5,336 research outputs found

    Community and Labor Issues in Animal Agriculture

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital, Livestock Production/Industries, Q13, R11, J61, J43, J28,

    Collective Dynamics of Dark Web Marketplaces

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    Dark markets are commercial websites that use Bitcoin to sell or broker transactions involving drugs, weapons, and other illicit goods. Being illegal, they do not offer any user protection, and several police raids and scams have caused large losses to both customers and vendors over the past years. However, this uncertainty has not prevented a steady growth of the dark market phenomenon and a proliferation of new markets. The origin of this resilience have remained unclear so far, also due to the difficulty of identifying relevant Bitcoin transaction data. Here, we investigate how the dark market ecosystem re-organises following the disappearance of a market, due to factors including raids and scams. To do so, we analyse 24 episodes of unexpected market closure through a novel datasets of 133 million Bitcoin transactions involving 31 dark markets and their users, totalling 4 billion USD. We show that coordinated user migration from the closed market to coexisting markets guarantees overall systemic resilience beyond the intrinsic fragility of individual markets. The migration is swift, efficient and common to all market closures. We find that migrants are on average more active users in comparison to non-migrants and move preferentially towards the coexisting market with the highest trading volume. Our findings shed light on the resilience of the dark market ecosystem and we anticipate that they may inform future research on the self-organisation of emerging online markets

    A Herschel [C II] Galactic plane survey II: CO-dark H2 in clouds

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    ABRIDGED: Context: HI and CO large scale surveys of the Milky Way trace the diffuse atomic clouds and the dense shielded regions of molecular hydrogen clouds. However, until recently, we have not had spectrally resolved C+ surveys to characterize the photon dominated interstellar medium, including, the H2 gas without C, the CO-dark H2, in a large sample of clouds. Aims: To use a sparse Galactic plane survey of the 1.9 THz [C II] spectral line from the Herschel Open Time Key Programme, Galactic Observations of Terahertz C+ (GOT C+), to characterize the H2 gas without CO in a statistically significant sample of clouds. Methods: We identify individual clouds in the inner Galaxy by fitting [CII] and CO isotopologue spectra along each line of sight. We combine these with HI spectra, along with excitation models and cloud models of C+, to determine the column densities and fractional mass of CO-dark H2 clouds. Results: We identify 1804 narrow velocity [CII] interstellar cloud components in different categories. About 840 are diffuse molecular clouds with no CO, 510 are transition clouds containing [CII] and 12CO, but no 13CO, and the remainder are dense molecular clouds containing 13CO emission. The CO-dark H2 clouds are concentrated between Galactic radii 3.5 to 7.5 kpc and the column density of the CO-dark H2 layer varies significantly from cloud-to-cloud with an average 9X10^(20) cm-2. These clouds contain a significant fraction of CO-dark H2 mass, varying from ~75% for diffuse molecular clouds to ~20% for dense molecular clouds. Conclusions: We find a significant fraction of the warm molecular ISM gas is invisible in HI and CO, but is detected in [CII]. The fraction of CO-dark H2 is greatest in the diffuse clouds and decreases with increasing total column density, and is lowest in the massive clouds.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (2014

    River, delta and coastal morphological response accounting for biological dynamics

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    Abstract. Management and construction can increase resilience in the face of climate change, and benefits can be enhanced through integration of biogenic materials including shells and vegetation. Rivers and coastal landforms are dynamic systems that respond to intentional and unintended manipulation of critical factors, often with unforeseen and/or undesirable resulting effects. River management strategies have impacts that include deltas and coastal areas which are increasingly vulnerable to climate change with reference to sea level rise and storm intensity. Whereas conventional assessment and analysis of rivers and coasts has relied on modelling of hydrology, hydraulics and sediment transport, incorporating additional biological factors can offer more comprehensive, beneficial and realistic alternatives. Suitable modelling tools can provide improved decision support. The question has been whether current models can effectively address biological responses with suitable reliability and efficiency. Since morphodynamic evolution exhibits its effects on a large timescale, the choice of mathematical model is not trivial and depends upon the availability of data, as well as the spatial extent, timelines and computation effort desired. The ultimate goal of the work is to set up a conveniently simplified river morphodynamic model, coupled with a biological dynamics plant population model able to predict the long-term evolution of large alluvial river systems managed through bioengineering. This paper presents the first step of the work related to the application of the model accounting for stationary vegetation condition. Sensitivity analysis has been performed on the main hydraulic, sedimentology, and biological parameters. The model has been applied to significant river training in Europe, Asia and North America, and comparative analysis has been used to validate analytical solutions. Data gaps and further areas for investigation are identified

    Ionized gas at the edge of the Central Molecular Zone

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    To determine the properties of the ionized gas at the edge of the CMZ near Sgr E we observed a small portion of the edge of the CMZ near Sgr E with spectrally resolved [C II] 158 micron and [N II] 205 micron fine structure lines at six positions with the GREAT instrument on SOFIA and in [C II] using Herschel HIFI on-the-fly strip maps. We use the [N II] spectra along with a radiative transfer model to calculate the electron density of the gas and the [C II] maps to illuminate the morphology of the ionized gas and model the column density of CO-dark H2. We detect two [C II] and [N II] velocity components, one along the line of sight to a CO molecular cloud at -207 km/s associated with Sgr E and the other at -174 km/s outside the edge of another CO cloud. From the [N II] emission we find that the average electron density is in the range of about 5 to 25 cm{-3} for these features. This electron density is much higher than that of the warm ionized medium in the disk. The column density of the CO-dark H2_2 layer in the -207 km/s cloud is about 1-2X10{21} cm{-2} in agreement with theoretical models. The CMZ extends further out in Galactic radius by 7 to 14 pc in ionized gas than it does in molecular gas traced by CO. The edge of the CMZ likely contains dense hot ionized gas surrounding the neutral molecular material. The high fractional abundance of N+ and high electron density require an intense EUV field with a photon flux of order 1e6 to 1e7 photons cm{-2} s{-1}, and/or efficient proton charge exchange with nitrogen, at temperatures of order 1e4 K, and/or a large flux of X-rays. Sgr E is a region of massive star formation which are a potential sources of the EUV radiation that can ionize the gas. In addition X-ray sources and the diffuse X-ray emission in the CMZ are candidates for ionizing nitrogen.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
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