1,462 research outputs found

    Zone plate lens antennas for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths

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    Zone plate lenses are a type of focusing element which function essentially as differential phase shifters, having a relatively few, coarsely quantized phase delays across the incident beam of radiation. The major advantages are ease of fabrication and much reduced thickness, compared to conventional refractive focusing elements. These considerations are both of particular importance for the submillimeter range, in which manufacturing tolerances for curved optical elements can pose significant problems, and where the absorption of readily available dielectric materials is quite large. In this presentation we briefly review the theory of zone plate lens operations, present a relatively simple method for calculating the aperture efficiency of zone plate lenses used as antennas, and show some theoretical and measured results in the 100 GHz range

    Electron Excitation of High Dipole Moment Molecules Reexamined

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    Emission from high-dipole moment molecules such as HCN allows determination of the density in molecular clouds, and is often considered to trace the "dense" gas available for star formation. We assess the importance of electron excitation in various environments. The ratio of the rate coefficients for electrons and H2_2 molecules, \simeq105^5 for HCN, yields the requirements for electron excitation to be of practical importance if $n({\rm H}_2) \leq\ 10^{5.5} ~ \rm cm^{-3}and and X({\rm e}^-) \geq\ 10^{-5},wherethenumericalfactorsreflectcriticalvalues, where the numerical factors reflect critical values n_{\rm{}c}({\rm H_2})and and X^*({\rm{}e}^-).Thisindicatesthatinregionswherealargefractionofcarbonisionized,. This indicates that in regions where a large fraction of carbon is ionized, X({\rm e}^-)willbelargeenoughtomakeelectronexcitationsignificant.Thesituationisingeneralsimilarforother"highdensitytracers",includingHCO will be large enough to make electron excitation significant. The situation is in general similar for other "high density tracers", including HCO^+,CN,andCS.Buttherearesignificantdifferencesinthecriticalelectronfractionalabundance,, CN, and CS. But there are significant differences in the critical electron fractional abundance, X^*({\rm e}^-),definedbythevaluerequiredforequaleffectfromcollisionswithH, defined by the value required for equal effect from collisions with H_2ande and e^-.Electronexcitationis,forexample,unimportantforCOandC. Electron excitation is, for example, unimportant for CO and C^+.Electronexcitationmayberesponsibleforthesurprisinglylargespatialextentoftheemissionfromdensegastracersinsomemolecularclouds(Petyetal.2017;Kauffmann,Goldsmithetal.2017).TheenhancedestimatesforHCNabundancesandHCN/COandHCN/HCO. Electron excitation may be responsible for the surprisingly large spatial extent of the emission from dense gas tracers in some molecular clouds (Pety et al. 2017; Kauffmann, Goldsmith et al. 2017). The enhanced estimates for HCN abundances and HCN/CO and HCN/HCO^+$ ratios observed in the nuclear regions of luminous galaxies may be in part a result of electron excitation of high dipole moment tracers. The importance of electron excitation will depend on detailed models of the chemistry, which may well be non-steady state and non-static.Comment: published in Ap

    CII in the Interstellar Medium: Excitation by H2 Revisited

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    C+^+ is a critical constituent of many regions of the interstellar medium, as it can be a major reservoir of carbon and, under a wide range of conditions, the dominant gas coolant. Emission from its 158μ\mum fine structure line is used to trace the structure of photon dominated regions in the Milky Way and is often employed as a measure of the star formation rate in external galaxies. Under most conditions, the emission from the single [CII] line is proportional to the collisional excitation rate coefficient. We here used improved calculations of the deexcitation rate of [CII] by collisions with H2_2 to calculate more accurate expressions for interstellar C+^+ fine structure emission, its critical density, and its cooling rate. The collision rates in the new quantum calculation are \sim 25% larger than those previously available, and narrow the difference between rates for excitation by atomic and molecular hydrogen. This results in [CII] excitation being quasi-independent of the molecular fraction and thus dependent only on the total hydrogen particle density. A convenient expression for the cooling rate at temperatures between 20 K and 400 K, assuming an LTE H2_2 ortho to para ration is Λ(LTE OPR)=(11.5+4.0e100K/Tkin)  e91.25K/Tkinn(C+)n(H2)×1024  ergs cm3 s1\Lambda ({\rm LTE~OPR}) = \left(11.5 + 4.0\,e^{-100\,\mathrm K/T^{\rm kin}}\right)\;e^{-91.25\,\mathrm K/T^{\rm kin}}\,n ({\rm C}^{+})\,n({\rm H}_2)\times 10^{-24}\;{\rm ergs}~{\rm cm}^{-3}~{\rm s}^{-1}. The present work should allow more accurate and convenient analysis of the [\CII] line emission and its cooling

