1,498 research outputs found

    Two new species of Ammothea (Pycnogonida, Ammotheidae) from Antarctic waters

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    Two new species of the genus Ammothea are described from Elephant Island and the South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica. The material was captured during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 to the Antarctic Peninsula area. The main features of Ammothea pseudospinosa n. sp. are a proboscis distinctly trilobulated distally with a constriction at 2/3 of its length and dimorphism between the propodi of the anterior (first and second) and posterior (third and fourth) legs, and a trunk: proboscis length ratio of about 1.5. The main features of Ammothea childi n. sp. are a cylindrical proboscis, longer than trunk length, and adults with functional chelifores. These species are compared with their closest congeners from the Southern Ocean: A. pseudospinosa n. sp. with Ammothea spinosa and Ammothea allopodes;A. childi n. sp. withAmmothea gigantea, Ammothea bicorniculata and Ammothea hesperidensis

    Colossendeis species (Pycnogonida: Colossendeidae) collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Antarctica), with remarks on some taxonomic characters of the ovigers

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    The pycnogonid fauna of the genus Colossendeis collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Ross Sea, Antarctica) was studied. A total of 19 specimens of six species were collected: Colossendeis australis (6), C. wilsoni (3), C. scotti (2), C. robusta (3), C. lilliei (2) and C. megalonyx (3). In the present contribution the observed variability of all collected Colossendeis species is described and illustrated. The previously synonymised C. lilliei is considered a different species from C. robusta. The observations made in this study lead us to discuss a controversy about the total number of oviger segments in this genus. Despite the currently established 10-segmented status, a short basal element is here considered to be a possible 11th segment. A detailed SEM study of the last oviger segment is carried out in all collected species, showing some intraspecific and the interspecific variability in the structures examined (shape and number of rows of compound spines, morphology of terminal claw, etc.). Finally, we discuss the taxonomic value of these characters of the last strigilis segment for distinguishing the Colossendeis species, and their possible utility in establishing internal phylogenetic relationships in future contributions

    New findings and a new species of the genus Ammothea (Pycnogonida, Ammotheidae), with an updated identification key to all Antarctic and sub-Antarctic species

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    Specimens of the pycnogonid genus Ammothea collected during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 (23 November 2006–30 January 2007) were studied. Nine species were recognized in this collection: Ammothea bentartica, A. bicorniculata, A. carolinensis, A. clausi, A. longispina, A. minor, A. spinosa, A. striata and A. tibialis. Three of them (A. bentartica, A. bicorniculata and A. tibialis) are reported for the second time, enlarging their known geographical and bathymetric range. In the present contribution, the observed morphological variability of all collected Ammothea species is described and discussed. For the identification and description of the material, different museum specimens were consulted. Among them, we have consulted part of the Discovery collection housed at the Natural History Museum in London. That material was initially identified by Isabella Gordon, a reputed author in the field of pycnogonid taxonomy. A new species, based on a museum specimen previously highly confused in the literature, is proposed in the present contribution as Ammothea isabellae n. sp. The new taxon is compared with its closest congeners, especially with A. longispina and A. stylirostris. Finally, we propose an updated dichotomous key to species covering all currently known Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Ammothea specie

    Nuevo modo de desarrollo postembrionario en el género Ammothea (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) procedente de aguas Antárticas

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    In this paper the postembryonic development of Ammothea glacialis (family ammotheidae) is described. The studied material was collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria land, ross sea, antarctica. The external morphology of three larval instars is described and illustrated. The development of A. glacialis has the following characteristics: (1) protonymphon hatch from the eggs; (2) the larvae have yolk reserves and relatively large size (0.7 mm in length); (3) the larvae remain on the ovigerous legs of males during several moults; (4) the larvae have reduced larval II-III appendages and the spinning apparatus is absent; (5) the development of walking legs is sequential. This development is compared with those previously known, especially with Propallene longiceps and Nymphon grossipes.Nuevo modo de desarrollo postembrionario en el género AmmotheA (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) procedente de aguas Antárticas. – En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo postembrionario de Ammothea glacialis (familia ammotheidae). El material estudiado fue recolectado durante el crucero Itálica XIX a Tierra Victoria, en el mar de ross, antártida. se describe e ilustra la morfología externa de tres estadios larvarios. El desarrollo de A. glacialis se caracteriza por: (1) la larva eclosiona como protonymphon; (2) la larva es de tamaño relativo grande (0.7 mm de longitud) y con reservas de vitelo; (3) la larva permanece en los ovígeros del macho durante varias mudas; (4) la larva presenta los apéndices larvarios II y III reducidos y el “spinning apparatus” está ausente; (5) el desarrollo de las patas es secuencial. Este desarrollo es comparado con otros desarrollos postembrionarios previamente conocidos, especialmente con los de Propallene longiceps and Nymphon grossipes

    Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxationin a World with No Rest nor Relaxation: Narrative Prosthesis and Hyperreality

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    The representation of a form of disability in literature can be used not only as a way of distinguishing the character and setting the narration in motion but as a metaphor of social and individual collapse.Following this idea, I will focus on Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation, a 2018 novel that narrates the experiences of a privileged woman in a context of growing aestheticism and its consequent loss of political meaning in the American society of the 90s.In it, I argue, the depression that she suffers from can be observed to work as the engine of the narration and the result of the emptiness derived from the current society of spectacle. I use David T. Mitchell’s and Sharon L. Snyder’s Narrative Prosthesis to delve into the role that the depression the main character suffers from plays in the novel and how she follows the pattern traditionally found in disability narratives. I also use Jean Baudrillard’s analysis ofthe current state of simulacra to explain her disabled experience.La discapacidad en literatura puede usarse no solo como elemento distintivo de un personaje y motor de la narración, sino también como metáfora de colapso social e individual. Siguiendo esta idea, me centraré en la obra de Ottessa Moshfegh My Year of Rest and Relaxation, una novela de 2018 que narra las vivencias de una mujer WASP estereotipada en un contexto de creciente esteticismo y su consecuente pérdida de significado político en la sociedad americana de los años 90. Sostengo que en esta novela la depresión de la protagonista impulsa la narración y encarna el vacío producto de la actual sociedad del espectáculo. Utilizo Narrative Prosthesis de David T. Mitchell y Sharon L. Snyder para profundizar en el papel que la depresión del personaje principal juega en la novela y cómo esta sigue el patrón tradicionalmente encontrado en las narrativas de discapacidad. También uso el análisis de Jean Baudrillard sobre el estado actual del simulacro y los efectos de la misma en el individuo para explicar su experiencia discapacitada

    Designing nearly zero energy buildings : energy efficiency and on-site generation

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    This thesis proposes and applies methodologies for assessing the technical and economic feasibility of nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Four studies were conducted. The first study entitled “Constructive systems for social housing deployment in developing countries: An analysis using life cycle carbon assessment in Brazil” assesses the energy use and GHG emission in social housing in Brazil. “Greenhouse gas mitigation potential and abatement costs in the Brazilian residential sector” is the second study. This work assesses cost-effective abatement opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions in the Brazilian residential sector. The third study entitled “Assessing the restricted deployment of distributed solar photovoltaics in the household sector in developing countries: An analysis by income level in Colombia” proposes a methodology to project the technical, economic and market potential of solar PV in the residential sector. “Optimization model for evaluating on-site renewable technologies with storage in zero/nearly Zero Energy Buildings” is the last paper presented. This study develops, tests and applies an optimization model to evaluate on-site renewable energy technologies with storage in buildings. General findings show that there is a potential for reducing energy consumption in the buildings sector and, hence, GHG emissions. The main barriers for the deployment of nearly Zero Energy Buildings were also identified. Energy policies to overcome the barriers are proposed in the conclusions.Esta tese propõe e aplica metodologias para avaliar o potencial técnico e econômico de edificações com consumo de energia próximo de zero. Para isso, quatro estudos são apresentados. O primeiro artigo, chamado “Sistemas construtivos para a implementação de moradias sociais em países em desenvolvimento: uma análise usando avaliação de ciclo de vida do carbono no Brasil” avalia o uso de energia e as emissões de gases de efeito estufa em moradias sociais no Brasil. O segundo artigo, chamado “Potencial de mitigação de gases de efeito estufa e custos de abatimento no setor residencial brasileiro”, avalia oportunidades de abatimento de CO2 custo-efetivas no setor residencial brasileiro. O terceiro estudo, “Avaliação da implementação restrita de energia solar fotovoltaica distribuída no setor residencial em países em desenvolvimento: uma análise por nível de renda na Colômbia”, propõe uma metodologia para calcular o potencial técnico, econômico e de mercado da energia solar fotovoltaica no setor residencial. O último trabalho apresentado, chamado “Modelo de otimização para avaliar tecnologias renováveis de geração in situ e bateria em edificações com consumo de energia próximo de zero”, desenvolve, testa e aplica um modelo de otimização de mínimo custo para avaliar tecnologias renováveis e bateria em edificações. Os resultados mostram que há potencial para reduzir o consumo de energia no setor de edificações, e, portanto, as emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas. As principais barreiras para a implementação de edificações com consumo de energia próximo de zero também foram identificadas. Finalmente, políticas energéticas são propostas nas conclusões

