227 research outputs found

    Lornoxicam versus diclofenac sodium in acute renal colic: a prospective randomized trial

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    Background: Acute renal colic is excruciatingly painful event, opioid analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs remain the mainstay of treatment for acute renal colic. This study compares diclofenac and lornoxicam in their efficacy to relieve pain of renal origin.Methods: Prospective, randomized, double blind clinical study including eighty patients with renal pain admitted in emergency department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Parameters were observed at baseline and after 15, 30, 60, 180 minutes and 5hrs of drug treatment. The efficacy of the drug was measured by observing: Pain score, onset & duration of action, rescue drug use, global patient and physician impression.Results: Both drugs are effective in relieving pain of renal origin (p<0.05) and maintaining it over time as well. When decrease in value of  pain score compared between two groups at various interval there was statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease in pain score only at 15 minutes in lornoxicam group showing this slightly more effective in early phase compared to diclofenac. In either group there is no statistically significant difference regarding onset of action, duration of action and side effect profile.Conclusions: Both the drugs are equally effective and safe in renal colicky pain with added advantage of lornoxicam being more effective in early period

    Pasture Establishment and Sustainability in Arid Region of Rajasthan, India: Prospects and Constraints

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    Rajasthan is the largest state of India and covers nearly 10.4 per cent (342.65 lakh ha) of total geographical area of the country. About 65 per cent of its population is dependent on agriculture. According to livestock census-2007, Rajasthan ranks at the third place (56.663 million) in the country for total livestock population after Uttar Pradesh (60.272 million) and Andhra Pradesh (60.175 million). The large livestock population of the state shows importance of fodder in the state. Western part of Rajasthan state covers the area of the state towards western side of Aravali range of hills, which divides the state almost in two parts viz., eastern and western. The western part of the state is important for animal husbandry and forage management point of view. The reason is that this region is characterized as arid region and at many places in this region annual rainfall is below 250 mm. Many times droughts occur in this region and crop production for grain purpose does not become successful. So, farmers remain more dependent on animals than crops. Important animals in this region are cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats and camels

    Outer Retinal Structure in Best Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy

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    Importance Demonstrating the utility of adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) to assess outer retinal structure in Best vitelliform macular dystrophy (BVMD). Objective To characterize outer retinal structure in BVMD using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and AOSLO. Design, Setting, and Participants Prospective, observational case series. Four symptomatic members of a family with BVMD with known BEST1 mutation were recruited at the Advanced Ocular Imaging Program research lab at the Medical College of Wisconsin Eye Institute, Milwaukee. Intervention Thickness of 2 outer retinal layers corresponding to photoreceptor inner and outer segments was measured using SD-OCT. Photoreceptor mosaic AOSLO images within and around visible lesions were obtained, and cone density was assessed in 2 subjects. Main Outcome and Measure Photoreceptor structure. Results Each subject was at a different stage of BVMD, with photoreceptor disruption evident by AOSLO at all stages. When comparing SD-OCT and AOSLO images from the same location, AOSLO images allowed for direct assessment of photoreceptor structure. A variable degree of retained photoreceptors was seen within all lesions. The photoreceptor mosaic immediately adjacent to visible lesions appeared contiguous and was of normal density. Fine hyperreflective structures were visualized by AOSLO, and their anatomical orientation and size were consistent with Henle fibers. Conclusions and Relevance The AOSLO findings indicate that substantial photoreceptor structure persists within active lesions, accounting for good visual acuity in these patients. Despite previous reports of diffuse photoreceptor outer segment abnormalities in BVMD, our data reveal normal photoreceptor structure in areas adjacent to clinical lesions. This study demonstrates the utility of AOSLO for understanding the spectrum of cellular changes that occur in inherited degenerations such as BVMD. Photoreceptors are often significantly affected at various stages of inherited degenerations, and these changes may not be readily apparent with current clinical imaging instrumentation

    Interplay between uncertainty intolerance, emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic:A multi-wave study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant mental health burden on the global population. Studies during the pandemic have shown that risk factors such as intolerance of uncertainty and maladaptive emotion regulation are associated with increased psychopathology. Meanwhile, protective factors such as cognitive control and cognitive flexibility have been shown to protect mental health during the pandemic. However, the potential pathways through which these risk and protective factors function to impact mental health during the pandemic remain unclear. In the present multi-wave study, 304 individuals (18 years or older, 191 Males), residing in the USA during data collection, completed weekly online assessments of validated questionnaires across a period of five weeks (27th March 2020-1st May 2020). Mediation analyses revealed that longitudinal changes in emotion regulation difficulties mediated the effect of increases in intolerance of uncertainty on increases in stress, depression, and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, individual differences in cognitive control and flexibility moderated the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and emotion regulation difficulties. While intolerance of uncertainty and emotion regulation difficulties emerged as risk factors for mental health, cognitive control and flexibility seems to protect against the negative effects of the pandemic and promote stress resilience. Interventions aimed at enhancing cognitive control and flexibility might promote the protection of mental health in similar global crises in the future

