2,568 research outputs found

    Electron-phonon vertex and its influence on the superconductivity of two-dimensional metals on a piezoelectric substrate

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    We investigate the interaction between the electrons of a two-dimensional metal and the acoustic phonons of an underlying piezoelectric substrate. Fundamental inequalities can be obtained from general energy arguments. As a result, phonon mediated attraction can be proven to never overcome electron Coulomb repulsion, at least for long phonon wavelengths. We study the influence of these phonons on the possible pairing instabilities of a two-dimensional electron gas such as graphene.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) Spanish data (Surveys and Fishery) in NAFO Regulatory Area

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    The analysis of EU NAFO Regulatory Area surveys and Spanish Scientific Observers fishery data from Divisions 3LMNO show that Greenland sharks is not abundant and that this species appears in these Divisions sporadically and in depths of more than 300 meters. The surveys depth information is slightly different from that collected by scientific observers where most of the catches are at depths greater than 700 meters. Based on the Scientific Observers show that most of the catches of this species are mainly a by catch of the Greenland halibut fishery.Versión del edito

    Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) Spanish data (Surveys and Fishery) in NAFO Regulatory Area.

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    The aim of this paper is to update the Spanish commercial and survey catches for the Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) presented González-Costas and Ramilo (2017). An analysis of the 2018 catches estimated by the Scientific Observers and NAFO Observers is also presented

    Depth Distribution of the Effort, CPUE, Proportion of Mature and Oversized in the Catches of the Spanish Fisheries in NAFO Area

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    This paper reports an analysis of the depth distribution of effort and CPUE of the Spanish fleet, as well as undersized fish proportions and mature rates in the Spanish catches of five different species (Greenland halibut, American plaice, cod, yellowtail flounder, skate). Data were collected by the Spanish scientific observer program in the areas NAFO Div. 3LMNO during the period 1996-2000. More than 80% of the annual effort is carried out in the strata of 600-800, 800-1000 and >1000 meters. The species with highest yields in these strata is the Greenland halibut. 10% of the effort is carried out in the stratum of <200 meters and within this the highest yields correspond to skate and American plaice. The proportion of mature fish in the catches depends on depth for Greenland halibut and skate, whilst for the rest of the species the proportions of mature fish are bigger and more stable. The percentage of oversized fish is quite high, bigger than 95% in all species and ranges of depth

    Therapeutic Hypothermia: Critical Review of the Molecular Mechanisms of Action

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    Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is nowadays one of the most important methods of neuroprotection. The events that occur after an episode of ischemia are multiple and hypothermia can affect the various steps of this cascade. The mechanisms of action of TH are varied and the possible explanation for the benefits of this therapy is probably the multiple mechanisms of action blocking the cascade of ischemia on many levels. TH can affect many metabolic pathways, reactions of inflammation, apoptosis processes, and promote neuronal integrity. To know the mechanisms of action of TH will allow a better understanding about the indications for this therapy and the possibility of searching for other therapies when used in conjunction with hypothermia will provide a therapeutic synergistic effect

    A GRASP-Tabu Heuristic Approach to Territory Design for Pickup and Delivery Operations for Large-Scale Instances

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    Weaddressalogisticsdistrictingproblemfacedbyaparcelcompanywhoseoperationsconsistofpickingupanddeliveringpackages overaserviceregion.Thedistrictingprocessaimstofindapartitionoftheserviceregionintodeliveryandcollectionzonesthat may be served by a single vehicle that departs from a central depot. Criteria to be optimized are to balance workload content among the districts and to create districts of compact shape. A solution approach based on a hybrid procedure that combines elements of GRASP and Tabu Search (TS) is proposed to solve large-scale instances. Numerical experimentation is performed consideringdifferentinstancesizesandtypes.Resultsshowthattheproposedsolutionapproachisabletosolvelarge-scaleinstances inreasonablecomputationaltimeswithgoodqualityofthesolutionsobtained.Todeterminethequalityofthesolutions,resultsare comparedwithCPLEXsolutionsandwiththecurrentrealsolutiontohighlightthebenefitsoftheproposedapproach.Conclusions andrecommendationsforfurtherresearchareprovided

    Hydrolytic enzyme activity enhanced by Barium supplementation

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    10 páginas.-- 2 figuras.-- 1 tabla.-- 26 referenciasHydrolysis of polymers is a first and often limiting step during the degradation of plant residues. Plant biomass is generally a major component of waste residues and a major renewable resource to obtain a variety of secondary products including biofuels. Improving the performance of enzymatic hydrolysis of plant material with minimum costs and limiting the use of additional microbial biomass or hydrolytic enzymes directly influences competitiveness of these green biotechnological processes. In this study, we cloned and expressed a cellulase and two esterases recovered from environmental thermophilic soil bacterial communities and characterize their optimum activity conditions including the effect of several metal ions. Results showed that supplementing these hydrolytic reactions with Barium increases the activity of these extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. This observation represents a simple but major improvement to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of this process within an increasingly important biotechnological sector.Support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CONSOLIDER CSD2009-00006, CGL2014-58762-P, CTM2014-55095), the Andalusian Government (BIO288 and RNM2529), both cofinanced by FEDER funds, intramural project OEP2011 (201570I020), the mobility programme 003-ABEL-CM-2013 (NILS Science and Sustainability programme, EEA grants), the mobility and coordination European project ALGAENET (Marie Curie Actions IRSES- 295165, FP7-PEOPLE-2011) and COST Action ES1302.Peer reviewe

