941 research outputs found

    Personal and social factors influencing students' attitudes towards peers with special needs

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    Within inclusive education, it is crucial to consider how students with special needs are valued as members of school community and may fully and actively take part in school-life. The present study aims: 1) to assess students' attitudes towards peers with special needs; 2) to understand how personal factors (age, gender, school achievement and social competence) and social factors (contacting with persons or family member with SN) predict students' attitudes variation. Participants were 200 Portuguese students from 6th to 12th grade. Instruments were administered during class: (i) CATCH (Rosenbaum, Armstrong & King, 1986), comprising a cognitive and an affective-behavior subscale (ii) Social goals Scale (Wentzel, 1993), comprising a social responsibility and a prosocial subscale. We conducted exploratory factor analysis on CATCH and stepwise regression analysis using attitudes as dependent variable. Affective-behavior attitudes were higher in girls and in students with contact with special needs peers and showed moderate correlations with social competence; Cognitive attitudes were higher in older students and were not related with social competence. Prosocial goals were the best predictor of attitudes towards peers with special needs. Results showed that attitudes towards peers with special needs may be influenced by personal and contextual factors. Confirming other findings girls showed more positive attitudes. Also students who have contact with peers with special needs have more positive attitudes, evidencing the potential impact of inclusive settings. The relation found between attitudes and social motivation (mainly prosocial goals) has implications for educational intervention.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Modelling spectral line profiles of wind-wind shock emissions from massive binary systems

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    One of the most intriguing spectral features of WR binary stars is the presence of time-dependent line profiles. Long term observations of several systems revealed the periodicity of this variability, synchronized with the orbital movement. Several partially successful models have been proposed to reproduce the observed data. The most promising assume that the origin of the emission is the wind-wind interaction zone. In this scenario, two high velocity and dense winds produce a strong shock layer, responsible for most of the X-rays observed from these systems. As the secondary star moves along its orbital path, the shock region of conical shape, changes its position with relation to the line of sight. As a consequence, the stream measured Doppler shift presents time variations resulting in position changes of the spectral line. In our work, we present an alternative model, introducing turbulence in the shock layer to account for the line broadening and opacity effects for the asymmetry in the line profiles. We showed that the gas turbulence avoids the need of an unnaturally large contact layer thickness to reproduce line broadening. Also, we demonstrated that if the emission from the opposing cone surface is absorbed, the result is a single peaked profile. This result fully satisfies the recent data obtained from massive binary systems, and can help on the determination of both winds and orbital parameters. We successfully applied this model to the Br22 system and determined its orbital parameters.Comment: To appear in the MNRA

    Identification of students' multiple achievement and social goal profiles and analysis of their stability and adaptability

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    The present study moves to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of student's goal orientation by jointly analyzing a variety of students' achievement goals together with students' social goals, and their combined effects. Using a person-centered approach (latent cluster analysis) the study identified students' (N = 386) goal profiles, analysed in what ways achievement and social goals are combined, and tested whether profile groups differed on their motivational and academic adaptability. Moreover, this study analysed stability and change in students' multiple goal profiles across the transition into secondary school (from 9th to 10th grade). Six distinct profiles of achievement and social goals emerged showing construct stability over time. Across profiles findings showed that prosocial and social responsibility goals are connected with mastery goals, but seem more difficult to reconcile with performance-competitive goals. In general, findings highlighted the positive role of both mastery and social goals in students' academic outcomes (differences between profiles ranging from ? 2 0.03 to 0.18), but also showed that distinct goal combinations may be compatible with students' motivation and academic success.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Motives and beliefs of learners enrolled in adult education

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    The present study intended to identify adult learners? motives for enrollment, and to assess their self-determination, self- efficacy beliefs and academic self-concept in a sample of 310 adult learners attending three different types of courses (short courses; long, vocational courses; long, nonvocational courses), as well as relating these constructs to each other and assess differences according to background variables. Autonomous regulation showed a strong, positive relationship with the epistemic motive and moderate, positive relationships with self-efficacy and academic self-concept. Although learners scored high in both intrinsic and extrinsic motives, group mean comparisons revealed that some characteristics like lower qualifications, unemployment and being a male showed a stronger connection to an extrinsic orientation. These results are in line with SDT predictions about the quality of motivation and suggest that learners with the former characteristics could be more at risk of failure and drop-out. Overall this study highlights the relevance of examining motivational variables in adult learners. Considering the relatively scarce research in the field, future research should further investigate adult learners? motivational profiles and how they relate to achievement.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    The influence of students self-determination and personal achievement goals in learning and engagement: a mediation model for traditional and nontraditional students

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    This study aimed to explore school factors that influence students? achievements in Trendsin International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, inthe United Arab Emirates. The study sample for TIMSS 2015 consisted of 4838 students in eighthgrade; 2172 girls, 2666 boys, and 156 schools from Abu Dhabi attended and participated in TIMSS2015. Principal component analysis (PCA) was run on 77 items of school questionnaires administeredto school principals to provide information about the school contexts for teaching and learning. Thefive factors from the school questionnaire were general school resources, school discipline and safety,parental support, principal experience and education, and library and instruction resources. Multipleregression models were implemented to examine the impact of school factors on student achievementin TIMSS 2015. The models are statistically significant, indicating that they fit the data well. This alsodemonstrates a significant linear relationship between students? achievement in TIMSS 2015 and thevariables related to school factors.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Motivational profiles of adult learners

