1,041 research outputs found

    Prevalence of major apical foramen mismatching the root apex in root canals of human permanent teeth

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    The periapical radiograph is used to determine the working length in endodontic treatment. However, this radiograph does not define the position of the major apical foramen. Objective: This ex vivo laboratorial study aims to determine the prevalence of the major apical foramen mismatching the root apex in human permanent teeth, because when present, this mismatch makes the radiographic method inaccurate for determining the working length. Material and methods: This study used 400 human permanent teeth: 100 incisors, 100 canines, 100 premolars, and 100 molars, totalizing 634 canals (Ethics Committee, Federal University of Ceará #263/10). The access and negotiation of the root canals were performed with K-type files #10 and #15 until the tip of the instrument were visible at the root foramen through 5-fold magnifying glass. Periapical radiographs were performed on bucco-lingual incidence for single-rooted teeth; the incidence angle was changed for multi-rooted teeth. The films were processed and then analyzed by three calibrated examiners (Kappa 80%). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used for analyzing of the results. Results: The prevalence of major apical foramens mismatching the root apex was 19.72% of the canals studied. The incisors showed the lowest prevalence (9%, p<0.05) while the highest prevalence was seen in canine teeth (28%). Conclusion: According to the methodology applied, the prevalence of major apical foramens mismatching the root apex foramens make necessary an adjunct method for determining the working length, because it alone was not capable of determining the foramen position.The periapical radiograph is used to determine the working length in endodontic treatment. However, this radiograph does not define the position of the major apical foramen. Objective: This ex vivo laboratorial study aims to determine the prevalence of the major apical foramen mismatching the root apex in human permanent teeth, because when present, this mismatch makes the radiographic method inaccurate for determining the working length. Material and methods: This study used 400 human permanent teeth: 100 incisors, 100 canines, 100 premolars, and 100 molars, totalizing 634 canals (Ethics Committee, Federal University of Ceará #263/10). The access and negotiation of the root canals were performed with K-type files #10 and #15 until the tip of the instrument were visible at the root foramen through 5-fold magnifying glass. Periapical radiographs were performed on bucco-lingual incidence for single-rooted teeth; the incidence angle was changed for multi-rooted teeth. The films were processed and then analyzed by three calibrated examiners (Kappa 80%). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used for analyzing of the results. Results: The prevalence of major apical foramens mismatching the root apex was 19.72% of the canals studied. The incisors showed the lowest prevalence (9%, p<0.05) while the highest prevalence was seen in canine teeth (28%). Conclusion: According to the methodology applied, the prevalence of major apical foramens mismatching the root apex foramens make necessary an adjunct method for determining the working length, because it alone was not capable of determining the foramen position

    Management of Six Root Canals in Mandibular First Molar

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    Success in root canal treatment is achieved after thorough cleaning, shaping, and obturation of the root canal system. This clinical case describes conventional root canal treatment of an unusual mandibular first molar with six root canals. The prognosis for endodontic treatment in teeth with abnormal morphology is unfavorable if the clinician fails to recognize extra root canals

    Gender on body studies in physical education field in Argentina and Brazil

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    O artigo objetiva oferecer uma reflexão a respeito da “generificação dos corpos” em nove periódicos da Educação Física do Brasil e da Argentina. A análise foi feita a partir de dois blocos: 1) textos que criticam o modelo heteronormativo de gênero no âmbito das práticas corporais; 2) artigos que problematizam a escola e a Educação Física, na produção de “corpos generificados”. Os estudos investigados contribuem para conferir ao corpo um novo estatuto ontológico, epistemológico e político ao estabelecerem uma crítica à sexualidade inscrita no físico anatomicamente diferenciado questionando o pressuposto de que os corpos são percebidos como passivos de uma lei natural inflexível.El artículo despliega una reflexión sobre la “generificación de los cuerpos” en nueve revistas académicas de Educación Física de Brasil y Argentina. El análisis fue realizado en dos bloques: 1) textos que critican el modelo heteronormativo de género en el contexto de prácticas corporales; 2) artículos que problematizan la escuela y la Educación Física en la producción de “cuerpos generificados”. Los estudios indagados contribuyen para conferirle al cuerpo un nuevo estatuto ontológico, epistemológico y político al establecer una crítica a la sexualidad inscripta en lo físico anatómicamente diferenciado, cuestionando el presupuesto de que los cuerpos son percibidos como pasivos de una ley natural inflexible.This paper displays a reflection on the “gendering bodies” in nine academic journals of Physical Education of Brazil and Argentina. The analysis was carried out in two parts: 1) texts that criticize the heteronormative model of gender in the context of bodily practices; 2) articles that problematize the schooling process and Physical Education in the production of “gendering bodies”. The researched studies contribute to confer on the body a new ontological, epistemological and political statute by establishing a critique of sexuality inscribed in the anatomically differentiated physical, questioning the assumption that bodies are perceived as passive of an inflexible natural law.Fil: Galak, Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Gomes, Ivan Marcelo. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; BrasilFil: Quintão de Almeida, Felipe. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; BrasilFil: Zoboli, Fabio. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasi

    Petrophysical Rock Typing of Coquinas from the Morro do Chaves Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (NorthEast Brazil)

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    ABSTRACT. This work has analyzed, considering the petrophysical point of view, samples of Coquinas obtained in the outcrop of the Morro do Chaves formation(Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). The complex sedimentological aspects for this study have been...Keywords: carbonate, porosity and permeability properties, NMR, electrical resistivity. RESUMO. Esse trabalho analisa, considerando o ponto de vista petrofísico, amostras de Coquinas obtidas em afloramento da Formação Morro do Chaves (Bacia de Sergipe–Alagoas). Os aspectos sedimentológicos complexos envolvidos neste estudo foram...Palavras-chave: carbonato, propriedades permoporosas, RMN, resistividade elétrica.</jats:p

    A Marmelada de Santa Luzia como Indicação Geográfica: contribuições e potenciais empecilhos na produção de marmelo em comunidade quilombola da região goiana

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    The production of quince brings social, environmental and economic gains, which favors the generation of income for traditional peoples and communities, as well as the productive sector of quince and marmalade. The objective of this study is to analyze the notoriety and the possibility of the Geographical Indication being used with the purpose of protecting and promoting the product Marmelada Santa Luzia, intangible cultural heritage of Goiás cities Cidade Oeste and Luziânia; and reflect on potential obstacles both in the production of quince and in registering the Geographical Indication for the product Marmalade. For that, the case study methodology was used. In this sense, the work makes a brief summary of quince production in Brazil, identifies the community to be benefited and points out the municipal, state and federal support network, as well as private institutions that can advise it with the request to the National Institute of Industrial Property.A produção de marmelo traz ganhos sociais, ambientais e econômicos, o que favorece a geração de renda para povos e comunidades tradicionais e para o setor produtivo do marmelo e marmelada. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a notoriedade e a possibilidade de a Indicação Geográfica ser utilizada com a finalidade de proteger e de fomentar o produto Marmelada Santa Luzia, patrimônio cultural imaterial de municípios goianos Cidade Ocidental e Luziânia; e refletir sobre potenciais empecilhos, seja na produção de marmelo ou em registro da Indicação Geográfica para o produto Marmelada. Para tanto, foi utilizada a metodologia estudo de caso. Nesse sentido, o trabalho faz uma breve síntese da produção de marmelo no Brasil, identifica a comunidade a ser beneficiada e aponta a rede de apoio municipal, estadual e federal, bem como instituições privadas que podem assessorá-la com o pedido junto ao Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial

    In vitro analysis of the internal anatomy of lower incisors by cone beam computerized tomography

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    For the success of endodontic treatment, the knowledge of the internal anatomy becomes essential. Objective: to analyze the prevalence of lower incisor canals in a clinical and tomographic analysis. Material and methods: 148 lower incisors were used, measured, and evaluated through periapical radiograph and computed tomography. Results: in relation to the number of canals, 107 teeth(72.3%) presented a single canal, while 41 teeth (27.7%) presented two canals. Of the 41 teeth presenting 2 canals, 3 teeth presented independent canals (2.03%) and 38 teeth had 2 canals that joined at some point of the canal path (25.67%). Conclusion: The prevalence of two canals in the lower permanent human incisors was 27.7%; of these, 2.03% were independent. The main point of root canal union was at the apical third (20.94%). The most commonly found root canal shape was round in cervical third, flattened in middle third, and round in third apical.For the success of endodontic treatment, the knowledge of the internal anatomy becomes essential. Objective: to analyze the prevalence of lower incisor canals in a clinical and tomographic analysis. Material and methods: 148 lower incisors were used, measured, and evaluated through periapical radiograph and computed tomography. Results: in relation to the number of canals, 107 teeth(72.3%) presented a single canal, while 41 teeth (27.7%) presented two canals. Of the 41 teeth presenting 2 canals, 3 teeth presented independent canals (2.03%) and 38 teeth had 2 canals that joined at some point of the canal path (25.67%). Conclusion: The prevalence of two canals in the lower permanent human incisors was 27.7%; of these, 2.03% were independent. The main point of root canal union was at the apical third (20.94%). The most commonly found root canal shape was round in cervical third, flattened in middle third, and round in third apical

    Radix entomolaris: relatos de série de casos / Radix entomolaris: case series reports

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    O conhecimento anatômico é um dos fatores que irão influenciar diretamente no prognóstico do tratamento endodôntico e um dos grandes desafios consiste em dominar as possíveis variações anatômicas internas dos grupos dentais. Uma destas encontradas nos molares inferiores é a presença de uma raiz supranumerária, podendo ser mais lingualizada ou mesiovestibularizada quando comparada com a raiz distal, sendo chamadas de radix entomolaris e radix paramolaris, respectivamente. O objetivo desses três relatos de casos é abordar diferentes variações anatômicas da posição e conformação do radix entomolaris em consonância com a prevalência na literatura. E assim, demonstrar que o correto diagnóstico e o conhecimento da anatomia do sistema de canais radiculares, juntamente com auxílio de magnificação são fundamentais para determinar o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. Conclusão: é fundamental o Cirurgião Dentista ter conhecimento das possíveis variações anatômicas, a magnificação na endodontia proporciona uma desinfecção mais adequada, a exploração inicial prévia pode ser realizada de forma mecanizada, mas a exploração manual prévia influência diretamente na diminuição dos índices de fraturas e as limas de abertura de orifício diminuem tensões das limas de modelagem

    Ex-vivo evaluation of four irrigation protocols for the removal of hard-tissue debris from flattened root canals and isthmus in mandibular incisors / Avaliação ex-vivo de quatro protocolos de irrigação para a remoção de resíduos de tecido duro de canais radiculares achatados e istmo em incisivos inferiores

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    Introduction This study aimed to compare the effect of ultrasonic activation in comparison to conventional irrigation in the removal of dentin debris from the root canals walls.  Methods Sixty single-rooted mandibular incisors with one only straight flattened root canal were selected and allocated across groups (n=15), according to the irrigation protocol: G1: conventional irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; G2: conventional irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine gel and saline solution; G3: G1 + ultrasonic activation; G4: G2 + ultrasonic activation. Cross-sectional images were obtained and evaluated before and after root canal cleaning and shaping. Two-way (ANOVA) and t-test (P &lt; 0.05) statistical tests were performed. Results G3 irrigation protocol removed significantly more dentin debris (p=0.0065), followed by the G1 protocol (p=0.0165) and by the G2 and G4 techniques, which were comparable (p=0.763).  Conclusions Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite followed by ultrasonic activation promoted a significant reduction in dentin debris within the root canal system