39 research outputs found

    Dynamic changes in the epigenomic landscape regulate human organogenesis and link to developmental disorders

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    How the genome activates or silences transcriptional programmes governs organ formation. Little is known in human embryos undermining our ability to benchmark the fidelity of stem cell differentiation or cell programming, or interpret the pathogenicity of noncoding variation. Here, we study histone modifications across thirteen tissues during human organogenesis. We integrate the data with transcription to build an overview of how the human genome differentially regulates alternative organ fates including by repression. Promoters from nearly 20,000 genes partition into discrete states. Key developmental gene sets are actively repressed outside of the appropriate organ without obvious bivalency. Candidate enhancers, functional in zebrafish, allow imputation of tissue-specific and shared patterns of transcription factor binding. Overlaying more than 700 noncoding mutations from patients with developmental disorders allows correlation to unanticipated target genes. Taken together, the data provide a comprehensive genomic framework for investigating normal and abnormal human development

    Comparative epigenomics in distantly related teleost species identifies conserved cis-regulatory nodes active during the vertebrate phylotypic period

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    The complex relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny has been the subject of attention and controversy since von Baer’s formulations in the 19th century. The classic concept that embryogenesis progresses from clade general features to species-specific characters has often been revisited. It has become accepted that embryos from a clade show maximum morphological similarity at the so-called phylotypic period (i.e., during mid-embryogenesis). According to the hourglass model, body plan conservation would depend on constrained molecular mechanisms operating at this period. More recently, comparative transcriptomic analyses have provided conclusive evidence that such molecular constraints exist. Examining cis-regulatory architecture during the phylotypic period is essential to understand the evolutionary source of body plan stability. Here we compare transcriptomes and key epigenetic marks (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) from medaka (Oryzias latipes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio), two distantly related teleosts separated by an evolutionary distance of 115-200 Myr. We show that comparison of transcriptome profiles correlates with anatomical similarities and heterochronies observed at the phylotypic stage. Through comparative epigenomics, we uncover a pool of conserved regulatory regions (approximate to 700), which are active during the vertebrate phylotypic period in both species. Moreover, we show that their neighboring genes encode mainly transcription factors with fundamental roles in tissue specification. We postulate that these regulatory regions, active in both teleost genomes, represent key constrained nodes of the gene networks that sustain the vertebrate body plan

    Drosophila Araucan and Caupolican Integrate Intrinsic and Signalling Inputs for the Acquisition by Muscle Progenitors of the Lateral Transverse Fate

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    A central issue of myogenesis is the acquisition of identity by individual muscles. In Drosophila, at the time muscle progenitors are singled out, they already express unique combinations of muscle identity genes. This muscle code results from the integration of positional and temporal signalling inputs. Here we identify, by means of loss-of-function and ectopic expression approaches, the Iroquois Complex homeobox genes araucan and caupolican as novel muscle identity genes that confer lateral transverse muscle identity. The acquisition of this fate requires that Araucan/Caupolican repress other muscle identity genes such as slouch and vestigial. In addition, we show that Caupolican-dependent slouch expression depends on the activation state of the Ras/Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase cascade. This provides a comprehensive insight into the way Iroquois genes integrate in muscle progenitors, signalling inputs that modulate gene expression and protein activity

    The emergence of the brain non-CpG methylation system in vertebrates

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    Mammalian brains feature exceptionally high levels of non-CpG DNA methylation alongside the canonical form of CpG methylation. Non-CpG methylation plays a critical regulatory role in cognitive function, which is mediated by the binding of MeCP2, the transcriptional regulator that when mutated causes Rett Syndrome. However, it is unclear if the non-CpG neural methylation system is restricted to mammalian species with complex cognitive abilities or has deeper evolutionary origins. To test this, we investigated brain DNA methylation across 12 distant animal lineages, revealing that non-CpG methylation is restricted to vertebrates. We discovered that in vertebrates, non-CpG methylation is enriched within a highly conserved set of developmental genes transcriptionally repressed in adult brains, indicating that it demarcates a deeply conserved regulatory program. Concomitantly, we found that the writer of non-CpG methylation, DNMT3A, and the reader, MeCP2, originated at the onset of vertebrates as a result of the ancestral vertebrate whole genome duplication. Together, we demonstrate how this novel layer of epigenetic information assembled at the root of vertebrates and gained new regulatory roles independent of the ancestral form of the canonical CpG methylation. This suggests the emergence of non-CpG methylation may have fostered the evolution of sophisticated cognitive abilities found in the vertebrate lineage

