148 research outputs found

    ¿Gestión pública, privada o por el tercer sector? Diferencias en los resultados en atención primaria de Cataluña

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    Comparar los resultados de los equipos de atención primaria en Cataluña en función de su modelo de gestión y evaluar el impacto de un modelo de gestión conocido como gestión por entidades de base asociativa (EBA). Llevamos a cabo un análisis comparado multidimensional siguiendo una lógica cuasi-experimental a partir de comparar los centros gestionados a través del modelo EBA con otros centros gestionados por el sector público a través del Instituto Catalán de la Salud (ICS) o por el tercer sector a través de consorcios hospitalarios. Barcelona, Cataluña, España. Tenemos en cuenta 368 observaciones (centros de atención primaria) y 18 parámetros medidos en 2015. Distintos métodos de gestión. Comparación de indicadores de actividad, efectividad en el proceso asistencial y eficiencia antes y después de controlar por el indicador socioeconómico del área básica de salud y las características de la región sanitaria. Test de diferencias significativas en las medias de los indicadores según modelo de gestión una vez realizado el emparejamiento conforme a variables clave mediante la técnica Propensity Score Matching. Diferencias significativas en el indicador de carga de trabajo por profesional médico de familia, en cinco indicadores de efectividad en el proceso asistencial y en el coste por usuario. La diversificación del modelo de gestión a través del modelo EBA muestra resultados que se pueden interpretar a favor del mantenimiento o de la ampliación de la aplicación de este modelo de gestión. Si bien los centros gestionados a través del modelo EBA se han implantado en áreas de nivel socioeconómico medio o alto, sus resultados continúan siendo significativamente positivos una vez se controla por el nivel socioeconómico de su área

    Deterministic and stochastic methods for gaze tracking in real-time

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    Presentado al 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP-2007) celebrado en Viena (Austria) del 27 al 29 de agosto.Psychological evidence demonstrates how eye gaze analysis is requested for human computer interaction endowed with emotion recognition capabilities. The existing proposals analyse eyelid and iris motion by using colour information and edge detectors, but eye movements are quite fast and difficult for precise and robust tracking. Instead, we propose to reduce the dimensionality of the image-data by using multi-Gaussian modelling and transition estimations by applying partial differences. The tracking system can handle illumination changes, low-image resolution and occlusions while estimating eyelid and iris movements as continuous variables. Therefore, this is an accurate and robust tracking system for eyelids and irises in 3D for standard image quality.This work is supported by EC grants IST-027110 for the HERMES project, IST-045547 for the VIDI-Video project, by the Spanish MEC under projects TIN2006-14606 and DPI-2004-5414. Jordi Gonzàlez also acknowledges the support of a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish MEC.Peer Reviewe

    Giant phyllodes tumour – Case report, oncoplastic treatment and literature controversies

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    Phyllodes tumour corresponds to 1% of breast primary tumours. Its primary treatment is presently surgical and, for several reasons, it usually requires breast reconstruction. First of all, an important breast volume is often removed, not only because it can easily achieve great dimensions, thanks to it fast growing potential, but also because wide excision is recommended to avoid its frequent but unpredictable local recurrence (meaning that ideal tumour resection margins are unknown). Second, it frequently affects young woman with more aesthetic concerns. We present a case of phyllodes tumour recurrence where oncoplastic surgery was necessary at both episodes and discuss the literature controversies on this subject, mainly related to treatment and prognosis prediction factors.El tumor phyllodes representa el 1% de los tumores primarios de mama. Actualmente, su tratamiento primario es la cirugía y, por muchas razones, requiere normalmente reconstrucción de mama. Primeramente, porque a menudo es extirpado un importante volumen de mama, no sólo porque el tumor puede adquirir grandes dimensiones gracias a su alto potencial de crecimiento, sino también porque es recomendado una amplia excisión para evitar su frecuente pero impredecible recidiva local (los márgenes quirúrgicos ideales no son conocidos). Segundo, porque afecta frecuentemente a mujeres jóvenes con más preocupaciones estéticas. Presentamos un caso de recidiva de tumor phyllodes donde la cirugía oncoplástica fue necesaria en ambos episodios y discutimos las controversias en la literatura sobre este tema, principalmente dirigidos al tratamiento y a los factores pronósticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deterministic and stochastic methods for gaze tracking in real-time

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    Psychological evidence demonstrates how eye gaze analysis is requested for human computer interaction endowed with emotion recognition capabilities. The existing proposals analyse eyelid and iris motion by using colour information and edge detectors, but eye movements are quite fast and difficult for precise and robust tracking. Instead, we propose to reduce the dimensionality of the image-data by using multi-Gaussian modelling and transition estimations by applying partial differences. The tracking system can handle illumination changes, low-image resolution and occlusions while estimating eyelid and iris movements as continuous variables. Therefore, this is an accurate and robust tracking system for eyelids and irises in 3D for standard image quality.Peer Reviewe

