas (DCIB) y de Dominio Cognitivo del Lenguaje Académico (DCLA), y principios específicos en diseño instruccional de material AICLE. Una escala de evaluación determina el nivel de presencia o de ausencia de estas características, y un resumen de los resultados indica si el libro de texto analizado garantiza un soporte lingüístico apropiado o no. El instrumento ha sido probado en dos unidades de libros disponibles a nivel comercial, concluyendo que la presencia de estos principios metodológicos clave en comunicación AICLE fue menor al 40% y, por ende, el soporte lingüístico que proveen no es apropiado. El instrumento ha sido efectivo en identificar aquellos aspectos de la comunicación en AICLE que necesitan de modificación de manera que docentes con poca experiencia y aquellos sin formación en AICLE puedan compensar las carencias en este aspecto, mejorando la calidad de la enseñanza en Aragón.<br /