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    This study investigated profiles of autonomous and controlled motivation and their effects in a sample of 188 adult learners from two Portuguese urban areas. Using a person-centered approach, results of cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of covariance revealed four motivational groups with different effects in self-efficacy, engagement, and learning. The study showed that groups of learners who have high autonomous motivation in the beginning of a course score higher in self-efficacy and later on in behavioral engagement and use of deep-learning strategies, whereas those who have controlled motivation alone or low levels of both types of motivation have worse results. Additionally, the study showed motivational differences according to adult learners? gender, educational level, and occupational status. The influence of the Portuguese adult education system on the results and the implications of the study for the practice of adult education are also discussed.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Influence of Moisture Content on Longitudinal, Radial, and Tangential Ultrasonic Velocity for Two Brazilian Wood Species

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    The effects of MC on longitudinal, radial, and tangential ultrasonic wave velocity and on the respective terms of the stiffness matrix were examined for Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia) and cupińba (Goupia glabra). The ultrasonic wave velocity tended to increase with a decrease in MC, and the effect of MC on the ultrasonic wave velocity below the FSP was greater than above. Below the FSP, the stiffness terms tended to decrease with increasing MC, but above the FSP, they increased with increasing MC because of the influence of water on the bulk density. This result may be corrected by using the effective density above FSP, which depends on the mobility of free water and differs for the two species

    Adaptation and validation of a measure of students? adaptive and maladaptive ways of coping with academic problems

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    Little research has, to date, explored students? coping in the academic domain. Yet, children and adolescents frequently refer daily academic difficulties as a common source of stress. The ways children respond to academic demands have the potential to make a difference in their learning and achievement. Therefore, the availability of a measure of academic coping is of critical importance to expand educational research and practice in this area. The current study adapted and validated the Portuguese language version of the Multidimensional Measure of Coping (MMC). Cognitive interviewing, confirmatory factor analysis, and measurement invariance testing using calibration and validation samples provided sound support for the validity of the MMC to measure academic coping among Portuguese elementary and middle school students. Furthermore, the external and discriminant validity of the scale was established based on the relations found between adaptive and maladaptive coping and their differential functionality for academic performance.8C1E-AFB9-6BE1 | Maria Teresa Martins Gon?alvesN/

    Um estudo de caso sobre as melhorias no fluxo dos processos produtivos de uma Ind?stria de Pl?sticos de Jo?o Pessoa-PB

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    Numa economia onde a concorr?ncia ? cada vez mais forte e crescente, as empresas precisam ser capazes de adaptar-se ?s novas tecnologias para que assim tenham a capacidade de alcan?ar a que se prop?e, que ? a redu??o dos custos na produ??o, a redu??o do custo do produto. Este estudo tem como objetivo de analisar as melhorias do fluxo dos processos produtivos da fabrica??o de palitos pl?sticos de pirulitos. Quanto aos aspectos metodol?gicos, caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa de campo, um estudo explorat?rio e um estudo de caso, especificamente no setor de fabrica??o de palitos pl?sticos de pirulitos em uma Ind?stria de Pl?sticos de Jo?o Pessoa-PB. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram a entrevista n?o estruturada, aplicada ao encarregado de produ??o, e a observa??o participante, realizada in-loco no ch?o da f?brica. Como resultado, verificou-se que, ap?s a implanta??o das melhorias, houve aumento m?dio de produ??o de 01 caixa por hora por m?quina, ocasionando um aumento consider?vel de 25% (vinte e cinco por cento). Com isso, ocasionou a redu??o de 20% (vinte por cento) na produ??o de refugos (material n?o conforme). Antes da implanta??o das melhorias, o processo de moagem era feito aleatoriamente, somente quando se verificava um alto volume de refugos. Com as melhorias, o processo de moagem passou a fazer parte do processo produtivo. Assim, conclui-se que a implanta??o das melhorias nos processos produtivos refletiu na redu??o de custos e do retrabalho, e com isso a empresa est? no caminho certo para tornar-se cada vez mais competitiva, uma vez que tem ci?ncia da import?ncia dessas melhorias em seus processos e os benef?cios proporcionados pela mesma

    Avalia??o da acessibilidade no mercado p?blico de pocinhos: um estudo de caso conforme as diretrizes da norma ABNT NBR 9050:2020

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    60 f. : il.O presente estudo tem como principal foco abordar a acessibilidade no mercado p?blico de Pocinhos?PB. O objetivo geral ? identificar quais s?o os principais obst?culos f?sicos que dificultam a acessibilidade no mercado p?blico de Pocinhos? PB conforme a norma ABNT NBR 9050:2020. Para alcan?ar este, foram tra?ados os objetivos espec?ficos, realizar um levantamento das ?reas f?sicas do mercado, identificar barreiras que afetem a acessibilidade, mapear ?reas espec?ficas do mercado onde os obst?culos s?o mais cr?ticos e propor medidas corretivas ou solu??es vi?veis. Abordar o tema acessibilidade justifica-se pelo fator da edifica??o ser uma obra da d?cada de 1960, onde n?o havia normas como a norma ABNT NBR 9050. A pesquisa consiste em um estudo de caso onde foi aplicada uma pesquisa de campo explorat?ria, onde os resultados foram tratados de maneira quantitativa e qualitativa. E com o levantamento de dados e informa??es durante a pesquisa, foi poss?vel concluir que o mercado n?o acess?vel conforme as diretrizes da ABNT NBR 9050:2020. Os principais obst?culos s?o suas cal?adas internas e externas, com ocupa??o indevida e inacess?veis, n?o s? as cal?adas s?o inacess?veis, mas sim o mercado em todos os locais tem algo que o torna inacess?vel conforme a ABNT NBR 9050:202