324 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Competencies for Managing Science and Technology Programs

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze competencies needed for successful program management of Research and Development (R&D) programs -- also known as Science and Technology (S&T) programs -- within the Department of Defense (DoD). Current competency models are in development for the DoD Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) functional areas. Using an interim competency model developed for the Program Manager career field comprised of 36 technical competencies and 27 professional competencies, the research compares competencies\u27 criticality scores rated by traditional acquisition program managers (PMs) with those rated by S&T program managers. In 42 out of 63 instances (67%), the criticality scores had statistically significant differences. Only four of those 42 competencies were rated more critical by S&T PMs; the other 38 of the 42 (90%), were rated less critical, with statistically significant lower scores than those of their acquisition PM counterparts. The analysis of the open-ended interview questions suggests that although the AT&L PM competency model may seem to have face validity, the descriptions currently defining the PM competencies may not have adequate content validity for an S&T program management competency model, thus warranting further resources towards defining an independent competency model for S&T PM workforce management initiatives

    Evaluation of Skylab EREP data for land resource management

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Application of ERTS-1 data to integrated state planning in the state of Maryland

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    PAR proteins diffuse freely across the anterior–posterior boundary in polarized C. elegans embryos

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    FRAP reveals that a stable PAR boundary requires balancing diffusive flux of PAR proteins between domains with spatial differences in PAR protein membrane affinities

    Formation of shear bands in drying colloidal dispersions

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    In directionally dried colloidal dispersions regular bands can appear behind the drying front, inclined at ±45° to the drying line. Although these features have been noted to share visual similarities with shear bands in metal, no physical mechanism for their formation has ever been suggested, until very recently. Here, through microscopy of silica and polystyrene dispersions, dried in Hele-Shaw cells, we demonstrate that the bands are indeed associated with local shear strains. We further show how the bands form, that they scale with the thickness of the drying layer, and that they are eliminated by the addition of salt to the drying dispersions. Finally, we reveal the origins of these bands in the compressive forces associated with drying

    Effect on Antibiotics in High Fiber Diets on Performance of Growing-finishing Pigs

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    The majority of the pigs in the Upper Midwest are fed a corn-soybean meal base diet. However, alternative feed ingredients are widely used in some regions. The lower performance, daily gain and efficiency of gain that is sometimes observed when other ingredients are used is often associated with higher fiber content of the diet. The pig has little ability to utilize fibrous materials in the stomach and small intestine where most digestion of feed and absorption of nutrients take place. Microorganisms present in the cecum and large intestine do break down fiber to usable products, but it is assumed that relatively small amounts of these products are absorbed. The effect that antibiotics have on fiber utilization and microbial digestion in the lower digestive tract is largely unknown. The experiment reported herein was designed to evaluate pig performance as affected by fiber level, source of fiber and presence of antibiotics

    The Effect of Selenium on Pigs of Different Hair Color

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    It has been suggested that levels of certain trace elements in hair may be associated with the dietary intake of the element. High levels of selenium in the diet have been shown to increase hair selenium in swine and also in cattle. The possibility that the degree of selenium toxicity is related to hair color has been proposed for cattle, horses and swine. This study was conducted to determine if storage of selenium in the hair of pigs varied with their color and also to determine if hair color was related to degree of selenium toxicity

    Effect of Sodium Selenite Levels on Tissue and Blood Composition and Performance of Growing-Finishing Swine

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    A second trial was conducted to further study the problem of selenium toxicity. In this experiment, sodium selenite was utilized as the selenium source. The FDA has approved sodium selenite and sodium selenate supplementation of pig starter diets up to a level of .3 parts per million (ppm) of selenium. The study reported herein was conducted to determine the effect of sodium selenite levels on tissue and blood composition and performance of growing-finishing swine

    South Dakota Retained Ownership Demonstration

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    Three hundred forty-five steer calves representing 53 cow-calf producers were consigned to a custom feedlot in late October. Cattle were fed in one of two pens. One pen of calves received a moderate roughage growing diet for 39 days and then were switched to a high energy finishing diet (ACC). The other pen of calves received a moderate roughage growing diet for 109 days and then were switched to a high energy finishing diet (TWO). The ACC calves weighed 574 lb initially, gained 2.94 Ib per head daily and were slaughtered at 1147 Ib after an average of 196 days on feed. Average cost of gain and profitability were 52.31percwtand52.31 per cwt and 38.75 per head, respectively. The TWO calves weighed 504 Ib initially, gained 2.77 Ib per head daily and were slaughtered at 1096 Ib after an average of 214 days on feed. Average cost of gain and profitability were 52.72percwtand52.72 per cwt and 16.69 per head, respectively. Cattle slaughtered later in the spring were less profitable than cattle slaughtered earlier in the spring due to a weaker cattle market and wider choice-select price spread. Across either feeding program, average profits for cattle slaughtered after 170, 192, 199, 200 and 242 days on feed were 50.03,50.03, 64.42, 28.69,28.69, 27.39 and -$16.78 per head, respectively

    Effect of Varying Dietary Selenium Levels on Tissue Composition, Blood Composition and Performance of Growing Swine Fed Seleniferous Grains

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    It is established that selenium is an essential micronutrient as well as a natural toxicant for domestic livestock. However, reports of selenium toxicosis in swine are limited and not well documented. The level at which selenium becomes toxic to swine is thought to be about 8 ppm. This value was derived from the initial selenium research of the 1930\u27s, with considerable extrapolation from other species used in this determination. Since that time, diet composition has become much more complex, nutrient level of diets has increased and feed additives are commonly used. It is not known what effect these factors or other nutritional interrelationships may have on the level at which selenium becomes toxic. Due to the variability of selenium content in feedstuffs and because selenium is now approved as a feed additive, it is important to better define the level at which selenium becomes toxic to swine. This research was conducted to determine the effect of varying dietary selenium levels on tissue and blood composition and performance of growing swine fed seleniferous grains
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