1,000 research outputs found

    Relatório de Estágio no CDSL - Clube Surf Lisboa

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    O relatório de estágio, aqui apresentado, foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, com especialização na modalidade surf, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, da Universidade de Lisboa. Aqui, são descritos e analisados os processos de gestão e organização do treino de dois atletas: um atleta júnior sub-12, de competição ao nível nacional (treinos planeados), e um atleta Open de alto rendimento (treinos observados). Foi também desenvolvido um estudo exploratório através da análise de um estudo de caso, onde algumas capacidades físicas, como flexibilidade e coordenação, do atleta júnior são comparadas entre o início e fim de época. Faz-se também a comparação com os resultados obtidos nos testes físicos Y Balance Test, Seat and reach, Dorsi-flexão pelos atletas sub- 12 da equipa nacional (surfistas de elite). São ainda propostas algumas conclusões sobre os próprios testes físicos e planeamento de época. Com o intuito de realizar uma análise que incida num momento competitivo, foi descrita e analisada a prova final do Campeonato Nacional de Esperanças, na qual o atleta analisado nas sessões planeadas também participou. Por fim, no âmbito da relação com a comunidade, foi descrita uma aula prática lecionada aos estudantes de 3º ano da licenciatura em Ciências do Desporto, com especialização em surf, sobre uma bateria de testes físicos que seriam posteriormente aplicados à Equipa Nacional de Surf. É também descrito um dia didático, organizado com os atletas do Clube Surf Lisboa e outros, onde estes tiveram a oportunidade de assistir a uma palestra sobre como lidar com o stress dentro e fora do treino e ainda praticar a sua técnica de surf com um treino aberto em rampas de skate.The report presented here was conceived within the sports training master’s degree, specialized in surfing in the University of Human Kinetics. Here are analysed the processes of management and organization of training of two athletes. One of them is an under-12 national competition athlete (organized trainings) and the other is an open high performance one (observed trainings). It´s also presented an investigation work related with a case study in which some physical skills, flexibility and coordination, are tested in the beginning and in the ending of the season for comparation and also a comparation between the evaluation in the end of the season with the same tests of the junior Portuguese national surfing team. In the end of this study, are presented some important conclusions about the tests itself and about season planning and structuration. With the goal of analysing a competitive moment, it was described and analysed the Portuguese national final under-12 with the first athlete mentioned. To finish with some relation with the community, it was described a practical lesson given to 3º year students of sport sciences course in University of Human Kinetics about a battery of tests that this ones would have to apply to the junior national surfing team and also a learning and playful day organized in for young athletes in Clube Surf Lisboa where this kids could learn about how to deal with stress inside and outside the training sessions and practice surf techniques in skateboards

    Determinants of high-tech exports

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    Mestrado em Economi

    Identificação automatizada de morcegos através de modelos estatísticos

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    Desenvolvimentos recentes nas metodologias de monitorização de morcegos utilizadas em Portugal, especialmente a introdção de estações de gravação automáticas, conduziram a um problema de análise devido à quantidade de dados obtida. Face a este problema propomos desenvolver um método automatizado de análise e classificação de pulsos de ecolocalização de morcegos, através do desenvolvimento de um programa de computador baseado em modelos estatísticos e utilizando uma base de dados de pulsos de morcegos gravados em Portugal. Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados obtidos para a análise e classificação das espécies P. pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus e M. schreibersii. Para a análise estatística usámos modelos de regressão logística multinomial e conjuntos de redes neuronais artificiais, tendo sido obtidas taxas globais de classificações corretas superiores a 94%

    Implementação da filosofia TPM numa empresa da indústria aeronáutica

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    Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica – Ramo de Manutenção e ProduçãoNo âmbito do Ciclo de Estudos conducente ao grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica, Perfil de Manutenção e Produção, foi realizado um projeto em contexto profissional na Embraer Portugal Estruturas Metálicas S.A., uma empresa da indústria aeronáutica dedicada à fabricação e montagem de estruturas metálicas. O presente projeto tem como principal objetivo aumentar a Disponibilidade Intrínseca de um equipamento produtivo crítico da linha de montagem, de forma a atingir e garantir a meta de classe mundial de 90%, através da aplicação da metodologia TPM e da utilização de ferramentas Lean. Com base na metodologia Investigação-Alão, foi inicialmente realizada uma análise à situação da linha e selecionado um equipamento baseado no estado dos indicadores MTBF, MTTR, OEE e na sua criticidade na linha de produção. De seguida foram identificados os principais problemas e posteriormente implementadas ações de melhoria com vista à redução do número de avarias e consequentemente ao aumento da disponibilidade intrínseca do equipamento. Os resultados destas ações foram positivos uma vez que, no final do projeto, foi possível verificar um valor de 91,80% de disponibilidade intrínseca do equipamento, superando o objetivo de 90%, e um valor médio de OEE de 66,7% face aos iniciais 58,1%, associado a um aumento de 170,9% do MTBF e uma redução de 48,42% do tempo total de máquina parada, comparativamente à situação inicial.In the scope of the Study Cycle Leading to the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Maintenance and Production Profile, a project was carried out in a professional context at Embraer Portugal Estruturas Metálicas S.A., a company in the aeronautical industry dedicated to the manufacture and assembly of metallic structures. The main objective of this project is to increase the Intrinsic Availability of an assembly line production equipment, to achieve and guarantee a world-class goal of 90%, through the application of TPM and the use of Lean tools. Based on the Action-Research Methodology, an analysis of the production line was carried out and an equipment was selected based on the state of the MTBF, MTTR and OEE indicators and its criticality in the production line. Then, the main problems were identified, and later improvement actions were implemented with a view to reducing the number of breakdowns and, consequently, increasing the intrinsic availability of the equipment. Positive results were achieved since, at the end of the project, it was possible to reach 91.80% of intrinsic availability of the equipment, exceeding the objective of 90%, and an average OEE value of 66.7% compared to the initial 58,1%, associated with a 170.9% increase in MTBF and a 48.4% reduction in the total downtime of the machine, compared to the initial situation.N/

