73 research outputs found

    From Macroplastic to Microplastic Litter: Occurrence, Composition, Source Identification and Interaction with Aquatic Organisms. Experiences from the Adriatic Sea

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    Marine litter is human-created waste that has been discharged into the coastal or marine environment. “Marine debris” is defined as anthropogenic, manufactured, or processed solid material discarded, disposed of, or abandoned in the environment, including all materials discarded into the sea, on the shore, or brought indirectly to the sea by rivers, sewage, storm water, waves, or winds. A large fraction of marine debris is made up of plastic items. Plastic marine debris has become one of the most prevalent pollution related problems affecting the marine environment globally. The widespread challenge of managing marine litter is a useful illustration of the global and transboundary nature of many marine environmental problems. At a global level, plastic litter constitutes 83–87% of all marine litter. Land-based sources are estimated to be responsible for approximately 80% of marine litter. The largest portion of plastic associated with marine pollution is often linked to the contribution from terrestrial sources associated with accidental or deliberate spills as well as inefficient waste management systems in heavily anthropized coastal regions. This chapter is intended to serve as a catalyst for further discussion to explore the potential for developing a Mediterranean regional framework for addressing marine litter

    Microplastic pollution in drinking water

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    Biological effects monitoring of a thermomechanical cleaned cuttings discharge from the Johan Sverdrup installation

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    Prosjektleder Steven BrooksThe following study describes an integrated biological effects monitoring programme using field transplanted mussels to determine the potential effects of thermomechanical cleaned cuttings (TCC) discharged from the Johan Sverdrup installation in the North Sea. Chemical body burden (PAHs, metals) and a suite of biological effects markers were measured in mussels positioned at strategic locations in the Johan Sverdrup field for 6-7 weeks and compared to two reference locations and a day zero (T0) group. The biomarkers measured in the mussels included: condition index (CI); stress on stress (SoS); micronuclei (MN); lysosomal membrane stability (LMS); metallothionein (MT) and gill and digestive gland histology. Based on oceanographic parameters, the DREAM model was employed to predict, and then later confirm, the direction of the TCC plume during the discharge period. Exposure to the TCC was limited to a 3-day window at the end of the mussel exposure but this was considered representative of the sporadic nature of the TCC discharge. PAH body burden in mussels was low in all mussel groups positioned at the Johan Sverdrup installation, although slightly above the reference and day zero mussel groups. Metal concentrations were either on or below the lower limit of the Norwegian classification scale for metal concentrations in mussel tissue indicating insignificant risk. Overall, the biomarker responses were considered low and did not differentiate significantly between the mussel groups. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed no clear association between the chemical and biological responses in mussels and proximity to the Johan Sverdrup installation. The short duration of exposure to the TCC discharge may be partly responsible for the lack of chemical accumulation and biological response observed.EquinorpublishedVersio

    Status and future recommendations for recording and monitoring litter on the Arctic seafloor

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    Marine litter in the Arctic Basin is influenced by transport from Atlantic and Pacific waters. This highlights the need for harmonization of guidelines across regions. Monitoring can be used to assess temporal and spatial trends but can also be used to assess if environmental objectives are reached, for example, to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Seafloor monitoring by trawling needs substantial resources and specific sampling strategies to be sufficiently robust to demonstrate changes over time. Observation and visual evaluation in shallow and deep waters using towed camera systems, remotely operated underwater vehicles, and submersibles are well suited for the Arctic environment. The use of imagery still needs to be adjusted through automation and image analyses, including deep learning approaches and data management, but will also serve to monitor areas with a rocky seafloor. We recommend developing a monitoring plan for seafloor litter by selecting representative sites for visual inspection that cover different depths and substrata in marine landscapes, and recording the litter collected or observed across all forms of seafloor sampling or imaging. We need better coverage and knowledge of status of seafloor litter for the whole Arctic and recommend initiatives to be taken for regions where such knowledge is lacking.publishedVersio

    Kartlegging av mikroplastkilder i urbant miljø fra land til sjø – kilder, mengder og spredning

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    Studien har kartlagt og undersøkt mengdene, spredningen og kildene til mikroplast (<1mm) i bymiljøet i Bergen, Norge. Mikroplastkonsentrasjonene ble undersøkt i syv ulike miljøområder og identifisert med Pyr-GCMS og ATR-FTIR ved NORCE Plastlab. Avløpsslam, og slam fra biogassanlegget er oppkonsentrert slam, og hadde som forventet de høyeste mengdene mikroplast. I trafikkerte gater hadde sandfangskummer og kostemasser det høyeste innholdet av både dekkpartikler og andre plastpolymerer. Dekkpartikler dominerte, men også PVC bidro betydelig, og begge økte signifikant med trafikkmengde. Resultatene indikerte at høy kostefrekvens reduserer plastkonsentrasjonen i kostemasser. Vi fant at tiltak rundt kunstgressbaner effektivt begrenser spredning av granulat, og det var ingen signifikant økning i granulatmengden rundt banen, i gaten eller sandfang ved idrettsbanen etter ett års bruk. Ved lekeplasser fant vi både mikro- og makroplast fra fallunderlagene i miljøet rundt. Vi fant også plast i luften og i alle fjellprøvene. Prosjektresultatene kan brukes av kommunen som et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å prioritere tiltak og evaluere effekten av disse.Kartlegging av mikroplastkilder i urbant miljø fra land til sjø – kilder, mengder og spredningpublishedVersio

