313 research outputs found

    X-band microwave generation caused by plasma-sheath instability

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    It is well known that oscillations at the electron plasma frequency may appear due to instability of the plasma sheath near a positively biased electrode immersed in plasma. This instability is caused by transit-time effects when electrons, collected by this electrode, pass through the sheath. Such oscillations appear as low-power short spikes due to additional ionization of a neutral gas in the electrode vicinity. Herein we present first results obtained when the additional ionization was eliminated. We succeeded to prolong the oscillations during the whole time a positive bias was applied to the electrode. These oscillations could be obtained at much higher frequency than previously reported (tens of GHz compared to few hundreds of MHz) and power of tens of mW. These results in combination with presented theoretical estimations may be useful, e.g., for plasma diagnostics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Fast electron transport in lower-hybrid current drive

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    Collisional cross sections and momentum distributions in astrophysical plasmas: dynamics and statistical mechanics link

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    We show that, in stellar core plasmas, the one-body momentum distribution function is strongly dependent, at least in the high velocity regime, on the microscopic dynamics of ion elastic collisions and therefore on the effective collisional cross sections, if a random force field is present. We take into account two cross sections describing ion-dipole and ion-ion screened interactions. Furthermore we introduce a third unusual cross section, to link statistical distributions and a quantum effect originated by the energy-momentum uncertainty owing to many-body collisions, and propose a possible physical interpretation in terms of a tidal-like force. We show that each collisional cross section gives rise to a slight peculiar correction on the Maxwellian momentum distribution function in a well defined velocity interval. We also find a possible link between microscopical dynamics of ions and statistical mechanics interpreting our results in the framework of non-extensive statistical mechanics.Comment: 8 page

    Pharmacy Compounding Regulation in the German Pharmaceutical Market. Part 1. Basic Regulatory Provisions (Review)

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    SCIENTIFIC RELEVANCE. There is a need to move towards an appropriate system of quality assurance in pharmacy compounding. At the same time, the development of a Russian regulatory system for pharmacy compounding requires a broad understanding of international experience.AIM. This study aimed at analysing the basic principles of pharmacy compounding regulation in the Federal Republic of Germany in order to identify best practices and determine ways to improve the legal and regulatory framework for compounding pharmacies in the Russian Federation.DISCUSSION. According to German law, pharmacies may dispense compounded medicinal products on an oral request from a patient. The German regulatory framework provides a mechanism delineating medicinal products compounded by pharmacies and those manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. The geographical and quantitative restrictions combined with the neutral pricing policy for pharmacies facilitate the establishment of a highly effective pharmaceutical supply system. In practice, this system helps set uniform prices for medicinal products throughout Germany while preventing pharmacy chains from monopolising the pharmaceutical market. These regulations can be considered regulatory mechanisms operating at the regional (land) level. Moreover, it is of key importance that German legislation divides compounded medicinal products into stock and extemporaneous preparations.CONCLUSIONS. German pharmaceutical practice features a number of innovations that can be borrowed for Russian pharmaceutical practice. Russian pharmaceutical legislation may benefit from adopting the concept of a “request from an individual” for dispensing compounded medicinal products that do not contain prescription-only active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). In order to improve the efficiency of the use of pharmaceutical-quality raw materials, including APIs, it is necessary to identify cases in which regular pharmacies can receive or purchase compounded medicinal products from compounding pharmacies and cases in which compounding pharmacies can purchase APIs from other compounding pharmacies. The authors recommend considering the possibility of defining the role, functions, and powers of self-regulating professional pharmacy organisations at various levels of governance in this social sphere of activity. Furthermore, the authors recommend creating a Russian mechanism to mitigate the risks of stock shortages and/or limited supply of medicinal products that would be similar to the German “standard authorisation” system and would encompass compounding pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies

    Особенности механизмов защиты прав на интеллектуальную собственность на примере лекарственных средств, применяемых для лечения редких (орфанных) заболеваний

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    Objective: to study features of intellectual property protection mechanisms on the example of drugs for the treatment of rare (orphan) diseases.Material and methods. Analysis of pharmaceutical market data was performed with the DSM Group analytical database. The approach proposed by the Russian Federal Industrial Property Service was used for creating patent landscape. The method supposes conducting a patent search and analysis of the documents found for date of filing, office (country) of filing, applicant, as well as analysis of the patent activity (dynamics) for the subject, in this case, for orphan drugs having a defined structure.Results. We proposed the complex conclusions to increase national drug safety. Intellectual property limitations for importing countries such as data exclusivity, do not allow to reproduce clinical trials, which leads to non-disclosure of medical data to all parties – medical society and patients, all other market participants, including local pharmaceutical producers. Current intellectual property restrictions conceal crucial data from medical and patient society and other market players and affect accuracy of diagnosis and treatment. Along with outstanding cost of new therapies it causes enormous budget burden for the healthcare system and prevents the introduction of objective criteria in the appointment and use of medicines. Prior to the approval and submission of the registration certificate by the regulatory authority, it is necessary to establish reasonable marginal prices, to form a sufficient set and volume of clinical guidelines and to determine in advance the sources of financing and mechanisms of integration into the national system of drug provision.Conclusion. The introduction of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases into circulation leads to a sharp increase in the burden on the budgets of the healthcare system at all levels. Current restrictions and obligations in the field of intellectual property rights protection, the degree of disclosure of medical data in the process of registration and admission to the market require significant changes to the traditional system of drug provision and the system of placing state orders, as well as the introduction of new regulatory mechanisms (for example, compulsory licensing or producing individual dosage forms in pharmacy organizations), contributing to the development of the local pharmaceutical industry and providing the national health system with the necessary volume of drugs with a sufficient level of quality and safety.Цель: изучение особенностей обеспечения защиты прав на интеллектуальную собственность на примере лекарственных средств, применяемых для лечения редких (орфанных) заболеваний.Материал и методы. Анализ данных фармацевтического рынка выполнен с использованием аналитических баз данных DSM Group. Для построения патентного ландшафта применена методика, предложенная Федеральной службой по интеллектуальной собственности. Методика предполагает проведение патентного поиска и анализ найденных документов по датам подачи, ведомству (стране) подачи и заявителю, а также анализ патентной активности (динамики) в отношении объекта, в данном случае препаратов определенной структуры для лечения орфанного заболевания.Результаты. Сформулированы выводы комплексного характера, которые направлены на повышение национальной лекарственной безопасности. Ограничения, связанные с защитой прав на интеллектуальную собственность для стран-импортеров, в частности режим эксклюзивности данных, не позволяют странам-импортерам воспроизводить клинические исследования и приводят к сокрытию таких данных от медицинских, пациентских сообществ и других участников рынка. Существующие ограничения затрудняют научный обмен между медицинскими организациями и регуляторами, влияют на точность диагностики и лечения, что в случае высокой стоимости новых методов терапии создает огромную бюджетную нагрузку на систему здравоохранения и препятствует внедрению объективных критериев при назначении и применении лекарственных средств. До момента утверждения и предоставления регистрационного удостоверения регулирующим органом необходимо устанавливать обоснованные предельные цены, формировать достаточный комплект и объем клинических рекомендаций, а также заранее определять источники финансирования и механизмы интеграции в национальную систему лекарственного обеспечения.Заключение. Введение в оборот препаратов для терапии редких заболеваний приводит к резкому увеличению нагрузки на бюджеты системы здравоохранения всех уровней. Существующие ограничения и обязательства в области защиты прав на интеллектуальную собственность, степень раскрытия медицинских данных в процессе регистрации и допуска на рынок требуют существенных изменений традиционной системы лекарственного обеспечения и системы размещения государственного заказа, а также внедрения новых регуляторных механизмов (например, принудительного лицензирования или изготовления отдельных лекарственных форм в условиях аптечных организаций), способствующих развитию локальной фармацевтической отрасли и обеспечивающих национальную систему здравоохранения необходимым объемом лекарственных средств с достаточным уровнем качества и безопасности

    Bridging the gap between global models and full fluid models : a fast 1D semi-analytical fluid model for electronegative plasmas

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    Analytical and numerical models allow investigation of complicated discharge phenomena and the interplay that makes plasmas such a complex environment. Global models are quick to implement and can have almost negligible computation cost, but provide only bulk or spatially averaged values. Full fluid models take longer to develop, and can take days to solve, but provide accurate spatio-temporal profiles of the whole plasma. The work presented here details a different type of model, analytically similar to fluid models, but computationally closer to a global model, and able to give spatially resolved solutions for the challenging environment of electronegative plasmas. Included are non-isothermal electrons, gas heating, and coupled neutral dynamics. Solutions are reached in seconds to minutes, and spatial profiles are given for densities, fluxes, and temperatures. This allows the semi-analytical model to fill the gap that exists between global and full fluid models, extending the tools available to researchers. The semi-analytical model can perform broad parameter sweeps that are not practical with more computationally expensive models, as well as exposing non-trivial trends that global models cannot capture. Examples are given for a low pressure oxygen CCP. Excellent agreement is shown with a full fluid model, and comparisons are drawn with the corresponding global model

    Values - reviewing the construct and drawing implications for values work in organisation and leadership. Kap. 2

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    I: H.Askeland, G. Espedal, B. Jelstad Løvaas & S. Sirris (Eds.), Understanding values work : Institutional perspectives in organizations and leadershipThis chapter outlines the trajectory of values, particularly within streams of organisational institutionalism, in order to analyse its application to values work in organisation and leadership. Conveying a frame for discussing values work, it aims at clarifying how to conceptualise the term values. Discussing classic and recent contributions, the chapter proposes seeing values as individual and collective conceptions of desirable trans-situational behaviours, objectives and ideals, serving to guide or valuate practice. Despite being an essential part of defining organisational institutionalism, and its sub-streams, values are seldom explicated. Utilising values in organisational and leadership research requires attention to their situatedness in contexts, and this chapter argues they are salient to organisations operating in pluralistic institutional environment. Studying values work, attention should be given to who and how such work is performed.publishedVersio