    Changes in Vessel Traffic Disrupt Tidal Flats and Saltmarshes in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal

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    The Tagus Estuary is one of the largest in Europe with 320 km2 , and it has been, for centuries, a gateway to Lisbon. This study focuses on the Moita-Montijo Bay and on the recent dynamics of its tidal flats and saltmarshes. Aerial photographs, orthomosaics, and very high-resolution satellite imagery were used to analyze landcover and shoreline changes. Tidal flats have shown expansion from 1977 to 1995, but since then, contraction dominated, with a change of position of the tidal flat edge of−2.8 m/year in the north bank and−4.2 m/year in the south bank of the Montijo channel. Most contraction occurred along the route of the fast transport catamarans that started operating in 1995, while in the sector without catamaran navigation, expansion was observed. Saltmarshes have been suffering contraction since 1958, with increased rates after 1995 (−0.38 to−0.44 m/year), especially along the catamaran route (−0.57 to−1.27 m/year). The analysis of the wake generated by different vessel types shows a wake increase with the catamarans, in agreement with the increase in contraction along the Montijo channel. Inside abandoned salt pans, saltmarshes expanded. Since 1995, major changes are also observed along the tidal flat margin, with the formation of coarse lag deposits of coarse sands and shells. Given the contraction increase associated with catamaran traffic and the resulting degradation of the tidal flat and the saltmarshes, it is important to introduce measures for containing contraction.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Network tourism: A fallacy of location privacy!

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    This contribution aims to discuss if “locational” privacy in tourism is a fallacy! Nevertheless, the authors inform that the reason for this debate is 21st century tourist distinctive characteristic, constantly “wired” through ICT, leading to serious ethical issues as regards to personal privacy. Therefore, this paper is divided into five core sections: background (tourist, and ICT for tourism and tourist); control (etymology, the thin bound concerning security, and control and personal data); privacy (the concept, evolution, and dimensions); empirical evidences (overview, crime scene investigation, and keen exhibits); and finally, discussion (act 1 and act 2)

    Knowledge versus content in e-learning: a philosophical discussion!

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    Historically education has been supported by technology; however, during the past three decades electronic technologies for educational purposes have been used to achieve better learning outcomes. In fact, there are two main issues in using computers for educational purposes; that is, people learn “from” or “with” technologies. The e-learning literature reveals that technological and instructional perspectives had been widely diffused, with ethical and cultural issues only being considered more recently. The aim of this paper is to discuss a blurred distinction, which entails into all these fields of research: how do we define knowledge and content in an e-learning project

    The human centred approach to bionanotechnology - ethical considerations

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    The primary challenge to promulgating a more human-centred approach to managing and accounting for innovation is: can we encourage innovation that adds net social value? At the same time, can we deter - or at least not encourage - innovation that serves malicious ends, or that poses grave threats to humanity? Therefore, the aim of this paper is to obtain answers concerning bionanotechnology as a research field, but which are their applications? What sort of ethical and moral dilemmas encompasses? And, does the level of such dilemmas is a sum of biotechnology and nanotechnology, or imposes new challenges

    Controlling Informational Society: A Google Error Analysis!

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    “Informational Society” is unceasingly discussed by all societies’ quadrants. Nevertheless, in spite of illustrating the most recent progress of western societies the complexity to characterize it is well-known. In this societal evolution the “leading role” goes to information, as a polymorphic phenomenon and a polysemantic concept. Given such claim and the need for a multidimensional approach, the overall amount of information available online has reached an unparalleled level, and consequently search engines become exceptionally important. Search engines main stream literature has been debating the following perspectives: technology, user level of expertise and confidence, organizational impact, and just recently power issues. However, the trade-off between informational fluxes versus control has been disregarded. So, our intention is to discuss such gap, and for that, the overall structure of the chapter is: information, search engines, control and its dimensions, and exploit Google as a case study

    The human centred approach to bionanotechnology in telemedicine: ethical considerations

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    The information and communication technologies (ICTs) field is expanding rapidly and affecting several domains of mankind, as for example healthcare. Therefore, ICTs can act as an enabler or a provider these fields through telemedicine. Consequently, promoting an human centred and ethical approach is the primary challenge concerning ICT healthcare innovation. Simultaneously, can we deter- or at least discourage- innovation that serves malicious ends, or that causes serious threats to humanity? So, the purpose of this contribution is to discuss the relationship between ICT evolution and healthcare, particularly concerning a specific correlated research fields: bionanotechnology and telemedicine. For that, we will focus in its applications, and sort of ethical and moral dilemmas encompasses