18 research outputs found

    Tau neutrino magnetic moments from the Super-Kamiokande and ν\nu e-scattering data

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    Combined results on νμ→ντ\nu_{\mu}\to \nu_{\tau} oscillations and νe\nu e-scattering from the Super-Kamiokande and LAMPF experiments, respectively, limit the Dirac ντ\nu_{\tau} diagonal magnetic moment to μντ<1.9×10−9μB\mu_{\nu_{\tau}} < 1.9\times 10^{-9} \mu_{B}. For the scheme with 3 Majorana neutrinos the LAMPF results allow the limitation of effective ντ\nu_{\tau} magnetic moment to μντ<7.6×10−10μB\mu_{\nu_{\tau}} < 7.6 \times 10^{-10}\mu_{B}. The moments in the scheme with additional Majorana light sterile neutrinos as well as experiments on stimulated radiative neutrino conversion are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Engagement of multi-professional residents in health

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    Objective: To evaluate the levels of engagement of multi-professional health residents of a higher education institution in the northwest of São Paulo. Method: A cross-sectional census study in which the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was used to identify the level of relationship with work (Total score) through 17 questions distributed in the Vigor, Dedication and Absorption dimensions. Results: Participation of 50 professionals, of which 92.0% were female, median age of 24 years, 88.0% were single; 82.0% were satisfied with the program, and 56.0% had thought of giving up. Professionals satisfied with the program had high levels for Total Score (4.0) and Dedication (4.5), and average levels for Absorption (3.9) and Vigor (3.8). Those who reported dissatisfaction had average levels in all dimensions (Vigor: 3.2, Absorption: 3.5, Dedication: 3.5) and in the Total score (3.2), which are considered positive results. Conclusion: Professionals presented good levels of engagement in spite of dissatisfactions with the program. The results showed a good relationship between professionals and preceptors and supervisors, which reinforces that support and recognition of professional performance are important for strengthening the engagement, especially at the beginning of the career.Objetivo: Evaluar los niveles de engagement (compromiso) de residentes multiprofesionales en salud de un centro de enseñanza superior del noroeste del Estado de São Paulo. Método: Estudio censal transversal, que utilizó la Utrecht Work Engagement Scale para identificar el nivel de relación con el trabajo (Score general) por medio de 17 cuestiones distribuidas en las dimensiones Vigor, Dedicación y Absorción. Resultados: Participaron 50 profesionales. El 92,0% del sexo femenino, edad mediana de 24 años, el 88,0% solteros; el 82,0% se refirieron satisfechos con el programa; y el 56,0% ya pensaron en desistir. Los profesionales satisfechos con el programa presentaron Score general (4,0) y Dedicación (4,5) altos, y niveles medios de Absorción (3,9) y Vigor (3,8). Los que se refirieron insatisfechos presentaron niveles medios en todas las dimensiones (Vigor: 3,2; Absorción: 3,5; Dedicación: 3,5) y en el Score general (3,2), resultados considerados positivos. Conclusión: Los profesionales presentaron buenos niveles de engagement, aun habiendo insatisfacciones con el programa. Los resultados mostraron buena relación de los profesionales con preceptores y supervisores, reforzando que el apoyo y el reconocimiento del desempeño de los profesionales son importantes para el fortalecimiento del engagement, especialmente en el inicio de la carrera.Objetivo: Avaliar os níveis de engagement de residentes multiprofissionais em saúde de uma instituição de ensino superior do noroeste paulista. Método: Estudo censitário transversal, que utilizou a Utrecht Work Engagement Scale para identificar o nível de relação com o trabalho (Escore geral) por meio de 17 questões distribuídas nas dimensões Vigor, Dedicação e Absorção. Resultados: Participaram 50 profissionais. 92,0% do sexo feminino, idade mediana de 24 anos, 88,0% solteiros; 82,0% referiram-se satisfeitos com o programa, e 56,0% já pensaram em desistir. Os profissionais satisfeitos com o programa apresentaram Escore geral (4,0) e Dedicação (4,5) altos, e níveis médios de Absorção (3,9) e Vigor (3,8). Os que se referiram insatisfeitos apresentaram níveis médios em todas as dimensões (Vigor: 3,2; Absorção: 3,5; Dedicação: 3,5) e no o Escore geral (3,2), resultados considerados positivos. Conclusão: Os profissionais apresentaram bons níveis de engagement, mesmo havendo insatisfações com o programa. Os resultados mostraram boa relação dos profissionais com preceptores e supervisores, reforçando que o apoio e o reconhecimento do desempenho dos profissionais são importantes para o fortalecimento do engagement, principalmente no início da carreira

