33 research outputs found

    Modernização policial: as múltiplas dimensões de um objecto historiográfico

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    Este working paper analisa a génese, as principais linhas de investigação e os debates nos estudos históricos sobre polícia e policiamento. De área subsidiária da história da justiça criminal na década de 1960, a história da polícia move-se hoje por campos tão díspares como a história do trabalho, a história urbana ou a história do Estado. É este caminho que pretendemos aqui recensear. Assim, o trabalho encontra-se dividido em três partes essenciais: na primeira consideramos a dimensão da reforma política das instituições; depois, vemos como a dimensão organizacional se tem tornado o âmago da história da polícia; e, finalmente, como nas relações entre polícias e policiados estão os maiores desafios para os historiadores.This working paper discusses the formation, main research lines and debates in the historical studies of police and policing. From a sub-field in criminal justice history in the 1960’s, police history is presented today in a range of fields such as labour history, urban history or the history of the state. It is this path that we examine in this work. The argument is structured in three parts: first, we consider the political reform of police institutions, then we see how the organizational dimension has become the core of police history, and, finally, we examine the relations between police and the policed, where the main challenges for historians are today

    Police reform and the transnational circulation of police models : The Portuguese case in the 1860s

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    This article examines the reform of the Portuguese police system during the 1860s. In this period, the nature of police institutions, functions and practices became a main political issue with the reform movement culminating in the founding of Polícia Civil in urban settlements in 1867 while failing in a project to establish a national gendarmerie. However, this still represented more than just institutional reform ; at stake was a re-examination of police functions, with a new notion of ‘public safety’ and the rationales behind policing practices, with ‘prevention’ and ‘emergency’ as the new guiding concepts. The article concludes that in Portugal, the political culture and the circulation police models between national jurisdictions provide better explanations for police reform than actual concerns about disorder and crime.Cet article étudie la réforme du système policier portugais au cours des années 1860. À cette époque, la nature des institutions policières, leurs fonctions et leurs pratiques devinrent une question politique majeure, dans le contexte du mouvement de réforme qui culmina, en 1867, dans la fondation de la police civile dans les villes, mais échoua à mettre en place une gendarmerie nationale. On ne peut cependant réduire cette réforme à son aspect institutionnel, car ce sont d’une part les fonctions policières qui étaient en cause - avec l’apparition de la notion nouvelle de « sécurité publique » - et, d’autre part, les logiques des pratiques, avec les nouveaux principes directeurs de « prévention » et d’ « urgence ». En conclusion, l’article insiste sur le fait qu’au Portugal, ce sont la culture politique et la circulation des modèles policiers entre différents pays qui, davantage que la préoccupation pour les questions de désordre et de criminalité, expliquent la réforme de la police

    Para que servem as ruas?: a acção do Estado na transformação dos usos do espaço público urbano (séc. XIX - XX)

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    Inúmeros autores afirmaram a morte da rua na cidade contemporânea. Nomes como Richard Sennett, Mike Davis ou Jane Jacobs difundiram a ideia de que, ao longo do último século, as ruas tinham deixado de ser espaços de socialização. Assim, as ruas teriam sido transformadas em espaços inóspitos, habitadas por grupos e indivíduos marginalizados e destinadas a serem um mero espaço de ligação entre casa, trabalho e actividades de lazer. As suas conclusões, mais do que negadas ou comprovadas, devem servir de estímulo para tentarmos compreender o lugar da rua na vida social urbana.&nbsp

    A construção de uma política urbana (Lisboa, 1890-1940): institucionalização, organização e práticas

