24 research outputs found

    İnsan fetüslerinde alt ekstremite kas gelişiminin mikroskopik yöntem ile araştırılması

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    xi, 49 sayfa: resim29 cm. 1 CDÖzet:Amaç: Gelişim anatomisi çalışmaları genellikle doğum sonrasını kapsamaktadır ve patolojiler üzerinedir. Literatürde fetal dönemde kas lifinde hacim artışı gestasyonel yaş ile histolojik olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Ancak alt ekstremite lif artışının ve parankima stroma oranının incelendiği çalışmalara rastlanılmamıştır. İntrauterin döneme ait kas gelişimi konusunda literatüre katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı fetüs koleksiyonuna ait eksternal anomalisi olmayan 20 insan fetüsü kullanılmıştır. Standart doku takibi, parafin bloklama ve H&E boyamanın ardından stereolojik yöntemle 25x35'lik gridler ile temsili kas lifi sayısı ve parankima stroma oranı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Alt ekstremitedeki kas lifi artışı gestasyonel yaş ile pozitif korelasyon göstermektedir (p<0.05). Alt ektremite kasları parankima stroma oranı gestasyonel yaş ile pozitif korelasyon göstermektedir (p<0.05). Sağ - sol ekstremite arasındaki kas lifi ve parankima stroma oranı arasındaki farklılık anlamlıdır (p<0.05).Summary:Aim: Researches on developmental anatomy usually involve postpartum and are based on pathologies. In the literature, the volume increase in muscle fiber in the fetal period was compared histologically with gestational age. However, there are no studies investigating the increase in lower limb fiber and the ratio of parenchyma stroma. It is aimed to contribute to the literature on muscle development of intrauterine term. Materials and Methods: In our study, 20 human fetuses without external anomalies were used in the fetus collection belongs to Izmir Katip Çelebi University Anatomy Department. After standard tissue processing, paraffin blocking and H & E staining, the number of muscle fibers and parenchyma stroma ratio were determined by stereoscopic method with 25x35 grids. Conclusion: Muscle fiber growth in the lower extremity and gestational age show positive correlation (p<0.05). Parenchymal stroma rate of lower extremity muscles shows positive correlation with gestational age, too (p<0.05). The difference between the muscle fiber and the ratio of the stroma to the parenchyma between the right and left limbs is significant (p<0,05)

    Investigation of morphometric parameters of mandibula processus coronoideus between sides

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    Aim: In our study, the relationship between mandible coronoid process and other mandible morphometric parameters in dry bones and it is aimed to compare these data between the sides. Materials and Methods: In the anatomy laboratory, 22 mandible from the bone collection were photographed in three different ways, from right-left lateral and posterior, using a digital camera. Measurements were performed on digital images using Image J software. Morphometric parameters of coronoid process and morphometric parameters of mandible ramus and body were determined. Coronoid process types were hooked, triangular, round and square. The parameters were compared between the two sides and correlation analysis was performed. Results: There was no significant difference between the right and left sides in all parameters. There was no difference between the parties in the percent distribution of processus coronoideus types. There was a high correlation between processus coronoideus area and processus coronoideus height on both sides (p &lt;0.001). Correlation values of the processus coronoideus parameters on the right side were higher than the left side. Conclusion: For the differences in the morphometric parameter values between the coronoid process between the sides, further studies should be conducted in the developmental process up to childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Furthermore, further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of chewing side preference on processus coronoideus and to assess the differences in side/gender

    The effect of anesthetic agents used in oocyte collection on intracytoplasmic sperm injection results in patients treated for infertility due to male factor