    Anxiety and depression levels among multidisciplinary health residents

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    Objective: to assess symptoms of anxiety and depression of professionals of Multidisciplinary Health Residence Programs. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study, performed with fifty professionals, using three instruments: one for socioeconomic and demographic data, and the Beck’s Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: predominance of females (92.0%), average age 26 years old, single (88.0%), family income from two to five salaries (56.0%) satisfied with the work (82.0%) and thought about quitting the program (56.0%) showed anxiety (50.0%) and depression (28.0%). Conclusion: there was an association between anxiety and depression in multidisciplinary residents, which points to the need for rethinking strategies for identifying these symptoms and control of stress factors for the promotion of mental health

    Anxiety and depression levels among multidisciplinary health residents

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    Objective: to assess symptoms of anxiety and depression of professionals of Multidisciplinary Health Residence Programs. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study, performed with fifty professionals, using three instruments: one for socioeconomic and demographic data, and the Beck’s Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: predominance of females (92.0%), average age 26 years old, single (88.0%), family income from two to five salaries (56.0%) satisfied with the work (82.0%) and thought about quitting the program (56.0%) showed anxiety (50.0%) and depression (28.0%). Conclusion: there was an association between anxiety and depression in multidisciplinary residents, which points to the need for rethinking strategies for identifying these symptoms and control of stress factors for the promotion of mental health

    Níveis de Ansiedade e Depressão entre Residentes de Pediatria

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    RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os níveis de ansiedade e depressão dos profissionais matriculados em um Programa de Residência Médica em Pediatria de uma instituição de ensino do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo, com todos os médicos residentes matriculados no Programa de Residência Médica em Pediatria. Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de novembro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014, utilizando-se três instrumentos autoaplicáveis: um instrumento elaborado pelos autores, com dados sociodemográficos; a Escala de Ansiedade de Beck ou Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck e a Escala de Depressão de Beck ou Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Os níveis de ansiedade e depressão foram analisados por uma psicóloga segundo dados dos instrumentos e categorizados em ausência de depressão/ansiedade, depressão/ansiedade leve, depressão/ansiedade moderada e depressão/ansiedade grave. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 36 médicos residentes. Houve predominância do sexo feminino (91,4%), idade mediana de 28 anos (mínimo: 25; máximo: 34), solteiros (86,11%), renda familiar de dez ou mais salários mínimos (47,1%), jornada de trabalho de 12 horas ou mais (55,6%), sem atividade física (55,5%) e de lazer (44,2%), com outro vínculo laboral (71,4%), satisfeitos com o trabalho (88,9%); 52,8% pensaram em desistir do programa. Ansiedade esteve presente em 50,0% dos profissionais e depressão em 44,4%. Houve associação estatística da ansiedade com a faixa etária (p<0,005) e com o desejo de desistir do programa (p=0,038); e da depressão com a faixa etária (p=0,001), prática de atividade física (p=0,016), atividades de lazer (p=0,012) e com o desejo de desistir do programa (p=0,008). Conclusão: Os níveis de ansiedade e depressão foram superiores aos observados em outros programas, havendo associação destes transtornos com a faixa etária e ausência de atividade física e de lazer, evidenciando a necessidade de maior atenção e suporte aos profissionais, de implementação de ações de controle dos fatores estressores entre os residentes de Pediatria ede estratégias de promoção do bem-estar físico e mental desses profissionais

