75 research outputs found

    Promoção do crescimento de leguminosas herbáceas utilizando rizóbios isolados de áreas de mineração de carvão

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia e Biociências, Florianópolis, 2015As atividades de lavra a céu aberto do carvão mineral no sul de Santa Catarina impactaram aproximadamente 6.700 ha de solo. A revegetação é uma alternativa que auxilia no processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas, e o emprego de leguminosas herbáceas inoculadas com bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio é motivado pela dificuldade em se implantar uma cobertura vegetal nesses locais, devido principalmente à baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, dentre 16 rizóbios autóctones da região carbonífera em Criciúma, aqueles com maior potencial simbiótico para as leguminosas herbáceas Vicia sativa (Ervilhaca) e Calopogonium mucunoides (Calopogônio). Foram conduzidos ensaios em casa de vegetação contendo 17 tratamentos de inoculação (16 rizóbios autóctones + estirperecomendada para cada leguminosa), além de dois tratamentos sem inoculação (com e sem nitrogênio mineral). Após 60 dias, foi avaliada a nodulação, crescimento, absorção de N e eficiência simbiótica. A capacidade promotora do crescimento vegetal foi avaliada pela produção de ácido indolacético, ACC deaminase, sideróforos e solubilização de fosfato. A classificação filogénetica dos isolados foi realizada por sequenciamento parcial do gene rDNA 16S. Dentre os rizóbios capazes de nodular as leguminosas herbáceas, apenas UFSC-M8 mostrou-se eficiente para a Ervilhaca. Foi verificada a presença de mais de um mecanismo de promoção do crescimento no mesmo isolado, destacando-se UFSC-M8 por apresentar todas as características avaliadas. Os isolados foram classificados como pertencentes aos gêneros Rhizobium, Burkholderia e Gluconobacter. Os resultados sugerem que a inoculação da Ervilhaca com o isolado de rizóbio UFSC-M8 classificada como Burkholderia sp. é uma alternativa promissora para testes de inoculação a campo visando a revegetação das áreas impactadas pela mineração de carvão.Abstract: The charcoal open pit mining in the south of Santa Catarina state wasinappropriately developed, impacting approximately 6,700 ha. Revegetation is an alternative that helps in the recovery of these areasand the use of herbaceous legumes inoculated with nitrogen fixing bacteria is motivated by the difficulty to implement a vegetation coverin these places, mainly due to the low availability of nutrients. The objective of this work was to evaluate, among 16 autochthonous rhizobia from the coal mining area of Criciúma, Santa Catarina, those with the greatest potential for making symbiosys with the herbaceous legumes Vicia sativa (Ervilhaca) and Calopogonium mucunoides (Calopogônio). Tests were conducted in greenhouse containing 17 inoculation treatments (16 autochthonous rhizobia + recommended strain for each legume), plus two treatments without inoculation (withand without mineral nitrogen). After 60 days, the nodulation, growth, Nuptake and symbiotic efficiency were evaluated. The capacity ofpromoting plant growth was assessed by determining the production ofindol acetic acid, ACC deaminase, siderophores and inorganic phosphate solubilization. The phylogenetic classification of the isolates was performed by sequencing the 16S rDNA gene. Among the rhizobia capable of nodulating the herbaceous legumes, only UFSC-M8 was efficient for Vicia sativa. It was found the presence of more than one growth-promoting mechanism in the same organism, and the isolate UFSC-M8 presented all of them. The isolates were classified as belonging to the genera Rhizobium, Burkholderia and Gluconobacter. The results suggest the inoculation of Vicia sativa with the rhizobium UFSC-M8, classified as Burkholderia sp., is a promising alternative for revegetation field trials to recover coal mining degraded areas

    HER1 therapeutic cancer vaccine: An active immunotherapy treatment for patients with tumors expressing the receptor of epidermal growth factor (EGF-R)

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    Her1 vaccine: It consists of immunizing patients with positive tumors for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) with a preparation of EGF-R extracellular domain(HER1-ECD) adjuvanted in VSSP (very small size proteoliposomes) and Montanide ISA51. VSSP adyuvant confers to vaccine the capacity to activate dendritic cells and polarize the immune response towards a TH1 immune pattern, developing TCD8+ cells and antibodies with anti-metastatic effect. The extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor was obtained from HEK293 transfectome by using a productive process in a bioreactor in perfusion as mode of fermentation. The protein was purified by immune-affinity chromatography by using specific anti-EGF-R antibody. Phase I trial, uncontrolled, open and sequential, was conducted in 25 with hormone refractory prostate cancer patients. Five dose levels of HER1-ECD were scaled: 100, 200, 400, 600 and 800 µg in each immunization. The trial showed that the vaccine was safe, not causing severe or very severe related events. The vaccine preparation was shown to be immunogenic. There was a trend towards the survival benefit in some patients. At the present time another clinical trial is underway in three locations of advanced solid tumors that overexpress the EGF receptor: prostate, colon and head and neck cancer


