1,964 research outputs found
Ilegitimidade de mutuários do sistema financeiro de habitação para, individualmente, pleitearem o pagamento de débitos de financiamento
Trata-se de jurisprudência comentada.Comenta decisão que entendeu que mutuários não possuem legitimidade
para, individualmente, pleitearem o pagamento de débitos de financiamento
Análise da viabilidade de credenciamento do Centro Tecnológico de Joinville como Instituição Técnica Avaliadora
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Mobilidade.Este artigo analisou a viabilidade de credenciamento de laboratórios interdisciplinares de ensino e extensão do Centro Tecnológico de Joinville (CTJ) da UFSC como Instituição Técnica Avaliadora (ITA). O SINAT define os critérios de participação das instituições analisando e avaliando a estrutura organizacional, os recursos humanos existentes e qualificados à avaliar e legitimar o desempenho de produtos e sistemas inovadores; e o perfil técnico dos laboratórios. Por meio de um estudo de caso múltiplo, algumas ITAs nacionais foram identificadas segundo os ensaios de desempenho aplicados e as suas particularidades. Ao identificar as capacidades técnicas dos laboratórios e os recursos humanos disponíveis no CTJ, a análise constatou que os laboratórios atuais não estão adequados para a realização dos ensaios conforme os critérios à ITA. Para que alguns laboratórios sejam credenciados é necessário um investimento na ordem dos R 250,000.00 is required to purchase equipment that would enable 16 different performance evaluation trials. FINEP is a potential source of investment, through Public Call. Such investment would allow the application of resources in other teaching and research sectors - Transport Phenomena, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer - and would enable the realization of of trials, and promote the qualification of the Laboratories and the technical team involved, Furthermore, it would generate income for the institution, opportunities of learning for students and benefits for its community
Anotações acerca da boa-fé como princípio de direito contratual no estado democrático de direito
Estuda a boa-fé nas relações contratuais, abordando-a no contexto do direito contratual empresarial brasileiro. Trata, em face do Código Civil de 2002, do princípio da boa-fé e da função social do contrato
Economic Loss to the Brazilian Regions Due to the Doha Round Failure
We build a database and model to develop general equilibrium analysis of the Brazilian economy at the level of the five macro regions. The model is multiregional at global level as also at the Brazilian level. The project is coupled to the GTAP model through disaggregation of the original Brazilian input-output matrix and trade flows and follows the GTAPinGAMS structure and syntax to generate the General Equilibrium Analysis Project for the Brazilian Economy (PAEG). The regional database is that of the GTAP version 6 and represent the 2001 world economy. We aggregate the data in seven regions plus the five Brazilian sub-regions and nineteen commodities/sectors to apply the scenario Doha Round to determine the probable losses to the Brazilian regions from the failure of the Doha round of negotiations. It is analyzed cuts in the agricultural and manufactures (NAMA proposal) import tariffs via the application of the Swiss formula, reduction in the agricultural production subsidies and elimination of agricultural export subsidies. The results show that although the regions are affected in different ways, the Doha Round failure generates losses for all Brazilian regions. The losses are greater for the Midwest and South regions, the most important for the Brazilian agricultural production.Brazilian regions, General equilibrium, Agribusiness, Trade liberalization, International Development, International Relations/Trade, F13, F15, Q17,
Mean curvature flow in an extended Ricci flow background
In this paper, we consider functionals related to mean curvature flow in an
ambient space which evolves by an extended Ricci flow from the perspective
introduced by Lott when studying a mean curvature flow in a Ricci flow
background. One of them is a weighted extended version of the
Gibbons-Hawking-York action on Riemannian metrics in compact manifolds with
boundary. We compute its variational properties from which naturally arise
boundary conditions to the analysis of its time-derivative under Perelman's
modified extended Ricci flow. For instance, the boundary integrand term
provides an extension of Hamilton's differential Harnack expression for mean
curvature flows in Euclidean space. We also derive the evolution equations for
both the second fundamental form and the mean curvature under mean curvature
flow in an extended Ricci flow background. In the special case of gradient
solitons to the extended Ricci flow, we discuss mean curvature solitons and
establish a Huisken's monotonicity-type formula. We show how to construct a
family of mean curvature solitons and establish a characterization of such a
family. Also, we show how for constructing examples of mean curvature solitons
in an extended Ricci flow background.Comment: 24 pages. Suggestions and comments are welcom
Nocturnal Ascent and Low-Level Jet in a Baroclinic Zone
