1,374 research outputs found

    E-books for the medical profession

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    O trabalho indica alguns livros eletrônicos gratuitos disponíveis na Internet e destinados à área médica.This paper indicates some e-books (electronic books) that are available on the Internet for free access and destined for the medical profession

    On-line medical textbooks

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    O trabalho indica alguns sites a serem considerados como alternativa para acesso gratuito a livros on-line disponíveis na Internet e destinados à área médica.The paper indicates some sites to be considered as an alternative for free access to on-line books\ud available on the Internet and destined for the medical professio

    Mapping passive x active reading tasks in esap teaching: resonance for motivation and critical thinking

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduaçãoe em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente.Esta pesquisa fez um mapeamento de tipos de atividades de leitura em livros de Inglês Instrumental utilizados na UFSC; realizou uma investigação correlata em salas de aula; observou a ressonância que tipos diferentes de atividades de leitura podem exercer na motivação, e reflexão crítica dos alunos. O primeiro estudo sondou a predominância de tipos de atividades em 6 livros de Inglês Instrumental; o segundo pesquisou as tarefas dominantes nas aulas de 4 professores; o terceiro investigou a reação de alunos de 3 turmas, perante dois blocos de tipos diferentes de atividades. As observações, transcrições das aulas, e questionários, foram os instrumentos utilizados para análise dos dados. O arcabouço teórico de Davies (1995), de atividades 'passivas' e 'ativas', deu respaldo aos estudos. Os resultados atestam a predominância de atividades 'ativas' nos livros analisados e nas aulas de 3 dos 4 professores observados. Constatou-se também mais motivação, e mais evidências de leitura crítica, durante o uso de tarefas 'ativas'. Tópicos como, instrução baseada no uso de tarefas, demanda cognitiva de diferentes tipos de atividades, diferenças individuais de estilo de ensino/aprendizagem, pensamento crítico, e independência do aprendiz, serviram como aparato teórico para a pesquisa. Outras descobertas importantes foram: que a delimitação entre o que Davies (1995) coloca como atividade 'passiva' ou 'ativa' parece não ser clara, não proporcionando flexibilidade para a variação de demanda cognitiva imposta por cada tipo de tarefa; a maneira de condução das atividades também parece ser mais crucial do que supunha a premissa inicial

    Trends and uptake of new formulations of controlled-release oxycodone in Canada

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    Purpose: This study investigated the impact of changing availability of tamper‐deterrent and non‐tamper‐deterrent oxycodone on prescribing patterns of controlled‐release oxycodone across Canada. Methods: We conducted a population‐based, serial cross‐sectional study of controlled‐release oxycodone dispensing from community pharmacies across Canada between October 2007 and April 2016. We calculated rates of dispensing (tablets per 100 population) and reported the relative market share of generic non‐tamper‐deterrent controlled‐release oxycodone. All analyses were reported nationally and stratified by province. Results: After the introduction of a tamper‐deterrent formulation, the national rate of controlled‐release oxycodone dispensing fell by 44.6% (from 26.4 to 14.6 tablets per 100 population from February 2012 to April 2016). Between December 2012 and July 2013, there was moderate uptake of generic non‐tamper‐deterrent controlled‐release oxycodone (968 452 tablets; 16.0% in July 2013), which appeared to have little impact on the overall rate of controlled‐release oxycodone dispensing in Canada. However, the uptake of generic non‐tamper‐deterrent oxycodone varied considerably by province. By April 2016, 55.0% of all controlled‐release oxycodone tablets dispensed in Quebec were for the generic formulation. […

