56 research outputs found

    Flora vascular e formas de vida das formações de restinga do litoral norte da Bahia, Brasil

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    Um checklist e uma análise das formas de vida presentes na restinga da Área de Preservação Ambiental (APA) Litoral Norte, na Bahia, foram realizados, a fim de ampliar o conhecimento da flora da região. Fizeram-se coletas em áreas pouco amostradas e levantamento nos acervos dos herbários Alexandre Leal Costa (ALCB), da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (HUEFS), Antônio Nonato Marques (BAH) e da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (ASE). Compilaram-se 4.766 espécimes, 934 espécies e 124 famílias, distribuídas em diversas fisionomias de restinga. Onze famílias foram responsáveis por 47% do total de espécies, com destaque para Fabaceae, Rubiaceae e Myrtaceae. As fanerófitas representaram maior parte das espécies (55%), seguidas de caméfitas (26%), hemicriptófitas (10%), lianas (8%) e geófitas (1%). Nessa área foram encontradas 39 espécies endêmicas para a Bahia, entre elas Bactris soeiroana, Kielmeyera argentea, Erythroxylum leal-costae, Arapatiella psilophylla, Moldenhawera nutans, Poecilanthe itapuana, Swartzia polita e Psidium bahianum.

    Emotional profiles regarding maths among primary school children – A two-year longitudinal study.

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    . . . Learning maths is challenging for many primary school students, and teachers must understand students’ learning and emotional processes specific to learning maths. The current research, grounded in control-value theory, focused on achievement emotions regarding maths. Primary school students (N = 71) were studied with the primary objective of examining the longitudinal trajectories of achievement emotions of third graders over two years. The Portuguese Achievement Emotions Questionnaire for Elementary Students was administered biannually to assess enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom regarding maths. The results indicate that enjoyment decreased and boredom increased over time, revealing three emotional profiles: positive, negative and moderate. The positive profile showed the highest scores in maths achievement. Profile membership was moderately stable and became increasingly stable and structured. In examining the complexity of students’ emotional profiles and processes, the importance of understanding them to enhance educational support, development, and learning was highlighted. .Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudanza organizacional: una investigación de las opiniones, actitudes y expectativas de empleados que viven momentos de transición organizacional

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    Pesquisa focada no comportamento organizacional, especificamente nos aspectos da cultura organizacional mencionados por Sashkin e Kiser (1994), considerados como referencial teórico. A pesquisa responde duas questões principais: (1) quais são as opiniões, atitudes e expectativas dos funcionários diante de uma mudança organizacional? e (2) até que ponto as expectativas, as opiniões e as atitudes observadas aderem aos oito elementos da cultura organizacional propostos por esses autores? Parte da hipótese sustenta de que as empresas sujeitas a forte mudanças organizacionais, se observa um grande hiato nos elementos da cultura organizacional. As hipóteses foram parcialmente suportadas.Investigación centrada en el comportamiento organizacional, específicamente en los aspectos de la cultura organizacional mencionados por Sashkin y Kiser (1994), tomados como referencial teórico. Contesta a dos cuestiones centrales: (1) ¿cuáles las opiniones, actitudes y expectativas de empleados frente a una mudanza organizacional? y (2) ¿hasta que punto las expectativas, las opiniones y las actitudes observadas adhieren a los ocho elementos de la cultura organizacional propuestos por tales autores? Parte de la hipótesis sustantiva de que, en empresas sujetas a fortes mudanzas organizacionales, se pasa a observar un grande hiato en los elementos de la cultura organizacional. Las hipótesis fueron parcialmente soportadas.The research has a focus on the organizational behavior, specifically on the organizational culture investigated by Sashkin y Kiser (1994), taken as the major theoretical reference. Two questions are contested: (1) which are the opinions, attitudes and expectations of employees toward an organizational change? Up to which level these verified opinions, attitudes and expectations fit the eight elements of organizational culture proposed by these authors? The proposition states that, in firms with strong organizational change, there can be found a large hiatus in the elements of organizational culture. This proposition is partially sustained by de research

