785 research outputs found

    On the Optimal Decentralization of Data Processing in an Organization

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    Due to the developments in micro electronics, there is today a wider choice than ever of computer sizes and networks to choose from. There are many factors like investments, installation, system development, education, organizational consequences and many others to be taken into account when an organization faces such a decision. A model of a set of those costs has been developed along with a computer program to carry out the tedious numerical work to compare different system design alternatives. The report does not include quantitative simulations but focuses on qualitative aspects. It is shown that in contrast to the earliest computer technologies, there exists now a true minimum representing the optimal level of decentralization. For a given task distribution, this level is shifting in time towards greater decentralization

    Life cycle energy cost assessment for pump units with various types of line-start operating motors including cable losses

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of life-cycle energy consumption for three different types of 4 kW line-start motors used in a pump unit with throttling: the most widely used induction motor with IE3 efficiency class, line start permanent magnet synchronous motor with IE4 efficiency class and line start synchronous reluctance motor with IE4 efficiency class. The operating cycle for pump units with constant flow is considered for the above-mentioned types of motors taking into account not only the losses in the pump and motor, but also in the power supply cable. It is shown that the line start synchronous reluctance motor without magnets has the highest efficiency over the entire considered loading range. However, its power factor is lower than that of the synchronous motor with magnets and therefore it has more significant losses in power supply cable. Despite this disadvantage, the line-start reluctance motor is a good alternative to widespread induction motor since it allows saving of approximately 4000 euro more than the latter during the 20 years life cycle. It also provides similar savings in comparison to the permanent magnet synchronous motor, but unlike it, it does not have costly rare-earth materials in the rotor. © 2020 by the authors

    Algorithmic means implementing requirements reliability entering information into the onboard control computing system in rocket "SOYUZ-2"

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    Рассмотрены предъявляемые требования по надежности к режиму ввода программного обеспечения в бортовую цифровую вычислительную систему ракеты-носителя «Союз-2». Произведен анализ существующих программно-алгоритмических средств обеспечения предъявленных требований по надежности. Из-за большого количества используемых элементов и возрастания объемов хранимой информации возникает ряд проблем связанных с реализацией надежного ввода. Основные проблемами в данном режиме это большая вероятность возникновения двух кратных искажений информации и внешнее воздействие на линии связи. В связи с этим представлены доработанные программно-алгоритмические средства обеспечения надежности режима ввода программного обеспечения, с учетом особенностей и возможностей бортовой цифровой вычислительной системы ракеты-носителя «Союз-2», существенно повысившие надежность режима ввода и системы в целом.Discussed requirements to in terms of reliability to the input mode software onboard digital computer system rocket "Soyuz-2". The analysis of existing software and algorithmic means to ensure demand under reliability. Due to the large number of elements used and increasing volumes of stored information, a number of problems associated with the implementation of a reliable input. The main problem in this mode is a large probability of two multiple misstatements and external influence on the link. In this regard, presented the modified software and algorithmic means of securing the input mode information, taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the onboard digital computer system carrier rocket "Soyuz-2", will significantly increase the reliability of the input mode and the system as a whole

    Assessment of operability software and hardware system of automatic control systems

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    В статье рассматривается проблема оценки вероятности возникновения одиночного сбоя в аппаратуре при выполнении ключевых программ отвечающих за работоспособность системы. В ходе работы была проанализирована связь временных и емкостных характеристик программ, были получены соотношения позволяющие определять характеристики программ необходимые для достижения заданных вероятностных величин.The article considers the problem of evaluation of the likelihood of a single failure in the equipment when performing key programs responsible for the operability of the system. The article has been analyzed relations temporal and capacitive characteristics of the program were obtained ratio by which one can define the characteristics of programs needed to achieve defined values of probability

    Obtaining cyclopentanone from acidic wastewater of caprolactam production

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    It has been shown that adipic acid released from the by-products of caprolactam production is a promising raw material for the production of cyclopentanone. The thermal stability of calcium adipate was investigated by the derivatographic method and the conditions were selected that ensure the yield of at least 50% of the target cyclopentanone with a purity of at least 99%