    Participação Social e Redes Sociais Pessoais de Idosos

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    Objetivo: O objetivo central deste estudo é caracterizar as redes sociais pessoais de indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, a nível estrutural, funcional e relacional-contextual, analisando-as segundo o nível de participação social dos idosos ao longo da sua vida em estruturas comunitárias ligadas ao lazer, cultura, desporto, religião e voluntariado. Metodologia: Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo foram utilizados o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal, versão para idosos (IARSP – Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimensões da rede social pessoal, um questionário para caracterizar as variáveis sociodemográficas e a participação social e a Satisfaction With Life Scale – SWLS (Diener, 1985) que permite avaliar o grau de satisfação com a vida. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 567 idosos, com uma média de idades de 75 anos (DP=7,6), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,0%), casados ou em união de facto (53,7%) e com escolaridade (69,8%), sobretudo ao nível do quarto ano (51,3%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos não vive só (79,4%) numa zona de residência maioritariamente inserida em aglomerado populacional em região rural (57,0%) e não usufrui de qualquer tipo de apoio de resposta social (75,5%). Resultados: A amostra divide-se entre os que participaram comunitariamente ao longo da vida (47,8%; n = 271) e os que não participaram (52,2%; n = 296), sendo que entre os que participam 16,7% fazem-no com elevada frequência. Os idosos do sexo feminino, com idade igual ou inferior a 75 anos, casados, com habilitações literárias e que vivem acompanhados, são os que têm uma maior probabilidade de ter uma participação social mais ativa. Os idosos que apresentam participação social têm uma rede maior, com um membro a mais em média (M = 8,52 vs. 7,51, p = 0,027), e uma composição distinta dos que não participam, com menor peso das relações familiares (M = 72,61% vs. 80,81%, p < 0,001), maior peso e mais relações de amizade (M = 15,43% vs. M = 9,24%, p < 0,001) e maior presença de relações de trabalho (M = 1,11% vs. 0,13%, p = 0,006). Relativamente às características funcionais, podemos constatar que a reciprocidade de apoio é percebida como maior (p = 0,010) entre os idosos que participam comunitariamente, não se verificando diferenças noutras variáveis funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. O nível de participação e a satisfação com o nível de participação correlacionam-se positivamente com a satisfação percebida com a vida (p < 0,001). Conclusão: As conclusões apontam para um efeito da participação social ao longo da vida em estruturas comunitárias nas características estruturais das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos, não se verificando interferência na maioria das características funcionais e nas relacionais-contextuais. Verificámos ainda que há uma associação entre a participação social e a satisfação com a vida, sendo mais satisfeitos os que participam em estruturas comunitárias. É possível constatar que a rede daqueles que referem ter participação social é tendencialmente maior e heterogénea na composição, quando comparada com as redes dos sem participação social, assumindo, assim, relevância na estruturação de uma rede mais diversa e ampla, devendo ser estimulada no sentido de promover uma rede com recursos potencialmente positivos e um envelhecimento mais ativo. / Objectives: The central objective of this study is to characterize the personal social networks of the elderly, aged 65 years or more, analyzing them according to the level of social participation throughout their life in community structures related to leisure, culture, sports, religion and volunteering. Methodology: For the evaluation of the variables we used the Social Network Analysis Tool (IARSP-elderly) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe Vicente, 2012) to assess the dimensions of the social network; a questionnaire to evaluate social participation; and the Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS – (Diener, 1985) to acess the degree of satisfaction with life. Participants: The sample consists of 567 elderly, with an average age of 75 years old (SD = 7,595), between 65 and 98 years old, mostly female (63.0 %), married (53.7%) with education (69.8%), mainly with the 4th grade (51.3%). Most of the respondents do not live alone (79.4%) in agglomerations in rural region (57.0%) and are not users of social services (75.5%). Results: The sample is divided between those who had community participation throughout life (47.8 %; n = 271) and those who did not participated (52,2%; n = 296). Between the first, 16.7% do it with high frequency. The elderly women, aged less than 75 years old, married, with educational qualifications and living not alone, are those who have a higher likelihood of having a more active social participation. The elderly that present social participation have a larger network, with one more member (M = 8,52 vs. 7,51, p = 0,027), and a composition distinct from not participating, with less proportion of family relations (M = 72,61% vs. 80,81%, p < 0,001), greater proportion and more friendships (M = 15,43% vs. M = 9,24%, p < 0,001) and greater presence of working relations (M = 1,11% vs. 0,13%, p = 0,006). Regarding the functional dimension, the reciprocity of support is perceived as higher (p = 0.010) among seniors participating in community and there were no differences in other functional and relational-contextual variables. The level of participation and satisfaction with the level of participation correlate positively with perceived satisfaction with life (p <0.001). Conclusion: The findings point to an effect of lifelong social participation in community in structural characteristics of personal social networks of the elderly, not verifying interference in most of the functional and the contextual-relational characteristics. We have also found that there is an association between social participation and life satisfaction, being more satisfied when they participate in community structures. The social network of the elderly who reported having social participation tends to be larger and heterogeneous in composition compared with those without social participation, thus assuming importance in structuring a more diverse and extensive network, should be encouraged in order to promote a network with potentially positive resources and a more active aging

    Benign nasopharyngeal teratoma in an adult patient

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    Une méthode mixte multi-échelles pour un simulateur de réservoir biphasé

