164 research outputs found

    Fiscal decentralisation and the size of government: a review of the empirical literature

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    Within the public choice framework, it has been argued that decentralised authority over the provision and financing of certain public goods and services induces competitive pressure among different governmental units and consequently reduces the size of government. However, in many countries, fiscal decentralisation seems to have occurred almost exclusively through devolution of expenditure activities, without the accompanying devolution of the tax authority. We address this issue in detail, and discuss the repercussions of the resulting vertical fiscal imbalance on the total size of government. We also discuss alternative, demand-side channels of the influence of fiscal decentralisation on the size of government. In the empirical literature that we review, little consensus on the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and the size of government is reached.the size of government, fiscal decentralisation, intergovernmental grants,sub-national expenditures, sub-national own-source revenues


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    The Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center for Judaic Studies… Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert… Golem: A Klezmer rock band featuring Yiddish and Eastern European music with a contemporary edge.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1314/thumbnail.jp

    The Public Trust Doctrine Unprecedentedly Gains New Ground in Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Mississippi

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    Implementing Medical Business Processes Integrating Server Technologies

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    In this paper we describe a BPM solution implemented by integrating server technologies in a SOA manner. Our solution empowers healthcare workers to more efficiently and effectively create clinical forms and contribute in clinical business processes. The clinical forms are XML documents created either using a special editor or web forms. Shared access and document management facilities are supported via the SharePoint services while business processes management is driven by the BizTalk server. The integration between servers and components is realized via Web Services, adapters, and event handlers. The core logic behind business processes is implemented via BEPL constructs that obtain clinical forms, perform the requested data transformations, store data into the database, and push forms further into business processes. Event handlers receive forms from processes and, according to the routing information, deliver them to recipients. Web services provide SOA glue and lookups

    Correlation of oil companies’ stock value in the function of oil price and market indexes during the period of unconventional reservoirs exploitation : master’s thesis

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    Kriza u naftnoj industriji i veliki pad cijene u razdoblju nakon 2013. godine doveo je naftne tvrtke u nepovoljan financijski položaj. Vrijednosti naftnih tvrtki, likvidnost i profitabilnost su počele opadati, a dugovi rasti. Ovim radom je obuhvaćena analiza američkih naftnih tvrtki, aktivnih većinom na nekonvencionalnim ležištima, i njihove ovisnosti o tržištu u osmogodišnjem vremenskom razdoblju. Napravljene su korelacije vrijednosti cijena dionica naftnih tvrtki u funkciji cijene nafte, plina te burzovnih indeksa S&P 500 te Dow Jones Oil & Gas Producers. Ustanovljen je trend rasta duga kod svih tvrtki, neovisno o njihovoj veličini kao i njihovo različito snalaženje u kompleksnoj situaciji u kojoj su se našle posljednjih godina.Crisis in the oil industry combined with the low oil prices left oil companies in an unfavorable position. The value of oil companies started to decrease, same as their liquidity and profitability while their debt started to increase. This thesis contains analysis of American oil companies and their heavy dependence on market during the period of eight years. Correlations of oil companies’ stock values have been made, in the function of oil and gas price and the price of market indexes S&P 500 and Dow Jones Oil & Gas Producers. Debt growth trend has been recognized among all the analyzed companies, regardless of their size. According to their structure, vertically integrated companies deal much better with the complex situation that has been present for the last few years, in comparison with smaller E&P companies

    Correlation of oil companies’ stock value in the function of oil price and market indexes during the period of unconventional reservoirs exploitation : master’s thesis

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    Kriza u naftnoj industriji i veliki pad cijene u razdoblju nakon 2013. godine doveo je naftne tvrtke u nepovoljan financijski položaj. Vrijednosti naftnih tvrtki, likvidnost i profitabilnost su počele opadati, a dugovi rasti. Ovim radom je obuhvaćena analiza američkih naftnih tvrtki, aktivnih većinom na nekonvencionalnim ležištima, i njihove ovisnosti o tržištu u osmogodišnjem vremenskom razdoblju. Napravljene su korelacije vrijednosti cijena dionica naftnih tvrtki u funkciji cijene nafte, plina te burzovnih indeksa S&P 500 te Dow Jones Oil & Gas Producers. Ustanovljen je trend rasta duga kod svih tvrtki, neovisno o njihovoj veličini kao i njihovo različito snalaženje u kompleksnoj situaciji u kojoj su se našle posljednjih godina.Crisis in the oil industry combined with the low oil prices left oil companies in an unfavorable position. The value of oil companies started to decrease, same as their liquidity and profitability while their debt started to increase. This thesis contains analysis of American oil companies and their heavy dependence on market during the period of eight years. Correlations of oil companies’ stock values have been made, in the function of oil and gas price and the price of market indexes S&P 500 and Dow Jones Oil & Gas Producers. Debt growth trend has been recognized among all the analyzed companies, regardless of their size. According to their structure, vertically integrated companies deal much better with the complex situation that has been present for the last few years, in comparison with smaller E&P companies

