4,636 research outputs found

    Methodological Flaws in Cognitive Animat Research

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    In the field of convergence between research in autonomous machine construction and biological systems understanding it is usually argued that building robots for research on auton- omy by replicating extant animals is a valuable strategy for engineering autonomous intelligent systems. In this paper we will address the very issue of animat construction, the ratio- nale behind this, their current implementations and the value they are producing. It will be shown that current activity, as it is done today, is deeply flawed and useless as research in the science and engineering of autonomy

    Climatic Factors and Influenza Transmission, Spain, 2010-2015

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    The spatio-temporal distribution of influenza is linked to variations in meteorological factors, like temperature, absolute humidity, or the amount of rainfall. The aim of this study was to analyse the association between influenza activity, and meteorological variables in Spain, across five influenza seasons: 2010-2011 through to 2014-2015 using generalized linear negative binomial mixed models that we calculated the weekly influenza proxies, defined as the weekly influenza-like illness rates, multiplied by the weekly proportion of respiratory specimens that tested positive for influenza. The results showed an association between influenza transmission and dew point and cumulative precipitation. In increase in the dew point temperature of 5 degrees produces a 7% decrease in the Weekly Influenza Proxy (RR 0.928, IC: 0.891-0.966), and while an increase of 10 mm in weekly rainfall equates to a 17% increase in the Weekly Influenza Proxy (RR 1.172, IC: 1.097-1.251). Influenza transmission in Spain is influenced by variations in meteorological variables as temperature, absolute humidity, or the amount of rainfall.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project “PI15/01398” (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund “Investing in your future”).S

    Tu sólo, Todos juntos, Respuesta Inmediata a los Alumnos que es la tutoría

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    Los nuevos Planes de Estudios incluyen apartados sobre las Tutorías, generalmente encaminadas hacia la adjudicación de un grupo de alumnos a un profesor Tutor/Mentor durante toda su vida universitaria. Sobre el papel queda bien, pero puede haber profesores que lo consideren “una labor más”, con el consiguiente abandono o paso a un segundo plano de este difícil quehacer, que además requiere bastante tiempo y dedicación. Consideramos que la labor del TUTOR queda poco definida. Podemos apoyarnos en la bibliografía existente sobre las tutorías, pero ninguna responde a las necesidades globales por lo que sería una misión del Centro, o mejor aún de la Institución, quienes recojan y elaboren el material adecuado para las necesidades de nuestra Universidad. Si no se logra organizar la Acción Tutorial en conjunto, habrá profesores que intenten cumplirla, sintiéndose muy solos en ocasiones, y habrá profesores que “pasen” porque no la consideran una labor propiamente académica

    Análisis Preliminar de la Influencia del Proceso de Torneado en la vida a fatiga de la Aleación de Aluminio UNS A92024-T351

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    Generalmente los elementos estructurales metálicos de las aeronaves se ubican en zonas de carga crítica, en la mayoría de los casos, estos elementos son conformados mediante procesos de mecanizado. La vida a fatiga de estos componentes es una propiedad dinámica muy importante que puede verse intensamente afectada por las condiciones superficiales producidas durante el proceso de mecanizado. En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un primer estudio de la influencia de los parámetros de corte en la resistencia a la fatiga de piezas torneadas de la aleación de aluminio aeronáutico UNS A92024-T351. Se ha prestado especial atención a la relación con el acabado superficial evaluado a partir de la rugosidad media aritmétic

    Diels-Alder reactions in confined spaces: the influence of catalyst structure and the nature of active sites for the retro-Diels-Alder reaction

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    Diels-Alder cycloaddition between cyclopentadiene and p-benzoquinone has been studied in the confined space of a pure silica zeolite Beta and the impact on reaction rate due to the concentration effect within the pore and diffusion limitations are discussed. Introduction of Lewis or Bronsted acid sites on the walls of the zeolite strongly increases the reaction rate. However, contrary to what occurs with mesoporous molecular sieves (MCM-41), Beta zeolite does not catalyse the retro-Diels-Alder reaction, resulting in a highly selective catalyst for the cycloaddition reaction.Financial support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through projects MAT2015-71261-R and CTQ2014-54987-P, are greatly acknowledged. M. V. Gomez thanks MINECO for participation in the Ramon y Cajal program. The authors thank M. Moliner, M. T. Navarro, S. Valencia for providing all the catalytic materials used in this study.Cantin Sanz, A.; Gomez, MV.; De La Hoz, A. (2016). Diels-Alder reactions in confined spaces: the influence of catalyst structure and the nature of active sites for the retro-Diels-Alder reaction. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 12:2181-2188. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjoc.12.208S218121881

    Vector Meson Dominance as the first order of a sequence of Pade Approximants

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    The use of Pade Approximants for the analysis of the pion vector form-factor is discussed and justified in this talk. The method is tested first in a theoretical model and applied then on real experimental data. It is shown how the Pade Approximants provide a convenient and reliable framework to incorporate both low and high energy information in the euclidean region, leading to improved determinations of the low energy parameters such as, e.g., the quadratic radius ^pi_V.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, espcrc2 style. To appear in the proceedings of the 14th International QCD Conference, QCD 08, 7-12 July 2008, Montpellier (France

    Therapeutic Response After Immunosuppressive Drug Prescription in Non-infectious Uveitis: A Survival Analysis

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    Immunosuppressive drugs; Response to therapyMedicaments immunosupressors; Resposta al tractamentMedicamentos inmunosupresores; Respuesta al tratamientoIntroduction To identify factors affecting the response rate to immunosuppressive drugs (ISDs) in patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods This longitudinal retrospective cohort study included patients from the Hospital Clinico San Carlos Uveitis Clinic diagnosed with NIU from 1992 to 2016. Subjects were followed up from ISD prescription until the achievement of good therapeutic response (GTR), ISD treatment change, or up to 12 months. GTR was defined as the complete resolution of the eye inflammatory manifestations with a corticosteroid dose ≤ 10 or ≤ 5 mg per day of prednisone or equivalent (GTR10 and GTR5, respectively) maintained for at least 28 days. Kaplan–Meier curves were estimated for GTR. Demographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors were analyzed using Cox robust regression. Results A total of 73 patients (100 episodes of ISD prescription) were analyzed. In 44 and 41 episodes, GTR10 and GTR5 were achieved, respectively. A lower hazard for both GTRs was associated with uveitic macular edema at prescription and with a higher “highest oral corticosteroid dose prescribed in the year before ISD prescription”. GTR10 was higher if cyclosporine was prescribed (compared to other ISDs), and if a higher number of ISDs had been previously prescribed. GTR5 hazard was lower for patients with posterior uveitis or if the ISDs were prescribed before 2008, and higher if periocular corticosteroids had been administered before ISD prescription, or if the duration of the posterior segment activity was shorter. Conclusions Factors associated with GTR to ISDs may help to identify patients with NIUs who could benefit from a thorough follow-up.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Health, Madrid, Spain [ICI19/00020; PI20/01221; RD21/002/0001]. The sponsor or funding organization had no role in the design or conduct of this research. The journal’s Rapid Service Fee was funded by the institution employing the senior author of the manuscript (Fundación Biomédica del Hospital Clínico San Carlos)