8,955 research outputs found

    The resilience of indigenous knowledge in small-scale African agriculture: key drivers

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    The successful use of indigenous knowledge (IK) in development practice in rural Africa over the last couple of decades has proved to be elusive and disappointing. Using empirical field data from northern Malawi, this study suggests that the two key drivers for farmers in this area are household food security and the maintenance of soil fertility. Indigenous ways of knowing underpin the agricultural system which has been developed, rather than the adoption of more modern, ‘scientific’ ways, to deliver against these drivers. Such IKs, however, are deeply embedded in the economic, social and cultural environments in which they operate

    Coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave simulations of a storm event over the Gulf of Lion and Balearic Sea

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): C09019, doi:10.1029/2012JC007924.The coastal areas of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea are one of the most challenging places for ocean forecasting. This region is exposed to severe storms events that are of short duration. During these events, significant air-sea interactions, strong winds and large sea-state can have catastrophic consequences in the coastal areas. To investigate these air-sea interactions and the oceanic response to such events, we implemented the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System simulating a severe storm in the Mediterranean Sea that occurred in May 2010. During this event, wind speed reached up to 25 m.s−1 inducing significant sea surface cooling (up to 2°C) over the Gulf of Lion (GoL) and along the storm track, and generating surface waves with a significant height of 6 m. It is shown that the event, associated with a cyclogenesis between the Balearic Islands and the GoL, is relatively well reproduced by the coupled system. A surface heat budget analysis showed that ocean vertical mixing was a major contributor to the cooling tendency along the storm track and in the GoL where turbulent heat fluxes also played an important role. Sensitivity experiments on the ocean-atmosphere coupling suggested that the coupled system is sensitive to the momentum flux parameterization as well as air-sea and air-wave coupling. Comparisons with available atmospheric and oceanic observations showed that the use of the fully coupled system provides the most skillful simulation, illustrating the benefit of using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere–wave model for the assessment of these storm events.This work has been partially supported by MyOcean2 EU funded project 283367 whose support is gratefully acknowledged.2013-03-1

    DNA methylation and lipid metabolism: an EWAS of 226 metabolic measures

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    BACKGROUND The discovery of robust and trans-ethnically replicated DNA methylation markers of metabolic phenotypes, has hinted at a potential role of epigenetic mechanisms in lipid metabolism. However, DNA methylation and the lipid compositions and lipid concentrations of lipoprotein sizes have been scarcely studied. Here, we present an epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) (N = 5414 total) of mostly lipid-related metabolic measures, including a fine profiling of lipoproteins. As lipoproteins are the main players in the different stages of lipid metabolism, examination of epigenetic markers of detailed lipoprotein features might improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of metabolic disturbances. RESULTS We conducted an EWAS of leukocyte DNA methylation and 226 metabolic measurements determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the population-based KORA F4 study (N = 1662) and replicated the results in the LOLIPOP, NFBC1966, and YFS cohorts (N = 3752). Follow-up analyses in the discovery cohort included investigations into gene transcripts, metabolic-measure ratios for pathway analysis, and disease endpoints. We identified 161 associations (p~value \textless 4.7 × 10-10), covering 16 CpG sites at 11 loci and 57 metabolic measures. Identified metabolic measures were primarily medium and small lipoproteins, and fatty acids. For apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, the associations mainly involved triglyceride composition and concentrations of cholesterol esters, triglycerides, free cholesterol, and phospholipids. All associations for HDL lipoproteins involved triglyceride measures only. Associated metabolic measure ratios, proxies of enzymatic activity, highlight amino acid, glucose, and lipid pathways as being potentially epigenetically implicated. Five CpG sites in four genes were associated with differential expression of transcripts in blood or adipose tissue. CpG sites in ABCG1 and PHGDH showed associations with metabolic measures, gene transcription,~and metabolic measure ratios and were additionally linked to obesity or previous myocardial infarction, extending previously reported observations. CONCLUSION Our study provides evidence of a link between DNA methylation and the lipid compositions and lipid concentrations of different lipoprotein size subclasses, thus offering in-depth insights into well-known associations of DNA methylation with total serum lipids. The results support detailed profiling of lipid metabolism to improve the molecular understanding of dyslipidemia and related disease mechanisms

