632 research outputs found

    Drotrecogin alpha: a rational approach to the treatment of submassive pulmonary embolism?

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    Combining therapeutic doses of low-molecular-weight heparins and increasing doses of recombinant activated protein C - Drotrecogin alpha (activated), or DAA - is of theoretical interest with regard to the control of coagulation activation. The study by Dempfle and colleagues presents new data showing that endogenous activated protein C levels do not increase in nonseptic patients with pulmonary embolism. However, the results of the addition of these two treatments are puzzling, leaving unresolved the questionable clinical relevance of this combination and the possible increase in bleeding risk

    Stability of the toroidal magnetic field in stellar radiation zones

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    Understanding the stability of the magnetic field in radiation zones is of crucial importance for various processes in stellar interior like mixing, circulation and angular momentum transport. The stability properties of a star containing a prominent toroidal field in a radiation zone is investigated by means of a linear stability analysis in the Boussinesq approximation taking into account the effect of thermal conductivity. The growth rate of the instability is explicitly calculated and the effects of stable stratification and heat transport are discussed in detail. It is argued that the stabilizing influence of gravity can never entirely suppress the instability caused by electric currents in radiation zones although the stable stratification can significantly decrease the growth rate of instabilityComment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Commissioning Liaison Psychiatry services

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    Influencia del uso del sistema datastudio-xplorerglx sobre el logro de aprendizaje significativos en estudiantes de las instituciones educativas de la regiĂłn Lima periodo lectivo 2007.

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    Esta investigaciĂłn tuvo como objetivo principal determinar en quĂ© medida influye el uso de los elementos didĂĄcticos del sistema computarizado dataStudio-XplorerGLX sobre el logro de aprendizajes significativos en estudiantes de las instituciones educativas de la regiĂłn Lima, durante el periodo lectivo2007. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto se aplicaron tres de instrumentos: una sesiĂłn de aprendizaje de laboratorio referido al tema de movimiento rectilĂ­neo uniforme y uniformemente variado a realizar con el sistema computarizado y con elementos tradicionales, una pre y post prueba sobre logro de aprendizaje significativos calificada en escala vigesimal, desarrollada en base a la teoria de David Ausubel y un cuestionario tipo likert respecto al uso del sistema DataStudio-XplorerGLX que toma como base sus elementos didĂĄcticos, se estableciĂł, una muestra estratificada segĂșn instituciĂłn educativa de 136 sujetos para el grupo experimental y 136 para el grupo de control a los cuales se les aplicaron los instrumentos segĂșn el diseño establecido

    Sous la surface des rĂȘves : L’homme blessĂ©, 1983

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    Si l’envie secrĂšte de Patrice ChĂ©reau Ă©tait d’adapter Ă  l’écran Le journal du voleur de Jean Genet, le travail d’écriture et d’élaboration, entrepris avec HervĂ© Guibert, nĂ©cessitera pas moins de six annĂ©es, durant lesquelles le projet initial va ĂȘtre profondĂ©ment modifiĂ©. L’homme blessĂ© ne rĂ©sulte pas d’une simple transposition, qui viserait Ă  inscrire dans une tonalitĂ© plus actuelle la fable du roman de Genet. Du roman au film s’opĂšre une vĂ©ritable mĂ©tamorphose, dont les archives dĂ©posĂ©es Ă  la CinĂ©mathĂšque française tĂ©moignent comme autant d’instantanĂ©s. Et cette modification est moins une Ă©volution qu’une involution, c’est-Ă -dire un approfondissement de la pensĂ©e et de l’univers du romancier – jusqu’à subtilement recouvrir dans le film les traces apparentes du roman de Genet. Pourtant, envisagĂ© dans la perspective de sa genĂšse, de l’univers entier du romancier, le film se fait palimpseste.If Patrice ChĂ©reau’s secret desire was to adapt The Diary of a Thief by Jean Genet on the screen, the writing of the script, undertaken with HervĂ© Guibert, will require no less than six years, during which the former project will be profoundly altered. L’homme blessĂ© is not the result of a mere change of tonality, between Genet’s tale and our nowadays actuality. From the novel to the movie, the striking alteration can be called a metamorphosis, of which movement the archives preserved in the CinĂ©mathĂšque française testify step by step. And this modification is not an evolution, but more precisely an involution, as the work of ChĂ©reau and Guibert reveals itself as a deepening of Genet’s thought and universe – until leaving scarcely no trace of the novel on the surface of the movie. But, seen through the process of its genesis, for the whole world of Genet, the movie remains a palimpsest

    La machine et le dragon dans Une Histoire de vent de Joris Ivens et Marceline Loridan (1988)

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    Il est des films qu’une premiĂšre vision n’épuise pas. Une histoire de vent est de ceux-lĂ  qui, cousu de fiction et de rĂ©alitĂ©, de lĂ©gendes et d’images empruntĂ©es, de citations, de paysages et de visages, de vie et de mort Ă  la fois, dĂ©ploie sous nos yeux sa somptuositĂ© de manteau d’Arlequin. EnsemencĂ©e d’une profusion de voix, de rires, de silences - fracas et chuchotements, paroles ailĂ©es que rythment les vers plus prĂ©cieux des poĂštes -, traversĂ©e d’une musique, agile, qui reproduit les infl..

    Jean Renoir : l’acteur, le tĂ©moin

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    Vingt-sept ans aprĂšs le tournage de La RĂšgle du jeu, Marcel Dalio accueille Jean Renoir sur la terrasse du chĂąteau de La FertĂ©-Saint-Aubin. Et comme Dalio s’étonne, devant l’impressionnant dĂ©cor, que Renoir n’ait gardĂ© dans son film que certaines parties du chĂąteau, le cinĂ©aste rĂ©pond immĂ©diatement : Pour une raison trĂšs simple. C’est que nous ne faisions pas un documentaire sur ces bĂątiments, nous faisions un documentaire sur le marquis..

    Orbital perturbations on transiting planets: A possible method to measure stellar quadrupoles and to detect Earth-mass planets

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    The recent discovery of a planetary transit in the star HD 209458, and the subsequent highly precise observation of the transit lightcurve with Hubble Space Telescope, is encouraging to search for any phenomena that might induce small changes in the light curve. Here we consider the effect of the quadrupole moment of the parent star and of a possible second planet perturbing the orbit of the transiting planet. Both of these cause a precession of the orbital plane and of the periastron of the planet, which result in a long-term variation of the duration and the period of the transits. For a transiting planet at 0.05 AU, either a quadrupole moment similar to that of the Sun or the gravitational tug from an Earth-like planet on an orbit of semimajor axis ~ 0.2 AU and a relative inclination near the optimal 45 degrees would cause a transit duration time derivative of ~ 1 second per year.Comment: submitted to Ap

    A pilot study to support veterans in the criminal justice system

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    Project Nova is a pilot model in Norfolk and Suffolk of an intervention, to reach veterans at the earliest point of contact following their arrest. This evaluation of Project Nova provides an insight into the needs of veteran offenders at an early stage in the criminal justice pathway. It also helps the reader to understand whether these needs can be met shortly after arrest, and whether this has any impact on offending behaviour. This Report reflects on examples of best practice for working with this challenging and often hard to engage populatio
