396 research outputs found

    On-line analytical processing

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    On-line analytical processing (OLAP) describes an approach to decision support, which aims to extract knowledge from a data warehouse, or more specifically, from data marts. Its main idea is providing navigation through data to non-expert users, so that they are able to interactively generate ad hoc queries without the intervention of IT professionals. This name was introduced in contrast to on-line transactional processing (OLTP), so that it reflected the different requirements and characteristics between these classes of uses. The concept falls in the area of business intelligence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Model-Driven Approach to Automate Data Visualization in Big Data Analytics

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    In big data analytics, advanced analytic techniques operate on big data sets aimed at complementing the role of traditional OLAP for decision making. To enable companies to take benefit of these techniques despite the lack of in-house technical skills, the H2020 TOREADOR Project adopts a model-driven architecture for streamlining analysis processes, from data preparation to their visualization. In this paper we propose a new approach named SkyViz focused on the visualization area, in particular on (i) how to specify the user's objectives and describe the dataset to be visualized, (ii) how to translate this specification into a platform-independent visualization type, and (iii) how to concretely implement this visualization type on the target execution platform. To support step (i) we define a visualization context based on seven prioritizable coordinates for assessing the user's objectives and conceptually describing the data to be visualized. To automate step (ii) we propose a skyline-based technique that translates a visualization context into a set of most-suitable visualization types. Finally, to automate step (iii) we propose a skyline-based technique that, with reference to a specific platform, finds the best bindings between the columns of the dataset and the graphical coordinates used by the visualization type chosen by the user. SkyViz can be transparently extended to include more visualization types on the one hand, more visualization coordinates on the other. The paper is completed by an evaluation of SkyViz based on a case study excerpted from the pilot applications of the TOREADOR Project

    Describing and Assessing Cubes Through Intentional Analytics

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    The Intentional Analytics Model (IAM) has been envisioned as a way to tightly couple OLAP and analytics by (i) letting users explore multidimensional cubes stating their intentions, and (ii) returning multidimensional data coupled with knowledge insights in the form of annotations of subsets of data. Goal of this demonstration is to showcase the IAM approach using a notebook where the user can create a data exploration session by writing describe and assess statements, whose results are displayed by combining tabular data and charts so as to bring the highlights discovered to the user's attention. The demonstration plan will show the effectiveness of the IAM approach in supporting data exploration and analysis and its added value as compared to a traditional OLAP session by proposing two scenarios with guided interaction and letting users run custom sessions

    Colossal Trajectory Mining: A unifying approach to mine behavioral mobility patterns

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    Spatio-temporal mobility patterns are at the core of strategic applications such as urban planning and monitoring. Depending on the strength of spatio-temporal constraints, different mobility patterns can be defined. While existing approaches work well in the extraction of groups of objects sharing fine-grained paths, the huge volume of large-scale data asks for coarse-grained solutions. In this paper, we introduce Colossal Trajectory Mining (CTM) to efficiently extract heterogeneous mobility patterns out of a multidimensional space that, along with space and time dimensions, can consider additional trajectory features (e.g., means of transport or activity) to characterize behavioral mobility patterns. The algorithm is natively designed in a distributed fashion, and the experimental evaluation shows its scalability with respect to the involved features and the cardinality of the trajectory dataset

    Fine-grained Soil Moisture Monitoring with PLUTO

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    Controlling soil moisture is crucial in optimizing watering and crop performance, particularly for crops with high water demands such as Kiwi. Monitoring and simulating soil behavior are two key approaches to understand soil behavior. Proximal sensors are the most reliable way to monitor soil moisture. While in the past sensor costs limited their adoption, the progressive cost reduction makes now possible to properly capture moisture dynamics in the soil volume occupied by roots. Physically-based numerical models can be used to further understand soil moisture dynamics, but solely in an off-line manner due to their time-consuming simulations. We introduce PLUTO, a cost-effective solution that, starting from sensor data, leverages both Physically-based and machine learning models to build on-line moisture profiles for long-term watering optimization. PLUTO, relies on bi/tri dimensional sensor grids that proved to largely overcome the accuracy of previous profiles obtained with traditional sensor layouts. Besides, we provide an analysis of sensor importance that takes in consideration the trade-off between accuracy, number, and position in order to suggest a smart placement