    Optical and Radio Polarimetry of the M87 Jet at 0.2" Resolution

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    We discuss optical (HST/WFPC2 F555W) and radio (15 GHz VLA) polarimetry observations of the M87 jet taken during 1994-1995. Many knot regions are very highly polarized (∼40−50\sim 40-50%, approaching the theoretical maximum for optically thin synchrotron radiation), suggesting highly ordered magnetic fields. High degrees of polarization are also observed in interknot regions. While the optical and radio polarization maps share many similarities, we observe significant differences between the radio and optical polarized structures, particularly for bright knots in the inner jet, giving us important insight into the jet's radial structure. Unlike in the radio, the optical magnetic field position angle becomes perpendicular to the jet at the upstream ends of knots HST-1, D, E and F. Moreover, the optical polarization decreases markedly at the position of the flux maxima in these knots. In contrast, the magnetic field position angle observed in the radio remains parallel to the jet in most of these regions, and the decreases in radio polarization are smaller. More minor differences are seen in other jet regions. Many of the differences between optical and radio polarimetry results can be explained in terms of a model whereby shocks occur in the jet interior, where higher-energy electrons are concentrated and dominate both polarized and unpolarized emissions in the optical, while the radio maps show strong contributions from lower-energy electrons in regions with {\bf B} parallel, near the jet surface.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in AJ (May 1999

    An Overview of the Characterization of the Space Launch Vehicle Aerodynamic Environments

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    Aerodynamic environments are some of the rst engineering data products that are needed to design a space launch vehicle. These products are used in performance predic- tions, vehicle control algorithm design, as well as determing loads on primary and secondary structures in multiple discipline areas. When the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration (NASA) Space Launch System (SLS) Program was established with the goal of designing a new, heavy-lift launch vehicle rst capable of lifting the Orion Program Multi- Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) to low-earth orbit and preserving the potential to evolve the design to a 200 metric ton cargo launcher, the data needs were no di erent. Upon commencement of the new program, a characterization of aerodynamic environments were immediately initiated. In the time since, the SLS Aerodynamics Team has produced data describing the majority of the aerodynamic environment de nitions needed for structural design and vehicle control under nominal ight conditions. This paper provides an overview of select SLS aerodynamic environments completed to date

    A Merger Scenario for the Dynamics of Abell 665

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    We present new redshift measurements for 55 galaxies in the vicinity of the rich galaxy cluster Abell 665. When combined with results from the literature, we have good velocity measurements for a sample of 77 confirmed cluster members from which we derive the cluster's redshift z=0.1829 +/- 0.0005 and line-of-sight velocity dispersion of 1390 +/- 120 km/s. Our analysis of the kinematical and spatial data for the subset of galaxies located within the central 750 kpc reveals only subtle evidence for substructure and non-Gaussianity in the velocity distribution. We find that the brightest cluster member is not moving significantly relative to the other galaxies near the center of the cluster. On the other hand, our deep ROSAT high resolution image of A665 shows strong evidence for isophotal twisting and centroid variation, thereby confirming previous suggestions of significant substructure in the hot X-ray--emitting intracluster gas. In light of this evident substructure, we have compared the optical velocity data with N-body simulations of head-on cluster mergers. We find that a merger of two similar mass subclusters (mass ratios of 1:1 or 1:2) seen close to the time of core-crossing produces velocity distributions that are consistent with that observed.Comment: 30 pages and 7 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Full resoultion figures 1 and 3 available in postscript at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~percy/A665paper.htm

    Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality

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    [EN] To design architectural spaces that not only respond to the basic needs of users, but also seek their emotional well-being, it is necessary for the architecture students to have a special sensitivity and be aware of the different sensations that their designs should and can evoke. To achieve this competence without exploring real spaces, Immersive Virtual Reality technology offers an important contribution to the field of architecture. The purpose of this research is to determine if the sensations perceived in virtual architectural spaces by students are similar to the real ones and to determine the characteristics of this technology that allow a better perception of sensations. Six architectural modules were designed to be walked through and experienced at real scale using a Head Mounted Display by 22 students of the first and fifth year of studies of Architecture career in Peru. An ad-hoc questionnaire allowed to know the perceived sensations and the benefits of the tool. The results obtained showed that the perception of sensations of the fifth year students is a little closer to those expressed by a group of seven experts compared to that of the first year students and that the students consider the characteristics of accessibility, real scale of the space and the possibility of going through and looking at the space in all directions are those that have given more realism to the experience and therefore better perception of the space, while the characteristics of natural light and shadows, construction materials and external environment have been less valued in the realism of the experience. It is concluded that the sensory experimentation in architectural spaces modelled realistically in virtual environments allows the perception of sensations very similar to those that the architect seeks to convey initially.Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de ArequipaGomez-Tone, HC.; Martin-Gutierrez, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, P.; Valencia-Anci, BK. (2021). Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 6(2):70-81. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2021.16253OJS708162Alatta, R. A., & Freewan, A. 2017. Investigating the Effect of Employing Immersive Virtual Environment on Enhancing Spatial Perception within Design Process. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 11(2), 219. https://doi.org/10.26687/archnetijar.v11i2.1258Almagro Holgado, M. 2020. Límites de la noción de'affordance''y de la concepción de lo mental en el marco de la psicología ecológica. Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 39(1), 135-149.Angulo, A. 2013. On the design of architectural spatial experiences using immersive simulation. EAEA 11 Conference Proceedings, Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication. Italy: Milan, 151-158.Arnheim, R. 1986. A plea for visual thinking. In New essays on the psychology of art (pp. 135-152). University of California Press. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520907843-013Brandão, G. V. L., do Amaral, W. D. H., de Almeida, C. A. R., & Castañon, J. A. B. 2018. Virtual reality as a tool for teaching architecture. International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91803-7_6Dezcallar Sáez, T. 2012. Relación entre procesos mentales y sentido háptico emociones y recuerdos mediante el análisis empírico de texturas. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,.Ergan, S., Radwan, A., Zou, Z., Tseng, H., & Han, X. 2019. Quantifying human experience in architectural spaces with integrated virtual reality and body sensor networks. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(2), 04018062. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE) CP.1943-5487.0000812Fieandt, K., Järvinen, E., & Korkala, P. 2007. Space perception. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Ghani, I., Rafi, A., & Woods, P. 2020. The effect of immersion towards place presence in virtual heritage environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 861-872. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-019-01352-8Gomes, R., Aquilué, I., & Roca, E. 2017. Cuerpo, espacio y el dibujo arquitectónico. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.12.34.5289Gómez-Tone, H. C., Bustamante Escapa, J., Bustamante Escapa, P., & Martin-Gutierrez, J. 2021. The Drawing and Perception of Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. Sustainability, 13(11), 6223. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116223Hermund, A., Bundgaard, T. S., & Klint, L. S. 2017. Speculations on the representation of architecture in virtual reality: How can we (continue to) simulate the unseen? 10.Holth, J., & Schnabel, M. A. 2017. Immersive virtual environments as a tool for exploring perceptional space. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 32(sup1), S155-S162. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2017.1390090Homolja, M., Maghool, S. A. H., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. The Impact of Moving through the Built Environment on Emotional and Neurophysiological State-A Systematic Literature Review.Keenan, M. 2020. Perception. In Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Salem Press. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=109057209&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=siteKuliga, S. F., Thrash, T., Dalton, R. C., & Hölscher, C. 2015. Virtual reality as an empirical research tool-Exploring user experience in a real building and a corresponding virtual model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 363-375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.09.006Li, J., Jin, Y., Lu, S., Wu, W., & Wang, P. 2020. Building environment information and human perceptual feedback collected through a combined virtual reality (VR) and electroencephalogram (EEG) method. Energy & Buildings, 224, N.PAG-N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110259Lizondo Sevilla, L., Santatecla Fayos, J., Martínez García, S. J., & Bosch Reig, I. 2014. La influencia de la arquitectura efímera en la arquitectura construida. El caso de Mies van der Rohe. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, 8(24), 73-94. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.8.24.2717Maghool, S. A. H., Homolja, M., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. Cybernetics Approach to Virtual Emotional Spaces-An electrodermal activity actuated adaptive space. https://doi.org/10.26686/wgtn.13019327Mitrache, A. 2013. Spatial Sensibility in Architectural Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 544-548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.09.236Moloney, J., Globa, A., Wang, R., & Khoo, C. 2019. Principles for the application of mixed reality as pre-occupancy evaluation tools (P-OET) at the early design stages. Architectural Science Review, 1-10.Nisha, B. 2019. The pedagogic value of learning design with virtual reality. Educational Psychology, 39(10), 1233-1254.Norberg-Schulz, C. 1980. Existencia,espacio y arquitectura. Barcelona: Blume.Pallasma, J. 2006. Los ojos de la piel. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.Rasmussen, S. E. 2004. La experiencia de la arquitectura (Vol. 5). Reverté.Roberts, G., Holmes, N., Alexander, N., Boto, E., Leggett, J., Hill, R. M., Shah, V., Rea, M., Vaughan, R., Maguire, E. A., Kessler, K., Beebe, S., Fromhold, M., Barnes, G. R., Bowtell, R., & Brookes, M. J. 2019. Towards OPM-MEG in a virtual reality environment. NeuroImage, 199, 408-417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.06.010Saldarriaga Roa, A. 2002. La arquitectura como experiencia: Espacio, cuerpo y sensibilidad. Univ. Nacional de Colombia.Sánchez, O., & Hessman, D. 2018. El aprendizaje de la percepción del espacio arquitectónico: Una aproximación a su comprensión desde la experiencia en el taller de diseño uno [Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/64112Sánchez Vidiella, A. 2016. Arquitectura efímera: 100 proyectos, 1000 ideas (1ra ed.). Promopress.Shemesh, A., Talmon, R., Karp, O., Amir, I., Bar, M., & Grobman, Y. J. 2017. Affective response to architecture-investigating human reaction to spaces with different geometry. Architectural Science Review, 60(2), 116-125.Yeom, D., Choi, J.-H., & Kang, S.-H. 2019. Investigation of the physiological differences in the immersive virtual reality environment and real indoor environment: Focused on skin temperature and thermal sensation. Building and Environment, 154, 44-54