    Work engagement in employees at professional improvement programs in health

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    Objective: This study evaluated the levels of engagement at work in enhancement programs and professionals training in health. Method: A cross-sectional study with 82 health professionals enhancement programs and improvement of a public institution in the State of São Paulo, using the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES), a self-administered questionnaire composed of seventeen self-assessment items in three dimensions: vigor, dedication and absorption. The scores were calculated according to the statistical model proposed in the Preliminary Manual UWES. Results: Engagement levels were too high on the force, high dedication and dimension in general score, and medium in size to 71.61% absorption, 58.03%, 53.75% and 51.22% of workers, respectively. The professionals present positive relationship with the work; they are responsible, motivated and dedicated to the job and to the patients. Conclusion: Reinforces the importance of studies that evaluate positive aspects of the relationship between professionals and working environment, contributing to strengthen the programs of improvement, advancing the profile of professionals into the labour market

    Anxiety and Depression Levels among Resident Pediatricians

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the levels of anxiety and depression among professionals enrolled in a Pediatric Residency Program of an educational institution in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study with all, registered residents at a pediatric residency program. The data were collected between the months of November 2013 and February 2014, using three instruments: an instrument drawn up by the authors, containing demographic data; the Beck anxiety Scale or Beck anxiety inventory and the Beck Depression scale or Beck Depression inventory. Depression anxiety levels were evaluated by a psychologist, according to data produced by the instruments and categorized in to four levels: absence of depression/anxiety, mild depression/anxiety, moderate depression/anxiety and severe depression/anxiety. Results: The study was based on a sample of 36 medical residents. There was a predominance of females (91.4%), with a median age of 28 years (minimum: 25; maximum: 34), single (86.11%), with a household income of 10 minimum monthly wages or more (47.1%), a working day of 12 hours or more (55.6%), not regularly engaged in physical activity (55.5%) and leisure (44.2%), with another job (71.4%) satisfied with their job (88.9%) and having thought about quitting the program (52.8%). Anxiety was present in 50.0% and depression in 44.4%. Statistical associations were found between anxiety and the age group (p < 0.005) and with a desire to give up the program (p = 0.038); and between depression and age group (p = 0.001), practice of physical activity (p = 0.016), leisure activities (p = 0.012) and a desire to give up the program (p = 0.008). Conclusion: The levels of anxiety and depression were higher than those observed in other programs, with associations observed between these disorders and age, lack of physical activity and leisure, highlighting the need for greater attention and professional support, and the implementation of control measures for stressor factors among the resident pediatricians, and of strategies to promote the physical and mental well-being of these professionals.</p><p></p

    Changes in γ-aminobutyric acid concentration, gas exchange, and leaf anatomy in Eucalyptus clones under drought stress and rewatering

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    Drought stress promotes biochemical and physiological alterations in plant metabolism that limit growth and yield. This study investigated the accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in plant tissue, the stomatal conductance (gs) and changes in leaf anatomy in Eucalyptus following drought stress situation. In this study, eight Eucalyptus clones were evaluated under normal water supply (control) and drought stress conditions (stress). For the control treatment, plants were irrigated every day with an automated system until the soil was saturated, and for the stress treatment, drought stress was imposed by non-irrigation of plants, and pots were covered using plastic sheeting to avoid rainfall and humidity. This study has shown that: (1) all clones decreased gs with increasing vapor pressure deficit (D) in both treatments. All plastics and drought-tolerant clones (except GG) presented lower stomatal sensitivity to D under stress conditions than drought-sensitive clones; (2) GABA concentrations increased fast after drought stress, but we could not find correlation with these changes and resistance to water stress; and (3) all clones increased the number of stomata and reduced leaf thickness after water stress. The finding is that GABA is a fast stress-signaling molecule in Eucalyptus, but the response of gs to D is a best physiological variable to differentiate drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive Eucalyptus clones