    The determinants of the size of government in developed market economies

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    This research aims at developing and extending the theoretical and empirical literature on the extent of government sector involvement in the economy. It is primarily concerned to analyse the causes of the generally increasing size of the government sector in developed market economies. Despite the importance of this topic in the field of political economy, the literature review suggests that there is no single core theory of the size of government in the economy, only various fragmented theoretical explanations. In an attempt to bridge this analytical gap in the existing knowledge, this research offers a simple integrative theoretical framework. Within that framework, this research gathers and empirically tests the most relevant theories in this field. To that end, it makes use of data for developed market economies in the period from 1970 to 2008. The obtained results indicate that national income, a country‟s degree of modernisation, trade and financial openness, relative prices of government and private goods and government sector employment play an important role in explaining the size of government in developed market economies. In addition, this research contributes to the existing empirical literature by examining the evolution of long, historical time-series of government expenditures for the four developed market economies for which this data is available (the US, the UK, Italy and Sweden). Contrary to conventional wisdom, statistical examination of the data suggests that the major change in the underlying growth rate of government expenditures occurred around the turn of the 20th century. By contributing to a better understanding of the long-run determinants of the size of government in the economy, this research offers a basis for relevant policy proposals and also informs debate on the appropriate size and role of the public sector in a mixed economy.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Winter tourism in Alpine region (Switzerland, Austria and France)

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    Tema rada je Zimski turizam u zemljama alpskog podruĉja (Švicarska, Austrija i Francuska). I kao što je rečeno u uvodu turizam ima veliku važnost i postao je jedna od najvažnijih gospodarskih djelatnosti u svijetu koji se razvijao velikom brzinom. Prema najnovijim podacima Svjetske turističke organizacije (UNWTO), broj ukupnih putovanja u svijetu je porastao za 4,3% u 2014. godini, te je tako ostvario 1 133 milijuna putovanja, dok je u 2012. godini taj broj iznosio 1 milijardu.Kada se govori o Švicarskoj, Austriji i Francuskoj, govori se o tri najrazvijenije zemlje Europe, s najjačim zimskim turizmom na svijetu. Razvoju zimskog turizma u ove tri zemlje pogodovao je reljef Alpa, ali i dobra povezanost s ostatkom Europe i svijeta. Da je zimski turizam najbolje razvijen u Europi pokazuju brojke o broju dolazaka, noćenja, ostvarenih prihoda koji se mogu vidjeti u radu. Također spominju se zimske sportske igre i njihova važnost za ovu vrstu turizma. Te sportske igre održavaju se u nekim od najpoznatijih europskih skijališta kao što su u Francuskoj Val Thorens, Alpe d'Huez, Chamonix, Val dIsère i La, Austriji Saalbach Hinterglemm, Insbruck, Soelden te Kitzbühel, i u Švicarskoj Gstaad, St. Moritz, Klosters i Zermatt. Sva natjecanja naravno podržana su brojnim sponzorima i popraćena brojnim medijima. Najvažniji sponzori bili bi Helvetia, Le Gruyère, OMW i Audi koji osim vlastite prezentacije i jačanja svog branda zalažu se za očuvanje okoliša, na popularizaciji sportova ili jednostavno pomažu natjecateljima. Održavanje zimskih sportskih natjecanja uvelike pomaže razvoju destinacije, kroz razvoj cijelokupne infrastrukture, poboljšanja ponude, povećanje popularnosti određene destinacije. Zimski turizam je veoma važan za ove tri zemlje ponajviše zbog ekonomskih učinaka koji se ostvaruju tijekom zimske sezone. U svakoj destinaciji koja razvija turizam postoje pozitivni i negativni učinci. Pozitivni bi trebali biti maksimizirani, dok bi negativni trebali biti minimizirani, te da bi ovo bilo moguće potrebna je suradnja svih subjekata turizma čiji bi cilj trebao biti napredak kvalitete života, zaštita svih turističkih resursa ali i ostvarivanje profita.The topic of this graduate work is Winter tourism in countries of the Alpine region (Switzerland, Austria and France). As it was said in the introduction the tourism has a great meaning and it has become one of the most important economic acitvities in the world which has developed rapidly. By the newest data from the World tourist organization (UNWTO), the number of total arrivals grew up by 4,3% in 2014. year, reaching a total of 1 133 million arrivals, while in 2012. that number was 1 billion.When talking about Switzerland, Austria and France, they are three most developed European countries with strongest winter tourism in the world. Alpes have helped to the development of winter tourism in these countries, as also a very good traffic connection with the rest of the Europe and the world. That the winter tourism is the best developed in Europe, show numbers of arrivals, overnights, incomes which could be seen through the whole paper. Winter sports games and their importance for this type of tourism are mentioned. These sport games are being held in some of the most famous european ski resorts such as in France Val Thorens, Alpe d'Huez, Chamonix, Val dIsère and La Plagne, in Austria Saalbach Hinterglemm, Insbruck, Soelden and Kitzbühel and in Switzerland Gstaad, St. Moritz, Klosters i Zermatt. All competitions are supported by many sponsors and followed by a great number of media. Most important sponsors woud be Helvetia, Le Gruyère, OMW and Audi which except their own presentation and making their brand famous are committed to preserving the environment, to popularize the sport or simply help the competitors. Winter sport games greatly assist the development of the destination, through improving the infrastructure, improve of supply and improvement of popularity of the certain destination.Winter tourism is very important for these three countries, mainly because of economic effects that are mediated during the winter season. In every destination that develops tourism, there are some positive and negative effects. The positive ones should be maximized, while the negative ones minimized, and to make this possible, this requires cooperation of all subjects in tourism whose goal should be the life quality progress, protection of all tourist resources and also the making of the profit