A remarkable feature of the regional climatology of the central United States and the Great Plains is the existence of a nocturnal maximum in convective rainfall during the warm season. This study follows up the work of Shapiro et al. (2018; hereafter S18), in which a linear theory predicts weak but persistent ascent in the nocturnal boundary layer in baroclinic environments such as the United States Great Plains. In the S18 theory, the sudden decay of dry-convective mixing in the convective boundary layer at sunset triggers inertia-gravity waves as well as a Blackadar (1957)-like nocturnal low-level jet. For conditions typical of broad warm-season surface-based baroclinic zones extending over one or more Great Plains states, the theory predicts that air parcels in the ascent phase of the wave can rise 500 m - 1 km in 6 hours. Such large displacements may promote convective initiation and play a role in that region's well-known nocturnal maximum in convective rainfall. In the present study, the CM1 numerical model (Cloud Model 1, developed at NCAR by George Bryan) is used to examine whether the main predictions from the S18 ascent/jet theory arise in a more realistic setting. Specifically, in these simulations, the non-linear terms in the governing equations are retained, and the sudden and total shutdown of turbulence at sunset is replaced by a more realistic evening transition. The first sets of experiments focus on generating nocturnal low-level jets in a barotropic environment [no horizontal temperature gradient; free-atmosphere geostrophic wind is constant and southerly at 10 m s-1] and testing the sensitivity of those jets to a few different parameters. The resulting jets are Blackadar-like, tend to be stronger when the boundary layer is shallower and decrease in strength as the latitude increases ranging from 30oN to 45oN. After confirming that Blackadar-like nocturnal low-level jets can be generated by CM1 when run in a barotropic mode, experiments focused on the impact of baroclinicity. A baroclinic zone arises gradually in the CM1-simulated boundary layer over the course of a 4-day integration period mostly through a temporally constant prescribed deficit in the moisture flux at the surface (a Gaussian function of x, with user-specified amplitude and length scale) which causes greater daytime heating in the center of the domain than in the region outside the baroclinic zone. Aspects of the inertia-gravity wave response predicted in S18 are present in all the simulations. In particular, the main zone of ascent that develops after the evening transition is found to slowly descend with time. The peak vertical velocity and duration of the ascent are qualitatively similar to what is predicted by the S18 theory, however the onset of the ascent is generally earlier than predicted in S18. Unlike S18, the peak vertical velocity increases as the free-atmosphere geostrophic wind gets weaker. This discrepancy may likely reflect the fact that S18 does not retain non-linear terms in the governing equations
Fast and slow-twitching muscles are differentially affected by reduced cholinergic transmission in mice deficient for VAChT: A mouse model for congenital myasthenia
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) result from reduced cholinergic transmission at neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). While the etiology of CMS varies, the disease is characterized by muscle weakness. To date, it remains unknown if CMS causes long-term and irreversible changes to skeletal muscles. In this study, we examined skeletal muscles in a mouse line with reduced expression of Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter (VAChT, mouse line herein called VAChT-KDHOM). We examined this mouse line for several reasons. First, VAChT plays a central function in loading acetylcholine (ACh) into synaptic vesicles and releasing it at NMJs, in addition to other cholinergic nerve endings. Second, loss of function mutations in VAChT causes myasthenia in humans. Importantly, VAChT-KDHOM present with reduced ACh and muscle weakness, resembling CMS. We evaluated the morphology, fiber type (myosin heavy chain isoforms), and expression of muscle-related genes in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles. This analysis revealed that while muscle fibers atrophy in the EDL, they hypertrophy in the soleus muscle of VAChT-KDHOM mice. Along with these cellular changes, skeletal muscles exhibit altered levels of markers for myogenesis (Pax-7, Myogenin, and MyoD), oxidative metabolism (PGC1-alpha and MTND1), and protein degradation (Atrogin1 and MuRF1) in VAChT-KDHOM mice. Importantly, we demonstrate that deleterious changes in skeletal muscles and motor deficits can be partially reversed following the administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor, pyridostigmine in VAChT-KDHOM mice. These findings reveal that fast and slow type muscles differentially respond to cholinergic deficits. Additionally, this study shows that the adverse effects of cholinergic transmission, as in the case of CMS, on fast and slow type skeletal muscles are reversible
Avaliação formativa: o uso do portfólio no ensino de História
Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Nas atividades escolares as quais tivemos contato através dos trabalhos realizados no
Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), percebemos algumas
dificuldades dos professores em relação às práticas avaliativas. Entendendo a avaliação como
parte contínua do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e percebendo os equívocos que norteiam a
didática da avaliação, bem como sua importância enquanto meio de motivação extrínseca dos
alunos e sua necessidade de estar ligada aos objetivos dos professores em sala de aula,
percebemos através de leituras na área da avaliação, o uso do portfólio como um meio de
abarcar várias necessidades do ensino e das praticas avaliativas, de modo que esta possa se
apresentar de forma mais efetiva e formativ
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