3,413 research outputs found

    Deficiência de Vitamina B12 no pós-operatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica

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    A obesidade é uma doença crônica caracterizada por excesso de gordura corporal que se tornou a doença nutrológica mais comum em países desenvolvidos e em nosso meio. Com isso é crescente o número de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. No pós-operatório podem ocorrer deficiências de determinados micronutrientes, sendo um deles a deficiência de vitamina B12. Adeficiência de vitamina B12 pode levar a anemia grave e contribuir silenciosamente para problemas cardíacos, e neurológicos, desde os de ordem sensoriais até distúrbios psiquiátricos e da aprendizagem. Assim, as deficiências nutricionais servem para nos alertar sobre a importância da vigilância nutricional após a cirurgia bariátrica

    A Despesa Militar em Portugal: 1950-1990

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    Neste artigo estuda-se a procura de despesa pública militar em Portugal no período de 1950 a 1990; apresenta-se um breve resumo dos estudos sobre esta questão a nível internacional; caracteriza-se a evolução da despesa pública militar no período; estuda-se a estacionaridade dos dados estatísticos; analisa-se a causalidade à Granger entre as variáveis; e estima-se uma equação de procura de despesa pública militar para o período em análise. O artigo aceita as hipóteses de Oslon-Zeckhauser, de que a despesa militar depende da população e do facto do país pertencer à aliança OTAN. Palavras Chave: despesa pública militar. econometria temporal, teste de causalidade à Granger, equação de procura de despesas militares

    A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west

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    As result of several field trips following doctoral research in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a new heathland named Lavandulo viridis-Ericetum lusitanici ass nova hoc loco (Genistion micrantho-anglicae, Rivas- Martínez 1979) as a thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, upper dry to humid, schistose association. The analysis of 11 relevés, following Braun-Blanquet methodology shows the floristic identity of this new association as well as the chorological segregation of its area of occurrence. Finally, despite these communities already being relatively well known and although they are poor in species number, such heathlands show floristic singularity and own sinecology, with a large and distinct geographical area of distribution, so we emphasized its integration within Atlantic wet heaths priority habitat (⁄4020 – Annex B-I from Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992)

    Comparative analysis of ephemeral river ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in mediterranean environments. A practical approach to Caia River (Portugal)

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    Mediterranean landscapes present a large amount of biodiversity and ecosystems leading to their unique identity. In fact, it is increasingly acknowledged that these ecosystems provide a large range of benefits, not only for the area where they are located but also for their surroundings. Benefits that may vary from aesthetical values to socioeconomic aspects that might influence territorial development, including also the preservation of those ecosystems. The ephemeral and intermittent rivers provide several and pivotal ecosystem services within to the environment. However, these services differ a lot from agricultural to natural landscapes – e.g. agricultural landscapes structure ́ is susceptible to dramatic changes through the seasons and water cycles. Thus, a comparison study between agricultural and natural Mediterranean environments landscapes have been carried out – allowing to deeply understand ephemeral rivers ecosystems systems and their dynamics. Considering the purpose of the study - a comparison analysis between river ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in Mediterranean environments have been conducted. Therefore, a Cross-Border ephemeral river – Caia River (Portugal-Spain) have been selected as a case study. The comparison has covered cultural, aesthetic, functional and socio-economic ecosystem services; showing the relevance of the functions granted by the river

    Lifecycle Assessment of Different Constructive Solutions in Aggressive Maritime Environments - Application to the Viaduct of the Oil Terminal of the Port of Leixões

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    The maritime environment is one of the most aggressive for infrastructures. This type of exposure affects severely the durability of any infrastructure, if proper preventive measures are not taken into account. In the construction of new structures one of the most important factors to take into account is the ratio cost / durability. This way, it is intended to make a study of two different structural solutions, as well as an analysis of their life cycles, for the viaduct of the oil tanker terminal of port of Leixões, in Portugal, since the current structure has reached the end of its life cycle after 50 years. It will be then designed a solution of precast and pre-stressed reinforced concrete beams with a reinforced concrete slab, and another solution with steel beams with a reinforced concrete slab. The new structure will be designed according to current regulations, which are developed in a way that such structures should reach a service life of 100 years. It is expected that this study will be able to provide a solution that is economically viable for the replacement of the viaduct, and where it is possible to reach the expected life time of 100 years with the lowest possible cost(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enfermagem de Reabilitação na prevenção de quedas em idosos no domicílio

