2,037 research outputs found

    Food Security: Challenges for a sustainable world

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    On June 12, 2012, the Food Security session was held during the Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, with co-conveners Prof. Thomas Rosswall, Chair, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and Dr. Lindiwe MajeleSibanda, CEO, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), South Africa. The invited forum lecturers called attention to a number of challenges that need to be tackled in order to achieve food security worldwide, such as climate change, loss of arable land, wars and social/cultural conflicts, population growth, loss of biodiversity

    Vitamin D3 inhibits p38 MAPK and senescence-associated inflammatory mediator secretion by senescent fibroblasts that impacts immune responses during ageing.

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    Vitamin D3 replacement in older insufficient adults significantly improves their antigen-specific varicella zoster virus (VZV) cutaneous immunity. However, the mechanisms involved in this enhancement of cutaneous immunity are not known. Here, we show for the first time that vitamin D3 blocks the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) production by senescent fibroblasts by partially inhibiting the p38 MAPK pathway. Furthermore, transcriptomic analysis of skin biopsies from older subjects after vitamin D3 supplementation shows that vitamin D3 inhibits the same inflammatory pathways in response to saline as the specific p38 inhibitor, losmapimod, which also enhances immunity in the skin of older subjects. Vitamin D3 supplementation therefore may enhance immunity during ageing in part by blocking p38 MAPK signalling and in turn inhibit SASP production from senescent cells in vivo

    Assessment of Adolescents’ Victimization, Aggression, and Problem Behaviors: Evaluation of the Problem Behavior Frequency Scale

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    This study evaluated the Problem Behavior Frequency Scale (PBFS), a self-report measure designed to assess adolescents’ frequency of victimization, aggression, and other problem behaviors. Analyses were conducted on a sample of 5,532 adolescents from 37 schools at 4 sites. About half (49%) of participants were male; 48% self-identified as Black non-Hispanic; 21% as Hispanic, 18% as White non-Hispanic. Adolescents completed the PBFS and measures of beliefs and values related to aggression, and delinquent peer associations at the start of the 6th grade and over 2 years later. Ratings of participants’ behavior were also obtained from teachers on the Behavioral Assessment System for Children. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 7-factor model that differentiated among 3 forms of aggression (physical, verbal, and relational), 2 forms of victimization (overt and relational), drug use, and other delinquent behavior. Support was found for strong measurement invariance across gender, sites, and time. The PBFS factors generally showed the expected pattern of correlations with teacher ratings of adolescents’ behavior and self-report measures of relevant constructs

    How is place of death from cancer changing and what affects it? Analysis of cancer registration and service data

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    We aimed to compare trends in place of cancer death with the growth of palliative care and nursing home services, and investigate demographic, disease-related and area influences on individual place of death, using registration data for 216404 patients with breast, lung, colorectal and prostate cancer and aggregate data on services in South East England. Between 1985 and 1994 there was a trend away from hospital death (67–44%), to home (17–30%) and hospice death (8–20%). After 1995, this partly reversed. By 2002, hospital death rose to 47%, home death dropped to 23%, hospice death remained stable and nursing home death rose from 3 to 8%. Numbers of palliative care services increased, but trends for hospice and nursing home deaths most clearly followed the beds available. Cancer diagnosis and treatment influenced individual place of death, but between 1998 and 2002, age and area of residence were associated with most variation. Older patients and those living in more deprived areas died more often in hospitals and less often at home. Despite more palliative care services the proportion of people dying at home has not increased. Variation by age, deprivation and area of residence is unlikely to reflect patient preference. More active surveillance and planning must support policies for choice in end of life care

    Type of RNA Packed in VLPs Impacts IgG Class Switching-Implications for an Influenza Vaccine Design

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    Nucleic acid packed within virus-like particles (VLPs) is shown to shape the immune response and to induce stronger B cell responses in different immunisation models. Here, using a VLP displaying the highly conserved extracellular domain of the M2 protein (M2e) from the influenza viruses as an antigen, we demonstrate that the type of RNA packaged into VLPs can alter the quality of the induced humoral response. By comparing prokaryotic RNA (pRNA), eukaryotic RNA (eRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA), we find that pRNA induces the most protective IgG subclasses using a murine influenza model. We provide evidence that this process is predominantly dependent on endosomal Toll-like receptor (TLR7), and rule out a role for cytoplasmic mitochondrial antiviral signalling protein (MAVS) and its upstream retinoic acid-inducible gene-I-like receptors (RIG-I). Our findings provide considerations for the rational design of VLP-based vaccines and the immunomodulation exerted by TLR7 ligands packaged within the particles. Based on this work, we conclude that VLPs packing prokaryotic RNA must be preferred whenever a response dominated by IgG2 is desired, while eukaryotic RNA should be employed in order to induce a response dominated by IgG1

    Geographical distribution patterns and niche modeling of the iconic leafcutter ant Acromyrmex striatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

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    Ants are considered one of the most successful groups in the planet?s evolutionary history. Among them highlights the fungus-farming ants of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex that occur throughout most of the Americas. Within the Acromyrmex genus, the species A. striatus distinguishes from other Acromyrmex species as its morphology and karyotype differ from its congeners. This species is found in open environments of dry climate in the southern States of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay; however, little is known about the current distribution of the species. This article aimed to investigate the current distribution of the species by compiling its known distribution and discussing its distributional range. To achieve this, published and unpublished data obtained through a literature search and active collections in various locations were compiled. Published and unpublished data revealed that 386 colonies were recorded, distributed across four countries where its occurrence is known. Environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, soil type and vegetation, as well as historical geological and climate events that have modified Earth?s surface may have influenced species distribution patterns. In the Neotropics, the environmental factors that most impacted the distribution of species were the glaciation periods that occurred in the Quaternary, leading to a great migratory process. These factors may have contributed to the current geographical distribution of A. striatus

    Trypanosoma cruzi Immune Response Modulation Decreases Microbiota in Rhodnius prolixus Gut and Is Crucial for Parasite Survival and Development

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    Trypanosoma cruzi in order to complete its development in the digestive tract of Rhodnius prolixus needs to overcome the immune reactions and microbiota trypanolytic activity of the gut. We demonstrate that in R. prolixus following infection with epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm28c and, in comparison with uninfected control insects, the midgut contained (i) fewer bacteria, (ii) higher parasite numbers, and (iii) reduced nitrite and nitrate production and increased phenoloxidase and antibacterial activities. In addition, in insects pre-treated with antibiotic and then infected with Dm28c, there were also reduced bacteria numbers and a higher parasite load compared with insects solely infected with parasites. Furthermore, and in contrast to insects infected with Dm28c, infection with T. cruzi Y strain resulted in a slight decreased numbers of gut bacteria but not sufficient to mediate a successful parasite infection. We conclude that infection of R. prolixus with the T. cruzi Dm28c clone modifies the host gut immune responses to decrease the microbiota population and these changes are crucial for the parasite development in the insect gut
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