    In Vitro Evaluation of Ethanolic Extracts of Ageratum conyzoides

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    In vitro efficacy of ethanolic extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Ageratum conyzoides and Artemisia absinthium was assessed on Rhipicephalus microplus using adult immersion test (AIT). Five concentrations of the extract (1.25%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) with three replications for each concentration were used in the bioassay. In AIT, the maximum mortality was recorded as 40% and 66.7% at 20% concentration for A. conyzoides and A. absinthium, respectively. Acaricidal activity was found to be higher in the extract of A. absinthium with LC50 and LC95 values of 11.2% and 61.7%, respectively. Egg mass weight of the live ticks treated with different concentrations of the extracts was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of control ticks; consequently, the reproductive index and oviposition values of the treated ticks were reduced significantly (P<0.05). The A. conyzoides inhibited 90% hatching of eggs at the 20% concentration, whereas A. absinthium showed 100% inhibition at 5%, 10%, and 20% concentrations. The results show that A. absinthium has better acaricidal properties than A. conyzoides and could be useful in controlling R. microplus

    Assessing Retinal Structure In Complete Congenital Stationary Night Blindness and Oguchi Disease

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    Purpose To examine retinal structure and changes in photoreceptor intensity after dark adaptation in patients with complete congenital stationary night blindness and Oguchi disease. Design Prospective, observational case series. Methods We recruited 3 patients with complete congenital stationary night blindness caused by mutations in GRM6, 2 brothers with Oguchi disease caused by mutations in GRK1, and 1 normal control. Retinal thickness was measured from optical coherence tomography images. Integrity of the rod and cone mosaic was assessed using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. We imaged 5 of the patients after a period of dark adaptation and examined layer reflectivity on optical coherence tomography in a patient with Oguchi disease under light- and dark-adapted conditions. Results Retinal thickness was reduced in the parafoveal region in patients with GRM6 mutations as a result of decreased thickness of the inner retinal layers. All patients had normal photoreceptor density at all locations analyzed. On removal from dark adaptation, the intensity of the rods (but not cones) in the patients with Oguchi disease gradually and significantly increased. In 1 Oguchi disease patient, the outer segment layer contrast on optical coherence tomography was 4-fold higher under dark-adapted versus light-adapted conditions. Conclusions The selective thinning of the inner retinal layers in patients with GRM6 mutations suggests either reduced bipolar or ganglion cell numbers or altered synaptic structure in the inner retina. Our finding that rods, but not cones, change intensity after dark adaptation suggests that fundus changes in Oguchi disease are the result of changes within the rods as opposed to changes at a different retinal locus

    Renal Transplantation in Hepatitis C Positive Patients: A Single Centre Experience

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    Introduction. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is an independent risk factor for renal transplantation (RTx). Immunosuppression minimization can render better quality of life to these patients. Methods. We analyzed 132 HCV-positive RTx patients (group A) transplanted under tolerance induction protocol (TIP) and compared them with 79 controls (group B) transplanted using standard triple drugs. TIP consisted of 1 donor-specific transfusion, peripheral blood stem cell infusion, portal infusion of bone marrow, and target-specific irradiation. Their immunosuppression was cyclosporin, 2 ± 1 mg/kg BW/day + prednisone, 10 mg/day. Results. TIP had no side effects. Although unequal in size, the groups were well balanced. Group A patient survival at 1, 5, and 10 years was 92.4%, 70.4%, and 63.7%, respectively, versus 75.6%, 71.7%, and 55.7% in later, and graft survival was 92.9%, 81.5%, and 79.1% versus 91.7%, 75.7%, and 67.7%, respectively. Mean serum creatinine (mg/dL) at these time periods in former was 1.38, 1.72, and 1.87, versus 1.3, 1.75, and 2.1 in later. Altered liver functions were noted in 22% patients in former versus 31% in later. Group A had lesser rejection episodes. Conclusion. RTx using TIP in HCV-positive patients is a viable option with acceptable outcome
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