723 research outputs found

    Macro and Micro-fungi mediated synthesis of Silver

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    Silver nanoparticles of size ranging from 1 ∼ 100 nm are petite metallic colloidal particles, with its applications in diagnostics, biomarkers, imaging, cell labeling and drug delivery. Fungus-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles is an ecofriendly andgreen process with a comparatively simpler downstream processing. In the presentstudy, the ability of macrofungi and pine stand soil fungi was evaluated for their ability tosynthesize both extracellular as well as intracellular silver nanoparticles. When the macroand microfungi were challenged with 1 mM silver nitrate, colour change of the cell freefiltrates indicated the formation of silver nanoparticles. The presence of silvernanoparticles was confirmed by Surface Plasmon Resonance absorption band in visiblewavelength visualized every 24h upto 72h.Silver nanoparticles are known to possess asharp peak in a range of 400-450 nm and peaks observed at 457nm, 403nm and 414nm bymushroom support their synthesis in comparison to that of 349nm by soil fungi.Transmission Electron Microscopic analysis of the silver nanoparticles revealed thenanorange, dimensions and structural conformation ofbio synthesized nanoparticles.Synergistic study of the synthesized nanoparticles revealed a significant antibacterialactivity against four pathogens viz. MTCC 730 (Escherichia coli), MTCC 1925(Streptococcus pyogenes), MTCC 96 (Staphylococcus aureus) and MTCC 430 (Bacilluscereus).Additionally, the silver nanoparticles inhibited the growth of the yeastpathogen MTCC 183 (Candida albicans) which showed synergistic enhancement inactivity along with flucanazole. The fungal samples were analyzed for phytochemicalconstituents who led to reduction of silver nitrate into nanoparticles. The results obtainedindicated that the experimental voucher fungus are more competent than soil fungi insynthesizing silver nanoparticles and can be used a potent natural antibacterial source forvarious pharmaceutical and textile applications

    Library Engagements: Looking Beyond Covid-19

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    The role of the Library and Information professionals has been integral in promoting knowledge cultures throughout the centuries. Libraries have undergone a sea change and have been keeping pace with the networked and digital world. Libraries are the gateways to the information resources that engage the readers in different ways and capacities. A crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic shut the doors of the physical libraries but the opportunities and the doors for the digital libraries were opened like never before in history. LIS professionals all around the world have taken up the challenge of providing the information services to the user communities and engaged them in the most positive manner. Digital libraries have mustered up to continuously promote, supplement and complement the online education that was ushered in the society. The study explores the type of services provided by libraries for the society particularly in the context of library services and library professionals who faced both the opportunities and challenges that arose out of the COVID-19 crisis. LIS professionals have a greater role to play in the coming times to lift the spirits of the society by providing innovative services. The study highlights the significant initiatives and information engagements undertaken by the libraries in the global context to meet the post lockdown needs and look beyond the COVID-19 era

    Phase structure of charged AdS black holes surrounded by exotic fluid with modified Chaplygin equation of state

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    By considering the concept of the modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) as a single fluid model unifying dark energy and dark matter, we construct a static, spherically charged black hole (BH) solution in the framework of General Relativity. The PVP-V criticality of the charged anti-de Sitter (AdS) BH with a surrounding MCG is explored in the context of the extended phase space, where the negative cosmological constant operates as a thermodynamical pressure. This critical behavior shows that the small/large BH phase transition is analogous to the van der Waals liquid/gas phase transition. Accordingly, along the PVP-V phase spaces, we derive the BH equations of state and then numerically evaluate the corresponding critical quantities. Similarly, critical exponents are identified, along with outcomes demonstrating the scaling behavior of thermodynamic quantities near criticality into a universal class. The use of \emph{geometrothermodynamic} (GT) tools finally offers a new perspective on discovering the critical phase transition point. At this stage, we apply a class of GT tools, such as Weinhold, Ruppeiner, HPEM, and Quevedo classes I and II. The findings are therefore non-trivial, as each GT class metric captures at least either the physical limitation point or the phase transition critical point. Overall, this paper provides a detailed study of the critical behavior of the charged AdS BH with surrounding MCG

