993 research outputs found

    El caso de la naturaleza: los derechos sobre la mesa ¿decálogo o herramienta?

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    Se lleva a cabo un planteamiento del estatus de la naturaleza en el ordenamiento jurídico como sujeto y objeto de derechos. Para lograr este objetivo, los autores se valen de una metodología inductiva a partir de un análisis descriptivo desde la doctrina, jurisprudencia y normas primarias. Con ello, se busca, en primer lugar, responder a la cuestión de si es posible o no que un ordenamiento jurídico contemple derechos de la naturaleza; en segundo lugar, se pretende evidenciar cómo el reconocimiento de derechos sobre la naturaleza por parte de la jurisprudencia en Colombia cuenta con presupuestos comunes pese a que aún no se contemplan reglas claras sobre la asignación de derechos a la naturaleza. Al final, se realiza un llamado de atención para comprender esta figura más como un instrumento que el Estado debe utilizar a favor de la naturaleza, que como un decálogo de derechos

    Parental Concerns about the Health of Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: A Brief Report

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    Background. Parents of adolescents with intellectual disability are concerned about the future health and well-being needs of their children. Method. Qualitative data was collected as part of a cross-sectional descriptive study and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 parents. The results were themed. Results. Most parents discussed areas of their children's health which made them anxious about the future. These concerns were collated into five themes. Conclusion. The health and well-being themes were dependency, general health, challenging behaviours, and increasing support needs

    Auditoría interna y su relación con la ejecución presupuestal en la Municipalidad Distrital de Usicayos – 2021

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    El presente estudio de investigación denominado "Auditoría interna y su relación con la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021" tuvo como objetivo general. Establecer la relación que existe entre la auditoría interna y la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021. Además, con los objetivos explícitos adjuntos: Determinar la relación de la planeación de auditoría con la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021. Determinar la relación de la ejecución de la auditoria con la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021. Determinar la relación del informe de auditoría con la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021. Se propuso la especulación general adjunta: Existe relación significativa entre la auditoría interna y la ejecución presupuestal en la municipalidad distrital de Usicayos - 2021. Para ello se utilizaron datos obtenidos a través de las entrevistas a los trabajadores del sitio de revisión. La técnica utilizada fue un plan no exploratorio de tipo transversal expresivo y un enfoque de examen cuantitativo, ya que se diseccionaron frecuencias y tasas que muestran la forma de comportarse de la población objeto de estudio. El procedimiento utilizado fue un estudio de trabajadores. Los resultados evidencian que el grado de importancia es inferior a 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05); por lo tanto, se descarta la especulación inválida y se reconoce la teoría electiva. El coeficiente de conexión Chi-cuadrado con un valor de 0.040 por debajo del 5% permite decidir que existe una gran relación entre el examen interno y la ejecución del plan de gastos en la localidad de Usicayos

    Gestión logística y costos de servicio de la empresa de transporte A.G. Perú S.A.C., Ate 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre Gestión Logística con los costos de servicio de la empresa de transporte A.G. Perú S.A.C., Ate 2020. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo, el nivel es descriptivo y correlacional con un diseño de investigación no experimental de corte transversal. La población del estudio fueron 32 colaboradores de la empresa. Así mismo se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario con una escala tipo Likert, que permitió medir el coeficiente de fiabilidad del instrumento a través del alfa de Cronbach. los resultados obtenidos del objetivo general, se observa un nivel de correlación positiva alta con un Rho Spearman de 0,717, entre la gestión logística y costos de servicio, evidenciando que las decisiones que se eligen en la gestión logística tiene una relación directa con los costos de servicio en la organización

    Estudio de la resistividad eléctrica de distintos papeles de impresión y escritura

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    Las propiedades eléctricas del papel tienen gran interés debido al amplio espectro de sus aplicaciones. En este trabajo se han utilizado varios tipos de papel, de fibra virgen y fibra reciclada, con el fin de comprobar si las propiedades eléctricas dependen de la composición fibrosa y el tratamiento al que se ha les ha sometido. La resistencia eléctrica se ha medido utilizando un dispositivo que consta de dos electros de geometría circular, entre los que se coloca el papel. A continuación se establece una diferencia de potencial y se determina directamente la resistencia eléctrica en distintas condiciones de humedad relativa. Se ha validado el método de medida utilizando papel de impresión de 80 g/m2, comprobándose que los valores obtenidos están dentro de los rangos que se indican en la bibliografía. Una vez que se conocen la resistencia eléctrica, el espesor del papel y la sección de los electrodos, se puede determinar la resistividad de los papeles. A partir de estos resultados se ha buscado una relación entre la resistividad y el contenido de humedad, utilizando diversos modelos de regresión cuya validez se analiza en el trabajo. Se ha analizado también la influencia de varias propiedades del papel, como la densidad aparente o el contenido de cenizas, discutiéndose la influencia de estas propiedades en la resistividad

    Linear Amplification in Nonequilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers

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    Resolvent analysis is applied to nonequilibrium incompressible adverse pressure gradient (APG) turbulent boundary layers (TBL) and hypersonic boundary layers with high temperature real gas effects, including chemical nonequilibrium. Resolvent analysis is an equation-based, scale-dependent decomposition of the Navier Stokes equations, linearized about a known mean flow field. The decomposition identifies the optimal response and forcing modes, ranked by their linear amplification. To treat the nonequilibrium APG TBL, a biglobal resolvent analysis approach is used to account for the streamwise and wall-normal inhomogeneities in the streamwise developing flow. For the hypersonic boundary layer in chemical nonequilibrium, the resolvent analysis is constructed using a parallel flow assumption, incorporating N₂, O₂, NO, N, and O as a mixture of chemically reacting gases. Biglobal resolvent analysis is first applied to the zero pressure gradient (ZPG) TBL. Scaling relationships are determined for the spanwise wavenumber and temporal frequency that admit self-similar resolvent modes in the inner layer, mesolayer, and outer layer regions of the ZPG TBL. The APG effects on the inner scaling of the biglobal modes are shown to diminish as their self-similarity improves with increased Reynolds number. An increase in APG strength is shown to increase the linear amplification of the large-scale biglobal modes in the outer region, similar to the energization of large scale modes observed in simulation. The linear amplification of these modes grows linearly with the APG history, measured as the streamwise averaged APG strength, and relates to a novel pressure-based velocity scale. Resolvent analysis is then used to identify the length scales most affected by the high-temperature gas effects in hypersonic TBLs. It is shown that the high-temperature gas effects primarily affect modes localized near the peak mean temperature. Due to the chemical nonequilibrium effects, the modes can be linearly amplified through changes in chemical concentration, which have non-negligible effects on the higher order modes. Correlations in the components of the small-scale resolvent modes agree qualitatively with similar correlations in simulation data. Finally, efficient strategies for resolvent analysis are presented. These include an algorithm to autonomously sample the large amplification regions using a Bayesian Optimization-like approach and a projection-based method to approximate resolvent analysis through a reduced eigenvalue problem, derived from calculus of variations.</p

    Costs and outcomes of noncardioembolic ischemic stroke in a managed care population

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    Nicole M Engel-Nitz1, Stephen D Sander2, Carolyn Harley3, Gabriel Gomez Rey1, Hemal Shah21Health Economic and Outcomes Research, i3 Innovus, Eden Prairie, MN, USA; 2Health Economic and Outcomes Research, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ridgefield, CT, USA; 3Health Economic and Outcomes Research, i3 Innovus, Palo Alto, CA, USAPurpose: To evaluate the clinical outcomes and incremental health care costs of ischemic stroke in a US managed care population.Patients and methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was done on patients (aged 18+ years) hospitalized with noncardioembolic ischemic stroke from January 1, 2002, through &amp;shy;December 31, 2003, identified from commercial health plan administrative claims. New or recurrent stroke was based on history in the previous 12 months, with index date defined as first date of &amp;shy;indication of stroke. A control group without stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) was matched (1:3) on age, sex, and geographic region, with an index date defined as the first &amp;shy;medical claim during the patient identification period. Patients with atrial fibrillation or mitral value abnormalities were excluded. Ischemic stroke and control cohorts were compared on 4-year clinical outcomes and 1-year costs.Results: Of 2180 ischemic stroke patients, 1808 (82.9%) had new stroke and 372 (17.1%) had a recurrent stroke. Stroke patients had higher unadjusted rates of additional stroke, TIA, and fatal outcomes compared with the 6540 matched controls. Recurrent stroke patients had higher rates of adverse clinical outcomes compared with new stroke patients; costs attributed to recurrent stroke were also higher. Stroke patients were 2.4 times more likely to be hospitalized in follow-up compared with controls (hazard ratio [HR] 2.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.2, 2.6). Occurrence of stroke following discharge was 21 times more likely among patients with index stroke compared with controls (HR 21.0, 95% CI: 16.1, 27.3). Stroke was also predictive of death (HR 1.8, 95% CI: 1.3, 2.5). Controlling for covariates, stroke patients had significantly higher costs compared with control patients in the year following the index event.Conclusion: Noncardioembolic ischemic stroke patients had significantly poorer outcomes and higher costs compared with controls. Recurrent stroke appears to contribute substantially to these higher rates of adverse outcomes and costs.Keywords: burden of illness, stroke&amp;frasl;cerebrovascular accident, cardiovascular disease, claims analysis, costs of care, health care outcome

    The Origin of Amerindians and the Peopling of the Americas According to HLA Genes: Admixture with Asian and Pacific People

