639 research outputs found

    Hybrid Model For Word Prediction Using Naive Bayes and Latent Information

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    Historically, the Natural Language Processing area has been given too much attention by many researchers. One of the main motivation beyond this interest is related to the word prediction problem, which states that given a set words in a sentence, one can recommend the next word. In literature, this problem is solved by methods based on syntactic or semantic analysis. Solely, each of these analysis cannot achieve practical results for end-user applications. For instance, the Latent Semantic Analysis can handle semantic features of text, but cannot suggest words considering syntactical rules. On the other hand, there are models that treat both methods together and achieve state-of-the-art results, e.g. Deep Learning. These models can demand high computational effort, which can make the model infeasible for certain types of applications. With the advance of the technology and mathematical models, it is possible to develop faster systems with more accuracy. This work proposes a hybrid word suggestion model, based on Naive Bayes and Latent Semantic Analysis, considering neighbouring words around unfilled gaps. Results show that this model could achieve 44.2% of accuracy in the MSR Sentence Completion Challenge

    Improve protective efficacy of a TB DNA-HSP65 vaccine by BCG priming

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    Vaccines are considered by many to be one of the most successful medical interventions against infectious diseases. But many significant obstacles remain, such as optimizing DNA vaccines for use in humans or large animals. The amount of doses, route and easiness of administration are also important points to consider in the design of new DNA vaccines. Heterologous prime-boost regimens probably represent the best hope for an improved DNA vaccine strategy. In this study, we have shown that heterologous prime-boost vaccination against tuberculosis (TB) using intranasal BCG priming/DNA-HSP65 boosting (BCGin/DNA) provided significantly greater protection than that afforded by a single subcutaneous or intranasal dose of BCG. In addition, BCGin/DNA immunization was also more efficient in controlling bacterial loads than were the other prime-boost schedules evaluated or three doses of DNA-HSP65 as a naked DNA. The single dose of DNA-HSP65 booster enhanced the immunogenicity of a single subcutaneous BCG vaccination, as evidenced by the significantly higher serum levels of anti-Hsp65 IgG2a Th1-induced antibodies, as well as by the significantly greater production of IFN-γ by antigen-specific spleen cells. The BCG prime/DNA-HSP65 booster was also associated with better preservation of lung parenchyma

    Road Pavement Damage Detection using Computer Vision Techniques: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The work presented in this paper is the result of a preliminary research aimed at using computer vision techniques for road pavement damage detection in the context of a smart city. It first introduces the related concepts. Then, it surveys the state of the art and existing solutions, presenting their main features, strengths and limitations. The most promising solutions are identified. Finally, it discusses open challenges and research directions in this area

    Secretory IgA and T Cells Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Are Transferred to the Breastmilk Upon mRNA Vaccination

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    In view of the scarcity of data to guide decision making, we evaluated how BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines affect the immune response in lactating women and the protective profile of breastmilk. Compared with controls, lactating women had a higher frequency of circulating RBD memory B cells and higher anti-RBD antibody titers but similar neutralizing capacity. We show that upon vaccination, immune transfer to breastmilk occurs through a combination of anti-spike secretory IgA (SIgA) antibodies and spike-reactive T cells. Although we found that the concentration of anti-spike IgA in breastmilk might not be sufficient to directly neutralize SARS-CoV-2, our data suggest that cumulative transfer of IgA might provide the infant with effective neutralization capacity. Our findings put forward the possibility that breastmilk might convey both immediate (through anti-spike SIgA) and long-lived (via spike-reactive T cells) immune protection to the infant. Further studies are needed to address this possibility and to determine the functional profile of spike T cells.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adiposity, depression and anxiety: interrelationship and possible mediators