    Twórczość plastyczna jako forma wspierania rozwoju osób niewidomych i głuchoniewidomych

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    Twórczość plastyczna wydaje się być niedocenianym przez tyflopedagogów obszarem aktywności dzieci, młodzieży oraz dorosłych osób niewidomych i głuchoniewidomych. Tymczasem osoby te warto angażować w wiele form plastycznej kreacji, dodatkowo kierując się zasadą „im wcześniej, tym lepiej”. Tego typu doświadczenia mogą wspierać rozwój poznawczy, emocjonalny i społeczny osób z poważną dysfunkcją wzroku. Zostanie to wykazane na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz poprzez przytoczenie studiów przypadków głuchoniewidomych uczestników plenerów rzeźbiarskich w Orońsku.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Differentially expressed genes in platinum-resistant high-grade serous ovarian cancer

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify genes and pathways differentially expressed in platinum resistant high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) when compared to sensitive HGSOC. Methods: A total of 37 patients with HGSOC tissue samples underwent RNA sequencing performed by TEMPUS (N=37, 21 platinum sensitive, 16 resistant; 85% Stage III-IV; 58% received neoadjuvant chemotherapy). RNA gene expression data and significantly impacted pathways were analyzed using Advaita Bio\u27s iPathwayGuide. Differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified using FDR of 0.05 and fold-change of 1.5. Genes from several impacted canonical metabolic pathways were validated by PCR against external data sets in a separate ovarian cancer sample group (n=15), platinum resistant ovarian cancer mouse tumor model, and wild-type sensitive and platinum resistant ovarian cancer cell lines. Relative gene expression was calculated using the comparative Ct method, also referred to as the “2 DDCT”, using L27 as internal control gene. Results: We identified 177 differentially expressed (DE) genes out of a total of 16,607 genes (1.1%) with measured expression. 15 pathways were found to be significantly impacted. Of the 15 canonical pathways, all were up regulated in the resistant HGSOC and the majority of the most significantly altered (5/10) were related to metabolism (Retinol metabolism (p-value = 0.002); Tyrosine Metabolism (p-value = 0.005); Tryptophan Metabolism (p-value = 0.009); and Phenylalanine Metabolism (p-value = 0.012); CYP Drug Metabolism (p-value = 0.022)). A total of 3 separate genes from the CYP family and two from the Dopa Decarboxylase family of genes were validated against an external data set of human ovarian tissue samples, cell lines, mouse ovarian tumor model, and found to have similarly increased gene expression in the genes tested in the platinum resistant groups. Compilation of KEGG analysis and the common network genes revealed pathways associated with amino acid metabolism to be most significantly altered. Conclusions: We describe the identification of a unique transcriptomic profile associated with platinum resistance. Interestingly, the main pathways identified are related to metabolism, suggesting that the survival to chemotherapy demands a major metabolic adaptation. These findings also represent a first step towards the identification of biomarkers for the detection of chemo-resistant disease and metabolism-based drug targets specific for chemo-resistant tumors. Further validation of this model is required in order to determine its clinical value


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    Objective: An ethnobotanical survey of potent anti-malarial plants used by different tribes and communities of highly malaria affected seven districts of Assam, India.Methods: Personal discussions and group interviews were held with the traditional practitioners. Samples were collected and authentically identified. Detailed ethno knowledge on the plant parts used and mode of administration of the plant extracts was documented. Literature survey was carried out on identified plant species and analyzed for their medicinal importance.Results: A total of 22 plant species belonging to 20 botanical families were collected and identified from different locations of seven districts of Assam. Different plant parts such as leaves, root, flower, bark etc. were found to process through different basic methods (infusion, decoction, direct mechanical crushing and maceration) for extracting the anti-malarial crude phytochemicals by the traditional healers. Extensive literature on the broad spectrum medicinal values other than anti-malarial activity of the plant species suggested a strong scientific background of selecting those particular plants species by the traditional practitioners.Conclusion: Indigenous plant species with strong claim of the natural source of anti-malarial moieties were identified in the present ethno-botanical survey. All the 22 plant species investigated could be a potential source of new antimalarial therapies.Â