    Conversational OLAP

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    The democratization of data access and the adoption of OLAP in scenarios requiring hand-free interfaces push towards the creation of smart OLAP interfaces. In this paper, we describe COOL, a framework devised for COnversational OLap applications. COOL interprets and translates a natural language dialog into an OLAP session that starts with a GPSJ (Generalized Projection, Selection, and Join) query and continues with the application of OLAP operators. The interpretation relies on a formal grammar and on a repository storing metadata and values from a multidimensional cube. In case of ambiguous text description, COOL can obtain the correct query either through automatic inference or user interactions to disambiguate the text

    Conversational OLAP in Action

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    The democratization of data access and the adoption of OLAP in scenarios requiring hand-free interfaces push towards the creation of smart OLAP interfaces. In this demonstration we present COOL, a tool supporting natural language COnversational OLap sessions. COOL interprets and translates a natural language dialogue into an OLAP session that starts with a GPSJ (Generalized Projection, Selection and Join) query. The interpretation relies on a formal grammar and a knowledge base storing metadata from a multidimensional cube. COOL is portable, robust, and requires minimal user intervention. It adopts an n-gram based model and a string similarity function to match known entities in the natural language description. In case of incomplete text description, COOL can obtain the correct query either through automatic inference or through interactions with the user to disambiguate the text. The goal of the demonstration is to let the audience evaluate the usability of COOL and its capabilities in assisting query formulation and ambiguity/error resolution

    Schema Profiling of Document Stores

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    In document stores, schema is a soft concept and the documents in a collection can have different schemata; this gives designers and implementers augmented flexibility but requires an extra effort to understand the rules that drove the use of alternative schemata when heterogeneous documents are to be analyzed or integrated. In this paper we outline a technique, called schema profiling, to explain the schema variants within a collection in document stores by capturing the hidden rules explaining the use of these variants; we express these rules in the form of a decision tree, called schema profile, whose main feature is the coexistence of value-based and schema-based conditions. Consistently with the requirements we elicited from real users, we aim at creating explicative, precise, and concise schema profiles; to quantitatively assess these qualities we introduce a novel measure of entropy

    Cost-based Optimization of Multistore Query Plans

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    Multistores are data management systems that enable query processing across different and heterogeneous databases; besides the distribution of data, complexity factors like schema heterogeneity and data replication must be resolved through integration and data fusion activities. Our multistore solution relies on a dataspace to provide the user with an integrated view of the available data and enables the formulation and execution of GPSJ queries. In this paper, we propose a technique to optimize the execution of GPSJ queries by formulating and evaluating different execution plans on the multistore. In particular, we outline different strategies to carry out joins and data fusion by relying on different schema representations; then, a self-learning black-box cost model is used to estimate execution times and select the most efficient plan. The experiments assess the effectiveness of the cost model in choosing the best execution plan for the given queries and exploit multiple multistore benchmarks to investigate the factors that influence the performance of different plans

    Crop Management with the IoT: an Interdisciplinary Survey

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    In this study we analyze how crop management is going to benefit from the Internet of Things providing an overview of its architecture and components from an agronomic and a technological perspective. The present analysis highlights that IoT is a mature enabling technology, with articulated hardware and software components. Cheap networked devices may sense crop fields at a finer grain, to give timeliness warnings on stress conditions and the presence of disease to a wider range of farmers. Cloud computing allows to reliably store and access heterogeneous data, developing and deploy farm services. From this study emerges that IoT is also going to increase attention to sensor quality and placement protocol, while Machine Learning should be oriented to produce understandable knowledge, which is also useful to enhance Cropping System Simulation systems