172 research outputs found

    Designing Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings morphology using nitrogen fertilization during nursery production

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaA Eucalyptus globulus Lab. Situa-se como a terceira espécie mais importante ao nível da área florestal Nacional, de extrema importância na indústria florestal, utilizada como material base na produção de pasta de papel (CELPA, 2009). Neste trabalho produziram-se plantas de Eucaliptus globulus, utilizando quatro níveis de fertilização, em condições semelhantes às utilizadas em viveiros comerciais com o objectivo de (1) modelar o crescimento (dimensões das plantas e periodo de produção), tendo em conta os limites legais morfológicos impostos por decreto lei (Decreto-Lei) e (2) desenvolver indicadores de qualidade das plantas de forma a estimar a sua performance no campo. Os resultados demonstram que existiu correlação entre crescimento de raízes finas e a performance no campo. A correlação observada entre conteúdo de clorofila e o conteúdo em azoto das plantas permite optimizar a produção, pela avaliação das necessidades em azoto que as plantas apresentem. A fertilização azotada revelou um grande impacto no crescimento potencial das raízes. O fornecimento de 40 mg de N (nível de fertilização N40) produz plantas com maior capacidade de sobrevivênvia e performance, aplicado a partir dos 2 meses de produção--------------------------------ABSTRACT - Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill) is the third most important specie in the Portuguese forest cover, highly relevant in the forestry industry, and raw material used for pulp and paper production (CELPA, 2009). Growth of this short rotation species in the field is dependent on the initial growth in the nursery. In this experiment, seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus Labill were grown with four levels of Nitrogen (N) fertilization, under growth conditions similar to those used in nursery commercial production, with the objectives of (1) modelling growth (planting stock size and production period), taking into account the legal regulation limits imposed by law (Decreto-Lei) and (2) to develop indicators of seedlings quality to estimate their performance in the field. Results showed high correlation between fine roots growth and field performance. The correlation between chlorophyll content and N seedling content observed allows to optimize seedling production, through the assessment of N needs of seedlings. N nutrition reveals high impact on root growth potential. 40 mg of total supplied N (N40 nutrition level) produces good quality seedlings, applied since 2 month seedlingsN/

    Evaluating forest species response to different climate conditions as a base for sustainable forest management under climate change

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / ULTo anticipate European climate scenarios for the end of the century, we explored the climate gradient within the REINFFORCE (RÉseau INFrastructure de recherche pour le suivi et l’adaptation des FORêts au Changement climatiquE) arboreta network, established in 38 sites between latitudes 37◦ and 57◦, where 35 tree species are represented. Understanding how climate affects tree phenology, biotic and abiotic vulnerability, is a most important research subject under Climate Change. We focused on determining which climatic variables best explain their survival and growth, and identify which species that are more tolerant to climate variation and those whose growth and survival future climate might constrain. We used empirical models to determine the best climatic predictor variables that explain tree survival and growth, to predict the impact on the specific response of tree species to changing climate scenarios, to evaluate the loss and assess the risk of maintaining or changing species, under each scenario. Considering the scenarios described on IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, predictions were run under two main Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5. Precipitation-transfer distance was most important for the survival of broadleaved species, whereas growing-season-degree days best explained conifer-tree survival. Growth (annual height increment) was mainly explained by a derived annual dryness index (ADI) for both conifers and broadleaved trees. Species that showed the greatest variation in survival and growth in response to climatic variation included Betula pendula Roth, Pinus elliottii Engelm., and Thuja plicata Donn ex D.Don, and those that were least affected included Quercus shumardii Buckland and Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold. We also demonstrated that provenance differences were significant for Pinus pinea L., Quercus robur L., and Ceratonia siliqua L. A higher survival risk is expected for conifer species, especially for species like Calocedrus decurrens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Pinus nigra. For growth, high risk is indicated for Larix decidua, Pinus pinaster, and Betula pendula. Risk distribution points to higher risk at southern sites, and higher production potential for northern sites. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of infrastructures along a climatic gradient like REINFFORCE to determine major tendencies of tree species responding to climate changesN/


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    Comportamientos parentales, orientación motivacional y objetivos deportivos: un estudio con atletas jóvenes