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    The classical three-waves theory of American peopling through Beringia was based on a mixed anthropological and linguistic methodology. The use of mtDNA, Y chromosome and other DNA markers offers different results according to the different markers and methodologies chosen by different authors. At present, the peopling of Americas remains uncertain, regarding: time of population, number of peopling waves and place of peopling entrance among other related issues. In the present review, we have gathered most available HLA data already obtained about First Native American populations, which raise some doubts about the classical three waves of American peopling hypothesis. In summary, our conclusions are: 1) North West Canadian Athabaskans have had gene flow with: a) close neighboring populations, b) Amerindians, c) Pacific Islanders including East Australians and d) Siberians; 2) Beringia was probably not the only entrance of people to America: Pacific Ocean boat trips may have contributed to the HLA genetic American profile (or the opposite could also be true); 3) Amerindians entrance to America may have been different to that of Athabaskans and Eskimos and Amerindians may have been in their lands long before Athabaskans and Eskimos because they present and altogether different set of HLA-DRB1 allele frequencies; 4) Amerindians show very few “particular alleles”, almost all are shared with other Amerindians, Athabaskans and Pacific Islanders, including East Australians and Siberians; 5) Our results do not support the three waves model of American peopling, but another model where the people entrance is not only Beringia, but also Pacific Coast. Reverse migration (America to Asia) is not discarded and different movements of people in either direction in different times are supported by the Athabaskan population admixture with Asian-Pacific population and with Amerindians, 6) HLA variability is more common than allele veriability in Amerindians. Finally, it is shown that gene genealogy analises should be completed with allele frequency analyses in population relatednes and migrations studies

    The safety and efficacy of the tetanus vaccine intramuscularly versus subcutaneously in anticoagulated patients: a randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: In patients treated with oral anticoagulants, subcutaneous injections of anti-tetanus vaccine are usually recommended to reduce the risk of bleeding, although the effectiveness of the vaccine has only been proven for intramuscular injection. The objective of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of tetanus-diphtheria vaccine in patients treated with oral anticoagulants. METHODS/DESIGN: We present a prospective, double blinded, clinical trial comparing two groups of patients with oral anticoagulants: one group was administered tetanus-diphtheria vaccine by intramuscular injection, while the other was administered the same vaccine by subcutaneous injection. Allocation to each group was randomized and the duration of the study was six years. STUDY POPULATION: all patients treated with oral anticoagulants, who had been administered with at least one dose of vaccine, at 15 Health Centres in Vigo (Spain), and who agreed to participate in the study. The sample size was 115 patients in each group. The main variables for the safety analysis were the measurement of the brachial diameter, the appearance of basic injuries at the vaccine administration site, the appearance of pain and systemic reactions. The variable used for the efficacy analysis was a significant increase in the titres of anti-tetanus toxoid antibodies.An Intention-to-treat analysis will be performed. Details will be classified according to the administration route, while within each group a 3-tiered stratification will be defined by the administered number of doses. As a measure of association, relative risk will be estimated; the reduction of relative risk will also measured. For safety and to control the confounder effect, a logistic regression analysis will be carried out. As a measure of impact the reduction of absolute risk in relation to the total number of patients to be treated and the Number Needed to Treat will be estimated.CONSORT 2010 guidelines were applied for reporting parallel group randomised trials. DISCUSSION: The most significant difficulties on the project are related to the large number of participating centres, required to obtain a viable study population sample size, and the coordination given the scattering of the centres and researchers. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN69942081

    Clinical and Molecular Study of the NOG Gene in Families with Mandibular Micrognathism

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    Q1Pacientes con Micrognatismo mandibularObjectives: Previous studies showed that noggin gene (NOG) sequence alterations, as well as epigenetic factors, could influence mandibular development. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical characteristics, NOG gene sequences, and promoter methylation sites in patients with mandibular micrognathism. Materials and Methods: A total of 35 individuals of five Colombian families were subject to clinical and cephalometric analysis for mandibular micrognathism. One nonaffected individual of each family was included as a control. DNA was isolated from whole blood sample from all individuals by salting out method. Nine NOG gene fragments were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Identification of CpG islands for methylation analysis at the NOG gene promoter was performed by MSP-PCR kit (Qiagen R). Statistical Analysis: A descriptive statistical analysis was carried out evaluating the presence or absence of genetics variants and the methylation sites in the NOG gene. Results: NOG sequence results of affected individuals with mandibular micrognathism for one of the families studied demonstrated that they were heterozygous for 672 C/A (new mutation). For a second family, individuals were heterozygous for 567 G/C (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP] RS116716909). For DNA analyzed from all patients studied, no methylations were observed at the NOG gene promoter region. Conclusion: Our results suggested that 672 C/A and 567 G/C variants could be involved in the presence of mandibular micrognathism. Moreover, lack of methylation sites at the NOG gene promoter region of all individuals studied suggests possibly other epigenetic factors could modulate mandibular growth. The search of genetic variants related with mandibular micrognathism will allow to predict in an integral way the development patterns of the patients and therefore establish a better clinical treatment.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2112-2563https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9879-9775https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0770-9138https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2527-3593Revista Internacional - IndexadaA2N