    Investigació de variables que influeixen en la metodologia docent

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017-2018.Cada docent té una forma d’ensenyar distinta i la motivació que tenen ve determinada per diferents aspectes que es donen a l’entorn. Aspectes tal com les noves tecnologies, els anys d’experiència laboral i l’edat afecten de forma positiva o negativa en gran quantitat dels docents, influint també a l’hora de donar classe. Les investigacions que es porten a terme en l’àmbit educatiu tenen la finalitat de millorar la qualitat educativa, indagant en aquelles variables que permeten un canvi positiu en l’educació. Per aquest motiu, és important centrar l’estudi en allò que es vol analitzar més detingudament per tal d’obtenir els resultats desitjats. Hi ha factors que influeixen en els docents a l’hora d’utilitzar una metodologia o una altra, l’estudi que s’analitzarà en les següents pàgines farà èmfasi en l’estreta relació que pot tenir l’elecció voluntària del mestre o mestra del curs en el qual impartirà la classe, l’edat del docent, la situació administrativa i els anys d’experiència amb la metodologia que empra habitualment a l’aula, a més de tenir en compte els recursos que utilitza per a dur a terme les lliçons. Els resultats que s’han obtingut a través de les enquestes passades a cinquanta-cinc mestres de la localitat de Vila-Real donaran certes conclusions expressades al final d’aquest treball

    Competencias desarrolladas con la elaboración de un informe técnico en Estadística Aplicada mediante Moodle

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    El aprendizaje de técnicas de muestreo se planteó con diferentes actividades del alumno y utilizando la plataforma Moodle. De las actividades realizadas, el informe técnico es la que permite un mayor desarrollo de competencias. La participación de los alumnos en la actividad fue numerosa (un 80%). Los resultados fueron satisfactorios. Las calificaciones fueron buenas y los alumnos mostraron su satisfacción con la actividad. Los peores resultados fueron en el desarrollo de la capacidad de expresión y de trabajo en grupo

    La perspectiva de género en los presupuestos de la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía

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    El Presupuesto de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía para el año 2006 fue el primero que incluyó un Informe de Evaluación de Impacto de Género. El objetivo que nos proponemos a la hora de acometer la elaboración de este trabajo es hacer una comparativa de estos Informes de Evaluación desde su implantación en el Presupuesto para el ejercicio 2006 hasta el Presupuesto para el ejercicio 2010, último aprobado por el Parlamento Andaluz. Se hace una especial incidencia en la evolución de la metodología utilizada para la elaboración de los Informes de Evaluación de Impacto de Género, en el estudio sociodemográfico que incluyen estos, en la evolución de la representación por sexo del personal al servicio de la Administración General de la Junta de Andalucía, y del análisis desde la perspectiva de género de los créditos contenidos en los presupuestos, así como en la evolución de los indicadores utilizados. Por último, hemos querido finalizar este trabajo exponiendo algunas propuestas que entendemos podrían suponer una mejora de los Informes de Evaluación de Impacto de Género (IEIG) del Presupuesto de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía para los ejercicios futuros.The budget of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia to the year 2006 was the first report included a Gender Impact Assessment. The objective that we intend to go ahead when this work is to make a comparative assessment of these reports since its introduction in the Budget for 2006 to the Budget for the financial year 2010, last approved by the Andalusian Parliament. It makes a special impact on the evolution of the methodology used for the preparation of reports Gender Impact Assessment, the socio-demographic study include, the evolution of gender representation of staff serving in the administration General of the Government of Andalusia, and analysis from a gender perspective of the appropriations contained in the budgets and the evolution of the indicators used. Finally, we wanted to finish this work showing some proposals that could lead to a better understand of the Reports of Gender Impact Assessment (IEIG) of the Budget of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia future periods

    Development of Interactive Materials by Engineering Students Using the Descartes Applets.

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    In a degree course such as Forestry Engineering, the general teaching objectives consist of explaining and helping students to understand the principles of Mechanics. For some time now we have encountered significant difficulties in teaching this subject due to the students' lack of motivation and to their insufficient prior preparation for the topic. If we add to this the discipline's inherent complexity and the students' preconceptions about the subject, these teaching difficulties become considerable. For this reason a series of didactic activities have been introduced sequentially in the teaching of this subject. This work describes the methodology, procedure and results for the action of developing a work project in groups using Descartes software. The results of this experiment can be considered very positive. Some of the critical preconceptions for learning the subject can be corrected, and the tutoring process in the classroom contributes to an improvement in teacherstudent communication. Since this scheme was established, the number of students taking part each academic year has increased, and this is the group with the greatest percentage of passing scores