196 research outputs found

    Stable dark and bright soliton Kerr combs can coexist in normal dispersion resonators

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    Using the Lugiato-Lefever model, we analyze the effects of third order chromatic dispersion on the existence and stability of dark and bright soliton Kerr frequency combs in the normal dispersion regime. While in the absence of third order dispersion only dark solitons exist over an extended parameter range, we find that third order dispersion allows for stable dark and bright solitons to coexist. Reversibility is broken and the shape of the switching waves connecting the top and bottom homogeneous solutions is modified. Bright solitons come into existence thanks to the generation of oscillations in the switching wave profiles. Finally, oscillatory instabilities of dark solitons are also suppressed in the presence of sufficiently strong third order dispersion

    Interaction of solitons and the formation of bound states in the generalized Lugiato-Lefever equation

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    Bound states, also called soliton molecules, can form as a result of the interaction between individual solitons. This interaction is mediated through the tails of each soliton that overlap with one another. When such soliton tails have spatial oscillations, locking or pinning between two solitons can occur at fixed distances related with the wavelength of these oscillations, thus forming a bound state. In this work, we study the formation and stability of various types of bound states in the Lugiato-Lefever equation by computing their interaction potential and by analyzing the properties of the oscillatory tails. Moreover, we study the effect of higher order dispersion and noise in the pump intensity on the dynamics of bound states. In doing so, we reveal that perturbations to the Lugiato-Lefever equation that maintain reversibility, such as fourth order dispersion, lead to bound states that tend to separate from one another in time when noise is added. This separation force is determined by the shape of the envelope of the interaction potential, as well as an additional Brownian ratchet effect. In systems with broken reversibility, such as third order dispersion, this ratchet effect continues to push solitons within a bound state apart. However, the force generated by the envelope of the potential is now such that it pushes the solitons towards each other, leading to a null net drift of the solitons.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Drifting instabilities of cavity solitons in vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers with frequency selective feedback

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    In this paper we study the formation and dynamics of self-propelled cavity solitons (CSs) in a model for vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) subjected to external frequency selective feedback (FSF), and build their bifurcation diagram for the case where carrier dynamics is eliminated. For low pump currents, we find that they emerge from the modulational instability point of the trivial solution, where traveling waves with a critical wavenumber are formed. For large currents, the branch of self-propelled solitons merges with the branch of resting solitons via a pitchfork bifurcation. We also show that a feedback phase variation of 2\pi can transform a CS (whether resting or moving) into a different one associated to an adjacent longitudinal external cavity mode. Finally, we investigate the influence of the carrier dynamics, relevant for VCSELs. We find and analyze qualitative changes in the stability properties of resting CSs when increasing the carrier relaxation time. In addition to a drifting instability of resting CSs, a new kind of instability appears for certain ranges of carrier lifetime, leading to a swinging motion of the CS center position. Furthermore, for carrier relaxation times typical of VCSELs the system can display multistability of CSs.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Elementary Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Effective Magnetic Field

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    We calculate the low energy elementary excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an effective magnetic field. The field is created by the interplay between light beams carrying orbital angular momentum and the trapped atoms. We examine the role of the homogeneous magnetic field, familiar from studies of rotating condensates, and also investigate spectra for vector potentials with a more general radial dependence. We discuss the instabilities which arise and how these may be manifested.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    From one- to two-dimensional solitons in the Ginzburg-Landau model of lasers with frequency selective feedback

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    We use the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation coupled to a dissipative linear equation as a model of lasers with an external frequency-selective feedback. It is known that the feedback can stabilize the one-dimensional (1D) self-localized mode. We aim to extend the analysis to 2D stripe-shaped and vortex solitons. The radius of the vortices increases linearly with their topological charge, mm, therefore the flat-stripe soliton may be interpreted as the vortex with m=∞m=\infty, while vortex solitons can be realized as stripes bent into rings. The results for the vortex solitons are applicable to a broad class of physical systems. There is a qualitative agreement between our results and those recently reported for models with saturable nonlinearity.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Impact of nonlocal interactions in dissipative systems: towards minimal-sized localized structures

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    In order to investigate the size limit on spatial localized structures in a nonlinear system, we explore the impact of linear nonlocality on their domains of existence and stability. Our system of choice is an optical microresonator containing an additional metamaterial layer in the cavity, allowing the nonlocal response of the material to become the dominating spatial process. In that case, our bifurcation analysis shows that this nonlocality imposes a new limit on the width of localized structures going beyond the traditional diffraction limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bifurcation structure of periodic patterns in the Lugiato-Lefever equation with anomalous dispersion

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    We study the stability and bifurcation structure of spatially extended patterns arising in nonlin- ear optical resonators with a Kerr-type nonlinearity and anomalous group velocity dispersion, as described by the Lugiato-Lefever equation. While there exists a one-parameter family of patterns with different wavelengths, we focus our attention on the pattern with critical wave number k c arising from the modulational instability of the homogeneous state. We find that the branch of solutions associated with this pattern connects to a branch of patterns with wave number 2kc2k_c . This next branch also connects to a branch of patterns with double wave number, this time 4kc4k_c , and this process repeats through a series of 2:1 spatial resonances. For values of the detuning parameter approaching θ=2\theta = 2 from below the critical wave number kck_c approaches zero and this bifurcation structure is related to the foliated snaking bifurcation structure organizing spatially localized bright solitons. Secondary bifurcations that these patterns undergo and the resulting temporal dynamics are also studied.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Coupled-mode theory for photonic band-gap inhibition of spatial instabilities

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    We study the inhibition of pattern formation in nonlinear optical systems using intracavity photonic crystals. We consider mean-field models for singly and doubly degenerate optical parametric oscillators. Analytical expressions for the new (higher) modulational thresholds and the size of the "band gap" as a function of the system and photonic crystal parameters are obtained via a coupled-mode theory. Then, by means of a nonlinear analysis, we derive amplitude equations for the unstable modes and find the stationary solutions above threshold. The form of the unstable mode is different in the lower and upper parts of the band gap. In each part there is bistability between two spatially shifted patterns. In large systems stable wall defects between the two solutions are formed and we provide analytical expressions for their shape. The analytical results are favorably compared with results obtained from the full system equations. Inhibition of pattern formation can be used to spatially control signal generation in the transverse plane
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