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    The process of oxidation of cyclohexane with atmospheric oxygen, carried out as a separate stage in the production of caprolactam, is characterized by a large amount of oxygen-containing compounds, which are concentrated in acidic wastewater. One of these compounds is adipic acid. The resulting calcium salt of adipic acid decomposes during high-temperature processing to cyclopentanone. Cyclopentanone is an important intermediate in the production of insecticides, biologically active pharmaceuticals. Ketocyclopentane is an intermediate in the synthesis of jasmon. In the pharmaceutical industry it is a precursor in the production of cyclopentobarbital, which is a sedative. Cyclopentanone is also used to produce cyclopentamine, which is an intermediate in the synthesis of fungicides such as pencycuron. The solid concentrate of acidic wastewater was diazomethylated to obtain methyl esters of carboxylic acids

    Tensor analyzing power Ayy in deuteron inclusive breakup at large Pt and spin structure of deuteron at short internucleonic distances

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    The Ayy data for deuteron inclusive breakup off hydrogen and carbon at a deuteron momentum of 9.0 GeV/c and large Pt of emitted protons are presented. The large values of Ayy independent of the target mass reflect the sensitivity of the data to the deuteron spin structure. The data obtained at fixed xx and plotted versus Pt clearly demonstrate the dependence of the deuteron spin structure at short internucleonic distances on two variables. The data are compared with the calculations using Paris, CD-Bonn and Karmanov's deuteron wave functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the SPIN2004 Conf., 10-16 Oct. 2004, Triest, Ital

    The Petrophytic Steppes of the Urals: Diversity and Ecological Drivers

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    The diversity and main compositional patterns of the petrophytic steppes of the Urals were studied. Two questions were considered in detail: (i) How rich is the phytocoenotic diversity of the petrophytic steppes? and (ii) What kind of ecological drivers determine its differentiation? A dataset of 1,025 relevés was compiled,representing communities of different climatic and geological conditions. Using formalized classification (TWINSPAN algorithm), eight vegetation types on the petrophytic steppes were defined. DCA-ordination was used to determine the main ecological drivers (both climatic and edaphic) of plant communities’ diversity. Among them are mean annual temperature and precipitation, aridity, rockiness and local habitat moisture. The interaction of different ecological and geographical factors leads to high levels of floristic and coenotic diversity of vegetation in dry rocky habitats. Keywords: petrophytic steppes, ecological drivers, ordination, Southern Ural

    Graphene as a transparent conductive support for studying biological molecules by transmission electron microscopy

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    We demonstrate the application of graphene as a support for imaging individual biological molecules in transmission electron microscope (TEM). A simple procedure to produce free-standing graphene membranes has been designed. Such membranes are extremely robust and can support practically any sub-micrometer object. Tobacco mosaic virus has been deposited on graphene samples and observed in a TEM. High contrast has been achieved even though no staining has been applied

    Heat capacity of bulk boron doped single crystal HPHT diamonds in the temperature range from 2 to 400 K

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    Heat capacity Ср of boron-doped single crystal diamonds grown by the temperature gradient method was studied. Boron content was about < 10¹⁶, ~ 10¹⁸ and ~ 10²⁰ cm⁻³. Heat capacity data for all tested crystals match well within the measurement accuracy (1 %) in the temperature range of 150–400 K and obey the Debye law. At low temperatures heat capacity follows linear law possibly due to metallic inclusions in diamond bulk. Using this data the amount of metal can be calculated for each sample.Досліджено теплоємність Ср легованих бором монокристалічних алмазів, вирощених методом температурного градієнта. Вміст бору був < 10¹⁶, ~ 10¹⁸ і ~ 10²⁰ см⁻³. Дані по теплоємності для всіх досліджених кристалів добре узгоджуються в межах точності вимірювань (1 %) в інтервалі температур 150–400 К і підпорядковуються закону Дебая. При низьких температурах теплоємність змінюється за лінійним законом, можливо, через наявність металевих включень в алмазі. Використовуючи ці дані, кількість металу може бути обчислена для кожного зразка.Исследована теплоемкость Ср легированных бором монокристаллических алмазов, выращенных методом температурного градиента. Содержание бора было < 10¹⁶, ~ 10¹⁸ и ~ 10²⁰ см⁻³. Данные по теплоемкости для всех исследованных кристаллов хорошо согласуются в пределах точности измерений (1 %) в интервале температур 150–400 К и подчиняются закону Дебая. При низких температурах теплоемкость изменяется по линейному закону, возможно, из-за присутствия металлических включений в алмазе. Полученные данные позволяют рассчитать долю металлических включений в каждом из образцов