    Interpretation of human motion in image sequences using situation graph trees

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    CVC Workshop on Computer Vision: Advances in Research & Development (CVCRD), 2006, Bellaterra (Spain)Evaluation of human behaviour patterns in determined scenes has been a problem studied in social and cognitive sciences, but now it is raised as a challenging approach to computer science due to the complexity of data extraction and its analysis. Results obtained in this research will be helpful in cognitive sciences, above all in the human-computer interaction and the video surveillance domain. Our information source is an image sequence previously processed with pattern recognition algorithms, to extract quantitative data of the trajectories performed by the agents within the scene. Reasoning about human behavior makes necessary the inclusion of machine learning techniques, in order to represent those behaviours in a qualitative manner, allowing natural language explanation of the scene. This is achieved by means of a rule-based inference engine called F-Limette and a behaviour modelling tool based on Situation Graph Trees. The success of this approach depends on the precision of the image analysis system, the selection of suitable reasoning tools and the design of useful behaviour models. The model was tested in a street scene and the agents of interest were pedestrians. Textual descritpions are generated which qualitatively describe the observed behavior. Experimental results are provided by defining three different behaviors in a pedestrian crossing. This will allow us to confront sociological theories about human behaviour, whose quantitative base is at present being computed from statistics and not from semantic concepts.This work was supported by the project 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929).Peer Reviewe

    Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-based surveillance framework

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    The integration of cognitive capabilities in computer vision systems requires both to enable high semantic expressiveness and to deal with high computational costs as large amounts of data are involved in the analysis. This contribution describes a cognitive vision system conceived to automatically provide high-level interpretations of complex real-time situations in outdoor and indoor scenarios, and to eventually maintain communication with casual end users in multiple languages. The main contributions are: (i) the design of an integrative multilevel architecture for cognitive surveillance purposes; (ii) the proposal of a coherent taxonomy of knowledge to guide the process of interpretation, which leads to the conception of a situation-based ontology; (iii) the use of situational analysis for content detection and a progressive interpretation of semantically rich scenes, by managing incomplete or uncertain knowledge, and (iv) the use of such an ontological background to enable multilingual capabilities and advanced end-user interfaces. Experimental results are provided to show the feasibility of the proposed approach.This work was supported by the project 'CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Multimodal interaction in pattern recognition and computer vision' (V-00069). This work is supported by EC Grants IST-027110 for the HERMES project and IST-045547 for the VIDI-video project, and by the Spanish MEC under Projects TIN2006-14606 and CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 (CSD2007-00018). Jordi Gonzàlez also acknowledges the support of a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish MEC.Peer Reviewe

    Taller vivencial del foc : projecte integral per la prevenció de riscos i les reaccions personals adeqüades, en situacions de focs en edificis a la ciutat de Barcelona

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    El Taller vivencial del foc neix com una inquietud després de uns anys fent de bomber a la ciutat de Barcelona. La meva feina em fa viure experiències a vegades molt agradables, però d’altres les vivències són punyents. Reflexionant arribo a la conclusió que molts dels accidents als que vaig s’haurien pogut evitar o minimitzar les conseqüències si els seus protagonistes tinguéssin una mica més de educació en la prevenció. Fins l’any 2009 es feien visites organitzades al parc de l’eixample que per diversos motius no han tingut continuitat. Així, aprofitant l’experiència d’aquelles visites hem volgut redissenyar un taller per que els nois i noies de la nostra ciutat prenguin conciència del que vol dir prevenció i autoprotecció amb una part teórico lúdica i amb una part pràctica. El taller consta de una primera part teòrica on es fa ènfasi en els conceptes bàsics de: prevenció, triangle del foc, 080 i tanca la porta al foc. Seguidament s’ensenya com es vesteix un bomber, com és un camió de bombers i es fa una petita visita al museu de bombers. La segona part consta de unes estacions d’aprenentatge pràctiques on els nens hauran d’experimentar amb el material que se’ls hi ofereix i aplicar tot el coneixement adquirit a la part teórica. Finalment, hem dissenyat uns escenaris, que volen reproduir una vivenda el la que els nois hauran de identificar els riscos potencials i seguidament s’omplirà una estança amb fum per teatralitzar una situación real de incendi en un pis. D’aquesta manera els nois hauràn de trucar als bombers, i un monitor equipat amb equip respiratori els evacuarà fent servir la caputxa de rescat. Durant la redacció d’aquest projecte, la fundació Mapfre ha publicat (octubre 2012) un informe en el que diu que la població amb més risc de ser victima de un incendi a Espanya són la gent gran i residents a poblacions petites. Públic objectiu aquest, completament oposat al subjecte del nostre treball. És per això que recomanariem que les autoritats competents es plantegéssin adaptar el nostre taller a aquesta població per reduir el nombre de victimes d’incendi a Espanya

    Automatic generation of computer animated sequences based on human behaviour modelling

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    This paper presents a complete framework to automatically generate synthetic image sequences by designing and simulating complex human behaviors in virtual environments. Given an initial state of a virtual agent, a simulation process generates posterior synthetic states by means of precomputed human motion and behavior models, taking into account the relationships of such an agent w.r.t its environment at each frame step. The resulting status sequence is further visualized into a virtual scene using a 3D graphic engine. Conceptual knowledge about human behavior patterns is represented using the Situation Graph Tree formalism and a rule-based inference system called F-Limette. Results obtained are very helpful for testing human interaction with real environments, such as a pedestrian crossing scenario, and for virtual storytelling, to automatically generate animated sequences.Peer Reviewe

    Semantic annotation of complex human scenes for multimedia surveillance

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    A Multimedia Surveillance System (MSS) is considered for automatically retrieving semantic content from complex outdoor scenes, involving both human behavior and traffic domains. To characterize the dynamic information attached to detected objects, we consider a deterministic modeling of spatio-temporal features based on abstraction processes towards fuzzy logic formalism. A situational analysis over conceptualized information will not only allow us to describe human actions within a scene, but also to suggest possible interpretations of the behaviors perceived, such as situations involving thefts or dangers of running over. Towards this end, the different levels of semantic knowledge implied throughout the process are also classified into a proposed taxonomy.Peer Reviewe