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    Ao longo do século XIX o Estado assume uma postura de governo activo, sustentado numa, progressivamente maior, máquina de normas, instituições e agentes administrativos. Para além de um crescimento quantitativo, diversificaram-se as estratégias administrativas. Neste trabalho propomo-nos analisar um dos principais expoentes desta modernização administrativa – a polícia urbana. Centramo-nos na Polícia de Lisboa entre 1890 e 1940. Em primeiro lugar, observamos as transformações na organização dos poderes dentro do aparelho de Estado. Veremos como a polícia sofreu um processo de centralização que progressivamente a aproximou do centro do poder. Avançamos depois para uma análise organizacional e das relações laborais. Uma das principais inovações introduzidas durante o século XIX foi um ambiente organizacional de enquadramento e controlo do trabalho policial. Vamos observar o movimento de especialização que ocorreu dentro da Policia Civil, gerando três divisões base: segurança pública; inspecção administrativa; e investigação criminal. Concentramo-nos depois na segurança pública. Que postos a constituíam, que funções lhes estavam atribuídas, como se relacionaram dentro da mesma organização, são perguntas que tentaremos responder. Este tipo específico de polícia, a de segurança pública, era, antes de mais, uma polícia territorial. Defendemos que a territorialidade da Segurança Pública se concretiza em escalas de proximidade que ligavam os vários níveis da organização a territórios progressivamente menores, até à unidade mínima – a rua. Assim, a instituição tem jurisdição sobre a totalidade do território urbano – a cidade – dividindo-se em áreas mais pequenas – as esquadras – alcançando a escala micro quando chega à rua através do principal serviço de policiamento – a patrulha. Finalmente, abordaremos a procura de eficácia na actuação policial através da introdução de procedimentos burocratizados e de dispositivos tecnológicos. Ao longo das últimas décadas os historiadores que se debruçaram sobre a polícia fixaram-se essencialmente na perspectiva político – institucional. Utilizando os contributos sociológicos propomos uma análise que relacione as várias dimensões do fenómeno policial: política, organizacional e a interacção com os cidadãos.Throughout XIX century the State assumes a pattern of active government, supported in one, gradually improved, machine of norms, institutions and public agents. Besides the quantitative growth, the State had diversified the administrative strategies. In this work we consider to analyse the one of the main exponents of this administrative modernisation - urban police. We centre this analysis in the Police of Lisbon between 1890 and 1940. In first place, we observe the transformations in the organisation of the State apparatus. We will see how police suffered a process of centralization, which gradually approached it to the centre of the power. Then, we proceed for a organizational analysis and labour relations. One of the main innovations introduced during century XIX was an organizational environment of framing and control of police work. We observe the specialisation movement that occurred inside of Polícia Civil, creating three base divisions: public security; administrative; and criminal investigation. We are gone concentrate our attention at the public security. What ranks composed the police organization, what functions were attributed to them, what relations were established, these are questions that we will try to answer. Public security was a specific type of police that, before more, was a territorial police. We defend that the territoriality of the Public Security materialises in proximity scales that connected the various levels of the organisation to gradually smaller territories, until a minimum unit - the street. Thus, the institution has jurisdiction on the totality of the urban territory - the city - dividing it in smaller areas – police stations – reaching to the micro scale when police arrives at the street through the main service of policing – beat patrol. Finally, we will approach the search of efficiency in police action through the introduction of bureaucratic procedures and technological devices. Throughout the last decades the historians who explored the urban police had essentially fixed in the institutional and political perspective. Using the sociological contributions we consider an analysis that relates the various dimensions of police: politics, organizational and the interactions with the citizens

    Construção de um Equipamento de Fabrico Aditivo de Polímeros com Deposição por Revolução

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    O Fabrico Aditivo, nomeadamente o processo FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), é uma tecnologia de fabrico cada vez mais presente na indústria atual, que segue um procedimento inverso aos modelos subtrativos convencionais. O progresso tecnológico motivou um desenvolvimento considerável desta aplicação, permitindo a construção de geometrias livres e peças cada vez mais complexas. No entanto, a sua distinção é também a sua limitação, pois à construção de camada a camada, está associada uma ampliação anisotrópica relativamente às propriedades mecânicas desenvolvidas. Neste contexto, foi construído um equipamento que, contrariamente às impressoras 3D convencionais, sugere um método de deposição de camadas segundo um movimento rotacional. A esta rotação está associado um enrolamento filamentar que permite melhorar as propriedades mecânicas das peças concebidas pelo equipamento descrito, como foi possível concluir através da realização de ensaios universais realizados aos provetes de estudo analisados.Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing technology increasingly present in today's industry, which follows an inverse procedure to conventional subtractive models. Technological progress has allowed a substantial development of this application, granting a limitless design by increasing parts complexity. However, its distinction is also its limitation, as the successive construction of layer by layer is associated with an anisotropic expansion in relation to the mechanical properties developed. In this context, an equipment was built that, contrary to conventional 3D printers, suggests a layer deposition method according to a rotational movement. This rotation is associated with a filament winding that improves the mechanical properties of the parts designed by the equipment described, as it was possible to conclude by carrying out universal tests carried out on the analyzed study specimens