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    Objective: Identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with the risk of fall in the elderly at home; Analyse the result of rehabilitation nursing care on decreasing the risk of fall in the elderly at home. Methodology: Descriptive case study with three participants who are patients that are integrated into long-term care team unit integrated in the community care, with neurological and balance changes, targets of rehabilitation nursing care with potential for recovery. Results: During eight weeks of implementation of the rehabilitation nursing care program, there was a decrease in intrinsic risk factors for falls, related to balance, transfers and mobility. When evaluating the results obtained it is possible to observe that all the participants obtained gains. In all cases there were gains in the ability of the participants to perform your daily living activities the in 45 points and an increase in the Equilibrium of 42 points. The evolution in the degree of dependence occurred only in one case, and in the other two cases, severe dependence was maintained. Conclusion: The rehabilitation nursing care produce gains in balance and decreased dependency which consequently reduces the risk of fall in the elderly at home. The rehabilitation nursing at home in subacute phases of neurological disease can enhance these results.Objetivo: Identificar factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos asociados a riesgos de caídas en ancianos en el hogar; Analizar el resultado de cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación en la disminución de los riesgos de caídas de los ancianos en el hogar. Métodos: Estudio de caso descriptivo con tres participantes que son pacientes que están integrados en el equipo de Cuidados Continuados Integrados de la Unidad de Cuidados de la Comunidad, con alteraciones de origen neurológicos y con alteración del equilibrio, objetivo de cuidados de la enfermería de rehabilitación con potencial de recuperación. Resultados: Durante ocho semanas de implementación del programa de cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación se verificó la disminución de factores de riesgos intrínsecos para la caída, relacionados con el equilibrio, las transferencias y la movilidad. Al evaluar los resultados obtenidos es posible observar que todos los participantes obtuvieron ganancias. En general, en todos los casos hubo ganancias en la capacidad de los participantes para ejecutar sus actividades de vida diarias en 45 puntos y un aumento del Equilibrio de 42 puntos. La evolución en el grado de dependencia ocurrió sólo en un caso, siendo que en los restantes dos se mantuvo la dependencia grave. Conclusión: Los cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación producen ganancias en el equilibrio y en la disminución de la dependencia, lo que disminuye el riesgo de caída en ancianos en el domicilio. La enfermería de rehabilitación en el domicilio en las fases subagudas de la enfermedad neurológica puede potenciar estos resultados.Objetivo: Identificar fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos associados ao risco de queda em idosos no domicílio; Analisar o resultado de cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação na diminuição do risco de queda em idosos no domicílio. Métodos: Estudo de caso descritivo com três participantes que são utentes integrados na Equipa de Cuidados Continuados Integrados de uma Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade, com alterações do foro neurológico e com alteração do equilíbrio, alvos de cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação, e com potencial de recuperação. Resultados: Durante oito semanas de implementação do programa de cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação verificou-se a diminuição de fatores de risco intrínsecos para queda, relacionados com o equilíbrio, com as transferências e com a mobilidade. Ao avaliar os resultados obtidos é possível observar que todos os participantes obtiveram ganhos. De uma forma geral, em todos os casos houve ganhos na capacidade dos participantes executarem as AVD’s (IB) em 45 pontos e um aumento do Equilíbrio (EEB) de 42 pontos. A evolução no grau de dependência ocorreu apenas em um caso, sendo que nos restantes dois manteve-se a dependência grave. Conclusão: Os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação indiciam produzir ganhos no equilíbrio e na capacidade de execução dos autocuidados, o que consequentemente diminui o risco de queda em idosos no domicílio. A enfermagem de reabilitação no domicílio nas fases subagudas da doença neurológica pode potencializar estes resultados

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech