336 research outputs found

    Inheritance of nest-site choice in the field in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination

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    The sex of many reptiles, including that of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), is determined by incubation temperature. Because of this unusual mechanism of sex determination, the choice of oviposition site is important for determining the sex of the offspring, which ultimately influences the sex ratio of the population. Recent field studies have shown that C. picta could choose nest sites based on the thermal microclimate at a particular location and that individual females choose thermally similar sites during each nesting event. The repeatability of this behavior suggests that there may be a quantitative genetic basis underlying nest-site choice. This hypothesis was tested by combining assays of molecular and phenotypic variation for 283 females from an Illinois population of C. picta. We quantified overstory vegetation cover of nest sites and four highly variable microsatellite DNA markers for each female. Results indicate that the actual variance of relatedness (Var(r)) is significantly positive (P\u3c0.0001) and that the field heritability of nest-site choice is relatively high (h2=0.31±0.068, P\u3c0.0001). These results suggest that not only do related females return to nest in the same geographic area, but they also inherit microclimate nesting preferences from their mothers via substantive quantitative genetic factors. Thermally-based nest-site choice is therefore likely to serve as an evolutionary mechanism to regulate sex ratios in this population

    Mendler-style Iso-(Co)inductive predicates: a strongly normalizing approach

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    We present an extension of the second-order logic AF2 with iso-style inductive and coinductive definitions specifically designed to extract programs from proofs a la Krivine-Parigot by means of primitive (co)recursion principles. Our logic includes primitive constructors of least and greatest fixed points of predicate transformers, but contrary to the common approach, we do not restrict ourselves to positive operators to ensure monotonicity, instead we use the Mendler-style, motivated here by the concept of monotonization of an arbitrary operator on a complete lattice. We prove an adequacy theorem with respect to a realizability semantics based on saturated sets and saturated-valued functions and as a consequence we obtain the strong normalization property for the proof-term reduction, an important feature which is absent in previous related work.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    La "Revolución estancada" y la "situación coyuntural" en Cuba. Una crisis estructural sostenida por las mujeres

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    The ties between the Cuban revolution and the Bolivarian revolution are undeniable. The friendship and mutual admiration that Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro professed for each other are just a sample of the connection that materialized in medical brigades, military instructions, and immersion of Cubans in key issues of the Venezuelan State. Some scholars have even applied the term "Cubazuela" (Blanco, Cartaya, Domínguez, and Ocando, 2019) to explain the way in which Cuba has exercised and continues to exercise control over Venezuelan politics and economy. The idea that Nicolás Maduro's regime survives because for Cuban leaders and the powers that control the legal and illegal economies it would be unthinkable that it would end, and with it, their privileges would be lost, is a thesis that has taken hold in recent times.      El 7 de marzo de 1990, al finalizar el discurso pronunciado en la clausura del V Congreso de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas, donde Fidel Castro anunció el inminente comienzo del llamado “Periodo Especial”, regresó inesperadamente a los micrófonos y pronunció el siguiente mensaje, provocando risas y aplausos: “Les iba a decir que cuidaran la ropa para el período especial, porque a lo mejor en el período especial también tenemos que reducir considerablemente esos artículos, produciríamos solo para los muchachos, para los que nacen, para los que crecen; pero con la ropa que ustedes tienen, bonita y elegante, a lo mejor tienen ropa para el período especial y no necesitan ni un metro de tela en dos años, tres, cuatro o cinco. Estoy seguro de que pasan cinco años en un período especial y nos reunimos, y ustedes vienen tan elegantes y tan bellas como han venido esta noche”​

    Yo quiero fundamento El 11J en Cuba y la necesidad urgente de una Sociología que incomode.