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    A multiscale hybrid mixed finite element method is presented in this paper to solve two-phase flow equations on heterogeneous media under the effect of gravitational segregation. It is designed to cope with the complex geometry and inherent multiscale nature of the rocks, leading to stable and accurate multi-physics reservoir simulations. This multiscale approach makes use of coarse scale fluxes between subregions (macro domains) that allow to reduce substantially the dominant computational costs associated with the flux/pressure kernel embedded in the numerical model. As such, larger scale problems can be approximated in a reasonable computational time. Dividing the problems into macro domains leads to a hierarchy of meshes and approximation spaces, allowing the efficient use of static condensation and parallel computation strategies. The method documented in this work utilizes discretizations based on a general domain partition formed by poly-hedral subregions. The normal flux between these subregions is associated with a finite dimensional trace space. The global system to be solved for the fluxes and pressures is expressed only in terms of the trace variables and of a piecewise constant pressure associated with each subregion. The fine scale features are resolved by mixed finite element approximations using fine flux and pressure representations inside each subregion, and the trace variable (i.e. normal flux) as Neumann boundary conditions. This property implies that the flux approximation is globally H(div)-conforming, and, as in classical mixed formulations, local mass conservation is observed at the micro-scale elements inside the subregions, an essential property for flows in heterogeneous media

    High-order composite finite element exact sequences based on tetrahedral-hexahedral-prismatic-pyramidal partitions

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    The combination of tetrahedral and hexahedral elements in a single conformal mesh requires pyramids or prisms to make the transition between triangular and quadrilateral faces. This paper presents high order exact sequences of finite element approximations in H^1 (Ω), H(curl, Ω), H(div, Ω), and L^2(Ω) based on such kind of three dimensional mesh configurations. The approach is to consider composite polynomial approximations based on local partitions of the pyramids into two or four tetrahedra. The traces associated with triangular faces of these tetrahedral elements are constrained to match the quadrilateral shape functions on the quadrilateral face of the pyramid, in order to maintain conformity with shared neighboring hexahedron, or prism. Two classes of composite exact sequences are constructed, one using classic Nédélec spaces of first kind, and a second one formed by enriching these spaces with properly chosen higher order functions with vanishing traces. Projection-based interpolants satisfying the commuting diagram property are presented in a general form for each type of element. The interpolants are expressed as the sum of linearly independent contributions associated with vertices, edges, faces, and volume, according to the kind of traces appropriate to the space under consideration. Furthermore, we study applications to the mixed formulation of Darcy's problems based on compatible pairs of approximations in {H(div, Ω), L^2 (Ω)} for such tetrahedral-hexahedral-prismatic-pyramidal meshes. An error analysis is outlined, showing same (optimal) orders of approximation in terms of the mesh size as one would obtain using purely hexahedral or purely tetrahedral partitions. Enhanced accuracy for potential and flux divergence variables are obtained when enriched space configurations are applied. The predicted convergence orders are verified for some test problems

    Une méthode hybride multi-échelles pour les problèmes de Darcy utilisant des solveurs locaux à éléments finis mixtes

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    International audienceMultiscaled Hybrid Mixed (MHM) method refers to a numerical technique targeted to approximate systems of differential equations with strongly varying solutions. For fluid flows, normal fluxes (multiplier) over macro element boundaries, and coarse piecewise constant potential approximations in each macro element are computed (upscaling). Then, small details are resolved by local problems, using fine representations inside the macro elements, setting the multiplier as Neumann boundary conditions (downscaling). In this work a variant of the method is developed, denoted by MHM-H(div), adopting mixed finite elements at the dowscaling stage, instead of continuous finite elements used in all previous publications of the method. Thus, this alternative MHM method inherits improvements typical of mixed methods, as better flux accuracy, and local mass conservation at the mi-cro scale level inside the macro elements, which are important properties for multi-phase flows in rough heterogeneous media. Different two-scale stable space settings are considered. Vector face functions are supposed to have normal components restricted to a given finite dimensional trace space defined over the macro element boundaries. In each macro element, the internal flux components, with vanishing normal traces, and the potential approximations, may be enriched in different extents: with respect to internal mesh size, internal polynomial degree, or both, the choice being determined by the problem at hands. A unified general error analysis of the MHM-H(div) method is presented for all these two-scale space scenarios. Both MHM versions are compared for 2D test problems, with smooth solutions, for convergence rates verification, and for a Darcy's flow in heterogeneous media. MHM-H(div) 3D simulations are presented for a known singular Darcy's solution, using adaptive macro partitions, and for an oscillatory permeability scenario