    The TERT variant rs2736100 is associated with colorectal cancer risk

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    BACKGROUND: Polymorphic variation at the 5p15.33 (TERT-CLPTM1L) locus is associated with the risk of many cancers but a relationship with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk has yet to be defined. METHODS: We used data from six genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of CRC, linkage disequilibrium mapping and imputation, to examine the relationship between 73 single-nucleotide polymorphisms at 5p15.33 and CRC risk in detail. RESULTS: rs2736100, which localises to intron 2 of TERT, provided the strongest evidence of an association with CRC (P=2.28 Γ— 10⁻⁴). The association was also shown in an independent series of 10 047 CRC cases and 6918 controls (P=0.02). A meta-analysis of all seven studies (totalling 16 039 cases, 16 430 controls) provided increased evidence of association (P=2.49 Γ— 10⁻⁡; per allele odds ratio=1.07). The association of rs2736100 on CRC risk was shown to be independent of 15 low-penetrance variants previously identified. CONCLUSION: The rs2736100 association demonstrates an influence of variation at 5p15.33 on CRC risk and further evidence that the 5p15.33 (TERT-CLPTM1L) locus has pleiotropic effects (reflecting generic or lineage-specific effects) on cancer risk

    Drosophila TIEG Is a Modulator of Different Signalling Pathways Involved in Wing Patterning and Cell Proliferation

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    Acquisition of a final shape and size during organ development requires a regulated program of growth and patterning controlled by a complex genetic network of signalling molecules that must be coordinated to provide positional information to each cell within the corresponding organ or tissue. The mechanism by which all these signals are coordinated to yield a final response is not well understood. Here, I have characterized the Drosophila ortholog of the human TGF-Ξ² Inducible Early Gene 1 (dTIEG). TIEG are zinc-finger proteins that belong to the KrΓΌppel-like factor (KLF) family and were initially identified in human osteoblasts and pancreatic tumor cells for the ability to enhance TGF-Ξ² response. Using the developing wing of Drosophila as β€œin vivo” model, the dTIEG function has been studied in the control of cell proliferation and patterning. These results show that dTIEG can modulate Dpp signalling. Furthermore, dTIEG also regulates the activity of JAK/STAT pathway suggesting a conserved role of TIEG proteins as positive regulators of TGF-Ξ² signalling and as mediators of the crosstalk between signalling pathways acting in a same cellular context

    Genome-Wide Tissue-Specific Occupancy of the Hox Protein Ultrabithorax and Hox Cofactor Homothorax in Drosophila

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    The Hox genes are responsible for generating morphological diversity along the anterior-posterior axis during animal development. The Drosophila Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx), for example, is required for specifying the identity of the third thoracic (T3) segment of the adult, which includes the dorsal haltere, an appendage required for flight, and the ventral T3 leg. Ubx mutants show homeotic transformations of the T3 leg towards the identity of the T2 leg and the haltere towards the wing. All Hox genes, including Ubx, encode homeodomain containing transcription factors, raising the question of what target genes Ubx regulates to generate these adult structures. To address this question, we carried out whole genome ChIP-chip studies to identify all of the Ubx bound regions in the haltere and T3 leg imaginal discs, which are the precursors to these adult structures. In addition, we used ChIP-chip to identify the sites bound by the Hox cofactor, Homothorax (Hth). In contrast to previous ChIP-chip studies carried out in Drosophila embryos, these binding studies reveal that there is a remarkable amount of tissue- and transcription factor-specific binding. Analyses of the putative target genes bound and regulated by these factors suggest that Ubx regulates many downstream transcription factors and developmental pathways in the haltere and T3 leg. Finally, we discovered additional DNA sequence motifs that in some cases are specific for individual data sets, arguing that Ubx and/or Hth work together with many regionally expressed transcription factors to execute their functions. Together, these data provide the first whole-genome analysis of the binding sites and target genes regulated by Ubx to specify the morphologies of the adult T3 segment of the fly