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    THE CURRICULAR STRATEGIES IN THE PROFESSIONAL FORMATION OF THE STUDENTS OF THE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE CAREERRESUMENEl proceso de formación profesional de los estudiantes de la carrera de Cultura Física en el escenario universitario matancero en general y en el unionense en particular, constituye una prioridad en correspondencia con los profundos cambios socio-culturales, económicos, tecnológicos, y la demanda cada vez más creciente de un profesional competente que esté preparado integralmente para asumir todos los retos que exige su formación integral. En el presente trabajo se realiza un abordaje de cómo incluir las estrategias curriculares de Orientación Profesional y Educación Ambiental desde lo curricular, sociopolítico y extensionista con una perspectiva desarrolladora, que destaca la actuación pedagógica del profesor desde acciones concretas como mediador de la formación integral de sus estudiantes.PALABRAS CLAVE: estrategias curriculares; formación profesional; cultura física.ABSTRACTThe professional creation of the students’ process in the Physical Culture career in the university state in Matanzas in general and in the unionense in particular, it constitutes a priority in correspondence with the deep socio-cultural, economic, technological changes, and the demand more crescent of a competent professional that is prepared integrally to assume all the challenges that exiles their integral formation. In the present work is made a boarding of how to include the curricular strategies of Professional Orientation and Environmental Education since the curricular, sociopolitical and extensionist with an enlargement perspective that point out the pedagogical performance of the professors from concrete actions as a mediator of the integral formation of its students.KEYWORDS: curricular strategies; professional formation; physical culture


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    THE CURRICULAR STRATEGIES IN THE PROFESSIONAL FORMATION OF THE STUDENTS OF THE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE CAREERRESUMENEl proceso de formación profesional de los estudiantes de la carrera de Cultura Física en el escenario universitario matancero en general y en el unionense en particular, constituye una prioridad en correspondencia con los profundos cambios socio-culturales, económicos, tecnológicos, y la demanda cada vez más creciente de un profesional competente que esté preparado integralmente para asumir todos los retos que exige su formación integral. En el presente trabajo se realiza un abordaje de cómo incluir las estrategias curriculares de Orientación Profesional y Educación Ambiental desde lo curricular, sociopolítico y extensionista con una perspectiva desarrolladora, que destaca la actuación pedagógica del profesor desde acciones concretas como mediador de la formación integral de sus estudiantes.PALABRAS CLAVE: estrategias curriculares; formación profesional; cultura física.ABSTRACTThe professional creation of the students’ process in the Physical Culture career in the university state in Matanzas in general and in the unionense in particular, it constitutes a priority in correspondence with the deep socio-cultural, economic, technological changes, and the demand more crescent of a competent professional that is prepared integrally to assume all the challenges that exiles their integral formation. In the present work is made a boarding of how to include the curricular strategies of Professional Orientation and Environmental Education since the curricular, sociopolitical and extensionist with an enlargement perspective that point out the pedagogical performance of the professors from concrete actions as a mediator of the integral formation of its students.KEYWORDS: curricular strategies; professional formation; physical culture

    Micropropagación de plantas de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni a partir de explantes ex vitro