    Genetic disorders of nuclear receptors.

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    Following the first isolation of nuclear receptor (NR) genes, genetic disorders caused by NR gene mutations were initially discovered by a candidate gene approach based on their known roles in endocrine pathways and physiologic processes. Subsequently, the identification of disorders has been informed by phenotypes associated with gene disruption in animal models or by genetic linkage studies. More recently, whole exome sequencing has associated pathogenic genetic variants with unexpected, often multisystem, human phenotypes. To date, defects in 20 of 48 human NR genes have been associated with human disorders, with different mutations mediating phenotypes of varying severity or several distinct conditions being associated with different changes in the same gene. Studies of individuals with deleterious genetic variants can elucidate novel roles of human NRs, validating them as targets for drug development or providing new insights into structure-function relationships. Importantly, human genetic discoveries enable definitive disease diagnosis and can provide opportunities to therapeutically manage affected individuals. Here we review germline changes in human NR genes associated with "monogenic" conditions, including a discussion of the structural basis of mutations that cause distinctive changes in NR function and the molecular mechanisms mediating pathogenesis

    Draft Genome Sequence of Bowmanella denitrificans JL63, a Bacterium Isolated from Whiteleg Shrimp (\u3cem\u3eLitopenaeus vannamei\u3c/em\u3e) That Can Inhibit the Growth of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus

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    Bowmanella denitrificans strain JL63 was isolated from a whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and was determined to have antibacterial activity against an acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of this strain and identify genes that are potentially involved in its antibacterial activity
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