    Status and future recommendations for recording and monitoring litter on the Arctic seafloor

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    Marine litter in the Arctic Basin is influenced by transport from Atlantic and Pacific waters. This highlights the need for harmonization of guidelines across regions. Monitoring can be used to assess temporal and spatial trends but can also be used to assess if environmental objectives are reached, for example to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Seafloor monitoring by trawling needs substantial resources and specific sampling strategies to be sufficiently robust to demonstrate changes over time. Observation and visual evaluation in shallow and deep waters using towed camera systems, ROVs and submersibles are well suited for the Arctic environment. The use of imagery still needs to be adjusted through automation and image analyses, including deep learning approaches and data management, but will also serve to monitor areas with a rocky seafloor. We recommend developing a monitoring plan for seafloor litter by selecting representative sites for visual inspection that cover different depths and substrata in marine landscapes, and recording the litter collected or observed across all forms of seafloor sampling or imaging. We need better coverage and knowledge of status of seafloor litter for the whole Arctic and recommend initiatives to be taken for regions where such knowledge is lacking. </jats:p

    The Norwegian Water Column Monitoring programme 2021: Assessing the impacts of Ekofisk and Eldfisk offshore oil and gas installations on the marine environment

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    Prosjektleder: Steven BrooksThe Norwegian offshore Water Column Monitoring (WCM) programme investigated the potential effects of Ekofisk and Eldfisk oil and gas installations on the marine environment. Produced water (PW) impacts were assessed in the water column by deploying monitoring stations containing mussels, passive samplers (PSDs), scallops and scientific equipment downstream of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk installations for 6 weeks at 2 depths between March and May 2021 and compared to two reference stations and a day zero group. Chemical and biological effects were measured and a clear relationship between PAH concentration in mussels and proximity to the Ekofisk installation was shown in the 20 m mussels reaching background concentrations in mussels 4000 m downstream. Only low concentrations were found in the Eldfisk mussels and 40 m mussels and scallops showing low exposure to the PW plume. Biological responses in mussels represented a weak response to low PW exposure. In addition, demersal fish were collected from within the Ekofisk safety zone and three regions of the North Sea (Ekofisk region, Egersundbank, Vikingbank). Integrated chemical and biological effects were measured, a relationship between PAH exposure (liver /metabolites) in dab and CYP1A activity (EROD and CYP1A protein), with higher levels in dab populations living in areas of oil and gas activity. Genotoxicity was also observed in cod and dab from the Ekofisk.Offshore Norway, represented by ConocoPhillipspublishedVersio

    The Norwegian Water Column Monitoring programme 2021: Assessing the impacts of Ekofisk and Eldfisk offshore oil and gas installations on the marine environment

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    The Norwegian offshore Water Column Monitoring (WCM) programme investigated the potential effects of Ekofisk and Eldfisk oil and gas installations on the marine environment. Produced water (PW) impacts were assessed in the water column by deploying monitoring stations containing mussels, passive samplers (PSDs), scallops and scientific equipment downstream of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk installations for 6 weeks at 2 depths between March and May 2021 and compared to two reference stations and a day zero group. Chemical and biological effects were measured and a clear relationship between PAH concentration in mussels and proximity to the Ekofisk installation was shown in the 20 m mussels reaching background concentrations in mussels 4000 m downstream. Only low concentrations were found in the Eldfisk mussels and 40 m mussels and scallops showing low exposure to the PW plume. Biological responses in mussels represented a weak response to low PW exposure. In addition, demersal fish were collected from within the Ekofisk safety zone and three regions of the North Sea (Ekofisk region, Egersundbank, Vikingbank). Integrated chemical and biological effects were measured, a relationship between PAH exposure (liver /metabolites) in dab and CYP1A activity (EROD and CYP1A protein), with higher levels in dab populations living in areas of oil and gas activity. Genotoxicity was also observed in cod and dab from the Ekofisk.publishedVersio

    The Norwegian Water Column Monitoring programme 2021: Assessing the impacts of Ekofisk and Eldfisk offshore oil and gas installations on the marine environment

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    The Norwegian offshore Water Column Monitoring (WCM) programme investigated the potential effects of Ekofisk and Eldfisk oil and gas installations on the marine environment. Produced water (PW) impacts were assessed in the water column by deploying monitoring stations containing mussels, passive samplers (PSDs), scallops and scientific equipment downstream of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk installations for 6 weeks at 2 depths between March and May 2021 and compared to two reference stations and a day zero group. Chemical and biological effects were measured and a clear relationship between PAH concentration in mussels and proximity to the Ekofisk installation was shown in the 20 m mussels reaching background concentrations in mussels 4000 m downstream. Only low concentrations were found in the Eldfisk mussels and 40 m mussels and scallops showing low exposure to the PW plume. Biological responses in mussels represented a weak response to low PW exposure. In addition, demersal fish were collected from within the Ekofisk safety zone and three regions of the North Sea (Ekofisk region, Egersundbank, Vikingbank). Integrated chemical and biological effects were measured, a relationship between PAH exposure (liver /metabolites) in dab and CYP1A activity (EROD and CYP1A protein), with higher levels in dab populations living in areas of oil and gas activity. Genotoxicity was also observed in cod and dab from the Ekofisk.publishedVersio