    Herschel Measurements of Molecular Oxygen in Orion

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    We report observations of three rotational transitions of molecular oxygen (O_2) in emission from the H_2 Peak 1 position of vibrationally excited molecular hydrogen in Orion. We observed the 487 GHz, 774 GHz, and 1121 GHz lines using the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared on the Herschel Space Observatory, having velocities of 11 km s^(–1) to 12 km s^(–1) and widths of 3 km s^(–1). The beam-averaged column density is N(O_2) = 6.5 × 10^(16) cm^(–2), and assuming that the source has an equal beam-filling factor for all transitions (beam widths 44, 28, and 19"), the relative line intensities imply a kinetic temperature between 65 K and 120 K. The fractional abundance of O_2 relative to H_2 is (0.3-7.3) × 10^(–6). The unusual velocity suggests an association with a ~5" diameter source, denoted Peak A, the Western Clump, or MF4. The mass of this source is ~10 M_⊙ and the dust temperature is ≥150 K. Our preferred explanation of the enhanced O_2 abundance is that dust grains in this region are sufficiently warm (T ≥ 100 K) to desorb water ice and thus keep a significant fraction of elemental oxygen in the gas phase, with a significant fraction as O_2. For this small source, the line ratios require a temperature ≥180 K. The inferred O_2 column density ≃5 × 10^(18) cm^(–2) can be produced in Peak A, having N(H_2) ≃4 × 10^(24) cm^(–2). An alternative mechanism is a low-velocity (10-15 km s^(–1)) C-shock, which can produce N(O_2) up to 10^(17) cm^(–2)

    Low Virial Parameters in Molecular Clouds: Implications for High Mass Star Formation and Magnetic Fields

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    Whether or not molecular clouds and embedded cloud fragments are stable against collapse is of utmost importance for the study of the star formation process. Only "supercritical" cloud fragments are able to collapse and form stars. The virial parameter, alpha=M_vir/M, which compares the virial to the actual mass, provides one way to gauge stability against collapse. Supercritical cloud fragments are characterized by alpha<2, as indicated by a comprehensive stability analysis considering perturbations in pressure and density gradients. Past research has suggested that virial parameters alpha>2 prevail in clouds. This would suggest that collapse towards star formation is a gradual and relatively slow process, and that magnetic fields are not needed to explain the observed cloud structure. Here, we review a range of very recent observational studies that derive virial parameters <<2 and compile a catalogue of 1325 virial parameter estimates. Low values of alpha are in particular observed for regions of high mass star formation (HMSF). These observations may argue for a more rapid and violent evolution during collapse. This would enable "competitive accretion" in HMSF, constrain some models of "monolithic collapse", and might explain the absence of high--mass starless cores. Alternatively, the data could point at the presence of significant magnetic fields ~1 mG at high gas densities. We examine to what extent the derived observational properties might be biased by observational or theoretical uncertainties. For a wide range of reasonable parameters, our conclusions appear to be robust with respect to such biases.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Dust emission in the Sagittarius B2 molecular cloud core

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    A model is presented for the dust emission from the Sagittarius B2 molecular cloud core which reproduces the observed spectrum between 30 and 1300 micron, as well as the distribution of the emission at 1300 micron. The model is based on the assumption that Sgr B2(N) continuum source is located behind the dust cloud associated with Sgr B2(M) continuum source. The fact that Sgr B2(N) is stronger at 1300 micron can be attributed to a local column density maximum at the position of this source. Absence of a 53 micron emission peak at the position of Sgr B2(N) suggests that the luminosity of the north source is lower than that of the middle source

    Research Findings: Models of Commercial Agriculture in Kenya

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    Kenya provides a compelling case study of market driven agricultural evolution over the past century. Agriculture played a singular role in the development of the modern Kenyan economy, and while Kenyan agriculture was commonly regarded as a positive exemplar at a time when agriculture in many regions of Africa remained stagnant, the sector faces new challenges. This is the backdrop to this study, which investigated the impacts of three models of commercial agriculture on economic development and rural livelihoods in an area dominated by small-scale producers.ESRC-DFID Joint Poverty Alleviation Programme, Grant ES/J01754X/

    The Magnetic Field of L1544: I. Near-Infrared Polarimetry and the Non-Uniform Envelope

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    The magnetic field (B-field) of the starless dark cloud L1544 has been studied using near-infrared (NIR) background starlight polarimetry (BSP) and archival data in order to characterize the properties of the plane-of-sky B-field. NIR linear polarization measurements of over 1,700 stars were obtained in the H-band and 201 of these were also measured in the K-band. The NIR BSP properties are correlated with reddening, as traced using the RJCE (H-M) method, and with thermal dust emission from the L1544 cloud and envelope seen in Herschel maps. The NIR polarization position angles change at the location of the cloud and exhibit their lowest dispersion of position angles there, offering strong evidence that NIR polarization traces the plane-of-sky B-field of L1544. In this paper, the uniformity of the plane-of-sky B-field in the envelope region of L1544 is quantitatively assessed. This allowed evaluating the approach of assuming uniform field geometry when measuring relative mass-to-flux ratios in the cloud envelope and core based on averaging of the envelope radio Zeeman observations, as in Crutcher et al. (2009). In L1544, the NIR BSP shows the envelope B-field to be significantly non-uniform and likely not suitable for averaging Zeeman properties without treating intrinsic variations. Deeper analyses of the NIR BSP and related data sets, including estimates of the B-field strength and testing how it varies with position and gas density, are the subjects of later papers in this series.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa