100 research outputs found

    “At ‘Amen Meals’ It’s Me and God” Religion and Gender: A New Jewish Women’s Ritual

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    New ritual practices performed by Jewish women can serve as test cases for an examination of the phenomenon of the creation of religious rituals by women. These food-related rituals, which have been termed ‘‘amen meals’’ were developed in Israel beginning in the year 2000 and subsequently spread to Jewish women in Europe and the United States. This study employs a qualitative-ethnographic methodology grounded in participant-observation and in-depth interviews to describe these nonobligatory, extra-halakhic rituals. What makes these rituals stand out is the women’s sense that through these rituals they experience a direct con- nection to God and, thus, can change reality, i.e., bring about jobs, marriages, children, health, and salvation for friends and loved ones. The ‘‘amen’’ rituals also create an open, inclusive woman’s space imbued with strong spiritual–emotional energies that counter the women’s religious marginality. Finally, the purposes and functions of these rituals, including identity building and displays of cultural capital, are considered within a theoretical framework that views ‘‘doing gender’’ and ‘‘doing religion’’ as an integrated experience

    The Wnt-dependent signaling pathways as target in oncology drug discovery

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    Our current understanding of the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways is mainly based on studies performed in a number of model organisms including, Xenopus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans and mammals. These studies clearly indicate that the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways are conserved through evolution and control many events during embryonic development. Wnt pathways have been shown to regulate cell proliferation, morphology, motility as well as cell fate. The increasing interest of the scientific community, over the last decade, in the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways is supported by the documented importance of these pathways in a broad range of physiological conditions and disease states. For instance, it has been shown that inappropriate regulation and activation of these pathways is associated with several pathological disorders including cancer, retinopathy, tetra-amelia and bone and cartilage disease such as arthritis. In addition, several components of the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways appear to play important roles in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and in the emerging field of stem cell research. In this review, we wish to present a focused overview of the function of the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways and their role in oncogenesis and cancer development. We also want to provide information on a selection of potential drug targets within these pathways for oncology drug discovery, and summarize current data on approaches, including the development of small-molecule inhibitors, that have shown relevant effects on the Wnt-dependent signaling pathways

    "Looking all lost towards a Cook's guide for beauty”: the art of literature and the lessons of the guidebook in modernist writing

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    This article explores the impact of the guidebook, especially the Baedeker series, on modernist literary culture. It argues that the guidebook is a literary phenomenon in its own right and that, as such, it attracts special attention from those engaged in defending and/or extending the category of literature as part of a modernist agenda. In particular, modernist writers are concerned as to whether the guidebook counts as a form of literature and, if so, what this means for the more familiar forms seen in their own essays, fiction and travelogues. What might the invention of the star system to rank scenes and monuments mean for the future of art criticism? How might the guidebook help or hinder the traveller in his/her pursuit of the beautiful or the picturesque? What does recourse to the guidebook reveal about the taste and education of the traveller? And, more pointedly still, what kind and quality of writing is the guidebook itself? This article surveys the extent of modernism's interest in the guidebook, both as a noteworthy new form and as a form modernist writers adapted for use in their own books, before turning in detail to commentary on the guidebook by E.M. Forster, Ernest Hemingway, H.D. and Virginia Woolf. In conclusion, it finds that the guidebook in modernism is very rarely just that. Instead, the guidebook finds unexpected affinities with modernism in its attempt to “modernise” literature – to make it more rational, more totalising and, in the eyes of its critics, less able to discriminate.This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Studies in Travel Writing on 4th March 2015, available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13645145.2014.994924

    Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in twentieth century United States, 1933-1964

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    This article reframes the discussion on vulnerable and exploited agricultural labour in twentieth-century United States using the overarching category of unfree labour. In order to do so, it bridges two usually distinct historiographies by linking the phenomenon of ‘peonage’ during the New Deal, with the one of immigrant contract labour southern Florida, under the H2 visa. Archival research on the practices at the US Sugar Corporation in southern Florida exemplifies this link. This article draws on federal archives, government proceedings, papers of political activists and legal and labour scholarship to argue: firstly, that unfree labour has been an enduring feature of agricultural labour relations at regional level during the twentieth century, through both a transmission and a transformation of practice that had their origin in the control of black emancipated labour; secondly, that the introduction of guest workers under the H2 and Bracero programme meant a modernization in the practices of unfree labour, pivoting on the lack of citizenship rights, racial discrimination, debt at home, and threat of deportation; and, finally, that the failure to recognise forms of legal and economic deprivation and coercion as unfree labour has hurt the ability of the United States to enforce protection of human rights at home

    A rational approach to the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome during adolescence Uma abordagem racional do diagnóstico da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na adolescência

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a lifelong disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism and ovulatory dysfunction, with a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs. Three different sets of diagnostic criteria have been established in order to define this disease in adult women, but there is controversy regarding the use of these criteria in adolescence. During puberty, the adult criteria for ovulatory dysfunction does not seem applicable, because an irregular menstrual pattern and a decreased ovulatory rate is a physiologic event during this period of life. Also, a higher prevalence of polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) may be observed during this period, so PCOM is not a useful criterion to define PCOS in young women. These fn-dings suggest that a key factor to diagnose to PCOS during adolescence is hyperandrogenism. In addition, since PCOM is not clearly associated with hyperandrogenism during this period of life, the term "polycystic ovarian syndrome" during adolescence cr

    Age of menarche and its relationship with body mass index and socioeconomic status Edad de la menarquia y su relación con el nivel socioeconó mico e índice de masa corporal

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    Background: A decline in the age of menarche was observed from early 1900s to the 1970s. However, it is not known if a further decline ocurred thereafter. Aim: To evaluate the age of menarche in girls from Santiago, Chile and its relationship with body mass index (BMI) and socioeconomic status. Material and Methods: We studied 1302 healthy girls aged 7 to 19 years. Age of menarche was evaluated through a questionnaire to the patient and her parents. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine age of menarche and Cox regression analysis was employed to evaluate the effect of the type of school and BMI on the age of menarche. Results: The mean age at menarche was 12.7±0.04 years. Girls from public and private schools had their period at 12.5±0.1 and 13.05±0.05 years respectively. A negative correlation between z scores for BMIand age of menarche was observed (r-0.3: p =0.001). Girls whose menarche occurred before 11.5 years had higher z scores for BMI and a larger proportion were overwei