    Fusarium verticillioides e seu potencial de produção de fumonisinas em farinha de milho

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    This study aimed to identify the presence of fungi of the genus Fusarium and to evaluate the presence of contamination of fumonisin in maize meal destined to human consumption in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. It was used 30 samples of maize meal of six different brands sold in supermarkets. Mycological evaluation was carried out immediately. Then aliquots were stored at - 4 °C for later analysis of fumonisins. It was obtained 34 isolates from Fusarium verticilloides. These isolates had the ability to produce fumonisins B1, B2 and B3, with values ranging from 48.2 to 1190.1 μg g-1 for B1; from 6.7 to 311.5 μg g-1 for B2; and from 23 to 667 μg g-1 for B3. The fumonisin concentrations for isolates ranged from 84.3 to 2168.6 μg g-1. All the samples presented fumonisins with values ranging from 0.10 to 2.13 μg g-1. Isolates from strains of F. verticillioides were obtained in the maize meal samples, and the lots examined had different levels of fumonisins, which may represent risks to consumers.Objetivou-se identificar a presença de fungos do gênero Fusarium e avaliar a presença quanto à contaminação de fumonisina em farinha de milho, destinados ao consumo humano na cidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 30 amostras de farinha de milho a partir de seis diferentes marcas comercializadas em supermercados. A avaliação micológica foi realizada imediatamente, e em seguida foram armazenadas a - 4 ºC, alíquotas, para posteriormente ser feita a análise de fumonisinas. Foram obtidos 34 isolados de Fusarium verticilloides. Esses isolados apresentaram capacidade de produzirem fumonisinas B1, B2 e B3, com valores que variaram de 48,2 para 1190,1 µg g-1 de B1; 6,7 para 311,5 µg g-1 de B2; e 23 para 667 µg g-1 de B3. As concentrações de fumonisinas por isolados variaram de 84,3 a 2168,6 µg g-1. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram fumonisinas, com valores que variaram de 0,10 a 2,13 µg g-1. Nas amostras de farinha de milho, foram obtidos isolados de F. verticillioides e os lotes analisados apresentaram diferentes níveis de fumonisinas e podendo representar riscos ao consumidor.Fil: das Chagas Cardoso Filho, Francisco. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Keller, Kelly Moura. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Costa, Amilton Paulo Raposo. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Gomes Pereira, Maria Marlucia. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Ramirez, Maria Laura. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Muratori, Maria Christina Sanches. Universidade Federal do Piaui; Brasi

    The Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire: A study with Portuguese elementary school children

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    Background: Several studies have focused on the assessment of students’ motivation because this construct is very important to understand students’ learning and how to enhance it. The Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A), based on the self-determination theory is a self-report instrument developed to access the reasons why students do their school work. However, there is no Portuguese version of this questionnaire for late elementary students. The primary goal of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of SRQ-A in the domain of Mathematics with elementary school children. Methods: Participants were 341 elementary school children ranging from 8 to 11 years old from the third and fourth grades. The Portuguese version of the SRQ-A included 24 items assessing four regulatory styles (external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic) in three behavioral categories (homework, classwork, and answering questions in mathematics lessons). To examine the psychometric properties of the instrument, we conducted an exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), measured gender and grade invariance, and calculated internal consistency indexes and temporal stability. Results: ESEM analyses supported the original multidimensional structure of the measure with four regulatory styles using a reduced version of the instrument with 16 items. Correlations between the four regulatory styles revealed a simplex pattern consistent with the continuum of self-determination theory. Results showed adequate internal consistency for all regulatory styles (α ≥ .73; CR ≥ .76) and temporal stability (4-month test-retest ≥ .43). The questionnaire showed measurement and structural invariance across gender and grade. Finally, some gender differences were observed; on average, boys scored higher than girls in external regulation. No differences were observed between grades. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the Portuguese version of the SRQ-A has good psychometric properties providing adequate support for its use in educational research on motivational styles, including studies concerning gender and grade differences in self-regulation.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crescimento compensatório e privação alimentar no desempenho produtivo do robalo‑flecha