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    Aim: Different anesthetic methods and agents are used for transvaginal oocyte retrieval procedures (TORP) in assisted reproductive techniques (ART). In our study, we evaluated prospectively the effect of propofol and thiopental sodium during TORP on intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) results in the spouses of patients with male factor indication.Material and Methods: The study was approved by the ethics committee with Protocol No. 2019-21-07 on dated October 28, 2019. Sixty female patients who underwent TORP for intracytoplasmic sperm injection were included in the study. Anesthesia was randomized into two groups according to propofol (GP) or thiopental sodium (GT) used for induction and maintenance anesthesia. Patients' demographic data, effects of the anesthetic drug used on hemodynamics and nausea and vomiting, laboratory parameters including fertilization rate, cleavage rate, optimal embryo rate and implantation rate, and pregnancy outcomes were recorded.Results: Sixty patients, including the propofol group (n:30) and the thiopental sodium group (n:30), were evaluated. Mean age, body mass index and motile sperm count were similar in both groups. Mean arterial pressures and nausea and vomiting rates were lower in GP (p<0.05). Although intracytoplasmic sperm injection, pronucleus, MII oocyte values were statistically significantly higher in GP, B-HCG and clinical pregnancy outcomes were similar in both groups.Discussion: Our findings revealed that propofol and thiopental sodium, the anesthetic agents used in transvaginal oocyte collection procedure before ICSI treatment, had similar effects on clinical pregnancy. The results of our study are similar to many studies in the literature

    Association of SNAP-25 gene Ddel and Mnll Polymorphisms with adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Objective The synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) gene is a presynaptic plasma membrane protein and an integral component of the vesicle docking and fusion machinery mediating secretion of neurotransmitters. Previously, several studies reported association between SNAP-25 and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We investigated whether these SNAP-25 polymorphisms (MnlI T/G and DdelI T/C) were also associated with ADHD in the Turkish population. Methods: Our study comprised unrelated 139 subjects who met DSM-IV criteria for ADHD and 73 controls and all were of Turkish origin. Genetic analyses were performed and patients were evaluated with Wender-Utah Rating Scale and Adult ADD/ADHD DSM IV-Based Diagnostic Screening and Rating Scale. Results: SNAP-25 DdelI polymorphism was not associated with ADHD but there was a statistically significant difference between ADHD patients and controls for SNAP-25 MnlI polymorphism. For SNAP-25 MnlI polymorphism patients with G/G genotype of the SNAP-25 gene MnlI polymorphism had higher Wender-Utah scores and higher scores in the 1st and 3rd parts of adult ADD/ADHD Scale. Conclusion: We detected a significant association of the MnlI polymorphism in our ADHD sample which was similar to previous findings. Our study also revealed that SNAP-25 MnlI polymorphism was also associated with symptom severity of ADHD. This study is also, the first report on the association of SNAP-25 with ADHD in the Turkish population. © 2014 Korean Neuropsychiatric Association


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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda inuteromort insan fetüslerinde, musculus masseter’in fetal dönemin farklı haftalarındaki morfometrik ve histolojik gelişimini incelemek; komşu yapılarla olan ilişkisinin gestasyonel haftalar ile değişimini gözlemek hedeflenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalına ait fetüs koleksiyonundan eksternal anomalisi olmayan, yaşları 13-40 hafta arasında değişen, 21 tane (K:8, E:13) inuteromort fetüse ait musculus masseter bi lateral diseke edilmiştir. Musculus masseter ve çevre yapılara ait morfometrik incelemeler diseksiyon aşamaları boyunca fotoğraflanmıştır. Alınan fotoğraflar üzerinden ImageJ uygulaması kullanılarak dijital ortamda morfometrik ölçümler yapılmıştır. Musculus masseter’den alınan histolojik örneklerden stereoloj)k yöntem ile parankima stroma oranı, 900 μm2 birim alandaki temsili lif sayısı ve kas lifi çapı ölçümleri gelişimin farklı haftalarındaki fetüslerde ölçülmüş, sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Fetüslere ait morfometrik veriler gestasyonel yaş ile artmaktadır. Parankima stroma oranı, 900 μm2 birim alandaki temsili lif sayısı ve kas lifi çapı fetal gelişim boyunca artış göstermiştir. Parankima stroma oranının fetal dönem boyunca parankima lehine arttığı gözlenmiştir. Musculus masseter’in şekli ve ductus parotideus’un musculus masseter üstündeki seyri gestasyonel yaşa göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermemiştir. Glandula parotidea’nın kasın üzerinde kapladığı alan gestasyonel yaş ile artış trendi gösterse de olgular arasında rastgele değerlere sahiptir. Sonuçlar: İntrauterin gelişim sürecinde m. masseter’e ait artış gösteren morfometrik ve mikroskobik veriler biyolojik gerçeklikle uyumludur. Çalışmamızın intrauterin dönemde m. masseter gelişm) ve aktivitesi için yapılacak yeni çalışmalar için öncü olduğu, yüz bölgesindeki yapılarda agenezi ve anomali/patoloji gibi klinik durumların anne karnında erken tespit edilmesi için obstetri, perinatoloji ve adli tıp alanındaki çalışmalarda faydalı olacağı kanaatindeyiz

    FSI Analysisof Carangiform Three Dimensional Multi-Link Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    Bu çalışmada akışkan içerisinde hareket eden carangiform yüzüş moduna sahip üçboyutlu ve çokeklemlibir robot balık modeline etki eden hız, basınç ve girdap değerlerinin bulunması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda HAD (Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği) yazılımlarından biri olan Ansys paket programı ileüç boyutlu robot balığın hidrodinamik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu analizde FSI (akışkan-yapı analizi) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sırasında kullanılan üç boyutlu ve çok eklemli robot balık modelinin SolidWorks paket programında tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analizin ilk aşamasında robot balık sabit tutularak sınırları belirli bir havuz içerisinde akışkan olarak seçilen suya farklı hız değerleri uygulanmıştır ve bu değerler için balığa etki eden hız, basınç ve girdap değerleri incelenmiştir. Analizin ikinci aşamasında ise durgun akışkan ortamında robot balığın farklı iki yüzüş modeline ait (düz yüzüş ve dönüş)açı değerleri eklemlere uygulanarak balığın hareketleri sağlanmıştır. Buçalışma ile carangiform üç boyutlu ve çok eklemli biomimetik birrobot balığın deneysel gerçeklemesinden önce Ansys ortamına yansıtılmasıyla sınırları belirli bir havuz içerisinde hız, basınç ve girdap değerlerinin bulunması hedeflenmiştir.In this study, it is proposed to obtain velocity, pressure and vorticity values affected to three dimensional and multi-link robotic fish model. The hydrodynamic analysis of three dimensional robotic fish with Ansys software, one of the CFD (computational fluid dynamics) softwares, is carried out. In this analysis, the FSI (fluid-structure analysis) method is used. Design of three dimensional and multi-link robotic fish model is realized in SolidWorks package program during the analysis. In the first stage of the analysis, the robot fish is kept constant in the pool with defined boundaries and different values are applied to water chosen as fluid.Velocity, pressure and vorticity values are investigated for different velocity of the fluid. In the second stage of the analysis, the movements of the robotic fish are provided by applying angles obtained from two different swimming models (forward and turning swim) of the robotic fish to joints in static fluid environment.With this study, velocity, pressure and vorticity values affected on carangiform three dimensional and the multi-linkbiomimetic robotic fish are proposed to obtain in the ANSYS environment before the experimental realization of the robotic fish

    CPG-Based Autonomous Swimming Control for Multi-Tasks of a Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    This work emphasizes the artificial intelligent control of the developed biomimetic robotic fish (i-RoF) based on sensory feedback Central Pattern Generator (CPG) approach. In order to obtain rhythmic, robust and adaptable closed loop control performance, a novel control mechanism, composed of two subsystems; as a biological based CPG network and a Fuzzy Logic controller, is proposed. The CPG network behaves as an artificial spinal cord, inspired by Lampreys. It is constructed as unidirectional chained network with Sensory Neurons (SNs) which can perceive the external stimulus. The Fuzzy Logic control structure is also designed as a decision-making mechanism and a Finite State Machine (FSM) algorithm is proposed to perform the given missions autonomously. In the experimental studies, different scenarios are created for both situations as autonomous swimming and encountering obstacles while taking on a primary task, which is determined with yaw control. Autonomous swimming ability is performed in the real pool environment with proposed scenarios that are likely to be encountered in a real environment. It is observed that autonomous swimming performance is excellent and yaw control is quite good even in the presence of obstacles. It is also proved that the escape performance of the robot is very fast

    FSI Analysisof Carangiform Three Dimensional Multi-Link Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    Bu çalışmada akışkan içerisinde hareket eden carangiform yüzüş moduna sahip üçboyutlu ve çokeklemlibir robot balık modeline etki eden hız, basınç ve girdap değerlerinin bulunması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda HAD (Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği) yazılımlarından biri olan Ansys paket programı ileüç boyutlu robot balığın hidrodinamik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu analizde FSI (akışkan-yapı analizi) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sırasında kullanılan üç boyutlu ve çok eklemli robot balık modelinin SolidWorks paket programında tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analizin ilk aşamasında robot balık sabit tutularak sınırları belirli bir havuz içerisinde akışkan olarak seçilen suya farklı hız değerleri uygulanmıştır ve bu değerler için balığa etki eden hız, basınç ve girdap değerleri incelenmiştir. Analizin ikinci aşamasında ise durgun akışkan ortamında robot balığın farklı iki yüzüş modeline ait (düz yüzüş ve dönüş)açı değerleri eklemlere uygulanarak balığın hareketleri sağlanmıştır. Buçalışma ile carangiform üç boyutlu ve çok eklemli biomimetik birrobot balığın deneysel gerçeklemesinden önce Ansys ortamına yansıtılmasıyla sınırları belirli bir havuz içerisinde hız, basınç ve girdap değerlerinin bulunması hedeflenmiştir.In this study, it is proposed to obtain velocity, pressure and vorticity values affected to three dimensional and multi-link robotic fish model. The hydrodynamic analysis of three dimensional robotic fish with Ansys software, one of the CFD (computational fluid dynamics) softwares, is carried out. In this analysis, the FSI (fluid-structure analysis) method is used. Design of three dimensional and multi-link robotic fish model is realized in SolidWorks package program during the analysis. In the first stage of the analysis, the robot fish is kept constant in the pool with defined boundaries and different values are applied to water chosen as fluid.Velocity, pressure and vorticity values are investigated for different velocity of the fluid. In the second stage of the analysis, the movements of the robotic fish are provided by applying angles obtained from two different swimming models (forward and turning swim) of the robotic fish to joints in static fluid environment.With this study, velocity, pressure and vorticity values affected on carangiform three dimensional and the multi-linkbiomimetic robotic fish are proposed to obtain in the ANSYS environment before the experimental realization of the robotic fish

    Locomotion Control of A Biomimetic Robotic Fish Based on Closed Loop Sensory Feedback CPG Model

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    This paper presents mechatronic design and hierarchical locomotion control of a biomimetic robotic fish for three-dimensional swimming modes. Inspired by biological features of Lamprey, a closed loop sensory feedback Central Pattern Generator (CPG) model is adapted to hierarchical control mechanism in order to provide robust and effective biomimetic control structure. A sensory feedback mechanism plays an important role to react external stimuli from environment. In addition, a closed loop fuzzy logic control structure is developed as a brain model to decide adaptive swimming modes according to sensory information. In order to provide three-dimensional motion abilities, the Centre of Gravity (CoG) control mechanism is designed and controlled by a back-forth proportional control structure. Experimental results are obtained to prove the CPG-based closed loop sensory feedback control structure with the developed robotic fish prototype

    Locomotion control of a biomimetic robotic fish based on closed loop sensory feedback CPG model

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    This paper presents mechatronic design and hierarchical locomotion control of a biomimetic robotic fish for three-dimensional swimming modes. Inspired by biological features of Lamprey, a closed loop sensory feedback Central Pattern Generator (CPG) model is adapted to hierarchical control mechanism in order to provide robust and effective biomimetic control structure. A sensory feedback mechanism plays an important role to react external stimuli from environment. In addition, a closed loop fuzzy logic control structure is developed as a brain model to decide adaptive swimming modes according to sensory information. In order to provide three-dimensional motion abilities, the Centre of Gravity (CoG) control mechanism is designed and controlled by a back-forth proportional control structure. Experimental results are obtained to prove the CPG-based closed loop sensory feedback control structure with the developed robotic fish prototype