98 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to compare the Russian and Ukrainian clauses conveying deontic modality of obligation in international law. The investigation was carried out on parallel texts of Agreement, Treaty and Memorandum of Understanding drawn up by the Ukraine and the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet era. This systematic comparison deals with both modal auxiliaries and several periphrastic constructions. The study findings show that the two languages have very different constructions for conveying this deontic value, with Ukrainian legal language using a more varied range of lexico-semantic and morphosyntactic units. Divergence occurs in the use of the modal constructions with the verbs musyty and maty and the synthetic future form, which is not available in Russian.Celem pracy jest porównanie rosyjskich i ukraińskich klauzul przenoszących znaczenie nakazu w prawie międzynarodowym. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na tekstach paralelnych umowy, porozumienia oraz traktatu podpisanych przez Federację Rosyjską oraz Ukrainę w epoce posowieckiej. Zanalizowano następujące wykładniki modalności deontycznej: czasowniki posiłkowe modalne oraz konstrukcje peryfrastyczne. Badanie ujawniło, że w tych dwóch językach sposoby wyrażania nakazu różnią się. Wachlarz środków w języku ukraińskim jest bogatszy niż w rosyjskim w zakresie środków leksykalno-semantycznych oraz morfosyntaktycznych. Występują różnice w stosowaniu konstrukcji modalnych z czasownikami musyty i maty a syntetyczna forma czasu przyszłego nie jest stosowana w języku rosyjskim

    Chapter О культурных предпосылках ‘итальянского’ правового дискурса Сергея Ивановича Зарудного

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    The paper is about Sergej Ivanovič Zarudnyj, a central figure in Tsar Alexander II’s “great reforms”. Descended from the family of a Cossack staršyna from Sloboda Ukraine, Zarudnyj had a brillant career in the imperial capital as a engaged reformer of Russia’s backwards legal system. His cultural origins, his family’s history, and his education at Kharkiv University deeply affected his translation work and legal discourse; in both of these spheres, he aimed to introduce and popularize the products of Italian legal culture in the Russian Empire

    Marker dell'obbligo nel linguaggio giuridico ucraino e italiano: studio contrastivo di un testo normativo

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    Il contributo ha come obbiettivo quello di descrivere, in un\u2019ottica contrastiva, l'uso dei verbi modali con il significato dell'obbligo nelle traduzioni ucraina e italiana del diritto secondario della CE. Il materiale di analisi \ue8 rappresentato dal testo multilingue della Direttiva 2006/43/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio europeo del 17 maggio 2006, relativa alle revisioni legali dei conti annuali e dei conti consolidati. Tale tipologia testuale risulta particolarmente ricca di mezzi lessicali per esprimere vari significati deontici in quanto contiene norme che stabiliscono permessi, obbligi e divieti con vari gradi di forza modale. Lo studio evidenzia le analogie e le differenze nella resa dell'obbligo nei testi paralleli e individua le corrispondenze principali tra gli ausiliari modali nelle lingue coinvolte. Gli esempi con i marker povynen, maty, musyty nella versione ucraina e dovere in quella italiana illustrano alcuni problemi ed errori nella resa di questa norma dalla lingua inglese

    The Role Of Hrm In Employee Motivation: Strategies And Key Factors In The Modern Workplace (Example Of Georgia)

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    An effective human resource management (HRM) system plays a pivotal role in the success of organizations and institutions. In today's dynamic landscape, enhancing service quality and gaining public trust are inextricably linked to motivating employees, evaluating their performance, defining clear responsibilities, and fostering a strong organizational culture. However, many Georgian companies lack well-defined HRM policies, often perceiving them as mere administrative tasks rather than strategic initiatives critical to achieving organizational success. This research paper aims to address this gap by providing valuable theoretical insights and practical recommendations for organizations striving to create a motivated and high-performing workforce. The theoretical contribution lies in the comprehensive exploration and scientific analysis of the factors influencing effective HRM practices. This research contributes to the HRM field by synthesizing and extending theories, offering a conceptual framework to guide future research. Furthermore, the study offers practical implications for organizations. Through empirical investigations and case studies, we identify specific challenges faced by Georgian companies in implementing effective HRM practices. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the significance of effective HRM practices in driving employee motivation and overall organizational success. By combining theoretical insights with practical recommendations, organizations can cultivate a motivated workforce and achieve their goals in the ever-evolving business landscape

    Challenges and barriers in transition to circular economy business models

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    Circular Economy (EC) is a term that has not been studied fully yet and is attracting the growing interest of scholars. It is vital for our planet and each of our lives to take care of EC principles. In this process, the business sector plays a leading role. This process is challenging and requires understanding circular economy principles first, after analyzing linear business models and comparing them to the CBM (Circular Economy Business Model). Based on these, it will be easier for businesses to adopt any of them. The aim of the paper is to discuss these and give recommendations based on the literature, research papers, and publications available at this moment. Key Findings: The barriers to moving from BM to CBM are still strong, but business behavior shows that there are already some signs of a circular economy, which can be considered an important step for the planet and people’s lives; recommendations are given on how to help businesses to overcome obstacles on this difficult path

    Trasformazione di diatesi nella traduzione di testi legali in ucraino e russo: evidenze dall’analisi contrastiva

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    The article deals with the translation of European Union legal texts into Russian and Ukrainian. The translated texts are compared with the source text to trace the translation patterns of English passive constructions. In Ukrainian, there is a tendency to use a diathesis transformation, while in Russian a parallel passive construction is used

    Natural translation features in early bilingualism: a case study of an Italian-Russian bilingual teenager

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    Despite the fact that questions regarding translation in bilingualism have occupied the attention of researchers for several decades, the specific translation strategies of \u201cearly\u201d bilingual persons are still not very well understood. Among the causes of this situation is the relative lack of long-term studies of the development of translation skills, which in the case of Russian as a second language is particularly notable. However, the acquisition of more precise data regarding this phenomenon is of great importance not only for cognitive science, but also from the point of view of the effective teaching of translation as a professional activity to young as well as adult bilinguals. In addition, studies to date have usually focused on the detection of errors in translation into the second language. However, as it turns out, the quality of translation into the native language depends, to a large extent, on the degree of bilingualism. This article is a case study, using as its subject for this experiment in translation, an \u201cearly\u201d natural bilingual person whose first language was Italian and whose second language was Russian. His translations from Russian into Italian were compared with those of university students and also speakers of Italian who began, by choice, to study Russian in adulthood. Contrastive analysis showed that the natural translator employed a much greater variety of types of transformations, among which were, principally, omission, addition, semantic generalization and substitution, syntactical reformulation and modification. On the other hand, the university students gave priority to semantic accuracy. In addition, the natural translator was more successful in idiomatic appropriateness and achieved greater stylistic and genre competence. His translations were more attuned to the culture of the target language and took more account of the perception threshold of the hypothetical reader/listener. At the same time, the translations of the natural translator showed marked weaknesses such as excessive arbitrariness, linguistically unmotivated application of transformations and overconfidence in the interpretation of the original text

    Ancora sulla rivoluzione russa

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