    Circulaciones policiales e historias conectadas en el mundo iberoamericano. Introducción

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    Introduction to dossier.Este dossier analiza conexiones y circulaciones policiales en el mundo iberoamericano. Los diferentes trabajos pueden ser leídos como fragmentos de un mapa más amplio: el de las redes que enlazan las historias locales de las policías de España, Portugal, África Lusófona y el Atlántico Sudamericano. La adopción de una escala transnacional de análisis no significa apenas una ampliación territorial, en relación a las historias centradas en narrativas nacionales, sino también, y fundamentalmente, un nuevo punto de observación con efectos cognitivos específicos. Dos tipos de conexiones policiales son estudiadas en este dossier: por un lado, los viajes de policías y agentes secretos entre ciudades del espacio iberoamericano y, por el otro, la circulación de modelos de reforma institucional

    Urban traffic simulation using mobility patterns synthesized from real sensors

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    Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are openly available in Zenodo at 10.5281/zenodo.7997433 and were produced using the code available at https://github.com/fabio-r-goncalves/norte (accessed on 1 November 2023).Smart cities are an ongoing research topic with multiple sub-research areas, from traffic control to optimization and even safety. However, testing the new methodologies or technologies directly in the real world is an almost impossible feat that, inclusively, can result in disaster. Thus, there is the importance of simulation. Simulation enables testing new and complex methodologies and gauging their impact in a realistic context without adding any safety issues. Additionally, these can accurately map real-world conditions depending on the simulation configuration. One key aspect of the simulation is the traffic flows in the simulated region. These may be hard to find and, if ill-set, may introduce bias in the results. This work is on the characterization of the traffic in the city center of Guimarães, Portugal. An urban simulation scenario was established, using SUMO as the mobility traffic simulator, with traffic patterns derived from real-world data provided by Guimarães City Hall and using Eclipse MOSAIC for extended vehicular simulation. Apart from mobility patterns analysis, this work also provides publicly accessible datasets, simulations, and applications made available to future research works.Funding: This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 by FEDER funds, through the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), Portugal 2020, within the Project Scope NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000086

    Numerical optimization of a microchannel geometry for nanofluid flow and heat dissipation assessment

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    In this study, a numerical approach was carried out to analyze the effects of different geometries of microchannel heat sinks on the forced convective heat transfer in single-phase flow. The simulations were performed using the commercially available software COMSOLMultiphysics 5.6® (Burlington, MA, USA) and its results were compared with those obtained from experimental tests performed in microchannel heat sinks of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Distilled water was used as the working fluid under the laminar fluid flow regime, with a maximum Reynolds number of 293. Three sets of geometries were investigated: rectangular, triangular and circular. The different configurations were characterized based on the flow orientation, type of collector and number of parallel channels. The main results show that the rectangular shaped collector was the one that led to a greater uniformity in the distribution of the heat transfer in the microchannels. Similar results were also obtained for the circular shape. For the triangular geometry, however, a disturbance in the jet impingement was observed, leading to the least uniformity. The increase in the number of channels also enhanced the uniformity of the flow distribution and, consequently, improved the heat transfer performance, which must be considered to optimize new microchannel heat sink designs. The achieved optimized design for a heat sink, with microchannels for nanofluid flow and a higher heat dissipation rate, comprised a rectangular collector with eight microchannels and vertical placement of the inlet and outlet.This work has been funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center-CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (MEtRICs) and UIDP/04436/2020. The authors are also grateful for the funding of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia-FCT through the projectsLISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-030171/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 (PTDC/EMESIS/30171/2017), funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020, and FEDER. The authors also acknowledge FCT for partially financing the research under the framework of the project JICAM/0003/2017. Finally, I. Gonçalves acknowledges FCT for supporting her PhD fellowship, ref.: 2020.08646.B