100 research outputs found

    Petits acceleradors de partícules per aplicacions mèdiques

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    Small Accelerators for Medical Application.Accelerator laboratories worldwide used to be dedicated to high-energy particle physics and nuclear physics. Today, however, they are used in new domains. These include research fields and applications like material analysis, material science, biology, medicine or archaeology. This article focuses on some medical applications, in particular hadrontherapy

    Present status of development of damping ring extraction kicker system for CLIC

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    The CLIC damping rings will produce ultra-low emittance beam, with high bunch charge, necessary for the luminosity performance of the collider. To limit the beam emittance blow-up due to oscillations, the pulse power modulators for the damping ring kickers must provide extremely flat, high-voltage pulses: specifications call for a 160 ns duration and a flattop of 12.5 kV, 250 A, with a combined ripple and droop of not more than \pm0.02 %. The stripline design is also extremely challenging: the field for the damping ring kicker system must be homogenous to within \pm0.01 % over a 1 mm radius, and low beam coupling impedance is required. The solid-state modulator, the inductive adder, is a very promising approach to meeting the demanding specifications for the field pulse ripple and droop. This paper describes the initial design of the inductive adder and the striplines of the kicker system.Comment: Proceedings of LCWS'11, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, Granada, Spain 26-30 Sept 201

    An alternative nonlinear collimation system for the LHC

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    The optics design of an alternative nonlinear collimation system for the LHC is presented. We discuss an optics scheme based on a single spoiler located in between a pair of skew sextupoles for betatron collimation. The nonlinear system allows opening up the collimator gaps, thereby, reduces the collimator impedance, which presently limits the LHC intensity. After placing secondary collimators at locations behind the spoiler, we analyze the beam losses and calculate the cleaning efficiency from tracking studies. The results are compared with those of the conventional linear collimation system

    The status of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization of the FCC-ee

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    The Future Circular electron-positron Collider, FCC- ee, is designed for unprecedented precision for particle physics experiments from the Z-pole up to above the top-pair-threshold, corresponding to a beam energy range from 45.6 to 182.5 GeV. Performing collisions at various particle-physics resonances requires precise knowledge of the centre-of-mass energy (ECM) and collision boosts at all four interaction points. Measurement of the ECM by resonant depolarization of transversely polarized pilot bunches in combination with a 3D polarimeter, aims to achieve a systematic uncertainty of 4 and 100 keV for the Z-pole and W-pair-threshold energies respectively. The ECM itself depends on the RF-cavity locations, beamstrahlung, longitudinal impedance, the Earth’s tides, opposite sign dispersion and possible collision offsets. Application of monochromatization schemes are envisaged at certain beam energies to reduce the energy spread. The latest results of studies of the energy calibration, polarization and monochromatization are reported here