3,694 research outputs found

    One-dimensional transient finite difference model of an operational salinity gradient solar pond

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    This paper describes the modeling approach used to simulate the transient behavior of a salinity gradient solar pond. A system of finite difference equations are used to generate the time dependent temperature and salinity profiles within the pond. The stability of the pond, as determined by the capacity of the resulting salinity profile to suppress thermal convection within the primary gradient region of the pond, is continually monitored and when necessary adjustments are made to the thickness of the gradient zone. Results of the model are then compared to measurements taken during two representative seasonal periods at the University of Texas at El Paso's (UTEP's) research solar pond

    Raising girls’ participation in A-level mathematics: initial findings from ‘good practice’ case studies

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    Fewer girls than boys in England participate in post-compulsory mathematics and the recent increase in popularity of Mathematics and Further Mathematics (FM) at age 16 has not changed the gender balance. Previous studies have shown the significance to girls of their mathematics lessons and teachers, of discursive co-constructions of masculinity and mathematics, of the range of careers associated with mathematics and science, and family ‘science capital’. This study identified four case-study schools and one Further Education (FE) college with unusually high participation by girls in mathematics A-level. Focus groups and lesson observations were used to explore factors relevant to girls’ participation. Common factors were: preparation for demanding mathematics during key stage 4, a departmental ethos which encouraged student-teacher interactions in and out of lessons, teachers who explicitly and repeatedly confirmed that girls would succeed at mathematics A-level, appreciation of mathematics as opening doors to many careers. Messages about FM were more restrictive but emphasised interest over unusual ability

    Wider school effects of engaging with the Further Mathematics Support Programme to introduce Further Mathematics: Final Report

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    Case studies were conducted in four 11-18 schools where Further Mathematics (FM) A-level has recently been introduced with some input from the Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP). The aim was to probe teachers’ accounts of the range of effects of that introduction beyond the targeted FM students, so as to inform policy makers, other schools and teachers, potential students and their parents. Interviews with Heads of Departments and A-level teachers investigated any reported impact on teachers, structures, pedagogy and students at four points as the new course(s) developed. Intervening lesson observations served to elucidate and challenge the researchers’ understanding

    Eukaryotic Transcription: What Does It Mean for a Gene to Be ‘on’?

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    Until recently, transcription could only be observed by measuring mRNA production of cell populations, thus obscuring the kinetics at the level of individual transcription events. A new study now shows that eukaryotic transcription, visualised in individual living cells, occurs in bursts — much as it does in prokaryotes

    Protein synthesis molecule by molecule

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    Since the earliest days of molecular biology it has been known that even a seemingly uniform culture of bacteria is made up of cells very different from each other in terms of their levels of a given protein. This individuality has now finally been quantified at single-molecule resolution, as reported in two recent papers

    VEGF guides angiogenic sprouting utilizing endothelial tip cell filopodia

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) is a major regulator of blood vessel formation and function. it controls several processes in endothelial cells, such as proliferation, survival, and migration, but it is not known how these are coordinately regulated to result in more complex morphogenetic events, such as tubular sprouting, fusion, and network formation. We show here that VEGF-A controls angiogenic sprouting in the early postnatal retina by guiding filopodial extension from specialized endothelial cells situated at the tips of the vascular sprouts. The tip cells respond to VEGF-A only by guided migration; the proliferative response to VEGF-A occurs in the sprout stalks. These two cellular responses are both mediated by agonistic activity of VEGF-A on VEGF receptor 2. Whereas tip cell migration depends on a gradient of VEGF-A, proliferation is regulated by its concentration. Thus, vessel patterning during retinal angiogenesis depends on the balance between two different qualities of the extracellular VEGF-A distribution, which regulate distinct cellular responses in defined populations of endothelial cells

    Holidaying with the family pet: No dogs allowed!

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    This paper assesses the extent to which dog owners located in Brisbane, Australia, wish to holiday with their pets, and whether there is a gap between this desire and reality. The paper also examines the extent to which this demand is being catered for by the tourism accommodation sector. The need for this study reflects the increasingly significant role dogs are playing in the lives of humans, and the scale of the dog-owning population. The results suggest that, although there is a strong desire among dog owners to take holidays with their pets, the actualisation of this desire is comparatively low. A significant obstacle to the realisation of this desire appears to be a dearth of pet-friendly accommodation. This has implications for the ability of the tourism industry to benefit from this potentially lucrative market, that is, the dog-owning population

    The application of low pressure storage to maintain the quality of zucchinis

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    Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica) were stored at low pressure (4 kPa) at 10°C at 100% relative humidity for 11 days. Fruit quality was examined upon removal and after being transferred to normal atmosphere (101 kPa) at 20°C for three days. Zucchinis stored at low pressure exhibited a 50% reduction in stem-end browning compared with fruit stored at atmospheric pressure (101 kPa) at 10°C. The benefit of low pressure treatment was maintained after the additional three days storage at normal atmospheric pressure at 20°C. Indeed, low pressure treated fruit transferred to regular atmosphere 20°C for three days possessed a significantly lower incidence of postharvest rot compared to fruit stored at regular atmospheric pressure at 10°C. Zucchinis stored at low pressure showed higher levels of acceptability (28% and 36%, respectively) compared to fruit stored at regular atmospheres at 10°C for both assessment times.<br/

    Effect of low-pressure storage on the quality of green capsicums (<i>Capsicum annum L.</i>)

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    Green capsicums (Capsicum annum L.) were stored under low pressure (4 kPa) at 10°C for 5 and 11 days with 100% RH. The results showed that the incidence of stem decay under low pressure storage for 5 and 11 days and storage at ambient atmosphere at 20°C for three days lower compared to fruits that were stored at regular atmosphere at 10°C. Fruit that had been stored at low pressure at 10°C had no symptoms of flesh rots for up to 11 days, whilst fruit which had been stored at regular atmosphere at 10°C had 6% flesh rots after 11 days storage at 10°C.There was no difference in flesh firmness and colour retention between fruits stored at low pressure and regular pressure at 10°C. Capsicums stored at low pressure had higher overall acceptability compared to fruit that were stored at regular atmosphere at 10°C. These results demonstrate the potential of low pressure storage as an effective technique to manage capsicum fruit quality, however there was no additional benefit when fruits were stored at low pressure for more than 5 days