78 research outputs found

    The role of elasticity in slab bending

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    International audiencePrevious studies showed that plate rheology exerts a dominant control on the shape and velocity of subducting plates. Here, we perform a systematic investigation of the role of elasticity in slab bending, using fully dynamic 2-D models where an elastic, viscoelastic, or viscoelastoplastic plate subducts freely into a purely viscous mantle. We derive a scaling relationship between the bending radius of viscoelastic slabs and the Deborah number, De, which is the ratio of Maxwell time over deformation time. We show that De controls the ratio of elastically stored energy over viscously dissipated energy and find that at De>10-2, substantially less energy is required to bend a viscoelastic slab to the same shape as a purely viscous slab with the same intrinsic viscosity. Elastically stored energy at higher De favors retreating modes of subduction via unbending, while trench advance only occurs for some cases with De 1, where most zones have low De 0.1. Slabs with De<10-2 either have very low viscosities or they may be yielding, in which case our De estimates may be underestimated by up to an order of magnitude, potentially pointing towards a significant role of elasticity in ∌60% of the subduction zones. In support of such a role of elasticity in subduction, we find that increasing De correlates with increasing proportion of larger seismic events in both instrumental and historic catalogues

    Earthquake recurrence parameters from seismic and geodetic strain rates in the eastern Mediterranean

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    Although the parameters used in seismic hazard analyses imply a long-term seismic strain rate, they are usually not checked against such alternative estimates. In this study, we determine hazard parameters for the eastern Mediterranean (a-value, b-value, mmax and the corresponding long-term seismic moment rate ) consistent with seismicity data, tectonic information and geodetic strain rates. The dense data coverage in this region permits a detailed comparison of the horizontal seismic strain rate field, , as recorded in the 500-yr long historical catalogue and the tectonic strain rate field, , measured geodetically. We find that is very similar in style over all magnitude ranges within each different tectonic regime in the study region. Furthermore, is similar in style to . Except along the Hellenic Arc, is consistent with in amplitude. We verify that for the high strain rates accommodated in the eastern Mediterranean and historical catalogues spanning at least 100-200 yr, should reflect the long-term seismic strain release when averaged over each tectonic zone. To estimate such seismic strain reliably, accurate knowledge about the rates of recurrence of intermediate size events (Mw= 4.5-6.5) is needed. For b≄ 1, these events can accommodate up to 60 per cent of the strain. The combined analysis of and provides an estimate of the seismic/total strain. The major strike-slip zones in the region, the Northern Anatolian Fault and the Kephalonian Fault, experience little to negligible aseismic deformation. In the remaining eastern Mediterranean up to 10-30 per cent of the total deformation is aseismic. The Hellenic Trench is largely uncoupled, with at least 50 per cent and up to 90 per cent of the compressive strain released aseismically. Only the extensional component of strain at the eastern end of this trench appears significantly seismically activ

    Thermochemical interpretation of one-dimensional seismic reference models for the upper mantle: Evidence for bias due to heterogeneity

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    A 1-D reference model for the mantle that is physically meaningful would be invaluable both in geodynamic modelling and for an accurate interpretation of 3-D seismic tomography. However, previous studies have shown that it is difficult to reconcile the simplest possible 1-D physical model—1300°C adiabatic pyrolite—with seismic observations. We therefore generate a set of alternative 1-D thermal and chemical mantle models, down to 900 km depth, and compare their properties with seismic data. We use several different body and surface wave data sets that provide complementary constraints on mantle structure. To assess the agreement between our models and seismic data, we take into account the large uncertainties in both the elastic/anelastic parameters of the constituent minerals, and the thermodynamic procedures for calculating seismic velocities. These uncertainties translate into substantial differences in seismic structure. However, in spite of such differences, subtle trends remain. We find that models which attain (1) higher velocity gradients between 250 and 350 km; (2) higher velocity gradients in the lower transition zone; and (3) higher average velocities immediately beneath the 660-discontinuity, than 1300°C adiabatic pyrolite—either via a temporary shift to lower temperatures, and/or a change to a seismically faster chemical composition—provide a significantly better fit to the seismic data than adiabatic pyrolite. This is compatible with recent thermochemical dynamic models by Tackley et al. in which average thermal structure is smooth and monotonous, but average chemical structure deviates substantially from pyrolite above, in, and below the transition zone. Our results suggest that 1-D seismic reference models are being systematically biased by a complex 3-D chemical structure. This bias should be taken into account when attempting quantitative interpretation of seismic anomalies, since those very anomalies contribute to the 1-D average signa

    The Seismic Signature of Upper-Mantle Plumes: Application to the Northern East African Rift

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    Several seismic and numerical studies proposed that below, some hotspots upper-mantle plumelets rise from a thermal boundary layer below 660 km depth, fed by a deeper plume source.We recently found tomographic evidence of multiple upper-mantle upwellings, spaced by several 100 km, rising through the transition zone below the northern East African Rift. To better test this interpretation, we run 3-D numerical simulations of mantle convection for Newtonian and non-Newtonian rheologies, for both thermal instabilities rising from a lower boundary layer, and the destabilization of a thermal anomaly placed at the base of the box (700–800 km depth). The thermal structures are converted to seismic velocities using a thermodynamic approach. Resolution tests are then conducted for the same P and S data distribution and inversion parameters as our traveltime tomography. The Rayleigh Taylor models predict simultaneous plumelets in different stages of evolution rising from a hot layer located below the transition zone, resulting in seismic structure that looks more complex than the simple vertical cylinders that are often anticipated. From the wide selection of models tested, we find that the destabilization of a 200 ◩C, 100 km thick thermal anomaly with a non-Newtonian rheology, most closely matches the magnitude and the spatial and temporal distribution of the anomalies below the rift. Finally, we find that for reasonable upper-mantle viscosities, the synthetic plume structures are similar in scale and shape to the actual low-velocity anomalies, providing further support for the existence of upper-mantle plumelets below the northern East African Rift

