16 research outputs found

    Music teacher training in Primary Education in France and Italy

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    La formación inicial del profesorado representa una etapa fundamental en lo que respecta a la capacitación de los profesionales del ámbito de la educación. En estos momentos en los que las universidades se incorporan al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y los nuevos planes de estudio correspondientes a los estudios de Grado de Maestro se establecen, el perfil académico del profesor de Educación Primaria se reconduce hacia la figura del maestro generalista en muchos países. En el presente artículo se describe brevemente la situación de Francia e Italia, en lo que respecta a la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria y la Educación Musical y se hace una reflexión sobre las implicaciones que pueden sacarse para la formación del profesorado de música en otros contextos.Initial teacher training is basic in the preparation of teachers. With the upcoming of the European Space for Higher Education, many changes are coming to these programmes to train teachers, with a new profile leading towards generalists in many countries. In this paper we briefly describe the situation of France and Italy with regard to the initial teacher training in Primary Education and music education. We also discuss the lessons we can learn from these programmes which might be useful in other settings.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    La formación del profesorado de música de primaria en Francia e Italia

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    La formación inicial del profesorado representa una etapa fundamental en lo que respecta a la capacitación de los profesionales del ámbito de la educación. En estos momentos en los que las universidades se incorporan al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y los nuevos planes de estudio correspondientes a los estudios de Grado de Maestro se establecen, el perfil académico del profesor de Educación Primaria se reconduce hacia la figura del maestro generalista en muchos países. En el presente artículo se describe brevemente la situación de Francia e Italia, en lo que respecta a la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria y la Educación Musical y se hace una reflexión sobre las implicaciones que pueden sacarse para la formación del profesorado de música en otros contextos

    La Educación Musical en Navarra en el siglo XIX: Las primeras escuelas de música municipales

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    El trabajo presenta un análisis del estado de la educación musical en Navarra durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Un análisis desde aspectos sociales, culturales y educativos, que convergen en la creación de las escuelas municipales de música de Tafalla y Pamplona en los años 1842 y 1858 respectivamente. Estos fueron los primeros centros de la provincia dirigidos a la enseñanza musical, sostenidos con fondos públicos.Nafarroako musika hezkuntzaren egoeraren azterketa bat aurkezten du lan honek, XIX.mendearen lehen erdialdeari dagokionez. Azterketak kontuan hatzen dituen gizarte, kultura eta hezkuntza alderdiek bat egiten dute Tafalla eta Iruñako udal musika eskolak sortzerakoan, 1842aneta 1858an hurrenez hurren. Horiek dira diru publikoez hornitu ziren musika hezkuntzari eskainiriko probintziako lehen zentroak.Le travail présente une analyse de l'état de l'éducation musicale en Navarre durant la première moitié du XIXème siècle. Une analyse à partir d'aspects sociaux, culturels et éducatifs, qui convergent sur la création des écoles municipales de musique de Tafalla et Pampelune au cours des années 1842 et 1858 respectivement. Ce furent les premiers centres de la province consacrésà l'enseignement musical, soutenus par des fonds publics.This work includes an analysis of the state of musical education in Navarre in the first half of the 19th century. This is an analysis from social, cultural and educational aspects that converge in the creation of the municipal schools of Tafalla and Pamplona in 1842 and 1858 respectively. These were the first centres of the province destined to musical teaching, and sustained by public funds

    A key to species of Hercinothrips, with one new species, and a neotype designation for H. trilineatus (Priesner)

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    Goldaracena, Arturo (2022): A key to species of Hercinothrips, with one new species, and a neotype designation for H. trilineatus (Priesner). Zootaxa 5169 (4): 322-330, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5169.4.

    Análisis de los estudios profesionales de música en Navarra a partir de la LOGSE. El punto de vista del profesorado

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    Este artículo surge del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo desde la Universidad Pública de Navarra titulado "Instituciones musicales emblemáticas de Navarra: implicaciones educativas". Transcurridos 17 años de la entrada en vigor de la LOGSE, la cual introdujo profundas reformas en todos los ámbitos de la educación musical, analizamos el punto de vista del profesorado de los Conservatorios Profesional y Superior de Navarra sobre diferentes aspectos.Artikulu hau Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan buruturiko ikerlan batetik abiatu da "Instituciones musicales emblemáticas de Navarra: implicaciones educativas". Musika hezkuntzaren alor guztietan erreforma sakonak ekarri zituen LOGSE delakoa indarrean sartu eta 17 urte iraganik, Nafarroako Lanbide Kontserbatorioko eta Goi Kontserbatorioko irakasleen ikuspegia analizatzen dugu hainbat alderdiri buruz.Cet article résulte du travail de recherche mené à bien depuis l'Université Publique de Navarre intitulé "Instituciones musicales emblemáticas de Navarra: implicaciones educativas". Dix-sept ans après la remise en vigueur de la LOGSE, qui a introduit de profondes réformes dans tous les domaines de l'éducation musicale, nous analysons le point de vue du professorat des Conservatoires Professionnel et Supérieur de Navarre sur différents aspects.This article is the result of the research work carried out under the aegis of the Public University of Navarre titled "Emblematic musical institutions of Navarre: educational implications". After 17 years since the enforcement of the LOGSE law, which introduced deep reforms in all areas of musical education, and we analyse the point of view of teachers in Professional and Superior Conservatories of Navarre on various aspects


