37 research outputs found

    Damage classification in reinforced concrete beam by acoustic emission signal analysis

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) is a non-destructive testing technique which can be used to identify both the damage level and the nature of that damage such as tensile cracks and shear movements at critical zones within a structure. In this work, the acoustic emission parameters of amplitude, rise time, average frequency and signal strength were used to classify the damage and to determine the damage level. Laboratory experiments were performed on a beam (150 x 250 x 1900 mm). The acoustic emission analysis was successfully used to determine crack movements and classify damage levels in accordance with the observations made during an increasing loading cycle


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    Nella letteratura scientifica sono oramai numerosi gli esempi di applicazione della tecnica di indagine basata sulla raccolta di segnali di Emissione Acustica (EA) per l’individuazione di fenomeni di corrosione nel calcestruzzo armato. Tale tecnica risulta particolarmente sensibile allorquando la corrosione è associata alla formazione di microfessure nel calcestruzzo all’interfaccia armatura-calcestruzzo. Il presente lavoro riassume i risultati preliminari di una ricerca sperimentale volta a determinare la possibilità di distinguere le varie tipologie di sorgenti di EA in un c.a. in condizione di corrosione e identificare, dall’analisi dei segnali di EA, la presenza di danneggiamenti pre-esistenti in strutture in c.a. degradate e sollecitate meccanicamente. A tal fine sono stati fabbricati vari provini in c.a. in scala semireale con due diversi mix design con aggiunta di cloruri. Una parte di questi provini è stata sottoposta a corrosione accelerata con l’applicazione di un flusso di corrente esterna. Ciclicamente e in condizione di quiete (assenza di flusso di corrente) è stata effettuata una raccolta di segnali di EA. L’analisi delle forme d’onda dei segnali ha permesso di identificare tre differenti tipologie di sorgenti emissive ipoteticamente riconducibili a: corrosione dell’acciaio, microfessurazione del calcestruzzo, accrescimento dei prodotti di corrosione. Dopo la fase di accelerazione della corrosione i campioni sono stati sollecitati a flessione, seguendo una specifica procedura di carico, per studiare il fattore di calm-ratio, ossia il rapporto tra il numero totale di eventi di EA durante la fase di scarico ed il numero totale degli eventi durante l’ultimo ciclo di carico. Valori del calm-ratio maggiore di 1 sono da correlare alla presenza di danneggiamenti diffusi nella matrice di calcestruzzo. In questo modo è stato possibile confrontare i campioni sottoposti a corrosione accelerata con quelli in condizione di corrosione naturale

    From Color Plates

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    Spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use of Heaviside's dolphins in Namibia

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    This thesis reports the findings of a fine-scale habitat selection study of Heaviside s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) at two sites in Namibia; Walvis Bay and LĂĽderitz. Walvis Bay and LĂĽderitz are the two largest embayments along the Namibian Coast, and therefore the two industrial ports in Namibia are located there. These bays are also inhabited year-round by Heaviside s dolphins, and, at Walvis Bay, a resident population of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Heaviside s dolphins are endemic to the western coast of southern Africa ranging within the Benguela current ecosystem from Table Bay, South Africa, to southern Angola. They are not well-studied in the northern half of their range to date, and little is known about geographical variation in the ecology of this species. Furthermore, their coastal distribution and year-round residency near developing industrial ports could potentially put them at risk from human impacts, as industrial use of these areas increases. This study was conducted in order to obtain baseline information on fine-scale spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and important habitat parameters for this species in the northern half of its range in order to inform future management of commercial and industrial activities in these areas. Two complementary methods were used to obtain data on dolphin presence: visual surveys from a small boat were conducted at both study sites over multiple years, and continuous acoustic monitoring was done at LĂĽderitz over a short period concurrent with one year s surveys. Visual surveys provided the flexibility to cover a wider area and to obtain presence and absence data, including positons of groups, while acoustic monitoring allowed for a continuous observational presence even during nighttime hours, allowing for the ability to detect diel patterns in area use. The Namibian Dolphin Project has been conducting small boat surveys for cetaceans in Walvis Bay since 2008 and in LĂĽderitz since 2010, with a focus on Heaviside s dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins. Surveys were conducted in a non-systematic way, with the aim of covering the entire study area while maximizing opportunities for data collection from groups of animals, and was thus rather more focused on high-density areas for these two species. Effort-corrected encounter data from these surveys were mapped and linked spatially to habitat parameters using ArcGIS in order to identify areas of frequent dolphin presence for both species. Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) were used to discover the parameters relevant to habitat selection at each site for Heaviside s dolphins and at Walvis Bay for bottlenose dolphins. Habitat selection at LĂĽderitz was not examined for bottlenose dolphins, because there were too few encounters there. Acoustic monitoring for dolphins at LĂĽderitz was conducted continuously over a two-month period in 2014 using five click-logging instruments called C-PODS moored at different sites from the harbour mouth westward across a series of small bays towards the open ocean, which make up the core study area for visual surveys at this study site. The data obtained give information on relative presence, both spatially between the deployment sites, and also temporally. Another aspect of the acoustic data which was examined was the prevalence of very rapid series of echolocation clicks used when an echolocating animal acoustically investigates a specific target, oftentimes a potential prey item. Spatial and temporal variation in the prevalence of these rapid click trains, hereafter referred to as potential feeding buzzes, has implications regarding patterns of foraging. Strong habitat preferences over a fine scale were found at both study sites, with areas of near-constant presence close to areas with very little presence. There are similarities between the most frequented areas at each study site: Pelican Point, in Walvis Bay, and Diaz Point, in LĂĽderitz. Animals in LĂĽderitz, however, made use of sheltered inshore waters, and were found much closer to the coastline, and in shallower waters, than animals in Walvis Bay. This may be due to the presence to bottlenose dolphins close inshore in Walvis Bay as the two species showed remarkably little overlap in distributions given the small scale of the study site. Patterns of acoustic detections between C-POD deployment locations closely matched encounter rates from the small boat surveys around those locations, though with lower detections at night on all C-PODS, implying a diel movement offshore. Highest detections overall were at midday, except at Guano Bay (the most westerly site) where early morning detections were highest. Analysis of inter-click intervals showed a similar diurnal pattern in the proportion of potential feeding buzzes to overall acoustic activity. The continuous presence close to shore and strong habitat preferences of dolphins within both of these industrial ports put them at risk from anthropogenic activities that occur there. Continued monitoring of these populations in the future will help to identify and mitigate these risks. Identification of areas with the most frequent occurrence of dolphins at each study site should be used to inform management decisions in the future.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2015.tm2016Zoology and EntomologyMScUnrestricte

    Direct haptic control of a 3-axis milling machine

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-66).by Edmund W. Golaski.S.M

    An X-ray analysis of the strain in steel due to impulsive loads /

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    "Department of the Army Project No. 5B03-04-002; Ordnance Management Structure Code No. 5010.11.815; (Ordnance Research and Development Project No. TB3-0112).""June 1960."Includes bibliographic references (page 14).Mode of access: Internet