    Impact of Tourism on the Sustainable Urban Development

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    Potreba za boljim životom i rastom životnog standarda postala je, možemo reći, primarna čovjekova potreba. Upravo ova potreba potaknuta industrijalizacijom, razvojem tehnologije i rastom stanovništva na globalnoj razini rezultirala je rastom broja gradova, te dodatnim razvojem postojećih. Urbanizacija je proces koji je zahvatio cijeli svijet, a djelovala je tako da se postojeće ruralno stanovništvo odlučilo napustiti svoje domove radi potrage za boljim životnim uvjetima. Zbog prekomjernih migracija koncepcija urbanizacije dobila je novo značenje, više se ne odnosi samo na razvitak gradova, nego i na smanjenje razlika između ruralnih i urbanih područja, a 2007. godine prvi je put zabilježen veći broj urbanog stanovništva u odnosu na ruralno stanovništvo, s procjenom da će u 2050. godini 66 % svjetskog stanovništva živjeti u urbanim okolinama. Važnost gradova uočena je od početka njihova postanka te je industrijalizacija zajedno s tehnološkim inovacijama potaknula dalji razvitak što je rezultiralo stvaranjem gradova kakve danas poznajemo. Prema podatcima Ujedinjenih naroda u 2018. godini bilo je 548 gradova s preko milijun stanovnika, te 33 megagrada s preko 10 milijuna stanovnika. Dokaz da su gradovi pokretači modernog svijeta i gospodarskog razvoja brojnih zemalja jest 80 % globalnog bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP) koji se generira u gradovima. Problem urbanizacije očituje se u neplaniranom i prebrzom rastu i razvoju gradova što se na kraju negativno odražava na okoliš ali i na stanovništvo gradova. Urbanizacija se očituje brojnim pozitivnim i negativnim učincima koje rast i razvoj gradova vrše na okoliš i stanovništvo. Urbanizacija se može iskoristiti kao prilika jer pozitivno utječe na produktivnost i gospodarski razvoj, pokreće inovacije i ulaganja u infrastrukturu, i najvažnije, pruža bolje životne uvjete, kvalitetniju edukaciju, viši životni standard. S druge strane, javljaju se brojni društveni, gospodarski i ekološki problemi koji nastaju zbog prenapučenosti i neplaniranog razvoja. Problemi urbanizacije iskazuju se u obliku siromaštva, kriminala, brojnih infrastrukturnih i ekoloških problema, kao što su gužva u prometu, onečišćenje bukom, zagađenje zraka, vode i tla, koji utječu na zdravlje i u konačnici pad kvalitete života u urbanim okolinama. Navedeni problemi uzrokuju visoke troškove i neučinkovitosti u korištenju lokalnih resursa ugrožavajući održivi razvoj. U budućnosti prilikom daljnjeg planiranja i razvoja, pozornost bi se trebala usmjeriti na minimiziranje negativnih i maksimiziranje pozitivnih učinaka. Zbog navedenih problema s kojim se svijet suočava zbog procesa urbanizacije, brojne zemlje odlučile su se za održivi razvoj. Održivi razvoj definiran je trima sastavnicama održivosti, ekološkom, ekonomskom i socijalnom, radi osiguranja dugoročne održivosti potrebno je uspostaviti ravnotežu između svih triju sastavnica. Prvi put održivi je razvoj spomenut 1972. godine u okviru konferencije Ujedinjenih naroda (Štokholmska konferencija), pritom označavajući prekretnicu o pitanju međunarodne zaštite okoliša. Održivi razvoj zalaže se za korištenje količine resursa koja se može nadoknaditi, te generiranje količine otpada koja se može zbrinuti bez stvaranja dodatne opasnosti za okoliš i društvo. Danas postoje tri vrste održivosti, slaba, umjerena i jaka koje karakteriziraju odnos čovjeka i prirode. Održivi razvoj definiran je brojnim ciljevima i načelima radi smanjenja negativnih učinaka na okoliš, poboljšanje životnih uvjeta, očuvanje prirodnih resursa te osiguranje jednakih mogućnosti za razvoj generacijama koje slijede. Tema održivog razvoja okosnica je konferencije, pod nazivom United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – UNCED, u Rio de Janeiru 1992. godine, gdje je prihvaćen prvi akcijski plan djelovanja odrţivog razvoja – Agenda 21. Nakon toga slijedile su brojne konferencije, nadopunjavali su se ciljevi i načela u skladu s potrebama drţava u razvoju, a kao najpoznatiji ciljevi održivog razvoja ističu se Milenijski razvojni ciljevi i Ciljevi održivog razvoja te pružaju zajednički plan za mir i prosperitet ljudi i planeta. Navedeni ciljevi predstavljaju nacrt za postizanje održive budućnosti kroz borbu s aktualnim globalnim izazovima. Što se tiče Republike Hrvatske, razvoj gradova napredovao je u skladu s drugim zemljama južne i srednje Europe, a zbog burne povijesti i regionalnih razlika smještena je u skupinu slabije urbaniziranih zemalja u Europi. Viši postotak urbanizacije zabilježen je u primorskim regijama, a glavni razlog tomu je razvitak turizma u Hrvatskoj. Provedbom brojnih aktivnosti i boljim planiranjem Hrvatska pokušava uhvatiti korak s razvijenijim zemljama Europe. Hrvatska se u početcima ideje o održivom razvoju uključila u svjetsku politiku vezanu za ovu temu. Sudjelovanjem na svim vaţnim konferencijama prihvatila je obvezu promicati i provoditi politiku održivog razvoja, koja je prethodila Zakonu o zaštiti okoliša, s centralnom ulogom Strategija održivog razvitka Republike Hrvatske. U strategiji je navedeno 8 izazova s kojima se Hrvatska suočava prilikom realizacije ideje o održivom razvoju. Gradovi kao velika urbana središta predstavljaju urbane turističke destinacije koje privlače mase ljudi. Zbog masovnosti stanovništva koje već živi u gradovima, kada se pridoda sve veći broj turista koji posjećuje gradove, oni postaju prenapučeni, što rezultira brojnim problemima kada je riječ o razvoju i održivosti gradova. Kao rješenje vlastitih problema u kratkom roku, gradovi se oslanjaju na brzu i neplaniranu ekspanziju i razvoj, ne uzimajući u obzir prostorno planiranje i uređenje grada. Na taj način stvaraju se dodatni problemi poput nerazvijene infrastrukture i nezadovoljstva lokalnog stanovništva. Kako bi se negativni utjecaji s kojima se gradovi susreću umanjili, te kako bi se lokalnom stanovništvu osigurao bolji život i budućnost, potrebno je provoditi ispravne politike razvoja grada koje su u skladu s održivim razvojem, uzimajući u obzir potrebe lokalnog stanovništva. Implementacijom održivog razvoja gradovi bi u budućnosti trebali moći samo rješavati probleme s kojima se susretnu. Brojni gradovi prepoznali su mogućnosti i benefite koji nastaju provedbom načela i ciljeva održivog razvoja uključujući i gradove u Hrvatskoj. Ministarstvo regionalnog razvoja u suradnji s Europskom unijom osigurava novčana sredstva hrvatskim gradovima u unutrašnjosti i na otocima koja su namijenjena održivom razvoju gradova i njihove aglomeracije, kao i povećanju kvalitete života njihovih stanovnika. U modernom dobu gospodarski razvoj bez očuvanja okoliša više nije prihvatljiv. Svijet je posljednjih godina zahvatio pozitivan trend turističkih putovanja, ponajprije zahvaljujući napretku tehnologije, većoj mobilnosti i informiranosti turista, ali i rastom broja svjetskog stanovništva. Turizam iz godine u godinu bilježi sve veći broj turističkih putovanja, u 2017. godini 1.326 milijuna turističkih dolazaka. Trenutačni turistički trend karakterizira masovnost, gdje se prilikom putovanja ne obraća pozornost na to kako turizam utječe na okolinu. Turizam pokreće velike mase ljudi, što mu daje veliku snagu, čini ga veoma bitnim faktorom razvoja u današnje vrijeme, ostvarujući 10 % ukupnoga svjetskog BDP-a. Neusvajanjem koncepcije održivog razvoja turizma, za turističke destinacije, značilo bi pad turističke aktivnosti za brojne destinacije. Kako bi se osigurao dugoročni životni vijek turističkih destinacija, potrebno je usvojiti koncepciju odrţivog razvoja, točnije razvoj provoditi prema unaprijed propisanim načelima i ciljevima održivog razvoja, koji pomažu da se osigura ravnoteža između glavnih triju sastavnica održivog razvoja. Potpuna implementacija održivog razvoja nije moguća bez suradnje svih dionika turizma zbog čega je potrebna edukacija o važnosti održivog i odgovornog razvoja. Hrvatska, kao država koja je poznata u cijelom svijetu po turizmu, također bilježi pozitivne turističke trendove, odnosno u posljednjih nekoliko godina broj dolazaka raste po stopi od oko 9 %, a broj noćenja raste po stopi od 8,5 % godišnje. Osim broja dolazaka i noćenja, zabilježen je i rast prihoda od turizma od 38,6 %. Hrvatski turizam razvija se prema Strategiji razvoja turizma RH do 2020. godine, u kojoj se ističe vizija razvoja koja je bazirana na dugoročnosti i održivosti. Iz navedene strategije proizašao je akcijski plan razvoja turizma u kojem se ističu ciljevi pomoću kojih bi se dugoročno trebao smanjiti pritisak na okoliš od turizam. Brojni primjeri pokazuju pozitivan trend održivog razvoja turizma u Hrvatskoj. Od urbanih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj po broju posjećenosti ističu se Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split i Zadar koji iz godine u godinu bilježe porast turističkih dolazaka i noćenja. Rast i razvoj turizma u urbanim destinacijama rezultirao je ovisnošću turističkih destinacija o turizmu, ponajprije zbog gospodarsko-ekonomskih pozitivnih strana turizma. Od svih destinacija u Hrvatskoj ističe se grad Zadar, u kojem uz rast dolazaka i noćenja turizam ne predstavlja primarnu gospodarsku aktivnost, jer sa 11,5 % ukupnih prihoda, sektor pruţanja smještaja i pripreme hrane u turizmu nalazi se na trećemu mjestu. Potrebno je i dalje poticati i razvijati turizam u urbanim destinacijama, ali tako kako to nudi održivi razvoj, čime bi se osigurala dugoročna konkurentnost hrvatskog turizma na turističkom tržištu. U provedenome anketnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 237 ispitanika, kojim se htjelo utvrditi stavove građana o učincima turizma na Zadar kao turističku destinaciju. Ispitanici su podijeljeni prema dobi, uključenosti u turističku djelatnost i prema mjestu stalnog prebivališta. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako lokalno stanovništvo smatra kako turizam pozitivno utječe na Republiku Hrvatsku, Zadarsku županiju, te grad Zadar, a također smatraju da je utjecaj nešto slabiji na njihove obitelji i njih osobno, što se može povezati s rezultatima uključenosti u turizam, gdje je 56 % ispitanika uključeno, a 44 % nije. U velikoj većini ispitanici su zadovoljni gradom kao destinacijom, i s onim što grad dobiva od turizma, ali su suprotno tomu iskazali nezadovoljstvo iskorištenošću turističkih potencijala i radom lokalnih tijela javne uprave i države u funkciji turizma. Prema mišljenju ispitanika, najizraženiji su negativni učinci nedostatka parkirnih mjesta i gužve u prometu, dok se kao najmanje izraženi učinci navode netrpeljivost zbog dolazaka drugih vjera i kultura, te povećanje prostitucije. Problem koji je potrebno naglasiti iseljavanje je ljudi s poluotoka, koji je prepoznalo više od pola ispitanika bez obzira na njihovu uključenost u turizam. Turizam ostvaruje i brojne pozitivne učinke, od kojih su ispitanici izdvojili povećanje zaposlenosti i povećanje potrošnje, dok prilikom daljnjeg razvoja turizma, prema rezultatima istraţivanja, više bi pozornosti trebalo posvetiti izgradnji i jačanju kulturnog identiteta, i zaštiti urbanog prostora.The need for a better life and the growth of living standards has become a human primary need. This demand, driven by industrialization, technology development and population growth on global scale has resulted in a rise in the number of cities and further development of existing ones. Urbanization is process that has affected the entire world, and has acted in such a way that the existing rural population decided to leave their homes with the aim of seeking for better living conditions. Because of the excessive migration, the concept of urbanization gained a new meaning, it is no longer concerned only with the development of cities, but also with the reduction of differences between rural and urban areas, and for the first time, in 2007. there was a greater number of urban population, compared to rural population, with an estimate that in 2050., 66% of the world`s population would live in urban enviroments. The importance of cities has been noted since the beginning of their development, and industrialization together eith technological innovations encouraged further development, resulting in creation of cities as we know today. According to the United Nations data, in 2018. there were 548 cities with over one million inhabitants, and 33 megacities with over 10 million inhabitants. Evidence that cities are the drivers of the modern world and the economic development of many countries is, that 80% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) is generated in cities. The problem of urbanization manifests itself in unplanned and rapid growth and development of cities, which ultimately negatively affects the environment as well as the population of cities. Urbanization is manifested by the many positive and negative effects that the growth and development of towns and cities make on the environment and the population. Urbanization can be used as an opportunity because it has a positive impact on productivity and economic growth and development, it drives innovation and investment in infrastructure, and most