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    Crisis social y reordenamiento económico

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    Four months after the beginning of the so-called Ordering Task, Cuban society is being impacted by a sustained and deepened crisis at all levels and levels, creating a present of uncertainty and social unrest. In addition to the crisis of the economic model and the lack of governmental will to initiate the necessary reforms, in accordance with the seriousness of the internal and external context (pandemic and embargo), there are also negative impacts on the well-being of the population derived from the sustained rise in the cost of living.A cuatro meses de iniciada la llamada Tarea Ordenamiento, la sociedad cubana está siendo impactada por una sostenida y profundizada crisis en todos los órdenes y niveles, configurando un presente de incertidumbre y malestar social. A la crisis del modelo económico y a la escasa voluntad gubernamental de iniciar las reformas que se requieren, en correspondencia con la gravedad del contexto interno y externo (pandemia y embargo), se le suman los impactos negativos sobre el bienestar de la población derivados del alza sostenida en el costo de la vida

    Crisis social y reordenamiento económico

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    Four months after the beginning of the so-called Ordering Task, Cuban society is being impacted by a sustained and deepened crisis at all levels and levels, creating a present of uncertainty and social unrest. In addition to the crisis of the economic model and the lack of governmental will to initiate the necessary reforms, in accordance with the seriousness of the internal and external context (pandemic and embargo), there are also negative impacts on the well-being of the population derived from the sustained rise in the cost of living.A cuatro meses de iniciada la llamada Tarea Ordenamiento, la sociedad cubana está siendo impactada por una sostenida y profundizada crisis en todos los órdenes y niveles, configurando un presente de incertidumbre y malestar social. A la crisis del modelo económico y a la escasa voluntad gubernamental de iniciar las reformas que se requieren, en correspondencia con la gravedad del contexto interno y externo (pandemia y embargo), se le suman los impactos negativos sobre el bienestar de la población derivados del alza sostenida en el costo de la vida

    Mujeres migrantes cuidadoras en flujos migratorios sur-sur y sur-norte: expectativas, experiencias y valoraciones

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    El artículo se aproxima a la problemática de la subjetividad y experiencia cotidiana de las mujeres migrantes que ejercen como cuidadoras domésticas en dos destinos migratorios altamente feminizados y con una alta concentración de mujeres inmigrantes en el sector doméstico de cuidados (España y Chile). Con ello se pretende indagar comparativamente en dos flujos migratorios (sur-norte y sur-sur) sobre las expectativas y motivaciones que configuran los modelos migratorios femeninos, el significado del trabajo de cuidado en la inserción laboral de las mujeres migrantes en las sociedades de destino, así como la valoración que esta labor tiene para sus protagonistas, tanto desde su dimensión emocional como de producción de bienes públicos. Los resultados presentados se basan en una investigación más amplia, cuya información primaria se obtuvo de la aplicación de 67 entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a distintos tipos de actores involucrados en la relación social de cuidado.The paper addresses the problem of subjectivity and everyday experience of female migrant who work as domestic caregivers into two highly feminised migration flows with high concentration of immigrant women in domestic service (Spain and Chile). A comparative approach will be taken to examine South-north and South-south migration flows regards on the expectations and motivations that shape female migration patterns, the meaning of care work in the employment of migrant women in the receiving countries, as well as appraisal and meaning that care work has for its protagonists, both from emotional perspective and the ‘public good’ framework. The results presented here are based on a broader research project whose primary information was obtained from the application of 67 in-depth interviews with different actors involved in the social relation of care.O artigo aborda o problema da subjetividade e da experiência cotidiana das mulheres migrantes que atuam como cuidadores domésticos em dois destinos de migração altamente feminizada e com uma alta concentração de mulheres imigrantes nos cuidados domésticos (Espanha e Chile). O propósito é investigar comparativamente em dois fluxos migratórios (sul-norte e sul-sul) sobre as expectativas e motivações que moldam os padrões de migração do sexo feminino, o significado do trabalho de cuidado no emprego de mulheres imigrantes nas sociedades de acolhimento, bem como a avaliação de que esse trabalho tem para os seus protagonistas, tanto a sua dimensão emocional como de produção de bens públicos. Os resultados apresentados são baseados em uma pesquisa maior cuja informação primária foi obtida a partir da aplicação de 67 entrevistas em profundidade com diferentes tipos de atores envolvidos na relação social de atendimento

    The effects of hurricanes on the stochastic population growth of the endemic epiphytic orchid Broughtonia cubensis living in Cuba

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    We carried out a posthurricane evaluation of Broughtonia cubensis (Lindl.) Cogn., an endemic Cuban epiphytic orchid, after Hurricane Ivan (2004). We studied the transient responses in the stochastic dynamics of the species at three different sites over 13 successive years (2006–2019), monitored plot inventories (464 individuals in 10 transects) and built stochastic population models. The deterministic stochastic growth rate values (λ) did not significantly differ (F = 2.76; p>0.076) among the three sites over the 2006–2019 period. The long-term stochastic growth rate was λs ¼ 0.973 [0.932, 1.034]. The matrix elements that had the largest effect on λ were the transition to and stasis within the largest size class. Transient responses explained an average of 86% of the variation in the observed population growth rates R2 for rTD vs:robs ð Þ, compared to 4% of the variation in the vital rates R2 for rVR vs:robs ð Þ. Because transient dynamics are dependent on the population size composition, we ran extinction risk analyses under two scenarios: a population composed mainly of juveniles and another composed mainly of adults. There was little risk of falling below the quasi-extinction threshold before 25 year for both juveniles and adults. However, the risk of quasi-extinction was almost certain for both size classes by 80 year. We also simulated the effect of increasing the hurricane occurrence probability over 80 year on the population. There was little risk of extinction before 20 year in the baseline model, but there was a significant risk of extinction within 5 year when 90% of the individuals were affected by a new hurricane event

    El estudio de la obesidad y la gordura desde la sociología y la psicología social

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    Fondo de fomento a la investigación para académicos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y FondecytEl objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el estado del arte de los aportes de la psicología social y la sociología para comprender la obesidad y la gordura. Tradicionalmente, el cuerpo ha sido material de las ciencias naturales, donde las ciencias sociales han ocupado un rol secundario. Sin embargo, la complejidad que involucra el aumento de la obesidad en los últimos años ha creado una necesidad por una comprensión psicosocial. Hemos agrupado estas contribuciones en cuatro grupos: (1) las teorías de discriminación y estigmatización; (2) la sociología de las desigualdades en salud; (3) la construcción social de la obesidad y los Fat Studies; y (4) la biopolítica de la obesidad. Concluimos que estos estudios han dado protagonismo a la norma médica, obviando otros modos desde los cuales pensar el cuerpo gordo. Sugerimos indagar en mayor profundidad en aquellos conceptos supuestos como contrarios, como la delgadez.This paper aims to present the state of the art of the contributions of social psychology and sociology to understand obesity and fatness. Traditionally, the body has been a matter of natural sciences, where social sciences have played a secondary role. However, the complexity involved in the increase in obesity in recent years has created a necessity for a psychosocial understanding of this issue. We have grouped these contributions into four groups: (1) theories of discrimination and stigmatization, (2) the sociology of health inequalities, (3) the social construction of obesity and Fat Studies and (4) the biopolitics of obesity. We conclude that these studies have given prominence to the medical norm, ignoring other ways in which to think of the fat body. We suggest investigating in greater depth those concepts assumed as contrary, such as thinness

    Influence of ZnO and TiO2 particle sizes in the mechanical and dielectric properties of vulcanized rubber

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    The novelty of the present study relies on the straightforward sonication of ZnO and TiO2 and incorporation to a complex formulation of latex, with other several organic-inorganic additives that influences the cross-linking reactions. The new elastomer with particles carefully sonicated exhibit improved electrical and mechanical properties. Strong interaction among the nanoparticles and the polymer amorphous phase has been proved by means of FTIR, SEM and XRD analyses. The synergistic effect of hybrid fillers with nanometric dimensions can be used to design high-performance natural rubber nanocomposites with enhanced electrical resistance and good cross-linking degree.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft