60 research outputs found

    Research of the social environment in terms of human dimensions

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    The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of modern science – the problem of correlating a person with his environment. This problem is considered by the scientific community from different angles, depending on the components of the environment. It is generally accepted that the ecological aspects of the study of this interaction lie in the field of biology, chemistry and physiology, and the social sciences remain outside the subject. Man, as a bio-psycho-social being, cannot but interact with the components of the social environment. The article substantiates the methodology for studying the state of the social environment, aimed at optimizing the socio-ecological interaction in the system “man – social environment”. This approach makes it possible to assess the factors of the social environment in terms of the human dimension. The study of the influence of factors of the social environment on the demographic behavior of a person is important for optimizing the socio-ecological interaction in the “man – social environment” system. The article discusses the conditions for the action of an organized personality in a favorable and unfavorable social environment, the direct and indirect influence of environmental factors on a person’s demographic attitudes. Social and intrapersonal interaction in a human-sized and non-human-sized social environment takes various forms and methods, since it depends on the conditions of the individual’s action, including norms and values in the immediate environment of society as a whole. Factors of the social environment that have both direct and indirect effects on the demographic behavior of a person can be used as criteria for assessing the human dimension of the social environment. In conclusion, it is said about the significance of the results obtained for the development of ways of greening the social environment and its harmonization in relation to a person

    Petrogenetic characteristics of mafic-ultramafic massifs in Nizhne-Derbinsk complex (East Sayan Mountains)

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    The article describes the results of petrographic, petrochemical, petrofabric, mineralogical and geochemical studies of the major rock groups potentially Cu, Ni, Pt ore- bearing mafic-ultramafic massifs in the Nizhne- Derbinsk complex (Eastern Sayan Mountains). Based on the data interpretation the investigated massifs can be classified as peridotite- pyroxenite-gabbronorite formation of geosynclinal regime in Altai-Sayan folding area. Significant massif deformation occurred during the final post-consolidation formation stage. The petrographic features of gabbro and petrofabric patterns of the rock-forming minerals in the Burlakski and Nizhne-Derbinsk massifs indicated the fact that massifs were involved in the accretion-collisional development stage of the Central Asian folding belt during the final formation stages the Nizhne-Derbinsk complex

    The effects of simultaneous large acidic and alkaline airborne pollutants on forest soil

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    http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02697491The effects of air pollutants on soil were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests near the boundary of Russia and Estonia. The study area is characterized by large amounts of acidic and basic pollutants, mainly sulphur dioxide (SO*) and calcium (Ca) . Several variables were measured in different horizons of the podzolic soil polluted by emissions from local sources in areas of several thousands of square kilometres. Alkalinization dominates the processes in the soil, since sulphur is absorbed only in small quantities and Ca is much better absorbed. Ca content in humus horizon may rise even to 100 000 mg kg-’ and the pH of originally very acidic soil may rise to 8.3. Total aluminum (Al) content was high in the heavily polluted plots, since emissions contain much Al. On the other hand, the exchangeable Al was very low in these alkaline sites. A larger quantity of exchangeable Al occurred farther from the pollutant sources, even though total Al in these plots was low. These plots had acidic soils in which Al is in exchangeable form. Due to the neutralizing effect of acidic and basic pollutants, forest damage in the study area was not as serious as might be supposed, Complicated pollutant situations must be taken into consideration when pollution-caused environmental protection measures are planned. It is not reasonable to reduce only SO2 emissions, but necessary to lower the basic emissions at the same time


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    The outstanding discovery of the great Russian scientist and engineer D. K. Chernov predetermined the division of the “Iron Age” into two epochs “BEFORE CHERNOV” and “AFTER CHERNOV”. Discovered by Chernov polymorphism of steels allowed the development of new technologies for processing metal materials. Hydrogen treatment makes possible to improve the properties of non.polymorphic metals.Выдающееся открытие великого русского ученого и инженера Д. К. Чернова предопределило деление «века железа» на две эпохи «ДО ЧЕРНОВА» и «ПОСЛЕ ЧЕРНОВА». Открытый Черновым полиморфизм сталей позволил разработать новые технологии обработки металлических материалов. Водородная обработка позволяет улучшать свойства неполиморфных металлов

    Social and Labor Adaptation of People with Disabilities by Means of Production of Items of Folk Art: Evidence from Sociological Study

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    The article looks at the issues of integration of people with disabilities into a contemporary Russian society by means of utilization of their labor potential in the production of items of folk art with consideration of experience of this kind of activities in Vietnam. The relevance of this theme arises due to the lack of a much needed attention on the part of the government in formation of socially adequate and non-discriminatory conditions for life and activities of people with disabilities, which would allow them to overcome an image of a passive and dependent disability in the mass consciousness and disabled peoples' own self-consciousness. The most important condition of a successful integration of people with disabilities is their professional self-determination and employment. The study shows that people with disabilities face significant difficulties in identification of their place in life from the perspective of their professional employment. A priority area of employment of people with disabilities is their involvement in decorative arts, which encourages their full integration in a society, as most often they cannot adapt to the usual conditions of life and cannot compete on the labor market as equals with people without disabilities. Considering the fact that labor rehabilitation of people with disabilities by means of their involvement with decorative arts is not sufficiently spread in Russia there is a need to actively spread the media message about the advances of the people with disabilities in Vietnam in the sphere of production of items in decorative arts. Keywords: People with disabilities, social integration, labor rehabilitation, social policy, labor market, professional niches, folk art JEL Classifications: I14; J71; J2

    Presowing XeCl excilamp irradiation of crops: field research and prospects

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    Here we present research data demonstrating how crop seeds response to ultraviolet produced by a barrier-discharge XeCl* excilamp with a wavelength of 290–320 nm (82–88 %). The data show that presowing ultraviolet treatment is stimulatory to seed germination and plant growth. Ultraviolet treatment increases the seed germinability by 20–30 % and the plant fresh weight by 54 %, compared to untreated control samples, and provides a developed root system with long twisted segments. The research results are encouraging for upgrading the UV technology to larger-scale seed irradiation