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of food deprivation and the occurrence of compensatory growth on the performance of common snook fingerlings (Centropomus undecimalis). The experiment lasted for 60 days, when fish – 35 individuals per tank – were divided into three groups of treatments, as follows: daily feeding (control); feeding for five days a week, followed by two days of fast; and feeding for four days a week, followed by three days of fast. The treatments of alimentary restriction provided performance indicators significantly inferior to those of the control. Common snook fingerlings should not be subjected to food restriction because of the damages that this practice entails to productive performance.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da privação alimentar e a ocorrência de crescimento compensatório sobre o desempenho produtivo de formas jovens do robalo‑flecha (Centropomus undecimalis). O experimento teve duração de 60 dias, em que os peixes – 35 indivíduos por tanque – foram divididos nos três seguintes grupos de tratamentos: com alimentação todos os dias (controle); com alimentação cinco dias por semana, seguidos de dois dias de jejum; e com alimentação quatro dias por semana, seguidos de três dias de jejum. Os tratamentos de privação alimentar proporcionaram indicadores de desempenho significativamente inferiores aos do controle. Formas jovens da espécie não devem ser submetidas a períodos de privação alimentar, pelos prejuízos que esta prática acarreta ao desempenho produtivo

    Space-temporal evaluation of changes in temperature and soil use and cover in the metropolitan region of baixada santista

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    The Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista (MRBS) harbors one of the main port areas of Brazil: the Port of Santos. Due to the accelerated urban development in this region, the monitoring of biophysical parameters is fundamental. Therefore, this paper aims to i) estimate the soil surface temperature (Ts) and identify the Urban Heat Islands (UHI) formation; and ii) compare the Ts and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for MRBS from 1986 to 2016 using Landsat 5 and 8 images. Remote sensing tools are essential to meet the objectives of this work for providing both the spatial and temporal evaluation of a region. The spatial analysis was based on the NDVI to evaluate the vegetation density and size from five previously established classes (i.e., water bodies, urban grid, exposed soil and road corridors, shrub, and dense vegetation). The NDVI mapping showed a significant reduction in the cover area referred to the dense vegetation class (91.7%), while the urban grid category increased by 29.4%, resulting from the urban expansion and green cover reduction over the region during this period. Surface temperature thematic maps showed high-temperature values related to increased urbanization and decreased rainfall. Moreover, an 8°C rise in surface temperature over the last 30 years was registered due to the regional development, which has replaced natural soils by anthropic materials and reduced dense vegetation. This phenomenon has resulted in the formation and intensification of UHI, especially after the 2000s

    O conceito de restauração na literatura científica e na legislação brasileira

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    Que problema ambiental é foco deste trabalho? As ambigüidades no entendimento do que significa “restauração” podem gerar problemas na utilização de técnicas para a restauração de uma área degradada e, conseqüentemente, ao objetivo desejado com essa prática. Isso prejudica iniciativas e ações de conservação da biodiversidade.  Qual foi a estratégia do trabalho para contribuir com sua solução? Foi realizado um levantamento na legislação brasileira pertinente e nos sites de pesquisa os artigos acadêmicos com as seguintes palavras-chave: restauração, recuperação, reabilitação, revegetação, reflorestamento e regeneração. A partir disso, foram realizados debates acerca da utilização desses termos, levando-se em conta a origem, autoria e datação de quando foi empregado.Qual é a principal conclusão do trabalho? Em geral, a legislação brasileira e muitos dos trabalhos encontrados não apresentam o conceito de restauração, sendo que os artigos muitas vezes sinonimizam esse termo a outros que estão associados o que não ocorre na legislação brasileira. Estreitando os laços entre a academia e os tomadores de decisão, podemos conseguir uma clareza do objetivo que se quer alcançar com a restauração

    Study on the microbiological quality of industrialized and handmade cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.)

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de castanhas industrializadas e das castanhas artesanalmente processadas, comercializadas por ambulantes em Teresina (PI). Foram coletadas 40 amostras de castanhas, sendo 21 amostras de castanhas industrializadas de três marcas (“A”, “B” e “C”) e 19 amostras de castanhas processadas artesanalmente (“D”), nas quais foram realizadas a determinação de coliformes a 35 °C e a 45 °C (NMP/g), a pesquisa de Salmonella spp. e a contagem de fungos. As amostras da marca “D” apresentaram maiores valores de coliformes a 35 °C (1,16 × 101 NMP/g); para coliformes a 45 °C, foram detectados valores de 7,0 NMP/g, e de 1,22 × 102 UFC/g para fungos e leveduras. Nas amostras da marca “A”, os valores para coliformes a 35 °C e 45 °C foram de 4,0 NMP/g e, para fungos e leveduras, de 1,0 × 102 UFC/g. Foram isoladas 43 cepas fúngicas. Do gênero Aspergillus, houve maior prevalência da espécie Aspergillus niger agregados (64,7%), e as espécies P. corylophillum (33,3%) e P. citrinum (29,2%) do gênero Penicillium. As amostras de castanhas industrializadas e processadas artesanalmente apresentaram condições higiênico-sanitárias satisfatórias e de acordo com a legislação vigente.This study evaluated the microbiological quality of industrialized and handmade cashew nuts sold by street sellers in Teresina, PI. Forty samples of cashew nuts were collected, being 21 samples of industrialized products from three brands (“A”, “B” and “C”) and 19 samples of handmade nuts (“D”), which were analyzed on coliforms enumeration at 35 °C and 45°C (MPN/g), Salmonella spp. isolation, and fungi and yeasts counting. Samples of brand “D” showed the highest coliforms counting at 35 °C (1.16 × 101 MPN/g);values of 7.0 MPN/g were found for coliforms at 45 °C, and of 1.22 × 102 CFU/g for fungi and yeasts. In the brand “A” samples, values of 4.0 MPN/g for coliforms at 35 °C and 45 °C, and of 1.0 × 102 CFU/g for fungi and yeasts were detected. Forty-three fungi strains were isolated. The mostly prevalent specieswerethe aggregated Aspergillus niger (64.7%), P. corylophillum (33.3%) and P. citrinum (29.2%). The samples of industrialized cashew nuts and the handmade nuts showed satisfactory hygienic and sanitary conditions in compliance with the legislation in force.Fil: Dourado Rodrigues, Aline Maria. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Calvet, Rodrigo M.. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Macêdo da Silva, Melina da Conceição. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Filho, Francisco das Chagas Cardoso. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Marques Monte, Aline. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Pereyra, Carina Maricel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Muratori, Maria Christina Sanches. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Nóbrega, Fábio Coelho Gomes. Universidade Federal do Piaui; BrasilFil: Nóbrega, Maria Marlucia Gomes Pereira. Universidade Federal do Piaui; Brasi

    Novel Nanotechnology of TiO 2

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    The aim of this study was to assess the performance of glass ionomer cement (GIC) added with TiO2 nanotubes. TiO2 nanotubes [3%, 5%, and 7% (w/w)] were incorporated into GIC’s (Ketac Molar EasyMix™) powder component, whereas unblended powder was used as control. Physical-chemical-biological analysis included energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), surface roughness (SR), Knoop hardness (SH), fluoride-releasing analysis, cytotoxicity, cell morphology, and extracellular matrix (ECM) composition. Parametric or nonparametric ANOVA were used for statistical comparisons (α≤0.05). Data analysis revealed that EDS only detected Ti at the 5% and 7% groups and that GIC’s physical-chemical properties were significantly improved by the addition of 5% TiO2 as compared to 3% and GIC alone. Furthermore, regardless of TiO2 concentration, no significant effect was found on SR, whereas GIC-containing 7% TiO2 presented decreased SH values. Fluoride release lasted longer for the 5% and 7% TiO2 groups, and cell morphology/spreading and ECM composition were found to be positively affected by TiO2 at 5%. In conclusion, in the current study, nanotechnology incorporated in GIC affected ECM composition and was important for the superior microhardness and fluoride release, suggesting its potential for higher stress-bearing site restorations