538 research outputs found

    Shell Oil Company in Nigeria: Impediment or Catalyst of Socio-Economic Development?

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the She oil company, through investment and crude oil exploration, benefits socio-economic growth in Nigeria in general and in the Niger Delta of Nigeria in particular. In 1998, the United Nations Special Rapporteur's report on Nigeria accused Nigeria and Shell of violating human rights and failing to protect the environment, and called for an investigation into Shell activities in Nigeria. The report condemned Shell for arming the security forces which it regularly deploy to use lethal force civilians that protest against the oil firm.” The paper explores the matrix within which the socio-economic rights (human rights, development rights and environment rights) have been significantly marginalised and the implications of the lack corporate social responsibility and the lack of accountability of Shell to the inhabitants of the Niger Delta of Nigeria. With respect to environmental obligations, the paper discusses how environmental degradation in the Niger Delta has infringed on human rights thereby impeding growth and economic development. The paper suggests possible future directions and initiatives for civil society in making corporations more accountable to states, citizens and the planet.Shell, Crude oil, Nigeria, Development, Economy

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pemindahan Spent Fuel Dari Instalasi Radiometalurgi Ke Kh-ipsb3 Tahun 2010

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    EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PEMINDAHAN SPENT FUEL DARI INSTALASI RADIOMETALURGI KE KH-IPSB3 TAHUN 2010. Bundel Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) RI-SIE2 dan RI-EO1 merupakan sisa spesimen uji pasca iradiasi di Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM). Kegiatan pemindahan ke-dua bundel merupakan bagian dari pengelolaan IRM. Evaluasi pelaksanaan pemindahan spent fuel ini dilakukan dengan mempelajari Instruksi Kerja Pemindahan Bundel MTR-Fuel Sisa Uji Pasca Iradiasi Dari IRM ke Kanal Hubung Instalasi Penyimpan Sementara Bahan Bakar bekas (KH-IPSB3), No. PR 14 E 05 028 dan mencermati proses pelaksanaannya. Proses pelaksanaannya meliputi persiapan yang dilakukan seperti pemeriksaan dan kesiapan alat-alat yang akan digunakan, dokumen-dokumen SPPBN, serta pembersihan permukaan luar dari ke-dua bundel SNF. Setelah bundel SNF berada di hotcell penerima, kemudian dipindahkan/diturunkan ke kanal hubung KH-IPSB3 dengan menggunakan basket dan incell crane. Proses pemindahan/penurunan ke KH-IPSB3 dapat dilakukan sampai penurunan hook incell crane maksimum tanpa memperhatikan tanda kuning pada sling-nya. Hasil evaluasi yaitu; Handy Talky (HT) dapat digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi, pintu darurat dapat dibuka untuk memudahkan komunikasi/koordinasi, power manipulator dapat digunakan untuk pemindahan SNF dari hotcell uji no.1 ke hotcell penerima dengan menggunakan alat bantu sederhana, pemindahan/penurunan ke KH-IPSB3 dapat dilakukan sampai penurunan hook dari incell crane maksimum tanpa harus memperhatikan tanda kuning pada sling-nya. Hasil evaluasi tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai bahan revisi Instruksi Kerja Pemindahan Bundel MTR-Fuel Sisa Uji Pasca Iradiasi Dari IRM ke KH-IPSB3 No. PR 14 E 05 028

    Komunikimi politik nëpërmjet editorialit në gazetën “Koha jonë” (1997)

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    Komunikimi politik nëpërmjet editorialit në gazetën ”Koha Jonë” (1997) Studimi do të synojë të thellohet mbi komunikimin politik dhe mesazhin që ka shkuar tek lexuesi, nëpërmjet editorialit në gazetën ‘’Koha Jonë’’ gjatë periudhës shkurt-mars 1997. Qëllim i rëndësishëm do të jetë kuptimi i rolit të medies për komunikimin e ideve politike në masë tek publiku, duke ditur impaktin që kjo gazetë ka patur asokohe në publikun e Shqipërisë. Mendoj të realizoj një analizë të hollësishme të këtij lloj artikulli gazetaresk, lidhur edhe me stilistikën, tonin, figuracionin etj. Po kështu do synoj të sjell rolin e editorialit si katalizator i zhvillimeve politike, duke qenë se hipoteza kryesore do të jetë kjo. Përvec analizës së mesazhit (editorialit) kam për qëllim të bëj edhe një analizë të autorit të mesazhit (botuesi, drejtori i gazetës ose kryeredaktori) dhe lidhjes me të qenit një komunikues politik, duke marrë edhe rolin e një ‘’partie politike’’. Për këtë analizë mendoj të shfrytëzoj literaturën e teorive të komunikimit politik, përvec punës me monitorimin e gazetës për këtë periudhë. Gazeta ‘’Koha Jonë’’ e vitit 1997 mund të shenjojë një nga periudhat e fundit në Shqipëri për lulëzimin e medieve lineare, vend që e zunë më pas me kalimin e viteve mediet e reja

    Development of theory and devices water dynamic air conditioning

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    Обосновано новое решение актуальной научной проблемы создания              нормативных условий труда на робочих местах в замкнутых производственных  пространствах, в частности, в горных выработках глубоких шахт, по факторам запыленности воздуха и температуры. На основе развития теории   гидродинамического очищения воздуха от пыли и  охлаждения его водой, обоснованы функциональные, параметрические и конструктивные   особенности  кондиционера в виде многокамерного водного эжектора.  Впервые определены условия и параметры для создания импульсно-волнового процесса очищения и охлаждения воздуха в многокамерном эжекторе, позволяющем создавать смесь из воздуха и капель воды, что повышает эффективность улавливания пыли и охлаждения воздуха. Получены    закономерности,  позволяющие разработать модуль кондиционера, на  основе которого могут быть созданы  установки различной  производительности.Ключевые слова: охрана труда,  пыль, воздух, вода, очищение,  охлаждение.It is proved the new solution actual scientific problem of creating a regulatory working condition in confined spaces of production, in particular in the workings of deep mines, according to the factors of air purity and temperature. On the basis of the theory of the hydrodynamic air purification from dust and cool it with water, proved functional, parametric design features and air conditioning unit in a                  multi-chamber of the ejector. For the first time defined the conditions and parameters for creating a pulse-wave process of purification and cooling for multi-ejector-based, allowing  creating the foam from the air and water, which improves the efficiency of dust   removal and cooling. On the basis of the laws of design main unit air conditioner with multi-chamber steam ejector and refrigerant, this allows you to create blocks with the required performance.Keywords: safety, dust, air, water, purification, cooling

    Ikiensinma Gogo-Abite - BMP Trains Presentation - January 31, 2020

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    Dr. Ikiensinma Gogo-Abite\u27s slides from his PowerPoint presentation during the BMPTRAINS workshop on January 30-31, 2020

    Prospects of the hydraulic air conditioning of mold air on the basis of pulse wave effects

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    The results of analytical and technical substantiation of promising solutions for the development of tools for hydraulic conditioning of mine air in deep mine conditions that combine cooling and purification of air based on pulse-wave effects created by diffuser and confuser elements are presented