59 research outputs found

    Concerted regulation of focal adhesion dynamics by galectin-3 and tyrosine-phosphorylated caveolin-1

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    Both tyrosine-phosphorylated caveolin-1 (pY14Cav1) and GlcNAc-transferase V (Mgat5) are linked with focal adhesions (FAs); however, their function in this context is unknown. Here, we show that galectin-3 binding to Mgat5-modified N-glycans functions together with pY14Cav1 to stabilize focal adhesion kinase (FAK) within FAs, and thereby promotes FA disassembly and turnover. Expression of the Mgat5/galectin lattice alone induces FAs and cell spreading. However, FAK stabilization in FAs also requires expression of pY14Cav1. In cells lacking the Mgat5/galectin lattice, pY14Cav1 is not sufficient to promote FAK stabilization, FA disassembly, and turnover. In human MDA-435 cancer cells, Cav1 expression, but not mutant Y14FCav1, stabilizes FAK exchange and stimulates de novo FA formation in protrusive cellular regions. Thus, transmembrane crosstalk between the galectin lattice and pY14Cav1 promotes FA turnover by stabilizing FAK within FAs defining previously unknown, interdependent roles for galectin-3 and pY14Cav1 in tumor cell migration

    Plasma membrane domain organization regulates EGFR signaling in tumor cells

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    Macromolecular complexes exhibit reduced diffusion in biological membranes; however, the physiological consequences of this characteristic of plasma membrane domain organization remain elusive. We report that competition between the galectin lattice and oligomerized caveolin-1 microdomains for epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) recruitment regulates EGFR signaling in tumor cells. In mammary tumor cells deficient for Golgi β1,6N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (Mgat5), a reduction in EGFR binding to the galectin lattice allows an increased association with stable caveolin-1 cell surface microdomains that suppresses EGFR signaling. Depletion of caveolin-1 enhances EGFR diffusion, responsiveness to EGF, and relieves Mgat5 deficiency–imposed restrictions on tumor cell growth. In Mgat5+/+ tumor cells, EGFR association with the galectin lattice reduces first-order EGFR diffusion rates and promotes receptor interaction with the actin cytoskeleton. Importantly, EGFR association with the lattice opposes sequestration by caveolin-1, overriding its negative regulation of EGFR diffusion and signaling. Therefore, caveolin-1 is a conditional tumor suppressor whose loss is advantageous when β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans are below a threshold for optimal galectin lattice formation

    Visualizing Cancer

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    Imaging has had a profound impact on our ability to understand and treat cancer. We invited some experts to discuss imaging approaches that can be used in various aspects of cancer research, from investigating the complexity and diversity of cancer cells and their environments to guiding clinical decision-making

    Lattices, rafts, and scaffolds: domain regulation of receptor signaling at the plasma membrane

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    The plasma membrane is organized into various subdomains of clustered macromolecules. Such domains include adhesive structures (cellular synapses, substrate adhesions, and cell–cell junctions) and membrane invaginations (clathrin-coated pits and caveolae), as well as less well-defined domains such as lipid rafts and lectin-glycoprotein lattices. Domains are organized by specialized scaffold proteins including the intramembranous caveolins, which stabilize lipid raft domains, and the galectins, a family of animal lectins that cross-link glycoproteins forming molecular lattices. We review evidence that these heterogeneous microdomains interact to regulate substratum adhesion and cytokine receptor dynamics at the cell surface

    Membrane Tension Orchestrates Rear Retraction in Matrix-Directed Cell Migration.

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    In development, wound healing, and cancer metastasis, vertebrate cells move through 3D interstitial matrix, responding to chemical and physical guidance cues. Protrusion at the cell front has been extensively studied, but the retraction phase of the migration cycle is not well understood. Here, we show that fast-moving cells guided by matrix cues establish positive feedback control of rear retraction by sensing membrane tension. We reveal a mechanism of rear retraction in 3D matrix and durotaxis controlled by caveolae, which form in response to low membrane tension at the cell rear. Caveolae activate RhoA-ROCK1/PKN2 signaling via the RhoA guanidine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Ect2 to control local F-actin organization and contractility in this subcellular region and promote translocation of the cell rear. A positive feedback loop between cytoskeletal signaling and membrane tension leads to rapid retraction to complete the migration cycle in fast-moving cells, providing directional memory to drive persistent cell migration in complex matrices