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    <i>Frankliniella</i> species with 7-segmented antennae <p> 1. Body colour brown; metanotal median setae arising behind the anterior margin of this sclerite.................... <i>aztecus</i></p> <p>- Body and legs yellow; metanotal setae arising at anterior margin................................................2</p> <p> 2. Ocellar setae III minute, 8–10 microns long, less than 2.0 times as long as longitudinal diameter of a hind ocelus... <i>jamaicensis</i></p> <p>- Ocellar setae III more than 36–40 microns long, at least 2.5 times as long as longitudinal diameter of a hind ocellus...... 3</p> <p> 3. Tergite VIII with comb of microtrichia well-developed, long and regular, teeth long arising on triangular bases; pronotal major anteromarginal setae 65 microns long, as long as half length of pronotum; metanotum with campaniform sensilla............................................................................................... <i>veracrucensis</i> <b>sp.n.</b></p> <p> - Tergite VIII with comb of microtrichia weakly developed in lenght, sparse; pronotal major anteromarginal setae 14–22 microns long; metanotum without campaniform sensilla............................................... <i>georgiensis</i></p>Published as part of <i>Goldaracena, Arturo & Hance, Thierry, 2017, A new species of Frankliniella with 7 - segmented antennae from Mexico (Thysanoptera, Thripinae), pp. 145-150 in Zootaxa 4231 (1)</i> on page 149, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.1.12, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/311461">http://zenodo.org/record/311461</a&gt

    Frankliniella veracrucensis Goldaracena & Hance, 2017, sp.n.

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    <i>Frankliniella veracrucensis</i> sp.n. <p>(Figs 1 –12)</p> <p> <i>Female macroptera</i>. Body colour (after maceration) yellow including legs and tergites (Fig.1). Fore wings weakly shaded brown (Fig.11). Antennal segment I white yellowish, II yellow brownish, remaining segments dark brown, III paler in the middle and basal part, IV–V paler at base (Fig. 4); major setae of head and pronotum dark brown (Fig. 2).</p> <p>Head (Fig. 2) with ocellar setae III arising between the two parallel tangents of the anterior and posterior ocelli; postocular setae I present, III exceptionally long. Antennal segment III pedicel short but surmounted by an enlarged collar like an inverted cone, scarcely 1.5 times as wide as pedicel (Fig. 3); VI constricted at base. Pronotum with 2 pairs of anteromarginal (am) minor setae. Metanotal campaniform sensilla present (Fig. 5). Fore wing clavus with 5 veinal and 1 discal seta. Tergites with two faint lines of sculpture anteromedially, but none posteromedially; IV with ctenidia well developed; comb on VIII well developed with microtrichia long on triangular bases, median teeth about as long as median setae of tergite VI (Fig. 7); tergite IX setae S1 1.5 time as long as tergite X (Fig. 10).</p> <p> <i>Measurements (holotype female in microns).</i> Body length 1295. Head, length 94; width 141; ocellar setae III 52; postocular setae III45. Pronotum, 127; width 141; major setae, anteromarginal (am) minor 18, am 65, anteroangular (aa) 87, pm I 18, posteromarginal (pm) II 42, pm VI 88, pm VIII 88. Metanotum setae, lateral 43, median 88. Fore wing length 780. Tergite VIII comb median teeth length 13. Tergite IX length 62, setae B1 103. Tergite X, length 60, setae B1 98. Antennal segments I–VII length 27, 37, 54, 36, 32, 45, 17.</p> <p> <i>Male macroptera.</i> Similar to female in colour and structure (Figs. 8 and 12); sternites III–VII each with a long and oval pore plate (Fig. 9).</p> <p> <i>Measurements (paratype male in microns)</i>. Body length 1071. Head, length 95; ocellar setae III 53. Sternite V pore plate length 52, width 7.</p> <p> <b>Material studied</b>. Holotype female, <b>Mexico</b>, Veracruz, Coatepec, cloud forest on flowers of <i>Salvia leucantha</i>, 12.V.2014 (Arturo Goldarazena) [Institut Royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium IRSNBIG 33.339/001]. Paratypes: 2 females and 3 males collected with holotype [IRSNBIG 33.339/002].</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> This new species is unique in the combination of the following character states: Body yellow, antennae 7-segmented, ocellar setae III well developed on the anterior margins of the ocellar triangle, pronotum with two pairs of very long setae on anterior margin (anteroangulars and anteromarginals), metanotum with campaniform sensilla, and tergite VIII with complete comb of long microtrichia.</p> <p> Despite sharing the unusual condition within the genus <i>Frankliniella</i> of 7-segmented antennae, there is no evidence that the four species considered here form a single clade. <i>F. jamaicensis</i> is particularly distant; it is a member of the <i>minuta</i> Group, with the chaetotaxy of the head and pronotum (Sakimura & O’Neill 1979: Fig. 4 c) very similar to that of <i>minuta</i> (Moulton). The two species, <i>aztecus</i> and <i>georgiensis</i>, are similar to each other in head shape, but they differ from each other in cephalic and metanotal chaetotaxy, thus are possibly not closely related. If the number of antennal segments is ignored, then the new species described here, <i>veracrucensis</i>, is more similar to <i>F. pasta</i> and <i>F. altura</i> from Costa Rica, according to the descriptions in Mound and Marullo (1996). These <i>Frankliniella</i> species with a reduced number of antennal segments have been collected only in the Meso- American and Caribean areas; none have been recorded from the Neotropics despite the richness of the tropical fauna.</p>Published as part of <i>Goldaracena, Arturo & Hance, Thierry, 2017, A new species of Frankliniella with 7 - segmented antennae from Mexico (Thysanoptera, Thripinae), pp. 145-150 in Zootaxa 4231 (1)</i> on pages 145-149, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.1.12, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/311461">http://zenodo.org/record/311461</a&gt