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    Este estudo analisou a relação entre comportamentos parentais, orientação motivacional e perceção de rendimento desportivo em jovens atletas. Participaram nesta investigação 711 atletas (89 raparigas e 622 rapazes), com idades entre os 12 e os 19 anos (M = 14.77; DP = 1.86). Os participantes responderam a um protocolo de avaliação composto por quatro instrumentos: Questionário Demográfico, Questionário de Comportamentos Parentais no Desporto; Escala de Objetivos de Realização para o Desporto Juvenil e Escala de Avaliação dos Objetivos de Rendimento. Verificaram-se diferenças nestas dimensões psicológicas em função de variáveis pessoais e desportivas dos atletas e salientou-se a importância dos comportamentos parentais e da perceção de obtenção dos objetivos individuais de rendimento na predição da orientação motivacional. Em suma, os resultados revelaram a importância destas variáveis na explicação da experiência psicológica dos jovens atletas e a continuação de investigações nesta área.This study analyzed the relationship between parental behavior, achievement goal orientation and perception of achievement of sport goals in youth sport. The sample included 711 athletes (89 girls and 622 boys), with ages between 12 and 19 years old (M = 14.77; SD = 1.86). The athletes answered an evaluation protocol with four instruments: Demographic Questionnaire, Questionnaire of Parental Behaviors in Sport, Achievement Goal Scale for Youth Sport, and Performance Goal Incongruence Scale. The results showed differences among these psychological variables according to personal and sport variables of athletes. Parental behavior and achievement of personal goals were also relevant in the prediction of achievement goal orientation. In conclusion, the results showed the importance of parental behavior, achievement goal orientation, and perception of achievement of sport goals in the study of the psychological experience of young athletes, suggesting the need for further investigations in this field.Este estudio examinó la relación entre los comportamientos parentales, la orientación motivacional y la percepción del rendimiento deportivo en atletas jóvenes. Participaron en esta investigación 711 atletas (89 chicas y 622 chicos), con edades entre 12 y 19 años (M = 14.77, DT = 1.86). Los participantes completaron un protocolo de evaluación constituido por cuatro instrumentos: Cuestionario Demográfico, Cuestionario de Conductas Parentales en el Deporte; Escala de Logro de Metas para el Deporte Juvenil y Escala de Evaluación de los Objetivos de Rendimiento Deportivo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias en estas dimensiones psicológicas en función de variables personales y deportivas de los atletas. Asimismo, mostraron que los comportamientos parentales y la percepción del rendimiento deportivo fueran variables predictoras de la orientación motivacional. En resumen, los resultados revelaron la importancia de estas variables en la explicación de la experiencia psicológica de los deportistas jóvenes y la importancia de continuación de la investigación en esta área

    Seismic Response Assessment of Underground Structure Cross-Sections Using Response Spectra

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    A modelling technique of the cross-sections of underground structures based on the combination of modal shapes by response spectra is developed and calibrated according to the vertically propagating shear-wave model. Using the developed technique, the influence of several parameters in the flexibility index (ground-structure relative stiffness) were studied. To point out a few practical implications and simplifications introduced in the model, essentially related to the material behaviour adopted, four cases were studied in detail. To cover the lack of compatibility between the damping of the response spectrum, the ground stiffness and the strain level, more analyses with compatible properties were conducted

    Sensitivity analysis of vertically loaded pile reliability

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of geotechnical uncertainties on the reliability of vertically loaded pile foundations and the use of this information in decision-making support, especially when gathering the information necessary for reliability analyses. Two case studies of single pile foundations were selected, and each uncertainty source was investigated to identify which are the most important and influential in the evaluation of vertical pile resistance under axial loading. Reliability sensitivity analyses were conducted using FORM (the first-order reliability method) and MCS (Monte Carlo simulations). The characterisation of uncertainties is not an easy task in geotechnical engineering. The aim of the analyses described in this paper is to optimise resources and investments in the investigation of the variables in pile reliability. The physical uncertainties of actions, the inherent variability of soil and model error were assessed by experimental in situ standard penetration tests (SPT) or from information available in the literature. For the cases studied, the sensitivity analysis results show that, in spite of the high variability of the soils involved, model error also plays a very important role in geotechnical pile reliability and was considerably more important than soil variability in both case studies. From a comparison of the two reliability methods (FORM and MCS), it was concluded that FORM is applicable in simple cases and as a first approach because it is an approximate method and sometimes does not have the capability to incorporate every detail of the problem, namely a specific probability density function or more specific limit conditions

    Laitiers d’aciérie portugaise : un nouveau géomatériau

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    The engineering properties of Portuguese processed steel slags (ISACs) are tested to evaluate the appropriateness of their use in transportation infrastructures and geotechnical works. The laboratory results are compared with values specified in the Portuguese standards for natural aggregates and with values found for natural aggregates of various geological origins. The elastic modulus is carefully evaluated in order to compare the two ISACs with two standard base coarse materials (granite aggregate 0/31.5mm and limestone aggregate 0/19mm). All laboratory results show that the national processed steel slags could be used in geotechnical works, and particularly in transportation infrastructures. The two ISACs demonstrated better mechanical properties than the standard, unbound, granular base, coarse materials.Dans cet article sont présentés les résultats d'essai en laboratoire pour évaluer les propriétés des agrégats laitiers d’aciérie Portugaises (ISAC), dans le but de leur utilisation dans des infrastructures de transport et des travaux géotechniques. Les résultats sont comparés aux valeurs indiquées dans les normes portugaises pour les agrégats traditionnels et avec des valeurs trouvées pour les agrégats naturels de différentes origines géologiques. Une attention particulière est faite en termes du module élastique, comparant les deux ISACs, à deux matériaux standards de sous-couches de chaussées (agrégat 0/31.5mm de granite et agrégat 0/19mm de calcaire). Tous les résultats de laboratoire montrent que les laitiers d’aciérie Portugaises pourraient être employés dans les travaux géotechniques, et en particulier dans les infrastructures de transport. On l'a également expérimentalement observé que les deux ISACs ont de meilleures propriétés mécaniques que les matériaux non traités des sous-couches des chaussées.FEDERFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POCI/ECM/56952/2004POCI 201

    The influence of brain activity on the interactive process through biofeedback mechanisms in virtual reality environments

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    Proceeding paper[Abstract] This work focuses on the development of a software link interface tool between the Looxid Link Device coupled to the HTC Vive Pro VR HeadSets and the Unity platform, to generate real-time interactivity in virtual reality applications. The software incorporates a dynamic and parameterizable algorithm to be used as a core-engine in the real-time Biofeedback process, recognizing the values of the biological signals registered in each of the EEG channels of the Looxid Link device. The values of EEG frequencies detected in real time can be used to generate elements of interactivity, with different frequencies and intensities

    Use of non traditional materials in geotechnical works – valorisation of nacional steel slags

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    Para avaliar a viabilidade de utilização dos ASIC (Agregado Siderúrgico Inerte para Construção) produzidos pela Siderurgia Nacional, em obras geotécnicas, estudam-se em laboratório as suas propriedades mineralógicas, químicas, geométricas, físicas e mecânicas. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados obtidos para as propriedades mecânicas designadamente, a rigidez estudada através de um equipamento triaxial de precisão. Os resultados são comparados com os obtidos em materiais especificados para as camadas de base dos pavimentos, quer em Portugal, quer em França (agregados granítico 0/31,5 e calcário 0/19, respectivamente). Da comparação dos resultados conclui-se que os ASIC apresentam propriedades mecânicas superiores às dos agregados naturais. Estes resultados enfatizam que os ASIC nacionais podem ser utilizados em obras geotécnicas, muito particularmente nas infra-estruturas de transporte.To evaluate the re-use of ASIC (Inert Steel Aggregate for Construction) produced by Siderurgia Nacional in geotechnical constructions viability, a huge laboratory experimental programme was implemented to study the mineralogical, chemical, geometrical, physical and mechanical properties. In this paper are presented the results obtained by laboratory performance-related tests for mechanical properties, namely the stiffness, studied by means of precision triaxial tests. The results obtained for the two steel slags, were compared with a standard base course materials used at Portugal and at France (granite 0/31,5 and limestone aggregate 0/19, respectively). The results obtained show that ASIC have better mechanical properties than a standard base course materials. These results emphasize that the ASIC produced at Portugal could be used in geotechnical works, and particularly in transportation infrastructures.Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT-UC)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - (POCI/ECM/56952/2004)Siderurgia Nacional (SN

    Processed Portuguese steel slag: a new geomaterial

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    The management strategy for waste, in which the prevention of its produc- tion is not yet feasible, should lead to the prioritization of the exploitation of its performance potential, especially through re-use solutions. On this basis, a Research and Development Project is under way in Portugal, which is intended to re-use the processed steel slags pro- duced in the two Portuguese Companies. In this paper are presented the results obtained by laboratory performance-related tests for geometrical, physical and mechanical properties for the two Portuguese processed steel slags, named Inert Steel Aggregates for Construction (ISAC). A special emphasis is made in terms of elastic modulus, comparing the two ISACs, with two standard base course materials (granite and limestone aggregates). The laboratory results show that the ISACs could be used in transportation infrastructures. It was also exper- imentally observed that the two ISACs have better mechanical properties than the standard unbound granular base course materials.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig, Illinois Center for Transportation, Center of Excellence for Airport Pavement Research, University of Illinois Railroad Engineering Program, Illinois Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Association of American Railroads, Transportation Research Board, American Society of Civil Engineer
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