627 research outputs found

    Wetting Behavior of Molten Ag Nanodroplet on the Cu Substrate

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    The main objective of this investigation was to study spreading of Silver (Ag) nanodroplet on the Cooper (Cu) surface by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method. The quantum Sutton-Chen (Q-SC) many body potential was used to calculate cohesive energy as well as force experienced by every atoms. The temperature and pressure of nanodroplet were controlled by Nose-Hoover thermostat and Berendsen barostat respectively. The effect of nanodroplet size on the wetting and contact angle of silver nanodroplet on a copper solid surface was calculated by changing the number of atoms within the nanodroplet. By varying the cooling rate during spreading of nanodroplet, it was found that decreasing the cooling rate decreases the contact angle of nanodroplet, and it spreads better on the copper surface. Also, increasing initial temperature of nanodroplet decreased the contact angle. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3533

    Incidence of different types of dystocia in different seasons of the year and parities in Iranian Holstein dairy cows

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    Dystocia (DYS) is an important problem in Holstein cattle and imposes important economic losses on cattle producers. The etiologies and types of DYS are various and different factors can influence its incidence. In the present study, incidence of different types of dystocia was investigated in different seasons and parities in Holstein cows. One hundred and eighty two primi- and multiparous cows with DYS were included in the study. The results showed significantly more calf births in anterior presen-tation to first-calf heifers compared to those born to cows in parities 2–3 or ≥ 4 (P≤0.05). There was no significant difference in the number of calves born in anterior presentation between cows in pari-ties 2–3 and those in parities ≥4 (P>0.05). Also, significantly more dystocia cases were encountered in first-calf heifers compared with those in cows in parities 2–3 or ≥4 (P≤0.05) but there was no sig-nificant difference in this regard between the cows in parities 2–3 and those in parities ≥4 (P>0.05). In addition, the results revealed that DYS due to foetopelvic disproportion (FPD) mostly affected the primiparous cows and that the multiparous cows were mostly affected by dystocia due to twin birth (TB), uterine inertia (UI) and uterine torsion (UT). Moreover, the results showed that significantly most DYS cases occurred during winter compared with spring, summer or autumn (P≤0.05), of which the majority was due to FPD. On the other hand, the least DYS cases were observed in summer months, of which the majority was again due to FPD. Finally, there was no significant difference in the overall incidence of dystocia between spring, summer and autumn (P>0.05)


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    The disease Shlipada is very common in Andhra Pradesh Coastal belts. The chronic filarial patients used to suffer from acute periodic episodes. During these acute periodic episodes majority of the filarial patients develop lymphangitis (inflammation of lymphatic vessel), wounds and ulcers in affected legs. Some of the patients develop oozing blisters and pustules. Patients with these acute symptoms suffer from severe pain and tenderness and un-hygiene may lead to secondary bacterial infections. These periodic episodes often end with fibrosis and permanent swelling (Lymphedema). Many Ayurvedic herbal and herbo-mineral drugs were successfully used internally to reduce chronic filarial swelling (lymphedema), but there is an ultimate need to find an external application to reduce the acute symptoms like lymphangitis, wounds and ulcers. Kandughna taila is a Ayurvedic herbal oil prepared from Kandughna Dashaimani (a group of 10 drugs indicated in Itching) of Caraka samhita. This Kandughna taila was selected to study externally on Filarial patients. As a part of PhD study to find the efficacy of drug this oil alone was used in 28 patients in an open clinical trail. Encouraging results were observed during and after 30 days of treatment. Out of 28 cases, 8 (28.8%) got good response, 15 (53.6%) got fair response, 2 (7.1%) got poor response and 3 (10.7%) cases did not show any response. Overall 63.68% relief was found in all acute clinical parameters. Parameter wise 62% of relief in lymphangitis, 56.1% in pain, 62.5% in tenderness, 77.78% relief in wound/ ulcer were found. In statistical analysis based paired t-test relief on acute symptoms like lymphangitis, pain, tenderness, wound were found highly significant (P<0.0001). Statistically overall effect of treatment on acute symptoms was also found highly significant (P<0.0001)

    Crossover from Diffusive to Superfluid Transport in Frustrated Magnets

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    We investigate the spin transport across the magnetic phase diagram of a frustrated antiferromagnetic insulator and uncover a drastic modification of the transport regime from spin diffusion to spin superfluidity. Adopting a triangular lattice accounting for both nearest neighbor and next-nearest neighbor exchange interactions with easy-plane anisotropy, we perform atomistic spin simulations on a two-terminal configuration across the full magnetic phase diagram. We found that as long as the ground state magnetic moments remain in-plane, irrespective of whether the magnetic configuration is ferromagnetic, collinear or non-collinear antiferromagnetic, the system exhibits spin superfluid behavior with a device output that is independent on the value of the exchange interactions. When the magnetic frustration is large enough to compete with the easy-plane anisotropy and cant the magnetic moments out of the plane, the spin transport progressively evolves towards the diffusive regime. The robustness of spin superfluidity close to magnetic phase boundaries is investigated and we uncover the possibility for {\em proximate} spin superfluidity close to the ferromagnetic transition.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Investigation of microfluidic hepatocyte and hepatic progenitor cell cultures in vitro

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    The in vitro culture of liver cells has applications in extracorporeal bioreactors, generation of grafts for transplantation, and drug screening. It was postulated that hepatic cells could be cultured within a microfluidic environment. A series of microchannels of varied width was tested with hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) and showed maintained viability and a measurable level of albumin. Then HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cells were tested in a "Spheroid Chamber" design to attempt to encase the cells and maintain cell viability. Another device consisting of a channel layer and a well layer was then tested, resulting in successful seeding of the device but without maintained cell viability. Then viability and albumin production were tested in a series of channels, showing albumin fluorescence and maintained viability. In conclusion, we were able to show that HPC and HepG2 viability and hepatocellular behavior can be maintained in a microfluidic environment

    Thermal expansion of wood at different equilibrium moisture contents

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