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    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a species recognized worldwide for its medicinal properties. The objective of this work was to micropropagate Stevia plants from ex vitro explants. Shoots of plants of this specie growing at greenhouse were selected. In the in vitro establishment, the effect of disinfection time and the concentration of sodium hypochlorite on the survival of the explant were evaluated. The established explants were transferred to the multiplication culture medium, where the effect of the growth regulators (6-benzylaminopurine and indoleacetic acid) and the number of subcultures on the multiplication coefficient were determined. Then, the response of the plants in the acclimatization phase was evaluated, in comparison with plants propagated by cutting. Sodium hypochlorite at 1% allowed the disinfection of the explants with a survival of 94.5%, regardless of the time. The growth regulators did not modify the multiplication coefficient with subcultures every 15 days. It is possible to use different combinations of substrate based on zeolite and compost during the acclimatization of micropropagated plants. These developed a greater number of leaves and height than those propagated by cutting. Keywords: acclimatization, growth regulators, multiplication procedure, rebaudiosides, steviosidesStevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una especie reconocida a nivel mundial por sus propiedades medicinales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue micropropagar plantas de Stevia a partir de explantes ex vitro. Se seleccionaron brotes de plantas de esta especie crecidas en casa de cultivo. En el establecimiento in vitro, se evaluó el efecto del tiempo de desinfección y la concentración de hipoclorito de sodio sobre la supervivencia del explante. Los explantes establecidos se transfirieron a medio de cultivo de multiplicación, donde se determinó el efecto de los reguladores de crecimiento (6-bencilaminopurina y ácido indolacético) y el número de subcultivos, sobre el coeficiente de multiplicación. Luego, se evaluó la respuesta de las plantas en la fase de aclimatización, en comparación con plantas propagadas mediante corte de esquejes. El hipoclorito de sodio al 1% permitió la desinfección de los explantes con una supervivencia de 94.5%, independientemente del tiempo. Los reguladores de crecimiento no modificaron el coeficiente de multiplicación con subcultivos cada 15 días. Es posible emplear diferentes combinaciones de sustrato a base de zeolita y compost durante la aclimatización de las plantas micropropagadas. Estas desarrollaron mayor número de hojas y altura, que las propagadas mediante corte de esquejes. Palabras clave: aclimatización, esteviósidos, multiplicación, rebaudiósidos, reguladores de crecimient

    Arquitectura de información para la gestión de la higiene comunal y de agua

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    Introduction: the constant monitoring of environmental hygiene and, fundamentally, of water conditions, contributes to the good health of the population. That is why the use of information and communication technologies in the management of these processes is justified, responding to the need to reverse the continuous growth of the volume of information stored and to protect documents from loss and deterioration.Objective: to develop the Information Architecture for the Management of Communal and Water Hygiene at the Luis Augusto Turcios Lima University Polyclinic.Methods: research of Technological Innovation where the methodology of software development for Extreme Programming was followed, and applying theoretical and empirical methods for the analysis, review and modeling of the processes to be computerized.Results: it was found that the informatics proposal was based on managing the information of the different medical services, serving as a tool to help organize the system and provide more efficiency.Conclusions: information Architecture was developed through a computer prototype that avoids the accumulation of personnel who come to the institutions in search of answers to questions directed to knowledge or orientation for a given problem in terms of community projection. Introducción: el monitoreo constante de la higiene ambiental y fundamentalmente de las condiciones del agua, contribuye al buen estado de salud de la población. Es por ello que se justifica el empleo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la gestión de estos procesos, respondiendo a la necesidad de revertir el crecimiento continuo del volumen de información almacenado y proteger los documentos de la pérdida y el deterioro.Objetivo: desarrollar la Arquitectura de Información para la Gestión de la Higiene Comunal y de Agua en el Policlínico Universitario Luis Augusto Turcios Lima.Métodos: investigación de Innovación Tecnológica donde se siguió la metodología de desarrollo de software para Programación Extrema, y aplicando métodos teóricos y empíricos para el análisis, revisión y modelación de los procesos objetos de informatización.Resultados: se constató que la propuesta informática estaba basada en gestionar la información de los diferentes servicios médicos, sirviendo como herramienta para ayudar a organizar el sistema y proporcionar más eficiencia.Conclusiones: se desarrolló la Arquitectura de Información a través de un prototipo informático que evita el cumulo de personal que acude a las instituciones en busca de respuesta a preguntas dirigidas al conocimiento u orientación para una problemática determinada en función de la proyección comunitaria.

    Antimicrobial and antifouling activities achieved by extracts of seaweeds from Gulf of California, Mexico

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    Six species of common seaweed extracts were tested in laboratory assays: Dictyota flabellata, Padina concrescens, Laurencia johnstonii, Gymnogongrus martinensis, Ulva lactuca and Codium fragile for potential industrial applications through evaluation of the antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria (5 strains) and the antifouling potency against the growth of key species of marine colonisers (7 bacteria, 5 fungi and 11 microalgae). The organic extract of L. johnstonii, U. lactuca and D. flabellata have bacterial antibiosis. The ethereal extracts were more active in comparison with buthanol extracts against the bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus. The best antifouling results were obtained with U. lactuca and L. johnstonii (0.1-1 µg ml-1 ) against all strains tested. C.fragile exhibited significant antifouling activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) between 1-10 µg ml-1 against marine microalgae Rhodosorus magnei, Neorhodella cyanea and Prymnesium calathiferum