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore the association between adiposity, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and to assess the role of inflammation, diet quality and physical activity in this association. METHODS: We used data from 2,977 individuals from the 1993 Pelotas Cohort (Brazil) who attended the 18- and 22-year follow-ups. We assessed general obesity using body mass index, fat mass index, and abdominal obesity using waist circumference. Major Depressive Disorder and generalized anxiety disorder were assessed using the mini-international neuropsychiatric interview. C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were used as a measure of inflammation; diet quality was estimated using the revised diet quality index, and physical activity was assessed by the International physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ, min/day). The association between adiposity and major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder was assessed using logistic regression, and the natural indirect effect via the mediators was estimated using G-computation. RESULTS: General obesity assessed by body mass index (OR: 2.3; 95% CI:1.13; 4.85), fat mass index (OR: 2.6; 95%CI: 1.37; 4.83), and abdominal obesity (OR: 2.5; 95%CI: 1.18; 5.39) were associated with higher odds of major depressive disorder, whereas major depressive disorder was only associated with obesity assessed by body mass index (OR=1.9; 95% CI: 1.09; 3.46). Obesity and generalized anxiety disorder were not associated. C-reactive protein, diet quality and physical activity did not mediate the effect of obesity on major depressive disorder, and C-reactive protein mediated about 25% of the effect of major depressive disorder on adiposity. CONCLUSIONS: Depression, but not generalized anxiety disorder, is associated with adiposity in both directions, with a stronger evidence for the direction obesity-depression. Inflammation explains part of the effect of major depressive disorder on obesity but not the other way around. Further research should explore other mechanisms that could be involved in the association between obesity and depression

    2,4,5-Triaminopyrimidines as blue fluorescent probes for cell viability monitoring: synthesis, photophysical properties, and microscopy applications

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    Monitoring cell viability is critical in cell biology, pathology, and drug discovery. Most cell viability assays are cell-destructive, time-consuming, expensive, and/or hazardous. Herein, we present a series of newly synthesized 2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine derivatives able to discriminate between live and dead cells. To our knowledge, these compounds are the first fluorescent nucleobase analogues (FNAs) with cell viability monitoring potential. These new fluorescent molecules are synthesized using highly efficient and cost- effective methods and feature unprecedented photophysical properties (longer absorption and emission wavelengths, environment-sensitive emission, and unprecedented brightness within FNAs). Using a live– dead Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell and theoretical assays, the fluorescent 2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine derivatives were found to specifically accumulate inside dead cells by interacting with dsDNA grooves, thus paving the way for the emergence of novel and safe fluorescent cell viability markers emitting in the blue region. As the majority of commercially available viability dyes emit in the green to red region of the visible spectrum, these novel markers might be useful to meet the needs of blue markers for co-staining combinations

    Genotipagem de polimorfismos no gene prnp bovino na raça Simental.

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    As Encefalopatias Espongiformes Transmissíveis (EETs) são doenças que se assemelham pelas características crônicas e neurodegenerativas, a exemplo: Kuru, scrapie e Doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob e Encefalopatia Espongiforme Bovina (EEB). A EEB, conhecida como ?doença da vaca louca?, provoca degeneração lenta do sistema nervoso central do animal, com período longo de incubação, entre quatro a cinco anos, sendo que os primeiros sinais clínicos surgem entre dois a oito anos após a infecção. Seu agente causador é a proteína denominada príon infecciosa (PrPSc), podendo ser adquiria via iatrogênica, pela alimentação ou ser sintetizada naturalmente pelo organismo. A forma normal da proteína, não-causadora da doença, denomina-se príon celular (PrPC). A príon é sintetizada pelo gene prnp e acredita-se que a inserção e/ou deleção (indel) de sequências de bases influenciam em sua formação, sendo um determinante na resistência e/ou suscetibilidade à EEB. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, genotipar os polimorfismos de 12 e 23 pares de base indel em regiões específicas do gene prnp em bovinos da raça Simental, para futura seleção de animais resistentes à EEB. Para isto, foi realizada a extração de DNA genômico de sêmen de 25 bovinos com baixo ou nenhum grau de parentesco. As regiões alvo do gene prnp foram amplificadas por meio da PCR, utilizando-se primers específicos, e submetidas à eletroforese em gel de agarose a 3 % para realização da genotipagem. Na análise do gel, os animais apresentaram os genótipos ins/del (um alelo com inserção e o outro com deleção de pares de bases, sendo heterozigoto), del/del (deleção nos dois alelos, sendo homozigotos), ins/ins (inserção nos dois alelos, sendo também homozigotos). A frequência do haplótipo característico de resistência foi 28 %. O diplótipo de resistência teve uma frequência de 4 %. Os resultados apontam que, geneticamente, esta raça possui baixa resistência à EEB