    A simple model to engineer single-molecule conductance of acenes by chemical disubstitution

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    Understanding and controlling electrical conductivity at the single-molecule level is of fundamental importance for the development of new molecular electronic devices. This ideally requires considering the many different options offered by the molecular structure, the nature of the electrodes, and all possible molecule-electrode anchoring configurations, which is experimentally tedious and theoretically very expensive. Here we present a systematic theoretical study of the conductance of di-amino, di-methylthio and di-(4-methylthio)phenyl acenes, from benzene to pentacene, and for all possible distributions of two identical linkers symmetrically placed on opposite sides of the same ring. We show that, for all investigated compounds, the relative variation of the conductance is well explained by the variations of the HOMO energies as predicted by a simple extended-Hückel approach, i.e., without the need for further input from more elaborate calculations. The model predicts quite nicely that diamino acenes are better conductors than their corresponding dimethylthio analogues, and both much better than the di-(4-methylthio)phenyl counterparts, irrespective of the linkers' relative positions. It also predicts, for a given pair of linkers, the variations in the conductance resulting from changing the acene size and/or the relative position of the linkers. These variations can be as large as an order of magnitude, and therefore can be used to engineer molecular conductance. Finally, we show that a similar approach should be useful to predict trends in the relative conductance of a large variety of disubstituted acene isomers, including various linkersThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation– Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación MICINN– projects PID2019-105458RB-I00, PID2019106732GB-I00, the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R & D (SEV-2016-0686) and the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R & D (CEX2018-000805M). We acknowledge the generous allocation of computer time at the Barcelona Supercomputer Center and the Centro de Computación Científica at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCC-UAM

    Tailoring single-molecule conductance with structured graphene electrodes

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    Modulation of electric currents through single-molecule junctions is usually achieved by synthesis of molecules with desired functionalities, in conjunction with suitable molecule–electrode contacts through specific anchoring groups. An alternative to this approach, barely explored so far, is to use structured electrodes, where conductivity could eventually be controlled by changing the specific anchoring site within the very same electrode. Here, we theoretically investigate how to exploit the pronounced anisotropy of corrugated graphene deposited on Ru(0001) (Gr/Ru) to tailor single-molecule conductivity in 4-aminophenyl and 4-aminobenzonitrile. We show that currents induced in the upper and lower anchoring positions in the Gr/Ru moiré are substantially different, irrespective of the chosen molecule. The magnitude of these currents can differ by as much as an order of magnitude at specific bias voltages. We also show that both molecules display rectifying properties, which can differ by up to a factor of five in different anchoring sites. Interestingly, the observed modulations strongly depend on the chemical binding nature between the molecule and the electrode, (strong) covalent bond for 4-aminophenyl and (weak) physisorption for 4-aminobenzonitrile. All this suggests that Gr/Ru can be an ideal electrode to modulate single-molecule electric conductivity under experimental conditions that are available in many laboratoriesPID2019-105458RB-I00, PID2019-106732GB-I0

    Diferencias geográficas en la forma del caparazón del cangrejo Cyrtograpsus affinis (Decapoda: Varunidae) y sus implicaciones taxonómicas

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    Cyrtograpsus genus was traditionally considered to be composed of three species: C. angulatus, C. altimanus and C. affinis. However, recent studies have found solid evidence suggesting that C. affinis and C. altimanus belong to a single species and hypothesize that the morphological differences which caused this misclassification could be related to different ecophenotypes or life stages. Here we report a geometric morphometrics study on the carapace shape of Cyrtograpsus specimens from the Río de la Plata estuary (36°S) and the Nuevo Gulf (42.75°S), testing for shape differences between different sizes (allometry) in the two environments. We found that previous morphological descriptions of the two species were associated with different sizes of a continuous, statistically significant allometric shape variation, concluding that C. affinis is a junior synonym of C. altimanus. We also found significant differences in the carapace shape between estuarine and marine environments, suggesting an effect of the environmental variables on carapace shape and a potential adaptive value of this trait.El género Cyrtograpsus fue tradicionalmente considerado como formado por tres especies: C. angulatus, C. altimanus y C. affinis. Trabajos recientes reportan sólida evidencia que sugiere que C. altimanus y C. affinis pertenecen a una única especie y proponen que las formas que originaron esta clasificación errónea pueden corresponderse con diferentes ecofenotipos o estadios sucesivos del ciclo de vida de una misma especie. Este trabajo presenta un estudio de morfometría geométrica sobre la forma del caparazón de especímenes del género Cyrtograpsus provenientes del estuario del Río de la Plata (36°S) y del golfo Nuevo (42.75°S), en el que se prueban las diferencias en la forma del caparazón relativas al tamaño (alometría) y a los distintos ambientes. Nuestros resultados muestran que las descripciones morfológicas previas de ambas especies están asociadas a diferentes regiones de una variación alométrica continua y estadísticamente significativa, y nos permite concluir que C. affinis es un sinónimo juvenil de C. altimanus. Además encontramos diferencias significativas en la forma del caparazón entre especímenes provenientes del ambiente estuárico y el marino, lo cual sugiere un efecto de ciertas variables ambientales sobre la forma del caparazón y un potencial valor adaptativo de esta característica