246 research outputs found

    Effect of Hadron Dynamics on the Proton Lifetime

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    A detailed, quantitative re-examination of the effect of hadron dynamics on baryon decay, modeled in terms of Skyrme-field tunneling, indicates that any hadronic suppression should be quite mild. This appears to be another illustration of the `Cheshire-cat' phenomenon, that variation of the apportionment between description of the nucleon as a bag of quarks and description as a Skyrme field configuration has little influence on many nucleon properties. Perhaps the largest remaining uncertainty in evaluating the decay rate has to do with the overlap between a specified quark-antiquark configuration and a final meson state.Comment: minor corrections, 19 pages, 9 figure

    A set of novel CRISPR-based integrative vectors for Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Integrating a desired DNA sequence into the yeast genomes is a widely-used genetic manipulation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The conventional integration method is to use an integrative plasmid such as pRS or YIplac series as the target DNA carrier. The nature of this method risks multiple integrations of the target DNA and the potential loss of integrated DNA during cell proliferation. In this study, we developed a novel yeast integration strategy based on the widely used CRISPR-Cas9 system and created a set of plasmids for this purpose. In this system, a plasmid bearing Cas9 and gRNA expression cassettes will induce a double-strand break (DSB) inside a biosynthesis gene such as Met15 or Lys2. Repair of the DSB will be mediated by another plasmid bearing upstream and downstream sequences of the DSB and an integration sequence in between. As a result of this repair the sequence is integrated into genome by replacing the biosynthesis gene, the disruption of which leads to a new auxotrophic genotype. The newly-generated auxotroph can serve as a traceable marker for the integration. In this study, we demonstrated that a DNA fragment up to 6.3 kb can be efficiently integrated into the Met15 or Lys2 locus using this system. This novel integration strategy can be applied to various yeasts, including natural yeast isolated from wild environments or different yeast species such as Candida albicans

    Identifying topological edge states in 2D optical lattices using light scattering

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    We recently proposed in a Letter [Physical Review Letters 108 255303] a novel scheme to detect topological edge states in an optical lattice, based on a generalization of Bragg spectroscopy. The scope of the present article is to provide a more detailed and pedagogical description of the system - the Hofstadter optical lattice - and probing method. We first show the existence of topological edge states, in an ultra-cold gas trapped in a 2D optical lattice and subjected to a synthetic magnetic field. The remarkable robustness of the edge states is verified for a variety of external confining potentials. Then, we describe a specific laser probe, made from two lasers in Laguerre-Gaussian modes, which captures unambiguous signatures of these edge states. In particular, the resulting Bragg spectra provide the dispersion relation of the edge states, establishing their chiral nature. In order to make the Bragg signal experimentally detectable, we introduce a "shelving method", which simultaneously transfers angular momentum and changes the internal atomic state. This scheme allows to directly visualize the selected edge states on a dark background, offering an instructive view on topological insulating phases, not accessible in solid-state experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Revised and extended version, to appear in EJP Special Topic for the special issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic Physics in Quantum Gases". Extended version of arXiv:1203.124

    Gallot-Tanno Theorem for closed incomplete pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and applications

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    We extend the Gallot-Tanno Theorem to closed pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. It is done by showing that if the cone over a manifold admits a parallel symmetric (0,2)(0,2)-tensor then it is Riemannian. Applications of this result to the existence of metrics with distinct Levi-Civita connections but having the same unparametrized geodesics and to the projective Obata conjecture are given. We also apply our result to show that the holonomy group of a closed (O(p+1,q),Sp,q)(O(p+1,q),S^{p,q})-manifold does not preserve any nondegenerate splitting of Rp+1,q\R^{p+1,q}.Comment: minor correction

    Modeling the Impact and Costs of Semiannual Mass Drug Administration for Accelerated Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis

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    The Global Program to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) has a target date of 2020. This program is progressing well in many countries. However, progress has been slow in some countries, and others have not yet started their mass drug administration (MDA) programs. Acceleration is needed. We studied how increasing MDA frequency from once to twice per year would affect program duration and costs by using computer simulation modeling and cost projections. We used the LYMFASIM simulation model to estimate how many annual or semiannual MDA rounds would be required to eliminate LF for Indian and West African scenarios with varied pre-control endemicity and coverage levels. Results were used to estimate total program costs assuming a target population of 100,000 eligibles, a 3% discount rate, and not counting the costs of donated drugs. A sensitivity analysis was done to investigate the robustness of these results with varied assumptions for key parameters. Model predictions suggested that semiannual MDA will require the same number of MDA rounds to achieve LF elimination as annual MDA in most scenarios. Thus semiannual MDA programs should achieve this goal in half of the time required for annual programs. Due to efficiency gains, total program costs for semiannual MDA programs are projected to be lower than those for annual MDA programs in most scenarios. A sensitivity analysis showed that this conclusion is robust. Semiannual MDA is likely to shorten the time and lower the cost required for LF elimination in countries where it can be implemented. This strategy may improve prospects for global elimination of LF by the target year 2020

    Supernova Neutrinos, Neutrino Oscillations, and the Mass of the Progenitor Star

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    We investigate the initial progenitor mass dependence of the early-phase neutrino signal from supernovae taking neutrino oscillations into account. The early-phase analysis has advantages in that it is not affected by the time evolution of the density structure of the star due to shock propagation or whether the remnant is a neutron star or a black hole. The initial mass affects the evolution of the massive star and its presupernova structure, which is important for two reasons when considering the neutrino signal. First, the density profile of the mantle affects the dynamics of neutrino oscillation in supernova. Second, the final iron core structure determines the features of the neutrino burst, i.e., the luminosity and the average energy. We find that both effects are rather small. This is desirable when we try to extract information on neutrino parameters from future supernova-neutrino observations. Although the uncertainty due to the progenitor mass is not small for intermediate θ13\theta_{13} (105sin22θ1310310^{-5} \lesssim \sin^{2}{2 \theta_{13}} \lesssim 10^{-3}), we can, nevertheless, determine the character of the mass hierarchy and whether θ13\theta_{13} is very large or very small.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figure

    Effects of Neutrino Oscillation on the Supernova Neutrino Spectrum

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    The effects of three-flavor neutrino oscillation on the supernova neutrino spectrum are studied. We calculate the expected event rate and energy spectra, and their time evolution at the Superkamiokande (SK) and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), by using a realistic neutrino burst model based on numerical simulations of supernova explosions. We also employ a realistic density profile based on a presupernova model for the calculation of neutrino conversion probability in supernova envelopes. These realistic models and numerical calculations allow us to quantitatively estimate the effects of neutrino oscillation in a more realistic way than previous studies. We then found that the degeneracy of the solutions of the solar neutrino problem can be broken by the combination of the SK and SNO detections of a future Galactic supernova.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, corrected versio

    Nonlinear interference in a mean-field quantum model

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    Using similar nonlinear stationary mean-field models for Bose-Einstein Condensation of cold atoms and interacting electrons in a Quantum Dot, we propose to describe the original many-particle ground state as a one-particle statistical mixed state of the nonlinear eigenstates whose weights are provided by the eigenstate non-orthogonality. We search for physical grounds in the interpretation of our two main results, namely, quantum-classical nonlinear transition and interference between nonlinear eigenstates.Comment: RevTeX (pdfLaTeX), 7 pages with 5 png-figures include

    New Longitudinal Waves in Electron-Positron-Ion Quantum Plasmas

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    A general quantum dispersion equation for electron-positron(hole)-ion quantum plasmas is derived and studied for some interesting cases. In an electron-positron degenerate Fermi gas, with or without the Madelung term, a new type of zero sound waves are found. Whereas in an electron-hole plasmas a new longitudinal quantum waves are revealed, which have no analogies in quantum electron-ion plasmas. The excitation of these quantum waves by a low-density monoenergetic straight electron beam is examined. Furthermore, the KdV equation for novel quantum waves is derived and the contribution of the Madelung term in the formation of the KdV solitons is discussed