    Impairing flow-mediated endothelial remodeling reduces extravasation of tumor cells

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    Tumor progression and metastatic dissemination are driven by cell-intrinsic and biomechanical cues that favor the growth of life-threatening secondary tumors. We recently identified pro-metastatic vascular regions with blood flow profiles that are permissive for the arrest of circulating tumor cells. We have further established that such flow profiles also control endothelial remodeling, which favors extravasation of arrested CTCs. Yet, how shear forces control endothelial remodeling is unknown. In the present work, we aimed at dissecting the cellular and molecular mechanisms driving blood flow-dependent endothelial remodeling. Transcriptomic analysis of endothelial cells revealed that blood flow enhanced VEGFR signaling, among others. Using a combination of in vitro microfluidics and intravital imaging in zebrafish embryos, we now demonstrate that the early flow-driven endothelial response can be prevented upon specific inhibition of VEGFR tyrosine kinase and subsequent signaling. Inhibitory targeting of VEGFRs reduced endothelial remodeling and subsequent metastatic extravasation. These results confirm the importance of VEGFR-dependent endothelial remodeling as a driving force of CTC extravasation and metastatic dissemination. Furthermore, the present work suggests that therapies targeting endothelial remodeling might be a relevant clinical strategy in order to impede metastatic progression.</p

    Cell Rep

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    VIDEO ABSTRACT: The pattern of blood flow has long been thought to play a significant role in vascular morphogenesis, yet the flow-sensing mechanism that is involved at early embryonic stages, when flow forces are low, remains unclear. It has been proposed that endothelial cells use primary cilia to sense flow, but this has never been tested in vivo. Here we show, by noninvasive, high-resolution imaging of live zebrafish embryos, that endothelial cilia progressively deflect at the onset of blood flow and that the deflection angle correlates with calcium levels in endothelial cells. We demonstrate that alterations in shear stress, ciliogenesis, or expression of the calcium channel PKD2 impair the endothelial calcium level and both increase and perturb vascular morphogenesis. Altogether, these results demonstrate that endothelial cilia constitute a highly sensitive structure that permits the detection of low shear forces during vascular morphogenesis

    Intravital imaging technology guides FAK-mediated priming in pancreatic cancer precision medicine according to Merlin status

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly metastatic, chemoresistant malignancy and is characterized by a dense, desmoplastic stroma that modulates PDAC progression. Here, we visualized transient manipulation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which integrates bidirectional cell-environment signaling, using intravital fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of the FAK-based Förster resonance energy transfer biosensor in mouse and patient-derived PDAC models. Parallel real-time quantification of the FUCCI cell cycle reporter guided us to improve PDAC response to standard-of-care chemotherapy at primary and secondary sites. Critically, micropatterned pillar plates and stiffness-tunable matrices were used to pinpoint the contribution of environmental cues to chemosensitization, while fluid flow–induced shear stress assessment, patient-derived matrices, and personalized in vivo models allowed us to deconstruct how FAK inhibition can reduce PDAC spread. Last, stratification of PDAC patient samples via Merlin status revealed a patient subset with poor prognosis that are likely to respond to FAK priming before chemotherapy

    Intravital imaging technology guides FAK-mediated priming in pancreatic cancer precision medicine according to Merlin status

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly metastatic, chemoresistant malignancy and is characterized by a dense, desmoplastic stroma that modulates PDAC progression. Here, we visualized transient manipulation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which integrates bidirectional cell-environment signaling, using intravital fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of the FAK-based Forster resonance energy transfer biosensor in mouse and patient-derived PDAC models. Parallel real-time quantification of the FUCCI cell cycle reporter guided us to improve PDAC response to standard-of-care chemotherapy at primary and secondary sites. Critically, micro-patterned pillar plates and stiffness-tunable matrices were used to pinpoint the contribution of environmental cues to chemosensitization, while fluid flow-induced shear stress assessment, patient-derived matrices, and personalized in vivo models allowed us to deconstruct how FAK inhibition can reduce PDAC spread. Last, stratification of PDAC patient samples via Merlin status revealed a patient subset with poor prognosis that are likely to respond to FAK priming before chemotherapy
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