importantly provides better living conditions, better education quality, and higher living standards. On the other side, there are numerous social, economic and environmental problems that arise due to overcrowding and unplanned development. The problems of urbanization are expressed in the form of global poverty, crime, numerous infrastructure and ecological problems, such as traffic jams, noise pollution, air, water and soil pollution, affecting the health and ultimately a decline in the quality of life in urban environments. These problems lead to high costs and inefficiencies in the use of local resources by endangering sustainable development. In the future in further planning and development, attention should be focused on minimizing negative and maximizing positive effects. Because of the problems the world is faced with due to the urbanization process, many countries have opted for sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined by three components of sustainability, ecological, economic and social, with the aim of ensuring long-term sustainability, it is necessary to establish a balance between all three components. For the first time, sustainable development was mentioned in 1972 under the United Nations Conference (Stockholm Conference), marking a milestone in the field of international environmental protection. Sustainable development promotes use of the amount of resources that can be recovered, and generation of waste that can be disposed of without creating additional risks to the environment and society. Today there are three types of sustainability, weak, moderate and strong, which characterize the relationship between man and nature. Sustainable development is defined by numerous goals and principles, with a view to reducing negative environmental impacts, improving living conditions, preserving natural resources, and ensuring equal development opportunities for the next generations. The topic of sustainable development is the backbone of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, 1992, where the first Action Plan for Sustainable Development - Agenda 21 was adopted. Thereafter numerous conferences followed, objectives and principles were complemented in line with the needs of developing countries, and as the most well-known goals of sustainable development, the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals stand out, and provide a common plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. These goals represent a blueprint for achieving a sustainable future, in the face of current global challenges. As far as the Republic of Croatia is concerned, the development of cities has progressed in line with other countries of southern and central Europe, and due to the burgeoning history and regional differences, it is situated in the group of weaker urbanized countries in Europe. The higher percentage of urbanization has been recorded in coastal regions, and the main reason for this is the development of tourism in Croatia. By implementing numerous activities and better planning, Croatia is trying to catch up with the more developed countries of Europe. In the very beginning, Croatia has embarked on sustainable development ideas into the world policy related to this topic. By participating in all important conferences, and accepting the obligation to promote and implement a sustainable development policy that preceded the Environmental Protection Act, with the central role of the Republic of Croatia's Sustainable Development Strategy. The strategy outlined the 8 challenges facing Croatia in realizing the idea of sustainable development. Cities as large urban centers represent urban tourist destinations that attract large masses of people. Because of the massive number of the population that is already living in cities, plus more and more tourists are visiting cities, they become overcrowded, resulting in a large number of problems when it comes to the development and sustainability of cities. As a solution to their own short-term problems, cities rely on fast and unplanned expansion and development, not taking into account spatial planning and city planning. This creates additional problems such as underdeveloped infrastructure and dissatisfaction with the local population. In order to reduce the negative impacts that cities face, and to ensure a better life and the future for the