    The mantle wedge's transient 3-D flow regime and thermal structure

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    Arc volcanism, volatile cycling, mineralization, and continental crust formation are likely regu-lated by the mantle wedge’s ïŹ‚ow regime and thermal structure. Wedge ïŹ‚ow is often assumed to follow a regular corner-ïŹ‚ow pattern. However, studies that incorporate a hydrated rheology and thermal buoyancy predict internal small-scale-convection (SSC). Here, we systematically explore mantle-wedge dynamics in 3- D simulations. We ïŹnd that longitudinal ‘‘Richter-rolls’’ of SSC (with trench-perpendicular axes) commonly occur if wedge hydration reduces viscosities to ≀1 ∙ 10^19 Pa s, although transient transverse rolls (with trench-parallel axes) can dominate at viscosities of ~5 ∙ 10^18 - 1 ∙ 10^19 Pa s. Rolls below the arc and back arc differ. Subarc rolls have similar trench-parallel and trench-perpendicular dimensions of 100–150 km and evolve on a 1–5 Myr time-scale. Subback-arc instabilities, on the other hand, coalesce into elongated sheets, usually with a preferential trench-perpendicular alignment, display a wavelength of 150–400 km and vary on a 5–10 Myr time scale. The modulating inïŹ‚uence of subback-arc ridges on the subarc system increases with stronger wedge hydration, higher subduction velocity, and thicker upper plates. We ïŹnd that trench-parallel averages of wedge velocities and temperature are consistent with those predicted in 2-D models. However, lithospheric thinning through SSC is somewhat enhanced in 3-D, thus expanding hydrous melting regions and shifting dehydration boundaries. Subarc Richter-rolls generate time-dependent trench-parallel temperature variations of up to ~150 K, which exceed the transient 50–100 K variations predicted in 2-D and may contribute to arc-volcano spacing and the variable seismic velocity structures imaged beneath some arcs

    Reconciling mantle wedge thermal structure with arc lava thermobarometric determinations in oceanic subduction zones

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    Subduction zone mantle wedge temperatures impact plate interaction, melt generation, and chemical recycling. However, it has been challenging to reconcile geophysical and geochemical constraints on wedge thermal structure. Here we chemically determine the equilibration pressures and temperatures of primitive arc lavas from worldwide intraoceanic subduction zones and compare them to kinematically driven thermal wedge models. We find that equilibration pressures are typically located in the lithosphere, starting just below the Moho, and spanning a wide depth range of ∌25 km. Equilibration temperatures are high for these depths, averaging ∌1300°C. We test for correlations with subduction parameters and find that equilibration pressures correlate with upper plate age, indicating overriding lithosphere thickness plays a role in magma equilibration. We suggest that most, if not all, thermobarometric pressure and temperature conditions reflect magmatic reequilibration at a mechanical boundary, rather than reflecting the conditions of major melt generation. The magma reequilibration conditions are difficult to reconcile, to a first order, with any of the conditions predicted by our dynamic models, with the exception of subduction zones with very young, thin upper plates. For most zones, a mechanism for substantially thinning the overriding plate is required. Most likely thinning is localized below the arc, as kinematic thinning above the wedge corner would lead to a hot fore arc, incompatible with fore-arc surface heat flow and seismic properties. Localized subarc thermal erosion is consistent with seismic imaging and exhumed arc structures. Furthermore, such thermal erosion can serve as a weakness zone and affect subsequent plate evolutio

    Interaction of subducted slabs with the mantle transition-zone: A regime diagram from 2-D thermo-mechanical models with a mobile trench and an overriding plate

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    Transition zone slab deformation influences Earth's thermal, chemical, and tectonic evolution. However, the mechanisms responsible for the wide range of imaged slab morphologies remain debated. Here we use 2-D thermo-mechanical models with a mobile trench, an overriding plate, a temperature and stress-dependent rheology, and a 10, 30, or 100-fold increase in lower mantle viscosity, to investigate the effect of initial subducting and overriding-plate ages on slab-transition zone interaction. Four subduction styles emerge: (i) a "vertical folding" mode, with a quasi-stationary trench, near-vertical subduction, and buckling/folding at depth (VF); (ii) slabs that induce mild trench retreat, which are flattened/"horizontally deflected" and stagnate at the upper-lower mantle interface (HD); (iii) inclined slabs, which result from rapid sinking and strong trench retreat (ISR); (iv) a two-stage mode, displaying backward-bent and subsequently inclined slabs, with late trench retreat (BIR). Transitions from regime (i) to (iii) occur with increasing subducting plate age (i.e., buoyancy and strength). Regime (iv) develops for old (strong) subducting and overriding plates. We find that the interplay between trench motion and slab deformation at depth dictates the subduction style, both being controlled by slab strength, which is consistent with predictions from previous compositional subduction models. However, due to feedbacks between deformation, sinking rate, temperature, and slab strength, the subducting plate buoyancy, overriding plate strength, and upper-lower mantle viscosity jump are also important controls in thermo-mechanical subduction. For intermediate upper-lower mantle viscosity jumps (×30), our regimes reproduce the diverse range of seismically imaged slab morphologies