    A new species of Frankliniella with 7 -segmented antennae from Mexico (Thysanoptera, Trhipinae)

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    Frankliniella veracrucensis sp. n. is described from flowers of Salvia leucantha [Lamiaceae] in Veracruz, Mexico. This is the fourth Frankliniella species known with seven antennal segments, and a key to the Frankliniella species with antennae 7-segmented is provided

    Konothrips polychaeta sp.n. from Delaware, North America, with a key to the three species of this genus

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    The genus Konothrips was erected by Bhatti (1990) for a single species, tuttlei, that was described from Arizona in the genus Chirothrips by zur Strassen (1967). The new genus was distinguished by the longitudinally orientated sculpture on the abdominal terga and sterna, the fore wing costa with only a single seta, and the ovipositor lacking teeth (Bhatti 1990). Subsequently, Nakahara and Foottit (2012) described in Konothrips a second species, colei, from Texas. However, those authors indicated that there is variation in these characters, with colei intermediate in structure between tuttlei and members of Arorathrips. In the new species described below, the abdominal tergal and sternal sculpture is weakly developed, transverse medially with some reticles in the pleurotergites slightly orientated longitudinally, the ovipositor is reduced and smooth, and costal setae are present on the fore wing. This new species is described in Konothrips because antennal segment I is enlarged (more than 3 times wider than base of segment II), antennal segment II is strongly produced laterally, and the mesosternal furcal invaginations are widely separated. These characters are also shared with the species of Arorathrips, and distinguish this pair of genera from Chirothrips. However, the new species, together with tuttlei and colei, is distinguished from species placed in Arorathrips by the presence of more than 6 stout conical setae on the median area of the mesonotum, and the anterior abdominal tergites with D1 and D2 setae spine-like (conical and stout)

    Konothrips polychaeta sp.n. from Delaware, North America, with a key to the three species of this genus

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    The genus Konothrips was erected by Bhatti (1990) for a single species, tuttlei, that was described from Arizona in the genus Chirothrips by zur Strassen (1967). The new genus was distinguished by the longitudinally orientated sculpture on the abdominal terga and sterna, the fore wing costa with only a single seta, and the ovipositor lacking teeth (Bhatti 1990). Subsequently, Nakahara and Foottit (2012) described in Konothrips a second species, colei, from Texas. However, those authors indicated that there is variation in these characters, with colei intermediate in structure between tuttlei and members of Arorathrips. In the new species described below, the abdominal tergal and sternal sculpture is weakly developed, transverse medially with some reticles in the pleurotergites slightly orientated longitudinally, the ovipositor is reduced and smooth, and costal setae are present on the fore wing. This new species is described in Konothrips because antennal segment I is enlarged (more than 3 times wider than base of segment II), antennal segment II is strongly produced laterally, and the mesosternal furcal invaginations are widely separated. These characters are also shared with the species of Arorathrips, and distinguish this pair of genera from Chirothrips. However, the new species, together with tuttlei and colei, is distinguished from species placed in Arorathrips by the presence of more than 6 stout conical setae on the median area of the mesonotum, and the anterior abdominal tergites with D1 and D2 setae spine-like (conical and stout)