local population, it is necessary to implement the proper urban development policies that are consistent with sustainable development, taking into account the needs of the local population. By implementing sustainable development, cities should be able in the future resolve the problems they face with. Numerous cities have recognized opportunities and benefits arising from the implementation of the principles and goals of sustainable development, including the cities in Croatia. The Ministry of Regional Development, in co-operation with the European Union, provides financial resources to Croatian cities in the interior and on islands aimed at the sustainable development of cities and their agglomerations, as well as increasing the quality of life of their inhabitants. In the modern era economic development without environmental protection is no longer acceptable. In the last few years, the world has undergone a positive trend in tourism, primarily thanks to the advancement of technology, greater mobility and information for tourists, but also the growth of the world population. Tourism from year to year marks an increasing number of tourist trips, in 2016., 1,326 million tourist arrivals. The current tourist trend is characterized by mass, where no attention is paid, to how tourism affects the environment, while traveling. Tourism is driven by large masses of people, which gives it great strength, making it a very important factor in development today, achieving 10% of the world's GDP. Not adopting the concept of sustainable tourism development for tourist destinations would mean a decline in tourist activity for numerous destinations. In order to ensure the long-term lifespan of tourist destinations, it is necessary to adopt the concept of sustainable development, more precisely, proceed with the development according to predefined principles and sustainable development goals that help to ensure balance between the three main constituents of sustainable development. Complete implementation of sustainable development is not possible without cooperation of all stakeholders, which is why education on the importance of sustainable and responsible development is needed. Croatia, as a world-wide known country for tourism, also has positive tourism trends, or in recent years the number of arrivals is growing at a rate of around 9%, and the number of overnight stays is growing at a rate of 8.5% per year. In addition to the number of arrivals and overnight stays, tourism revenue growth was 38.6%. Croatian tourism is being developed by the "Tourism Development Strategy of Croatia by 2020", which emphasizes the long-term and sustainability-based vision of development. The strategy outlined has resulted in an action plan for tourism development highlighting the goals that should reduce the environmental pressures of tourism in the long term. Numerous examples show a positive trend of sustainable tourism development in Croatia. Of the urban tourist destinations in Croatia, by the number of visitors Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar stand out as tourist destinations that record an increase in tourist arrivals and overnight stays. Growth and development of tourism in urban destinations resulted in the dependence of tourism destinations on tourism, primarily due to economic and economic positive aspects of tourism. Of all the destinations in Croatia, the city of Zadar stands out, in which, with the increase of arrivals and nights, tourism is not a primary economic activity, as with 11.5% of total income, the tourism and accommodation sector is ranked third. There is a need to continue to foster and develop tourism in urban destinations, but in the way that it offers sustainable development to ensure long-term competitiveness of Croatian tourism on the tourist market. A total of 237 respondents participated in the survey, aiming to identify citizens' views on the effects of tourism on Zadar as a tourist destination. Respondents are divided by age, involvement in tourism and the place of permanent residence. The survey showed that the local population believe that tourism has a positive impact on the Republic of Croatia, the Zadar County and the city of Zadar, and they also feel that the impact is somewhat weaker on their families and personally, which can be linked to the results of inclusion in tourism, where 56% of respondents