    Human GLI3 Intragenic Conserved Non-Coding Sequences Are Tissue-Specific Enhancers

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    The zinc-finger transcription factor GLI3 is a key regulator of development, acting as a primary transducer of Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling in a combinatorial context dependent fashion controlling multiple patterning steps in different tissues/organs. A tight temporal and spatial control of gene expression is indispensable, however, cis-acting sequence elements regulating GLI3 expression have not yet been reported. We show that 11 ancient genomic DNA signatures, conserved from the pufferfish Takifugu (Fugu) rubripes to man, are distributed throughout the introns of human GLI3. They map within larger conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) that are found in the tetrapod lineage. Full length CNEs transiently transfected into human cell cultures acted as cell type specific enhancers of gene transcription. The regulatory potential of these elements is conserved and was exploited to direct tissue specific expression of a reporter gene in zebrafish embryos. Assays of deletion constructs revealed that the human-Fugu conserved sequences within the GLI3 intronic CNEs were essential but not sufficient for full-scale transcriptional activation. The enhancer activity of the CNEs is determined by a combinatorial effect of a core sequence conserved between human and teleosts (Fugu) and flanking tetrapod-specific sequences, suggesting that successive clustering of sequences with regulatory potential around an ancient, highly conserved nucleus might be a possible mechanism for the evolution of cis-acting regulatory elements

    Mammalian MicroRNA Prediction through a Support Vector Machine Model of Sequence and Structure

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous small noncoding RNA gene products, on average 22 nt long, found in a wide variety of organisms. They play important regulatory roles by targeting mRNAs for degradation or translational repression. There are 377 known mouse miRNAs and 475 known human miRNAs in the May 2007 release of the miRBase database, the majority of which are conserved between the two species. A number of recent reports imply that it is likely that many mammalian miRNAs remain to be discovered. The possibility that there are more of them expressed at lower levels or in more specialized expression contexts calls for the exploitation of genome sequence information to accelerate their discovery. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this article, we describe a computational method-mirCoS-that uses three support vector machine models sequentially to discover new miRNA candidates in mammalian genomes based on sequence, secondary structure, and conservation. mirCoS can efficiently detect the majority of known miRNAs and predicts an extensive set of hairpin structures based on human-mouse comparisons. In total, 3476 mouse candidates and 3441 human candidates were found. These hairpins are more similar to known miRNAs than to negative controls in several aspects not considered by the prediction algorithm. A significant fraction of predictions is supported by existing expression evidence. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using a novel approach, mirCoS performs comparably to or better than existing miRNA prediction methods, and contributes a significant number of new candidate miRNAs for experimental verification

    Candidate Gene Screen in the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium Reveals Six3 as Ancient Regulator of Anterior Median Head and Central Complex Development

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    Several highly conserved genes play a role in anterior neural plate patterning of vertebrates and in head and brain patterning of insects. However, head involution in Drosophila has impeded a systematic identification of genes required for insect head formation. Therefore, we use the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum in order to comprehensively test the function of orthologs of vertebrate neural plate patterning genes for a function in insect head development. RNAi analysis reveals that most of these genes are indeed required for insect head capsule patterning, and we also identified several genes that had not been implicated in this process before. Furthermore, we show that Tc-six3/optix acts upstream of Tc-wingless, Tc-orthodenticle1, and Tc-eyeless to control anterior median development. Finally, we demonstrate that Tc-six3/optix is the first gene known to be required for the embryonic formation of the central complex, a midline-spanning brain part connected to the neuroendocrine pars intercerebralis. These functions are very likely conserved among bilaterians since vertebrate six3 is required for neuroendocrine and median brain development with certain mutations leading to holoprosencephaly